Fire is very familiar to human beings and there are
many scenes using fire in movies, games, and so on.
Then, a lot of studies have been performed to simulate
and visualize fire. Some of them are on controlling
the shape by users, and others are methods to repre-
sent realistic fire in real time. However, most previous
works treated the fire only in the incomplete combus-
tion state without the complete combustion. In addi-
tion, the most familiar fire is a candle flame; however,
the component of a candle is unknown although the
material is paraffin.
Then, we proposed a method to simulate and vi-
sualize the candle flame with a particle method by
considering the three states of combustion: com-
plete combustion, incomplete combustion, and non-
combustion in the previous method. We also assumed
that the candle is composed of only one material of
“Icosane”, and estimated the viscosity that depends
on the absolute temperature, which also depends on
the volume ratio of the fuel gas. However, the flame
shape of the simulation result in the previous method
was not similar to that of a real candle. Then, in this
paper, we have proposed a new method to simulate
the candle flame by interpolating the environmental
air temperature, which affects the density of the envi-
ronmental air that changes the external force.
As the comparison of the simulation results be-
tween the previous and the proposed methods, the
shape of the flame in the proposed method was thin-
ner than that of the previous method and was elon-
gated vertically. It was similar to the flame of the real
candle, and the overall color was also similar.
However, the color of the surroundings in the sim-
ulation result was orange, while the color of the area
in the real candle flame was yellow. In addition, the
temperature at the center of the simulated flame was
higher than that in the surroundings, while the tem-
perature at the surroundings was higher than that at
the center in the real candle flame. Then, we plan to
investigate the reasons for these differences and con-
sider the more precise simulation method in the fu-
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Candle Flame Simulation Considering Temperature Change in the Environment