Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietetic Therapy
for Coronary Heart Disease
Ze Zhang
, Ruitong Cai
, Suning Li
, Hongxin Zhao
and Xu Tong
Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China
The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province,
Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease, Dietetic Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Abstract: Coronary heart disease is a serious threat to human health, and its morbidity and mortality are increasing
rapidly in recent years. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) physical constitution theory is an important part
of TCM basic theory. Dietetic therapy plays an important role in the treatment of coronary heart disease. The
aim of this paper is to study dietetic therapy for patients suffering from coronary heart disease with different
constitution, and the corresponding dietetic therapy for patients with coronary heart disease with different
seasons and different regions. Taking the TCM constitution identification as the core, we separately study the
suitable diet of patients with coronary heart disease with different constitution of Qi-deficiency, Yang-
deficiency, Yin-deficiency, damp heat, phlegm-dampness, Qi stagnation, blood stagnation, and specific
constitution.Secondly, according to the different seasons and residence of patients with coronary heart disease,
the reasonable diet is studied.It turned out that coronary artery disease patients could benefit from a
combination of diet and medication.
Coronary heart disease is connected with coronary
atherosclerosis, resulting in myocardial blood supply
and oxygen supply disorders. Clinically, it is
collectively referred to as coronary atherosclerotic
heart disease or ischemic heart disease with coronary
functional changes such as coronary artery spasm.
Coronary heart disease is a serious threat to
human health. The incidence and mortality of
coronary heart disease patients in China has been
increasing rapidly in recent 30 years. The rapid
development of modern medicine makes the
intervention measures of coronary heart disease
widely used. Some effective primary and secondary
preventive measures have also gained popularity. The
mature use of PCI and CABG in recent years has led
to mortality decline of coronary heart disease.
However, there is no denying that coronary heart
disease still plagues many patients and becomes a
serious burden on individuals and society.
The modern medical treatment of coronary heart
disease has the following aspects: risk factor control,
drug treatment, revascularization, diet, exercise and
other general prevention and treatment. The ABCDE
principle centered on drug therapy runs through all
aspects of the treatment of coronary heart disease.
However, the systemic standard drug treatment has
put patients under great economic pressure, and the
risk and long-term adverse effects of interventional
therapy has been criticized. At the same time, the side
effects of multiple drugs is more common, and the
interaction resulting from taking a variety of drugs
together makes the patients' compliance greatly
Zhang, Z., Cai, R., Li, S., Zhao, H. and Tong, X.
Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietetic Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease.
DOI: 10.5220/0011237700003438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare (ICHIH 2022), pages 164-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-596-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The traditional characteristic therapy of coronary
heart disease is the great treasure of traditional
Chinese medicine. Under the guidance of the
theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine,
diet therapy has played an important role in the
treatment of coronary heart disease. Traditional
Chinese Medicine dietetic therapy opens a new path
in the treatment of coronary heart disease and plays
an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of
clinical diseases.
The traditional Chinese medicine has such
advantages as"simple, convenient, effective and
cheap".Traditional Chinese medicine dietetic
characteristic therapy developed in the long-term
medical practice, which embodies its "simple,
convenient, effective and cheap ". Due to the precise
effect of dietetic therapy, the application of dietetic
therapy for coronary heart disease angina pectoris has
been paid more and more attention in recent years.
3.1 General Dietetic Therapy of
Coronary Heart Disease
Patients with coronary heart disease diet should
follow the principle of low salt and low fat, the daily
diet should be light, mainly vegetables, fruits and soy
products. Try to eat as little or no foods high in animal
fat and cholesterol, such as lard, animal offal, egg
yolk, cheese, and butter.Patients with coronary heart
disease can supplement their protein by eating lean
meat, fish, and eggs. Fish oil contains unsaturated
fatty acids which can affect human lipid metabolism
and reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride, thus
protect vessels, prevent and treat coronary heart
disease. A healthy diet and reasonable weight can
reduce risk factors for CHD.
In addition, there are some traditional Chinese
medicine with lipid-lowering effect can be drunk as a
tea substitute, such as lotus leaves, cassia seed,
hawthorn, Salvia miltiorrhiza, twisted blue,
Polygonum multiflorum, radices puerarire,
chrysanthemum, knotweed, manyprickle
acanthopanax root, safflower.
