The Influence of Social Support on Cognitive Function of
Schizophrenic Patients
Ting Wang
, TaiFang Chen
and SanRong Xiao
Key Laboratory of Psychology of TCM and Brain Science, Jiangxi Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiangxi
University of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang, China
School of Public Administration, Nanchang University , Nanchang, China
Keywords: Schizophrenia, Cognitive Function, Social Support.
Abstract: With the continuous development of information technology in China, more and more attention has been paid
to effective informatization. Information transmission is not only endowed with the function of
communication, but also expected to improve life satisfaction and happiness, which is conducive to the
diversity and effectiveness of the treatment of various diseases including schizophrenia. Cognitive function
is an important condition for us to perceive external information and adapt to the objective environment. The
cognitive function of schizophrenic patients has always been an important embodiment of their quality of life
and information fluency. Therefore, the influencing factors of their cognitive function, such as social support,
have received extensive attention from researchers. In order to investigate the effect of social support on the
cognitive function of schizophrenia patients, 235 inpatients with schizophrenia in Nanchang were investigated
with RBANS and Social Support scale. The results showed that social support had a certain influence on the
cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia, and the better the social support was, the better the cognitive
function was. Social support and cognitive function of schizophrenia patients have different dimensions of
influence. Overall social support was positively correlated with immediate memory and delayed memory
(P< 0.01). The conclusions are as follows: Conclusion Social support has a certain effect on the cognitive
function of patients with schizophrenia, and these effects have a certain significance for the treatment of
cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia.
Cognitive function is one of the important functions
of the human brain, and is also an important condition
for people to perceive the world and adapt to the
objective environment. Studies have shown that the
influencing factors of cognitive function include age,
age of first onset, cognitive bias, emotional cognition,
loneliness, family environment, social support, coping
style and other physiological, psychological and
social factors (Xue et al 2019). In addition, a number
of studies have shown that social support has an
important impact on cognitive function. For example,
social support has a positive correlation with the
cognitive function of the elderly. The more perfect the
social support network is, the more it can alleviate the
cognitive impairment of the elderly, and the more
perfect their cognitive function will be (Mo et al 2014,
Zhao &YU 2016). Therefore, social support has an
important influence on cognitive function.
Schizophrenia is a major mental disease mainly
characterized by positive symptoms, negative
symptoms and cognitive dysfunction, among which
cognitive dysfunction was first proposed by
Gallhofer in the early 1970s, pointing out that
cognitive dysfunction is the third core symptom along
with positive and negative symptoms (Gallhofer et al
1996). Cognitive function plays a very important role
in our adaptation to life. Generally, schizophrenia
patients have different degrees of cognitive
impairment, and the quality of cognitive function is
closely related to the integration of schizophrenia
patients into social life (Geng &Liu & Zhang 2019).
Therefore, intervention for patients with cognitive
impairment has become an important aspect of
prevention and treatment, and the restoration of
cognitive function has become one of the treatment
goals of patients with schizophrenia. Modern
rehabilitation medicine is also focusing on the study
of cognitive impairment (Liu 2019).
Wang, T., Chen, T. and Xiao, S.
The Influence of Social Support on Cognitive Function of Schizophrenic Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0011229600003438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare (ICHIH 2022), pages 62-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-596-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
At present, most of the effects on the cognitive
function of schizophrenia patients are mostly focused
on drug research. For example, Hu Yi et al. concluded
in 2021 that Shugan granules or aripiprazole
treatment can effectively improve women’s first-
episode schizophrenia. Causes the cognitive function
of patients with hyperprolactinemia, and Shugan
Granules are better than aripiprazole in improving
cognitive function (Hu et al 2016). Part of the
research focuses on physiological factors such as age,
education level, age of first onset, length of disease,
genetic factors and so on. However, there is little
research on the impact of social support on the
cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia, and
the influencing factors are analyzed from the
perspective of biology and medicine (Wang 2019).
In China, the main treatment for schizophrenia
patients is hospitalization and drug therapy. Due to
the particularity of the inpatient treatment
environment, it is difficult for patients with
schizophrenia to communicate fluently with the
outside world except for medical staff and visitors,
which has certain similarities with empty-nesters and
has certain limitations of information exchange. At
the same time, in the social support theory and
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, social support
plays an indispensable positive role in the
improvement of individual cognitive function.
Therefore, it is necessary to explore the influence of
social support on the cognitive function of
schizophrenia patients from the psychological
Cognitive function is closely related to social support,
age, gender, education level and other factors. Some
scholars have concluded from the influence of the
cognitive function of the elderly in the community
that with the growth of age, the protective effect of
social support on the cognitive function of the elderly
is more and more important, and put forward
suggestions such as community and children should
accompany the elderly and improve the recreational
facilities for the elderly in the community (CAI et al
2011). Jiao Can, Yin Fei, Shen Xiaofang and Huang
Yufu concluded in 2020 that social support is
significantly correlated with the cognitive function of
the elderly, and the higher the level of social support,
the lower the incidence of cognitive impairment, and
the higher the level of social support, the lower the
loneliness and depression (Jiao et al 2020). Fan
Shuming, Wang Yixin and Jiao Can concluded in
2021 that the perceived social support of "elderly
drifters" can protect cognitive function by reducing
loneliness, and this process is regulated by
psychological resilience (Fan et al 2016). In the
interactive model of schizophrenia, social support is
assumed to be a protective factor contributing to
coping and competence, thus moderating the harmful
effects of social and environmental stressors (Yuan et
al 2019). In addition, Chen Liping showed in her
study on the influence of cognitive function on
patients with chronic schizophrenia in 2020 that
comprehensive nursing with increased social support
plays a role in promoting the improvement of
cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia
(Chen 2020). It also indicates that social support is
very important to explore the influencing factors of
cognitive function in schizophrenia patients. On the
whole, in recent years, studies on the impact of social
support on cognitive function have been analyzed
from the perspective of psychology. Most of the
research objects are the elderly, while there are few
studies on the impact of social support on the
cognitive function of patients with schizophrenia
(Zhou 2017, Zhang 2018).
The concept of social support originates from
Bowby's attachment theory, and began to be used in
the clinical treatment of psychiatry in the 1960s. By
the 1970s and 1980s, the Application of social
support was promoted to various aspects in the
United States. According to the different nature of the
resources provided by social support, foreign
scholars divide it into four categories: emotional
support, information support, friendship support and
instrumental support. After years of transnational
collaborative research, some foreign mental health
experts believe that the maintenance and
consolidation of social support network is most
directly related to mental health and quality of life
(Chen 2019).
Research on the cognitive function of
schizophrenia abroad has been earlier and has yielded
certain results. For example, Owen, Sawa and
Mortensen proposed in the study of schizophrenia in
2016 that the cognitive syndrome of schizophrenia
originates from the combined effect of genetics and
environment (Owen, Sawa & Mortensen 2016).
Some scholars have found that zotipine and clozapine
have different effects on the cognitive function of
patients with schizophrenia (Gallhofer et al 1996). In
addition, foreign scholars have discussed the
influence of social psychology on cognitive function
in the study of schizophrenia's motivation and the
relationship between neurocognition, social
cognition and functional outcome (Melissa et al
The Influence of Social Support on Cognitive Function of Schizophrenic Patients
2009). Generally speaking, people's understanding of
social support and cognitive function is diverse, but
from the perspective of social support, there are few
studies on the cognitive function of patients with
schizophrenia (Zuo &Jiang 2010, Zhang et al 2020).
The purpose of this article is to explore the impact of
social support on the cognitive function and different
dimensions of patients with schizophrenia. The tools
used self-compiled general survey questionnaire,
Xiao Shuiyuan's 1986 version of the "Social Support
Rating Scale", and a set of repetitive
neuropsychological status test (RBANS scale) (Chen
2017). Methods A random sampling method was used
to issue questionnaires to inpatients in Nanchang
Mental Hospital. A total of 235 questionnaires were
returned, of which 204 were valid questionnaires. The
effective response rate of the questionnaire was 87%.
The detailed distribution is shown in the table below.
Table 1: Distribution of subjects.
variable type the number of percentage
male 112 54.90%
female 92 45.10%
It can be seen from the above table that there are
112 males, accounting for 54.9% of the subjects, and
92 females, accounting for 45.1%.
4.1 The General State of Social
Support in Schizophrenic Patient
Table 2: Social support description statistics.
