assumed to be available, and we defer to future work
the challenges associated to creating one.
On the right of the picture, we represent the
process through which the Security Measures are
derived, based on the Security Requirements yielded
by the workflow. The key inputs to this process are
Assets, Security Policies, and the Threat Model.
Those inputs, in conjunction with the Current
Architecture, are used to identify the Threat
Scenarios, which are described in terms of elements
of the Current Architecture. Then, Threat Scenarios
are analysed to provide a Risk Evaluation. This step
is performed by aggregating Threat Scenarios by
their cumulative impact on Assets and considering
their realization complexity. This leads to the
systematic identification of potential weaknesses in
the Current Architecture and a characterization of
information flows, which may expose the overall
system to the occurrence of Threat Conditions. Thus,
the final step consists in the selection of the above-
threshold (unacceptable) risks and identification of
appropriate Risk Mitigations to address those risks.
The introduction of Risk Mitigations facilitates
the generation of new Security Requirements,
yielding the refinement of the Current Architecture to
the Secured Architecture. Driven by the experience
of the architect, security requirements may lead to the
reorganization of the information flows, the
introduction of additional (security) functions and the
encapsulation of existing ones in protected context.
Architectural Patterns and Security Building Blocks
are considered at this stage, as defined in the
introduction, to support the refinement process.
At this point, the Secured Architecture will drive
the implementation. Being the implementation more
concrete, it may hide additional weaknesses and
influence security at the level of multiple Risks.
Therefore, to prove the efficacy of mitigations after
the implementation, the identified Security Measures
and their integration are validated. In case this
validation phase finds weaknesses at this level,
further iterations and analyses are induced with
feedback to the Current Architecture, and additional
security improvements are provided by the workflow.
To realize the Security Risk Assessment (SecRA)
workflow presented in Section 2, we present a model-
based approach. We base this work on the SysML
modelling language, extended with a specific profile
for supporting the workflow and analysis. This profile
supports the organization of security concepts on top
of the system architecture, as well as their traceability
to system artifacts and associated requirements.
To that aim, components are represented by
SysML Blocks, instantiated as so-called Parts in
Internal Block Diagrams, and connected by their
Ports via Connectors. SysML also provides the native
notion of Requirements, which we split between
Customer Requirements and System Requirements.
Both types of requirements can be linked to
architectural components via allocation relationships.
This is a very typical and general infrastructure in
SysML modelling, which we employ in our remote
maintenance case study to support the security view.
In the following section, we shall further use the
concept of SysML stereotypes, which are language
primitives to define custom language extensions, by
allowing the definition of a meta-model on top of the
existing SysML constructs. The elements of the new
meta-model are endowed with specific meaning and
the so-called tags to define their properties. More
information about SysML and its constructs can be
found in the related standard (OMG, 2019).
3.1 Language Extension for Security
A selected portion of our meta-model, showing the
most relevant tags and the relationships between
elements, is represented in Figure 2. The lower part
of the figure (green) represents the model elements of
the Current and Secure Architectures, as defined in
Section 2. They include Customer and System
(Security) Requirements, allocated to architectural
components, implementing traceability relationships
to provide assurance evidence in case of certification
or regulatory compliance. As represented on the
rightmost part, the requirements are fed by the Risk
Mitigations identified as an outcome of the Security
Risk Assessment workflow defined in Section 2.
The upper part of Figure 2 (yellow) represents the
security aspects of our methodology. In particular:
Assets – having a tag named “Intangible Asset
Protection” (IAP), which specifies their impact to
immaterial KPIs such as Company Reputation,
Product Quality, Intellectual Property, and others.
Assets also have “Kinds”, indicating whether they
represent Logical Data, Physical Interfaces,
Software, Storage or Logical State.
Threat Conditions – with a tag named “Impact On”,
used to indicate whether the threat condition impacts
Confidentiality, Integrity or Availability of the related
asset. The “Operational Phase” relates the threat
condition to system life-cycle or behavioural phases,
such as Installation, Maintenance, Dismissal,
Nominal, Transient, Faulty. Finally, the “Attack