in R
per window. From this point-cloud data, a fil-
tered Vietoris-Rips complex was calculated using the
JAVAPLEX library. After applying persistent homol-
ogy, the barcode for every window is calculated.
As mentioned in Section 4, during the epilep-
tic seizures one assumes that there is structure in
the data after projecting it with DyCA onto a lower-
dimensional subspace. Contrarily, in time periods
without epileptic seizures one assumes that the data
has no structure. In order to distinguish these two
states, our approach regards the 1-dimensional persis-
tent homology of the windowed, projected time-series
and compares the barcodes/persistent diagrams of ev-
ery window with the empty diagram, i.e. the diagram
which consists only of the diagonal. This is based on
the assumption that in windows without an epileptic
seizure there is no structure, hence in an ideal case
there should be no persistent features. Thus, for every
window the bottleneck distance is calculated between
the persistence diagram of the current window and the
empty diagram. For windows without an absence we
expect the bottleneck distance to the empty diagram
to be small whereas for windows where an epileptic
event is happening we expect it to be higher.
In Figure 5, one can exemplary see the results for
two windows, where Subfigures 5a, 5c and 5e were
generated using a window during an epileptic event
and Subfigures 5b, 5d and 5f correspond to a window
without an absence. The length of the windows was
chosen to be 0.7s in order to assure that the trajec-
tory shows more than two cycles. In the actual ex-
periments, a shorter window length is chosen to pre-
vent the blurring of the transition time between the
two states.
In the first row, the trajectory projected with
DyCA is shown. To be precise, the point cloud was
projected with DyCA onto a four dimensional sub-
space, but for sake of visibility only plots in a three
dimensional subspace are shown.
In the second row, one can see the barcodes corre-
sponding to the persistent homology of both windows
in dimensions 0 and 1, respectively. The barcode dur-
ing the absence shows a completely different behavior
than the barcode in the window without an absence.
In dimension 1, one can see that there are a lot of con-
nected components during the absence until the filtra-
tion value, where all connected components merge to
one component. A bit before all the connected com-
ponents except for one die, the most persistent hole
(feature in dimension 1) is born and it survives until
filtration value 0.47. However, in 5c one can also see
a lot of other non-persistent holes in dimension 1, but
their lifetime is rather short. One could suspect that
the second longest bar in the barcode of dimension 1
corresponds to the little hole in the trajectory, but it is
hard to verify.
In Subfigures 5e and 5f, the corresponding per-
sistence diagrams for both windows are shown. Red
dots denote features in dimension 1 whereas blue dots
correspond to features in dimension 0. The triangles
denote features that do not die throughout the filtra-
tion and therefore they correspond to the arrows in the
barcode of the 0-th persistent homology. As it was
already mentioned, dots that are far from the diago-
nal correspond to long bars in the barcode. Hence, in
Subfigure 5e the red dot that is far from the diagonal is
the persistent hole and the dots near the diagonal are
considered as topological noise. In case of the chaotic
behavior, i.e. the trajectory in the window where no
epileptic event is happening, there are no persistent
holes visible. The only holes are three holes that are
born right in the beginning of the filtration and die
shortly after they are born. Hence, the multiplicity of
the red dot in the persistence diagram in 5f is three.
The barcode in dimension 0 in Subfigure 5d shows
that there is only one connected component through-
out the entire filtration. In order to differentiate win-
dows with and without an epileptic event we consider
the most persistent hole in dimension 1 as the distinc-
tion feature.
5.2 Results
In Figure 6, the results for the bottleneck distance ob-
tained by applying the above described methodology
to the 6 different EEG time series are shown. First
of all, the given multi-variate time series is projected
onto a 4 dimensional subspace using DyCA. After-
wards, at each time step the bottleneck distance of the
persistence diagram of the point cloud in the corre-
sponding window and the empty persistence diagram
is calculated. Thus, the x-axis of every plot in Figure
6 shows the time in seconds and on the y-axis, one
can see the bottleneck distance of the window start-
ing at time x and ending at time x + 0.5s. The red
dotted lines denote the beginning and the end of an
absence, as it was detected by a medical doctor (ex-
pert). The beginning of an absence is marked with
two dotted lines at a distance of 0.5s in order to indi-
cate that the moment of the transition of the two state
can only be determined with a precision subject to the
window length. The second of the two lines that de-
note the beginning of an epileptic event is the starting
time determined by the expert.
In Subfigures 6a, 6b, 6c and 6f, the beginning of
the absence is detected sharply, whereas in Subfigures
6d and 6e the epileptic event seems to start shortly be-
fore the starting time that was detected by the expert.
ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics