Exploring the Rule of Selecting Acupoints for Acupuncture
Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis based on Literature Collection and
Shichao Yu
and Te Kian Keong
Department of Chinese Medicine, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kajang Selangor, Malaysia
Corresponding author
Keywords: Acupuncture, Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA), Acupoints, Meridian Classification, Literature Collection,
Literature Study.
Abstract: Use computer search methods to search literature, which meets the inclusion criteria, on Randomized
Controlled Clinical Trial (RCT) about Acupuncture Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA) from the
relevant databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Weipa Journal Full-text Database
(VIP), Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, PubMed, etc. The date was from January 2005 to
January 2020. Import the retrieved and downloaded documents into NoteExpress2 for management, and
analyze the selected 569 documents that meet the requirements of acupuncture treatment of KOA, so as to
explore the rule of selecting acupoints for clinical acupuncture treatment of KOA based on literature
analysis, in order to provide reference and theoretical guidance for optimizing clinical treatment. The
selected acupoints to treat KOA with acupuncture are mainly located at and around the knee joint, and are
mainly distributed in the Three Yang Meridians of Foot, the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin, and the
acupoints outside the meridian (Extra Acupoints). The top 10 acupoints with appearance frequency are
mainly distributed in the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (SP) (3), Extra Acupoints (EX) (3), Stomach
Meridian of Foot-Yangming (ST) (2), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang (GB) (2), etc. The most
frequently used acupoints (the top 10 high-selected acupoints) are: "DuBi (ST35)" (544), "Neixiyan (EX-
LE4)" (533), “Xuehai (SP10)" (414), "Yanglingquan (GB34)" (392), "Liangqiu (ST34)" (339), "Zusanli
(ST36)" (318), "Yinlingquan (SP9)" (285), "Heding (EX-LE2)" (204), "Xiyangguan (GB33)" (84),
"Sanyinjiao (SP6)" (63). So, the selection of acupoints for the treatment of KOA with acupuncture, is
mainly based on the spleen meridian, stomach meridian, gallbladder meridian, and Extra Acupoints (EX).
The characteristics of acupoints selection are selecting local acupoints at and around the knee joint,
meanwhile, pays attention to the selection of specific acupoints, of which Wushuxue and Xiahexue are the
main points, and Yuanxue, Xixue, and Bahuixue are supplemented. When conduct treatment, the principles
of syndrome differentiation, and combining "selecting acupoints of the corresponding meridian" with
"selecting local acupoints" should be followed.
Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA), also known as knee
hyperplastic arthritis, is a disease based on
degenerative pathological changes. This disease is
mainly characterized by primary or secondary
degeneration and structural disorder of knee articular
cartilage, accompanied by subchondral bone
hyperplasia and sclerosis, cartilage exfoliation, and
synovial aseptic inflammation (Liu 2013). The main
manifestation is knee pain, which is aggravated after
activities, especially when going downhill or
downstairs, but the symptoms can be relieved after
rest (Fan 2013). This disease belongs to the category
of " Arthralgia Syndrome, Flaccidity Syndrome,
Bone Impediment, etc. " in Chinese medicine. It has
the characteristics of high morbidity, easy
recurrence, and lingering course in clinical practice.
While causing physical and mental pain and
economic loss to patients, it also has an increasingly
Yu, S. and Keong, T.
Exploring the Rule of Selecting Acupoints for Acupuncture Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis based on Literature Collection and Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0011233600003438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare (ICHIH 2022), pages 131-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-596-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
important impact on the public health and medical
care system and affects the development of society.
