2.1 Materials and Reagents
Soybeans, Northeast soybeans are commercially
available. Chemical reagents such as sodium
hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, and
methyl orange are all analytically pure. Chitosan,
Zhejiang Golden Shell Biochemical Co., Ltd.;
Bovine Serum Protein, Jilin Boshen Biotechnology
Co., Ltd..
2.2 Instruments and Equipment
Model 752 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Shanghai
Spectrometer Co., Ltd.; HZS-H Water Bath
Oscillator, Harbin Donglian Electronic Technology
Development Co., Ltd.; PHS-25 Digital Display pH
Meter, Shanghai Precision Scientific Instrument Co.,
Ltd.; ALC-2100 electronic balance, Shanghai
Precision Instrument Co., Ltd.; DHG-9123A electric
heating constant temperature blast drying oven,
Shanghai Yuejin Medical Equipment Factory; DK-
98-II electric heating constant temperature water
bath, Shanghai Yuejin Medical Equipment Factory;
JB-1 timing two-way Magnetic stirrer, Jiangsu
JintanRonghua Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd.;
80-2 centrifuge, Shanghai Anting Instrument
Factory; HZQ-C air bath oscillator Harbin Donglian
Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd.,
DHP-9162 electric heating constant temperature
incubator Shanghai Yiheng Technology Co., Ltd..
2.3 Method
2.3.1 Preparation of Tofu Yellow Slurry
Evenly take the tofu whey wastewater (yellow slurry
water) discharged when the traditional method is
used to produce tofu. 1 kg of raw soybeans produces
2.5 kg of tofu and discharges 8.95 kg of yellow
2.3.2 Preparation of Chitosan Solution
The experiment uses glacial acetic acid to prepare
1% chitosan solution. Specific steps: (1) Configure
1% acetic acid solution. (2) Add an appropriate
amount of chitosan to 1% acetic acid solution, and
prepare 1% chitosan solution. A magnetic stirrer can
be used to help chitosan dissolve uniformly in acetic
2.3.3 Determination of the Degree of
Deacetylation of Chitosan
In the experiment, the degree of deacetylation of
chitosan was measured by acid-base titration. The
specific steps are as follows: accurately weigh
0.3~0.5g of chitosan dried to constant weight at
105℃, put it in a 250mL Erlenmeyer flask, add
30mL of 0.1mol/L hydrochloric acid standard
solution, and stir at 20℃~25℃ until it is completely
dissolved, Add 2~3 drops of methyl orange
indicator, titrate free hydrochloric acid with
0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution to the
end point (WU S H, 2009). Deacetylation degree
calculation formula:
Free amino content
Degree of deacetylation =
C1-Concentration of hydrochloric acid standard
solution, mol∕L
C2-Concentration of sodium hydroxide standard
solution, mol∕L
V1-The volume of hydrochloric acid standard
solution added, mL
V2-The volume of sodium hydroxide standard
solution consumed during titration, mL
G-Sample weight, g
0.016-The amount of amino group equivalent to
1mL 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution, g
9.94%-Theoretical amino content.
2.3.4 Single-factor Experiment of Protein
Adsorption in Tofu Yellow Slurry
The Effect of Chitosan Addition on Protein
Removal Rate.
Take five 50mL colorimetric
tubes, and add 50mL tofu yellow slurry water,
labeled 1~5. Maintain the pH of the original
wastewater. Add 1% chitosan solution to No. 1~5
respectively, that is, the amount of chitosan added:
0.4g/L, 0.6g/L, 0.8g/L, 1.0g/L, 1.2g/L. The protein
removal rate is used as an indicator to determine the
optimal amount of chitosan added.
The Effect of pH on Protein Removal Rate.
Take eight 50mL colorimetric tubes, add 50mL of
tofu yellow slurry water, labeled 1~8, add chitosan
to 0.8 g/L, and adjust the pH to 3.08, 3.99, 5.04,
5.97, 6.14, 6.52, 7.07, 7.98, respectively. The protein
removal rate is an indicator to determine the optimal