available literature suggests that intramuscular
patches not only reduce the risk of recurrent ankle
sprains, but also improve patients' sensorimotor
function because they increase joint stability and are
protective by limiting ligaments for a short period of
time.A study by Cortesi et al. found that that
intramuscular patches may have a beneficial effect on
balance in patients with multiple sclerosis. The
anterior-posterior displacement towards the center of
pressure was reduced by applying the intramuscular
effect patch to the patient's Achilles tendon. The
intramuscular patch may have a more significant
effect on non-athletes with weaker balance and
strength or at least on athletes who do not train
regularly (Cortesi 2011). Future studies should focus
on the effects of the tape on the sensorimotor system
by detecting electromyographic activity, motion
analysis or fatigue, and postural control.
Intramuscular patches can indeed contribute to
athletic improvement by immobilizing joints,
increasing muscle tone and local blood flow
circulation, and improving balance. However, further
research is needed on the physiological mechanisms
associated with the effects of intramuscular patches
on athletic performance. The improvement of balance
and postural control is also worth further exploration
and research, which will help to support and improve
the new techniques and methods of sports
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