Conservative treatment is mainly used in the
early and middle stages of the disease. On the basis
of symptomatic treatment, the main purpose is to
relieve pain, improve joint stiffness, prevent further
damage to cartilage and synovium, and improve
joint function, thereby improving the quality of life
of patients. Severe joint deformities, difficulty
walking, and severe pain are usually treated with
surgery in the late stage. Previous literature reports
and patients’ clinical experience have shown that
acupuncture treatment of KOA has the advantages of
promoting qi, blood, activating blood, reducing
swelling, dredging the meridians and collaterals to
relieve pain, reducing the frequency of attacks, long-
lasting acupuncture effects, and no obvious side
effects (Tian 2019). On this basis, this study
analyzes and studies the literature on clinical studies
of acupuncture treatment of knee osteoarthritis
published in the past 15 years, and explores the rule
of selection of acupoints for the treatment of knee
osteoarthritis, and provides a reference for
optimizing clinical treatment and theoretical
2.1 Search Strategy
The relevant subject words used for retrieval are
determined by consulting "Medical Subject
Headings" (MeSH) and "Chinese Medical Subject
Headings" (CMeSH). According to the method of
computer search, we will use the set search terms to
search the articles and literature which belong to the
randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT) of
acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of Knee
Osteoarthritis published from January 2005 to
January 2020 in the relevant database. The databases
are China National Knowledge Infrastructure
(CNKI), Weipu Journal Full-text Database (VIP),
Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform,
PubMed, etc.
2.2 Search Terms
Main search terms:
English search terms: "Knee Osteoarthritis",
"KOA", "Acupuncture", "Acupuncture and
Moxibustion", "Electro-acupuncture", "Acupuncture
therapy", "Acupuncture treatment", etc.
Chinese search terms: 膝骨关节炎, 膝骨性关节
, 膝关节骨性关节炎, 退行性膝关节炎, 增生性
膝关节炎, 膝痹, 针刺, 针灸, 电针, 针灸治疗, 针灸
疗法, etc.
Use subject, title or keywords to search, and use
conjunctions such as "AND" and "OR" to construct
a logical search formula. The search terms of the
treatment methods and the search terms of the
disease names are connected with "OR"; the search
terms of the treatment methods are connected with
"AND", so are the disease names.
2.3 Literature Inclusion Criteria
The research object of the literature must be
clearly diagnosed as knee osteoarthritis, and have
clear diagnostic criteria and efficacy evaluation
criteria, and these standards are international or
domestic diagnosis and treatment guidelines and
industry-recognized standards. The original
literature must be a randomized controlled trial
study. There must be clear and standard names of
treatment acupoints. Intervention measures are
based on acupuncture, electroacupuncture, etc. as the
main treatment methods, used alone or in
conjunction with other non-surgical therapies.
2.4 Literature Exclusion Criteria
Does not meet the above inclusion criteria.
Uncontrolled clinical case studies with animals,
cells, etc. as the research object, or the research
object cannot be defined according to the content of
the literature. The interference of drugs on the
research cannot be ruled out. The studies without
controls, such as case observations, reviews, case
reports, expert experiences, comments, and self-
reports of physicians' experiences. Self-
developed KOA diagnosis and efficacy evaluation
criteria, rather than selecting recognized or general
standards of literature. Sample size in the
research was too small (n 10). Repetitive
publication: keep the most recently published, and
exclude the rest; the staging reports of different
periods in the same long-term clinical study, keep
the final published literature (research has been
completed) or recently published literature (research
is not completed), and the rest are excluded.
Specific treatment methods, names of acupoints,
records or documents with inaccurate descriptions.
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
2.5 Data Extraction and Literature
Quality Evaluation
Import the retrieved literature into NoteExpress2.
Two researchers respectively read the titles and
abstracts of the retrieved literature, screened
according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,
carefully read the full text of the literature that may
be included, and clarified their conformity; cross-
checked the selected literature, Discuss the dispute
or invite a third party to make a ruling. Finally,
literature that meets the standards will be included.
Extract acupoint prescriptions and the meridians
they belong to and other information in the
literature. As the acupoint A’shi has strong
subjectivity and uncertainty, so it is excluded from
the statistics. With reference to "Acupuncture and
Moxibustion" New Century 3rd Edition (Wang
2012), the aliases and meridians of acupoints are
standardized. For example, the unified standard of
“Wai Xi Yan”, "Du Bi" and "Outer Knee Eye" is
"Du Bi" (ST35); “Nei Xi Yan”,"Knee Eye" and
"Inner Knee Eye" are unified as "Inner Knee Eye"
(EX-LE4); the unified standard of "Jue Gu", "Xuan
Zhong", "Extreme Bone", and "Hanging Bell" is
"Xuan Zhong" (GB39).
