be found in both languages, there are genres which
have only been collected either in English (e.g., CV,
interview, documentation etc.) or Romanian (e.g.,
summary, reading notes, portfolio etc.).
The exposed data serves the purpose of
investigating student writing practices in both their
mother tongue and English as a Foreign Language.
The platform was designed and implemented as a
cross-platform distributed web application.
The backend interface available to authenticated
administrators provides the digital tools for managing
the database stored texts and associated metadata.
Also, it offers an extensive statistics mechanism that
covers the corpus data composition, distribution, and
usage. The quantified aspects target the words,
characters, languages, study levels, genres, domains,
and n-grams.
The frontend capabilities are offered to the
registered users allowing them to search for specific
keywords and to refine the obtained results by
applying a series of filters.
As a technical challenge, manoeuvring high
volume data was a serious problem generator. The
registered processing times were sometimes bigger
than a regular web application can afford. A series of
optimizations were applied, including processing
fragmentation, SQL syntaxes cumulation and
database optimization techniques.
Overcoming the challenges brings additional
value to the resulting instrument, which becomes the
first European open-access corpus support platform.
The platform offers user-friendly search options to a
predefined original corpus (ROGER), whose
compilation itself is a major contribution to the
academic writing research community. The fact that
the corpus is bilingual (Romanian and English),
multi-disciplinary, multi-genre and multi-level makes
it a valuable asset for any interested user that can
access the platform for personal use, teaching,
research or professional development.
The ROGER platform has been developed in the
framework of the ROGER project
(, developed at the West
University of Timisoara, Romania. ROGER was
financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation,
as part of the PROMYS program (project code
IZ11Z0_166537), for a five-year period (2017-2022),
through the research grant awarded to the project
coordinator, Dr Madalina Chitez.
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