Figure 1: General dietetic Therapy of coronary heart disease.
3.2 Dietary Conditioning of Patients
with Coronary Heart Disease with
TCM Constitution Recognition as
Its Core
Traditional Chinese medicine divides the human
constitution into nine kinds, respectively balanced
constitution, Qi-insufficiency constitution, Yang-
deficiency constitution, Yin deficiency constitution,
damp heat constitution, phlegm-dampness
constitution, Qi stagnation constitution, stagnant
blood constitution, the specific constitution.
Traditional Chinese medicine constitution is innate
inherited, but can be changed through acquired diet
and living habits. Patients with coronary heart disease
usually have a variety of coexisting constitution. By
distinguishing the biased TCM constitution of
patients with coronary heart disease, adjusting the
constitution of patients from their eating habits can
Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietetic Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease
make the human body reach a peaceful state and
improve the symptoms of coronary heart disease.
Balanced constitution: Balance your body, never
beyond surplus; balance diet and do not overdo it;
don't eat too much or get too hungry; live a regular
life, quit smoking and limit alcohol.
Qi-insufficiency constitution: The main features
of the patients were fatigue, shortness of breath,
spontaneous perspiration and so on. The main
aftercare is to invigorate qi. Eat more food with the
effect of replenishing qi and invigorating the spleen,
such as soybean, chicken, mushroom, jujube, longan.
Eat less radish. Don't overwork to avoid damaging
your vital qi. People with this constitution can use
astragalus and ginseng to cook porridge.
Yang-deficiency constitution: Patients whose
hands and feet are not warm,feel cold frequently.
Patients with lassitude are fond of eating hot food.
The main aftercare is to warm and enhance yangqi.
More sun exposure in spring and summer can
supplement yangqi. Eating more mutton, walnuts,
leeks, ginger and other food that can warm Yang.
Drinking less cold drinks and eating less cold food are
beneficial to increasing yang qi.Try to avoid drinking
strong tea, because some tea is cold and will damage
yangqi. And strong tea contains more caffeine,
resulting in sympathetic excitement, which is
unfavorable for patients with coronary heart disease.
Yin deficiency constitution: The main features are
dry mouth and dry throat, hot hands and feet, and so
on. This kind of patients should pay attention to eat
lean pork, duck meat, winter melon and other cool
moisturizing food, eat less dog meat, pepper, chilli
and other dry nature-flavour food.
Damp heat constitution: The main features are oil-
skin, bitter taste in the mouth, yellowish fur and other
damp-heat performance. The main aftercare is to clear
heat and detoxify, and the most important thing is
prevention. This kind of patients should light diet, and
drink more boiled water, tea and eat small red beans,
green beans, celery, cucumber and so on. Also eat less
dog meat, chili, pepper, zanthoxylum and other sweet
and hot food such as hot pot, fried food.Drink less and
avoid damp living conditions.
Phlegm-dampness constitution: The main features
are fat body, fat abdomen, sticky and greasy sensation
in the mouth, greasy fur and other phlegm dampness
performance. The main aftercare is to invigorate
spleen and remove dampness. This kind of patients
should light diet, eat less fat meat and sweet, greasy
food and eat more kelp,coix seed and so on.
Qi stagnation constitution: The main features are
depression anxiety and fragility and other qi
stagnation performance. The main aftercare is to
relieve liver qi stagnation and balance mood. Seek
your salve where you get your sore”. This kind of
patients should focus on psychological adjustment
and can eat food with the function of promoting qi,
relieving depression, promoting digestion and waking
up the mind such as daylily, rose, scented tea.
People with Qi stagnation constitution should not
always stay at home and they should try to increase
outdoor activities or group activities, such as running,
climbing, swimming and martial arts. They also
should keep a regular sleep and avoid drinking tea,
coffee and cocoa before going to bed.
Stagnant blood constitution: The main features are
the dark skin color, dark purple tongue and other
blood stasis performance. The main aftercare is to
promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.