After completing the data extraction, use the
Microsoft Office 2019 Excel software to design a
data extraction table. Enter the names and locations
of acupoints used in the literature, and the meridians
which belong to, into the table in turn, and count the
total frequency of use of all acupoints in the
2.6 Statistical Analysis
We used incidence, frequency, percentage, and other
indicators to statistically describe and analyze the
characteristics of the meridian and distribution of the
related acupoints in the included literature via Excel
and SPSS 17.0 software. And focused on analyzing
the characteristics of the top 10 high-selected
3.1 Results of Literature Search
According to the set and unified search strategy, the
literature about acupuncture treatment of KOA that
had been published in the past 15 years was
searched, a total of 3574 articles were roughly
retrieved. According to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria which were set, and the repetitive documents
in the database were merged, 569 valid documents
that met the requirements were finally screened out,
including 541 Chinese documents and 28 foreign
3.2 Descriptive Analysis
3.2.1 Incidence and Frequency Analysis of
Acupoints with Acupuncture Treating
KOA (see Table 1)
The acupoints appearing in the acupuncture
prescriptions in the 569 literature that fit this
research are summarized and sorted out, while A’shi
points and customized acupoints are excluded. And
then arranged the acupoints in descending order of
appearance frequency. The top 10 high-selected
acupoints are: "DuBi (ST35)" (544), "Neixiyan
(EX-LE4)" (533), “Xuehai (SP10)" (414),
"Yanglingquan (GB34)" (392), "Liangqiu (ST34)"
(339), "Zusanli (ST36)" (318), "Yinlingquan (SP9)"
(285), "Heding (EX-LE2)" (204), "Xiyangguan
(GB33)" (84), "Sanyinjiao (SP6)" (63).
Appearance frequency of acupoints =
[Appearance Incidence of acupoints ÷ total number
of prescriptions] ×100%
Table 1 The Incidence and Frequency of Top 10 High-
Selected acupoints.
Ranking Acupoint Incidence
1 Du Bi (ST35) 544 95.60
533 93.67
3 Xuehai (SP10) 414 72.76
392 68.89
339 59.58
318 55.89
285 50.09
204 35.85
84 14.76
63 11.07
Exploring the Rule of Selecting Acupoints for Acupuncture Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis based on Literature Collection and Analysis
3.2.2 Classification and Analysis of
Acupoints to the Meridians in the
Treatment of KOA by Acupuncture
(see Table 2).
When acupuncture treatment of KOA, the selected
acupoints are mainly distributed in the Three Yang
Meridians of Foot, the Spleen Meridian of Foot-
Taiyin, and the acupoints outside the meridian
(Extra Acupoints). The top 10 acupoints with
appearance frequency are mainly distributed in the
Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (SP) (3), Extra
Acupoints (EX) (3), Stomach Meridian of Foot-
Yangming (ST) (2), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-
Shaoyang (GB) (2), etc. (See Table 2). It embodies
the principle of "the meridian goes through, and the
main treatment is reached" in the acupuncture and
moxibustion theory.
Proportion of acupoints = [Number of selected
acupoints in the meridian ÷ 10*] × 100% (*: the
number of selected acupuncture points in the top
Table 2 The meridians where the top 10 high-selected
acupoints belonging to and their classification.
Meridian Acupoints Number
Meridian of
3 30
DuBi (ST35),
Neixiyan (EX-
LE4), Heding
3 30
Meridian of
Zusanli (ST36)
2 20
Meridian of
2 20
3.2.3 Analysis on the Distribution
Characteristics of Acupoints in the
Treatment of KOA with Acupuncture
(see Table 3).
Classified according to the location of the top 10
high-selected acupoints, the acupoints commonly
used in clinical practice are mainly concentrated
around the knee joint (90%). The main acupoints are
the "DuBi (ST35)", "Neixiyan (EX-LE4)", Xuehai
(SP10)", "Yanglingquan (GB34)", "Liangqiu
(ST34)", "Zusanli (ST36)" and so on. It embodies
the principle of "where the acupoints are and where
the main treatment is".
Proportion of acupoints = [Number of acupoints
in the meridian ÷ 10*] × 100% (*: The total number
of acupoints in the top 10 high-selected is 10.).
Table 3 Analysis on the distribution characteristics of
acupoints in the treatment of KOA with acupuncture.
n of
the knee
Xuehai (SP10),
Heding (EX-LE2),
DuBi (ST35),
Yinlingquan (SP9),
Liangqiu (ST34),
Zusanli (ST36)
9 90
(except the
around the
knee joint)
Sanyinjiao (SP6) 1 10
3.2.4 Analysis of the Characteristics of the
Top 10 High-Selected Acupoints in the
Treatment of KOA with Acupuncture
(see Table 4).
Analyzing the characteristics and properties of the
top 10 high-selected acupoints, it can be seen that
acupoints in common meridians are mainly
distributed around the knee joint and play a role in
local treatment; the proportion of specific acupoints
is also relatively high, especially the Wushu
acupoints (Wushuxue), He acupoints (Hexue).
Wushu acupoints (Wushuxue) are the parts where
the meridian Qi starts, runs, and converges in the
viscera. Stimulating Wushu acupoints can dredge the
meridians, reconcile and harmony the Qi and blood.
He acupoints (Hexue) are distributed around the
elbow and knee joints, the Qi and blood flow into
the He acupoint and then merge deeply into the
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
viscera. Stimulating He acupoints can regulate and
harmony Qi and blood.
Table 4 Analysis of the characteristics of the top 10 high-
selected acupoints in the treatment of KOA with
ics of
ion of
nts (%)
s in
(GB33), Xuehai
(SP10), Heding
5 50
3 30
(GB34), Zusanli
2 20
1 10
1 10
1 10
Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a common disease in
middle-aged and elderly people. The main
pathological change of KOA is degeneration of
articular cartilage, involving bone, synovium, joint
capsule and other joint structures, accompanied by
cartilage destruction and osteophyte formation. The
main clinical manifestations of this disease are pain,
swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction of knee joint
(Chen 2019). This disease belongs to the category of
" Arthralgia Syndrome, Flaccidity Syndrome, Bone
Impediment, etc. " in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The theoretical system of TCM has a unique
understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, and
syndrome differentiation of this disease. The nature
of the disease is exterior excess and interior
deficiency. The pathogenesis of which is the
external seems excessive, and the internal is the
deficiency syndrome, which is mainly represented
by stagnation of tendons and muscles, deficiency of
liver and kidney, insufficiency of qi and blood, lack
of nourishment for tendons and bones, marked by
the inclusion of wind, cold, damp and pathogenic
factors and the internal production of phlegm and
blood stasis (Yu 2015). Acupuncture therapy has the
functions of adjusting Yin and Yang, harmonizing
Qi and blood, dispersing meridians and dredging
collaterals, reducing swelling and relieving pain.
Selecting local acupoints can dredge the meridians,
regulate qi and blood, relieve or eliminate "Pain
caused by obstruction and stagnation of Qi and
blood", thereby reducing symptoms like pain,
stiffness, swelling and so on.
It can be seen from this study that the acupoints
selected for the treatment of the disease are mainly
located around the knee joint. The meridians belong
to are mainly distributed in the three Yang meridians
of foot, the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (SP) and
Extra Acupoints (EX), among which the top 10
acupoints with frequency are mainly distributed in
the Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin (SP) (3), Extra
Acupoints (EX) (3), Stomach Meridian of Foot-
Yangming (ST) (2), Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-
Shaoyang (GB) (2), etc. The most frequently used
acupoints are "DuBi (ST35)", "Neixiyan (EX-LE4)",
"Xuehai (SP10)", "Yanglingquan (GB34)",
"Liangqiu (ST34)", "Zusanli (ST36)", "Yinlingquan
(SP9)", "Heding (EX-LE2)", "Xiyangguan (GB33)",
"Sanyinjiao (SP6)". Local acupoints selection of the
knee joint reflects the principle of acupuncture and
moxibustion: "where the acupoints are, the main
treatment reaches". Acupuncture on the acupoints
around the knee joint can not only achieve the
original effect of acupuncture, but also play a role in
relieving adhesion, so as to improve the symptoms
such as stiffness of the knee joint.
Analysis of the top 10 high-selected acupoints:
"DuBi (ST35)", is mainly used to treat knee joint
pain, numbness, and difficulty in squatting and
standing up flexibly. Acupuncture or moxibustion
"DuBi (ST35)" and "Neixiyan (EX-LE4)" can
dredge the meridians and smooth the joints, thereby
reducing knee joint pain and improving knee joint
mobility. "Heding (EX-LE2)" can relax and smooth
the tendons, dredge the meridians and activate the
collaterals, mainly used for the treatment of knee
joint pain. "Xuehai (SP10)" means where the blood
gathering, via acupuncture and moxibustion can
remove blood stasis and dredge the meridian, by
regulating the release of vasoactive factors, changing
the shape of capillaries, accelerating the blood flow
rate, and changing the hypercoagulable state of the
blood (Zhao, 2004). In the theory of Traditional
Chinese Medicine, the spleen controls the limbs,
hands and feet, and "Yinlingquan (SP9)" is the He
acupoints (Hexue) of the spleen meridian, so
stimulate this point can treat diseases of the limbs,
such as knee joint pain and paralysis of the lower
Exploring the Rule of Selecting Acupoints for Acupuncture Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis based on Literature Collection and Analysis
limbs. The three yin meridians of the kidney, liver,
and spleen converge in "Sanyinjiao (SP6)", so
stimulating this acupoint can strengthen the spleen,
nourish the liver, benefit the kidney, and strengthen
tendons and bones (Jin 2017). It has a good
treatment effect on the arthralgia of Qi deficiency
and blood stasis type (Huang 2011). "Liangqiu
(ST34)", as the Xi acupoint (Xixue) of the Stomach
Meridian of Foot-Yangming (ST), is mainly used to
treat diseases of the waist and knee joints, such as
pain, clod and numbness of lower limbs, knees, feet
and waist; joints difficulty in squatting, flexion and
extension (Zou 2021). "Zusanli (ST36)", is the He
acupoint (Hexue) of the Stomach meridian.
Warming acupuncture at this point can improve
local circulation, promote the absorption of
inflammatory mediators, and reduce the
inflammatory response of knee osteoarthritis (Guan
2020). Acupuncture at "Liangqiu (ST34)", and
Zusanli (ST36) can tonify the spleen, nourish Qi and
blood, regulate the movement of Qi, relieving spasm
and pain, invigorating spleen to eliminate dampness,
and can destroy the wind with promoting blood
circulation, nourish muscles and veins, rejuvenate
and strong the tendons, and lubricate joints (Tian
2013). "Yanglingquan (GB34)" is the place where
the Qi of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot-Shaoyang
(GB) gathers and confluents, and it also is the
Xiahexue (lower confluent point) of the gallbladder.
Moxibustion in Yanglingquan can improve the
flexion and extension of the knee joint (Wang 2020).
The tendons gather in "Yanglingquan (GB34)".
Therefore, this acupoint is often selected for the
treatment of knee osteoarthropathy. "Xiyangguan
(GB33)", located in the Gallbladder Meridian of
Foot-Shaoyang (GB), can promote the flow of Qi
and blood of knee joint, mainly used to treat knee
joint swelling and pain, lower leg muscle spasm, calf
numbness, knee arthritis, lower limb paralysis, etc.
(Wu 2020)
In summary, when selecting acupoints to conduct
treatment of knee osteoarthritis with acupuncture,
the principles of syndrome differentiation, and
combining "selecting acupoints of the corresponding
meridian" with "selecting local acupoints" should be
followed. The selection of acupoints for treatment of
KOA with acupuncture, is mainly based on the
spleen meridian, stomach meridian, gallbladder
meridian, and Extra Acupoints (EX). Select local
acupoints at and around the knee joint, and local
stimulation is the main method of treatment; At the
same time, it pays attention to the selection of
specific acupoints, of which Wushuxue and
Xiahexue are the main points, and Yuanxue, Xixue,
and Bahuixue are supplemented. This is consistent
with our actual clinical operation, so patients can
have a higher degree of recognition and compliance
based on the curative effect, which also provides a
certain scientific basis for the selection of
therapeutic acupoints in the clinic. Reviewing this
study, there are also problems such as the quality of
the included literature is not enough uniform, and
the various syndrome types involved are not further
refined. These may have an impact on the analysis
results. In future research, measures should be taken
to avoid these influencing factors, so as to obtain a
better evidence-based basis and provide reference
basis and theoretical guidance for optimizing clinical
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Exploring the Rule of Selecting Acupoints for Acupuncture Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis based on Literature Collection and Analysis