Min Max
Subjective support 8 31
Objective to support 1 20
Utilization of support 3 12
Social support 16 59
As can be seen from the above table, the score of
subjective support is 19.58, the score of objective
support is 8.75, the score of the utilization of support
is 7.11, and the total score of social support is 35.45,
which is between 32 and 44, indicating the middle
and low level of support.
4.2 Gender Difference Test of Social
Support for Schizophrenic Patients
Table 3: Gender difference analysis.
male female
Objective to
Utilization of
Total Score
for Social
Note: *p<0.05,***p<0.001
As can be seen from the above table, in the social
support scale and various dimensions of social
support, there is an extremely significant difference
between male and female subjects in the use of
support (T=-4.393, P < 0.001), and the score of
female is higher than that of male. This shows that in
terms of the use of support, women are more likely to
use support. At the same time, there were significant
differences in the total scores of objective support and
social support between male and female (T1=2.088,
T2=-2.176, P < 0.05), and the scores of female were
higher than that of male. It shows that women are
more likely to receive social support. The other items
showed no significant difference in gender (P <
0.05). To sum up, it can be inferred that the main
source of gender differences in social support is the
difference in the use of support.
4.3 The Influence of Social Support on
Different Dimensions of Cognitive
Function in Patients with
As can be seen from the above table, there is a
significant positive correlation between subjective
support and immediate memory and delayed
memory. There is a significant positive correlation
between objective support dimension, attention
dimension, delayed memory dimension and RBANS
total score. There is a significant positive correlation
between the utilization of support and immediate
memory. There was a significant positive correlation
between overall social support and immediate
memory and delayed memory.
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
Table 4: Correlation matrix between social support and
cognitive function of schizophrenic patients.
to support
on of
0.116 0.262**
The visual
0.051 0.021 -0.009
0.077 -0.005 0.084
Attention 0 0.187** 0.115 0.128
0.175** 0.132
total score
0.151* 0.096 0.129
The results of the correlation analysis data of social
support and cognitive function of patients with
schizophrenia show that there is a significant
influence between the subjective support dimension
and the two dimensions of immediate memory and
delayed memory. Subjective support refers to
emotional support. The higher the individual’s
subjective support, the better the individual’s
subjective feelings, the more calm and normal the
mood, and the less affected by bad emotions.
Furthermore, when patients with schizophrenia
perform memory cognitive functions, they will have
a better effect. Good, for example, immediate
memory and delayed memory are better for the
patient. There is a significant influence between the
dimension of objective support and the two
dimensions of attention and delayed memory.
Objective support refers to objective and actual
support. The higher the objective support, the more
material support the patient usually receives, which
will affect the patient’s focus on the real material
world. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
theory, when the physiological needs are met, they
will focus on belonging and love The need to focus
on the communication itself. If the patient’s family
brings an apple to the patient, the patient is more
likely to notice the apple brought by the family
member first, and does not pay much attention to the
content of the conversation itself. When the apple is
eaten, the attention gathers to the communication
itself, and the family mentions it again. Patients will
re-recognize the topic of memory, therefore, the
higher the objective support, the better the
performance of attention and delayed memory. It has
a significant impact on the two dimensions of support
utilization and immediate memory. Human support is
a process of mutual support. The higher the utilization
of support, the more relevant information can be
obtained through the support network, and the better
the immediate memory effect. The two dimensions of
overall social support and immediate memory and
delayed memory have a significant impact. The
higher the overall social support, the patient will feel
that he has not been abandoned by his family and the
outside world, the patient’s stigma will be reduced,
the self-efficacy will be improved, the need for
belonging and love will be met, the cognitive function
of the brain will continue to be strengthened, and
therefore immediate memory And the delayed
memory dimension project performed well.
Social support has a certain influence on the cognitive
function of schizophrenia patients, the better social
support, the more perfect their cognitive
function. The effects of social support on the
cognitive function of schizophrenic patients were
different: there was a significant positive correlation
between overall social support and immediate
memory and delayed memory (P< 0.01); Subjective
support dimensions and immediate memory
(P<0.01),delayed memory (P< 0.05) there is a
significant positive correlation between the two
dimensions; Objective support dimensions and
attention (P< 0.01), delayed memory (P<0.05),
RBANS (P< 0.05) were significantly positively
correlated; There was a significant positive
correlation between the utilization of support and
immediate memory (P< 0.01).
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