“pain is caused by blockage of channels, remove the
blockage, then no pain”. This kind of patients can eat
food with the function of activating blood, removing
toxin, promoting qi and relieving liver qi stagnation
such as Hawthorn, vinegar, kelp and rose. Also they
should eat less fat meat and other greasy food. People
with such constitution can use notoginseng to boil
water to improve blood stasis.
The specific constitution:the main aftercare is to
strengthen physical fitness to avoid allergy. What is
called “take timely measures to prevent exogenous
pathogens”. Usually, pay attention to avoid contact
with allergens and the room should be good
ventilation.Try to avoid eating seafood, mango,
pineapple and other foods that are easy to cause
Food has four properties and five flavors.
Choosing appropriate attributes of food according to
the constitution can adjust the balance of Yin and
Yang, so that the partial constitution can be corrected.
Traditional Chinese medicine dietetic therapy is not
only beneficial to patients with coronary heart
disease, but also of great significance for the
prevention of coronary heart disease.
It is worth noting that in the process of improving
the constitution of patients with coronary heart
disease through traditional Chinese medicine diet
therapy, we should pay close attention to the dynamic
changes of patients' physical fitness, and make dietary
adjustments in time. For example, people with damp
heat constitution should eat little cold food. However,
long-term consumption of cold food will consume
Yang Qi. If you can not make the adjustment of the
diet plan in time, it will change the constitution to qi
deficiency constitution and Yang deficiency
constitution. Therefore, the principle of "discontinued
in the medium term" should be followed in the
process of dietary therapy for patients with coronary
heart disease.
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
Figure 2: TCM constitution dietary therapy for patients with CHD.
Figure 3: Seasonal and regional dietary therapy for patients with CHD.
3.3 A Reasonable Diet for Patients with
Coronary Heart Disease Combined
with Seasonal and Regional
Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the whole
theory and unity between man and nature. Nature has
different climate in spring, summer, autumn and
winter, and food has different property and flavor.
Therefore, the diet and health care should be adapted
to the seasonal climate in order to prevent diseases.
Yang qi blooms in spring and body striae loose
and easy to be intruded by external pathogenic
factors. Therefore, it is not advisable to use pungent
and warming drugs, such as Ginger, garlic and onion.
In hot summer, excessive water evaporation of the
human body leads to body fluid loss. It is suitable to
choose foods that clear heat, produce body fluid and
easy to digest, such as fish, porridge, lotus root,
The autumn climate is getting cooler and drier. We
should choose the foods that have the function of
producing fluid such as dairy products, eggs, pears,
The winter changes from cool to cold and Yin qi
prosperous and Yang qi declines. The human body
striae is dense and the Yang qi converges. Food
should be warm and can be matched with cattle,
sheep, chicken and so on. Eat less cold food to
prevent injury to Yang Qi.
China has a vast geographical area, different
climate conditions and living habits. Plain Questions
Suwensaid “The weather in the northwest is cold
and warm drugs should be used. The weather in the
southeast is warm and cold drugs should be used. ” In
the northwest, more cattle, sheep and other warm
food should be chosen. In the southeast, Many
diseases are out-cold and in-heat type;dietetic therapy
should pay attention to disperse out-cold and clear in-
heat. The southeast is low-lying and warm and rainy.
These lead to loose striae, yangqi leakage, and easy
Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Dietetic Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease
to produce damp-heat. Therefore, dietetic therapy
should pay attention to the use of less acrid taste for
dispersing foods, more choice of foods to clear heat
and remove dampness, such as balsam pear, yam, wax
Some Chinese patent medicines can also play a role
in lowering blood lipids, such as Xuezhikang
capsules, Zhibitai. These drugs are able to reduce
total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and can raise
HDL cholesterol.
Taking the constitution, season and region of
traditional Chinese medicine as the cut-in point,
dietetic therapy for patients with coronary heart
disease can effectively improve the symptoms and is
expected to improve life expectancy. Based on the
idea of "medicine and food are of the same origin" ,
the patients' compliance with the therapy is high,
which reduces the patients' worries about the side
effects of the medicine. In the future, the research on
Chinese Medicine dietotherapy should be more in-
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ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare