Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle
Alaa’ Omar
1 a
, Ahmad Alsadeh
2 b
and Mamoun Nawahdah
3 c
Master in Software Engineering, Birzeit University, Almarj Str. 1, Birzeit, Palestine (State of)
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Birzeit University, Almarj Str. 1, Birzeit, Palestine (State of)
Computer Science, Birzeit University, Almarj Str. 1, Birzeit, Palestine (State of)
Secure Software Development, Software Security Engineering, Software Security Principles.
Security in software development lifecycle (SDL) is a comprehensive development process for detecting,
preventing security defects, and responding to the exploits. In this study, we investigate to what extent the
software security principles are adopted in the Palestinian IT sector. Thus, we conducted an online self-
administered questionnaire that targeted the Palestinian IT sector on a random sample of participants. The
results revealed that most of the security practices are not fully applied by the surveyed enterprises. We found
that the security background, company domain, budget, and timeline are influential factors that affect the
adoption of security principles during the SDL. In addition, we found that software security is often neglected
by most developers, although they are willing to comply with security principles when needed.
Software security has become an important topic, es-
pecially with the growth of hacking tools and mech-
anisms (Bendovschi, 2015). Vulnerabilities are be-
coming more complex, and attacks become more ef-
fective. Even large companies have suffered from
these attacks and lost money and customers due to
these attacks (Tariq, 2018; Cashell et al., 2004).
Actually, Some of these attack incidents happened
due to the lack of systematic secure software devel-
opment process method followed by software devel-
opment companies during the software development
lifecycle (Council et al., 2007). Although most Soft-
ware vendors confess the significance of undertaking
the software security practice, they lack the proper
guidance in comprehension of undertaking it (Mc-
Graw, 2004). The majority of the companies follow a
flowed approach when dealing with security require-
ments rather than building security-in from the begin-
ning (McGraw et al., 2009) and responding to the se-
curity breaches by just doing security patching.
However, there are some advocates for proac-
tive software analysis to prevent vulnerabilities. Mc-
Graw (McGraw, 2006) proposed the Touchpoints
model where the security activities are distributed
among the SDL. Microsoft company developed a
structured security process
to help developers under-
stand and apply the security principles (Team, 2022).
is a global industry forum for leading
efforts to identify and promote best practices for se-
cure and reliable software. Software Assurance Ma-
turity Model (SAMM)
provides guidelines on how
real-world security initiatives are organized, what ac-
tivities they perform, and more. Building Security
In Maturity Model (BSIMM)
provides a based line
for common secure practices observed from high-
performing organizations.
This paper aims to study the state-of-the-art prac-
tices of the Palestinian IT sector regarding adopting
software security principles in SDL. The Palestinian
IT sector is a growing sector and relatively small.
We derived the following research questions to
support our study goal:
RQ1: What security practices are applied during
the SDL by software development teams in the IT
Palestinian sector?
RQ2: What are the factors that affect the adoption
of the security principles in Palestine?
Omar, A., Alsadeh, A. and Nawahdah, M.
Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle.
DOI: 10.5220/0011263700003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 410-417
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To address these questions and validate them em-
pirically, we developed a questionnaire containing
both closed and open-ended questions. Software de-
velopers were surveyed with different roles, and soft-
ware security experiences operating in different sec-
tors, including the public and private sectors.
To our knowledge, none of the studies in the liter-
ature have targeted the Palestinian IT sector regarding
the adherence to the software security practices dur-
ing the SDL. The main contributions of our research
Evaluate empirically the software security adher-
ence in the Palestinian IT Sector.
Expose the factors that limit applying the security
practices in the Palestinian IT sector.
Compare our findings with other empirical re-
search that targets similar objectives.
In this section, we provide a summary of the papers
about empirical studies that are highly related to secu-
rity adoption in the SDL; including studies that aim to
investigate different factors that affect the adherence
to security best practices.
F. Alghamdi (Alghamdi, 2020) investigated the
attributes that affect the adherence to security prac-
tices during software development in software devel-
opment companies. The results of her study showed
that the larger the company is the increase in software
security adoption is. Besides, custom-made software
experiences a lack of awareness of security practices
compared to public software companies. In-house
and out-source companies have convergence on the
adoption of security practices.
E. Venson et al. (Venson et al., 2019) investigated
the impact of software security practices on the de-
velopment estimation effort by conducting a close-
ended questionnaire. The results showed that the pro-
fessional social network contributed to a demograph-
ically diverse sampling frame. Their study revealed
that security is a factor that motivates effort in soft-
ware security. In addition, security practices are not
taken into consideration in the way they should be
while planning the software development initiatives.
H. Assal et al. (Venson et al., 2019) studied the
security practices during the SDL and the actions of
software development teams to ensure the security of
their application, and how the software developer’s
experience and knowledge of software security prac-
tices can affect the adherence to those software secu-
rity best practices. The results illustrated that the real-
world security practices differed significantly from
those found in literature, they are almost neglected
as they increase the load on the team. The same au-
thors also have studied the intersection between de-
velopers and software companies in the security pro-
cess using an online survey tool (Assal and Chiasson,
2019) that companies both close-ended Likert Scale
questions and open-ended short answers questions.
The results of their study revealed that the participants
deemed software security practices in software devel-
opment in diversified ways. In addition, their results
also showed that the developers are not blamed for ne-
glecting the major role of applying software security
principles, on the contrary, they are self-driven and
willing to confirm security principles when needed.
P. Morrison et al. (Morrison et al., 2017) intro-
duced a set of security best practices and empirically
validated the driver list by conducting a survey on
twelve open source projects that are expected to be
users of security practices. Besides, the authors pre-
sented a set of security adherence metrics and build
a model to assess how adherence metrics influence
practice usage and how it is compared to the result
of the conducted survey. Their study results showed
a statistically significant correlation between security
training and its adoption.
T. Thomas et al. (Thomas et al., 2018) showed
that the application security work is done by software
security experts isolated from the rest of the team,
which leads to extra overhead in the communication
for fixing vulnerabilities.
A survey was conducted in Palestine and covers par-
ticipants from multiple software companies and or-
ganizations that form the Palestinian IT sector. The
majority of the participants hold a bachelor’s de-
gree (75%); the rest (25%) hold a master’s degree.
The participant’s specialization fell into four cate-
gories (computer Engineering, Software Engineering,
Computer Science, and Information Technology with
(52%, 36%, 4%, 2%) respectively.
Our survey targeted three sectors: educational in-
stitutes, public sectors, and private sectors. Where
the team size differs per sector, for example, 100%
of the respondents who work in educational organi-
zations have stated that the team size is between 1 to
5 employees, whereas in the public sector the team
sizes fall within 1 to 5 with a percent of 66.6%. Fi-
nally, 59.37% have 1 to 5 years, 18.75% have 6 to
ten, 9.37% have 11 to 15 years, and the rest 12.5%
has more than 15 years of experience.
Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle
We conducted a survey of type self-administered
questionnaire that mixes close-ended and open-ended
questions to cover a wide range of security practices
and gain a deep understanding of the participant’s se-
lected answers to the close-ended questions. The sur-
vey was developed to measure participants’ aware-
ness of how important is engaging software security
best practices in software development from the first
beginning (security in) and to reveal the factors that
foster SDL adoption in the Palestinian IT sector from
the vendor’s point of view.
The survey was administered by one of the au-
thors, who presented the survey to the participants en-
rolled in companies or organizations that have devel-
opment teams, this includes project managers, soft-
ware engineers/developers, testers, and others who
work in software development. The companies var-
ied in size and business domain, we served only one
member of the same team from both genders and from
different experiences and roles.
In order to present our findings, non-parametric
tests were used, since the data is ordinal, and does not
follow the bell shape. A Spearman’s rank-order cor-
relation was used to measure the association between
variables. Next, for those who have a significant re-
lationship, Mann-Whitney U-Test was used to deter-
mine which treatment has a significant relationship
Regarding the open-ended questions, we applied
the thematic coding process (Saldana, 2012). A set of
codes were formulated. Next, the codes were grouped
into themes, in a second cycle, and stored in Excel
spreadsheets. Then the spreadsheets were analyzed.
We received a total of 40 responses. Survey respon-
dents varied in gender, qualification, and years of ex-
perience. Table 1 shows the demographic information
of the participants.
4.1 Answering RQ1
To address RQ1 which contains a mini list of the se-
curity best practices adopted from (Morrison et al.,
2017), we represent the results for each security prac-
tice separately.
Table 2 enumerates a compiled list of software
security practices taken from different security engi-
neering processes, such as BSIMM, Microsoft SDL,
and SAFECode. The practices were picked through
The dataset and analysis results can be found using the
link in practice
Table 1: Demographic Information.
Demographic variables Count Percent
Male 24 60%
Female 16 40%
Bachelor 30 75%
Master 10 25%
Computer Engineering 26 52%
Software Engineering 18 36%
Computer Science 2 4%
Information Technology 1 2%
1–3 years 12 30%
4–6 years 12 30%
7–10 year 9 22.5%
11 years or more 7 17.5%
Work sector
Private Sector 32 80%
Public Sector 6 15%
Educational Organization 2 5%
Team size
1–5 16 40%
6–10 13 30%
11–15 5 12%
More than 15 5 12%
content analysis, compiled into 16 best practices, and
validated in a pilot data collection survey of 11 open
source projects focused on security. The following are
the results per practice, as shown in Figure 1:
P1) Apply Security Requirements: The majority of
the respondents(28%) said that they do not ap-
ply security requirements during the software
development, while (20%) do it once in the
project, then comes weekly and daily with equal
percentages (18%), and (8%) said they apply it
monthly. Finally, only (5%) apply it quarterly.
P2) Apply Data Classification Scheme: A data clas-
sification Scheme helps organization classify
their data, improve their security and prioritize
them. Besides, it is important to ensure that the
data is in regulatory compliance. Most of the
respondents 40% neglected to apply data clas-
sification schemes in their projects even once.
18% of the respondents apply it either quarterly
or monthly, 15% apply it weekly, and the rest
5% apply it daily.
P3) Apply Threat Modeling: This security practice
is not applicable 38%. The rest of the per-
centages are distributed as follows: 18% do it
weekly, 15% apply it once in the project and
13% apply it quarterly, whereas only 3% apply
it daily.
P4) Document Technical Stack: The dominant
choice among the others with 30%, followed by
once in a project 25%, monthly 23%, weakly
13%, 5% quarterly, whereas, annually and daily
are 3%.
P5) Apply Secure Coding Standards: The majority
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Software Security Practices (Morrison et al., 2017).
ID Security Practice Description
P1 Apply Security Requirements Think about and document security apprehensions before implementing software features.
P2 Apply Data Classification Scheme Preserve and implement a data classification system. Distinguish and document security-sensitive data,
personal information, financial information, and system credentials.
P3 Apply Threat Modeling Expect, resolve, and notarize how and why adversaries may try to misapply the software.
P4 Document Technical Stack Notarize the components used to build, test, deploy, and operate the software. Keep components up to
date on security patches.
P5 Apply Secure Coding Standards Implementing security-focused coding standards for each language and component used in building
the program.
P6 Perform security testing Consider security requirements, threat models and all other security-related information, and tools
when designing and implementing a program test plan.
P7 Perform Penetration Testing Organize a security-focused stress test for project software in your production environment Program
project team.
P8 Perform Security Review Conduct a security-focused review of all output, including, but not limited to, design, source code,
software version, and documentation. Include reviewers who did not produce the final product under
P9 Publish Operations Guide Document security concerns apply to administrators and users and support how the program is config-
ured and running.
P10 Track Vulnerabilities Tracking software vulnerabilities discovered in the program and prioritizing their solutions.
P11 Improve Development Process Incorporate ”lessons learned” from security vulnerabilities and their resolutions into the project’s soft-
ware development process.
P12 Perform Security Training Make sure that project personnel is trained in security concepts and role-specific security techniques.
Figure 1: The answers to RQ1: security practices that are applied by software development teams in Palestine.
of the respondents 28% stated that they apply
security coding standards daily, the reaming of
the choices gained a relatively close percent-
age (around 15%), whereas the least percentage
goes for the quarterly choice with only 5%.
P6) Perform Security Testing: The percentages for
Perform Security testing monthly, not appli-
cable, and weekly obtained as 28%, 23%,
and 20%, whereas the options (”Once in the
project” and ”Daily”) obtained 15%, and 10%,
and the rest of the options obtained 3%.
P7) Perform Penetration Testing: Penetration test-
ing is defined as an authorized cyber-attack
done by specialized pen testers, this aims to find
the possible risks and threats that abuse the sys-
tem, and it measures the already implemented
risk mitigation techniques applied in the current
project under test, this is important to reveal
hidden gaps. When the participants were asked
about applying penetration testing in their cur-
rent projects, the frequencies shows that ”Not
Applicable” came first with a 30% of the votes,
while ”Monthly” came in second place with a
23% percent, followed by 13% for the ”Quar-
terly”, whereas the other choices gain percent-
ages 10% and less.
Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle
P8) Perform Security Review: The majority of the
respondents 28% stated that they did not per-
form security reviews in their project even once,
this percentage is followed by 23% have stated
that they do it Monthly, and 15% do it either
once in the project or Weekly. While 13% per-
form security reviews quarterly and only 5% do
it daily.
P9) Publish Operations Guide: We can see that the
publish operations guide security principle is
not widely adopted in the Palestinian IT sector,
as 30% of the respondents said it is not appli-
cable, while 23% apply it Monthly, 15% apply
it either once in the project or quarterly, the rest
8% apply it either annually or weekly.
P10) Track Vulnerabilities: The majority of the par-
ticipants (25%) mentioned they apply this prin-
ciple monthly. This is close to those 23% who
stated that this principle is not applicable. The
rest of the options; Weekly, Quarterly, Once in
the project, Daily, and Annually) obtained 18%,
15%, 10%, 8%, and 3% respectively.
P11) Improve Development Process: The improved
development process principle implies engag-
ing the lessons learned in refining and adjusting
the SDL. In this context, the respondents im-
plied, that this principle is applied Monthly at
28%, while Weekly and Daily come after with
the percentages (23% and 15%), whereas the
rest obtained 13% and less.
P12) Perform Security Training: The majority (43%)
of the IT sectors in Palestine do not perform se-
curity training for their employees. While 20%
stated that they do it monthly, 15% weekly, 8%
quarterly, and only 3% do security training once
in the project.
4.2 Answering RQ2
To address RQ2, we applied Spearman’s rank-order
correlation test to find the factors. Table 3 shows
a compact correlation matrix that contains only the
independent variable and their corespondent corre-
lated security practice. There is a significant relation-
ship between participants sex with security principles
(P10 =Track Vulnerabilities, P11=Improve Develop-
ment Process, and P12=Perform Security Training),
with r(40)=.345, p=.015, r(40)= .370, p=.009, and
r(40)=.264, p=.050 respectively. The direction of the
correlation was positive.
In Table 4, Mann Whitney U-test was performed
to compare the mean ranks between the two gen-
ders of participants (male and female). On P10,
the 16 females have significantly higher mean ranks
(25.28) than the 24 males (17.31), U = 115.00, p =
0.031. In addition, the 16 females have a signifi-
cantly higher mean rank (25.63) than the 24 males,
mean rank (17.08) on P11. The last principle shows
that there is no significant relationship between sex
and adopting this principle because p(0.099) is greater
than (0.05). While the academic degree factor has
no significant relationship with the security principle
[P3] Apply Threat Modeling, as p(0.099) is greater
than (0.05). Regarding the Specialization variable,
the Kruskal-Wallis Test results show that there is no
significant relationship between the specialization and
[P4] Document Technical Stack security principle,
with p(0.337) being greater than (0.05).
To identify which security self-rating level has a
significant relationship with the mentioned security
principles in Table 3, Kruskal-Wallis Test was per-
formed, and the results show that there is a significant
relationship with ( [P3] Apply Threat Modeling,[P5]
Apply Secure Coding Standards, [P7] Perform pen-
etration testing, [P8] Perform Security review, [P10]
Track vulnerabilities) with P= (0.045, 0.005, 0.004,
0.020) respectively. Doing the post-hock test (Mann
Whitney U test) to determine which level has the sig-
nificant relationship. The results of Mann Whitney
test show that the 13 participants with security self-
rated level equals (3) have significantly higher mean
ranks on P[3],[P7],[P8],and [P10], with mean ranks
(108.5, 237.00, 237.5, 239.00) and U= (17.5, 49, 48.5,
47.0), p = ( 0.049, 0.021, 0.019, 0.018) respectively.
Table 3: Correlation.
Sex Qualification Specialization Software
P1 -.377**
P2 -.277*
P3 -.264* -.359*
P4 -.269* -.366*
P5 -.493**
P6 -.518**
P7 -.349*
P8 -.465**
P10 .345*
P11 .376**
P12 .264* -.326*
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (1-tailed).
P1-P12 (software security practises defined in Table 2.
4.3 Qualitative Analysis
In this section, the results of the qualitative analysis
for the open-ended questions are presented. The re-
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 4: Mann Whitney U Participants sex.
Sex N Mean Rank
Ranks U Sig.
Male 24 17.31 415.50
115.5 0.031Female 16 25.28 494.50
Total 40
Male 24 17.08 410.00
110.00 0.021Female 16 25.63 410.00
Total 40
Male 24 18.13 435.00
135.00 0.099Female 16 47.04 2258.00
Total 40
Academic Degree N Mean Rank
Ranks U Sig.
Bachelor 30 22.2 666.0
99.00 0.099Master 10 15.40 154.0
Total 40
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (1-tailed).
P3. Apply Threat Modeling. P10. Track Vulnerabilities.
P11. Improve Development Process. P12. Perform Security
sults are grouped for each question separately. When
the participants were asked What are your main
priorities when doing development?”, the answers
were divided around the main ideas shown in Ta-
ble 5. The majority of the respondents (30%) imply
that sticking to the requirement and starting from the
high priority ones is at the top of their priorities when
doing software development. While security lies on
the second priority with a percentage of 22%, 20% for
applying testing and quality assurance, 12% for per-
formance, 10% for Writing clean code, and 6% for
Table 5: Declared Current Priorities During Software De-
Main Priority Declared Priority Percent
Requirement 15 30%
Security 11 22%
Quality 10 20%
Performance 6 12%
Clean Code 5 10%
Usability 3 6%
Total 50
Q1. What are your main priorities when
doing development?
When the respondents were asked, “Do your pri-
orities change when a deadline approaches?”, Ta-
ble 6 shows that 75% answered “No”, while 15% de-
clared that their priorities change. This change de-
pends on the release and the requirement prioritiza-
Table 7 shows the answers to the third question
“How does security fit in your priorities?”, The ma-
jority 25% said that it is a top priority, while 15% said
it is the least priority for different reasons, and only
5% said it lies in the middle of their priority. 7.5%
Table 6: Priorities Change During Software Development.
Keyword Declared Answers Percent
No 30 75%
Yes 6 20%
Depends on the release 2 7%
Requirements prioritization 2 7%
Total 40
Q2. Do your priorities change when a deadline ap-
think it is only important in the testing phase. 2.5%
think security requirements are an integral part of the
project, and 2.5% think security is about Authentica-
tion, Authorization, and Data integrity. 2.5% consider
security in the system analyst phase of the SDL. 2.5%
Apply security only during the implementation phase.
While 2.5% think that security is included in the tech-
nologies used.
Table 7: Where Software Security Fits in?
Keyword Count Percent
Priority 10 25%
Least priority 6 15%
Important in the testing 3 7.5%
In the Middle 2 5%
Apply minimum software security 1 2.5%
Authentication, Authorization and Data
1 2.5%
Security requirement are Integral part of
all projects
1 2.5%
Adopting security practices while
preparing for system analysis
1 2.5%
Included within the technologies used 1 2.5%
Applied in the implementation 1 2.5%
Total 40
Q3. How does security fit in your priorities?
In Table 8, we asked respondents “Do you ap-
ply security tooling?” if yes “What tools do you
use? and in which SDLC phase?”. 21 answered
“No”, while 2 answered “Yes”, but did not speci-
fies in Which SDLC phase.4 stated that they use it
in Implementation, by doing encryption and web ser-
vices. While 2 uses SonarQube, 1 uses Tenale, 1
uses Quyals, 1 GDB, x64 in the testing phase, 1 uses
Kali, and 1 uses GitLab.
We found that the adherence to the security princi-
ples during the SDL in the Palestinian IT sector is
still immature. When the respondents were asked
whether the security principles are applied, the choice
”Not Applicable” was clearly dominant with a percent
Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle
Table 8: Apply Security Tools.
Keyword Count Software Development Phase
No 21 NA
Yes 2 NA
HTTPS Certificate 1 Deployment
Data Encryption 2 Implementation
SonarQube 2 CI
Tenable 1 NA
Quyals 1 NA
Web services 2 Implementation
GDB, x64 1 Testing
Kali 1 NA
GitLab 1 After Sprint
Total 40
Q4. Do you apply Security Tooling? If yes, What
tools do you use? and in which SDLC phase?
of 61.5% in most security principles. The principle
(Perform Security Training) came first with a percent
43%, this high percentage reflects the current culture
found in the Palestinian IT sector that does not give
the needed training and attention. In the second place
comes the security principle (Applying Threat Mod-
eling) 38%, this leads to conclude that security in the
Palestinian IT sector is not a built-in process. When
it comes to security, an unplanned operation is done
in an ad-hoc manner with the absence of a systematic
approach to be engaged as an integral part of the SDL.
Table 9 and Table 10 show a summary of our re-
sults compared to previous studies. Our results show
that the top two practices that are “daily” applied are:
Apply Secure Coding Standards and, Apply Security
Requirements” with percentages of 28% and 18%.
Table 9: RQ1 Dominant Choice Comparison.
Study Ref. Dominant choice Percentage
Our Study Not Applicable 61.5%
(Venson et al., 2019) Daily 31%
(Morrison et al., 2017) Weekly 31%
Compared to similar studies, the RQ1 results of
Morrison et al. (Morrison et al., 2017) show that the
top two daily reported practices are Apply Secure
Coding Standards and, Track Vulnerability with
45% and 42% respectively, and 42% said that Pub-
lish Operation Guide is Not Applicable. While, the
results of Venson et al. (Venson et al., 2019) show
that the top two daily reported practices are Apply Se-
cure Coding Standards and, Apply Security Tool-
ing with 54% and 36% respectively, and 22% said
that Publish Operation Guide is Not Applicable.
From Table 10, we can see that in all of the men-
tioned studies, the security principle Apply Secure
Coding Standards is applied Daily with the highest
percentage, but in the Palestinian market, the percent-
age is relatively smaller compared to Morrison (Mor-
rison et al., 2017), and Venson findings (Venson et al.,
2019). This percentage reflects the current culture
in the Palestinian companies and the percentage of
awareness to apply security coding standards during
the implementation phase, which is relatively modest
and needs more attention. This low commitment from
the Palestinian market is reasonable and it comes in
a context consistent with the rest of the results, espe-
cially if we know that the Perform Security Training
is not Applied with a percentage of 43%.
Table 10: The Top Two Security Practices Applied Daily
Study Ref. Applying security principle Percentage
Our Study
Secure coding standards 28%
Security requirements 18%
(Venson et al., 2019)
Secure coding standards 54%
Security tools 36%
(Morrison et al., 2017)
Secure coding standards 45%
Track vulnerability 42%
By closely examining our study results, especially
the open-ended questions, and by immersing our-
selves in the experiences reported by the participants,
we realized the factors that seem to shape their prac-
tices that may not be sufficiently taken into account
by best practices. We present each worker and con-
flict with best practices, if applicable.
1. Security Background: There is a lack of knowl-
edge of the principles of security in SDL. Some of
the participants misunderstand the security roles
within the SDLs. They think security is just about
authentication, authorization, and data integrity.
Others think that it is only considered in web de-
velopment. And a group of the participants thinks
it is embedded with the technology stack that is
used by the team. The results clearly proved that
the majority of participants do not receive ap-
propriate training during their employment even
once. This lack of knowledge is clearly reflected
in the extent of implementation of security during
the SDL in a negative way.
2. Company Domain: Our results revealed that the
domain of the companies plays an important role
in reshaping the culture inside these companies re-
garding the adoption of security principles and the
awareness of it is important. Participants working
in enterprises that adopt a security culture, tend to
use tools and apply security principles more than
those who stated that security is the least priority
in their work.
3. Budget and Timeline: The lack of time offered for
developers to accomplish their tasks is limiting
them from taking care of security issues. Most
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
of the developers focus on meeting the require-
ments and customer satisfaction delivering their
preferred features on time with the least cost. Be-
sides, the limitation of the project budget offered
to the software projects often stands against the
adoption of security in SDL as the main goal.
The size of the sample may be relatively small (40
participants). However, this sample is acceptable
since the Palestinian IT sector is relatively small. On
the other hand, the results of this research are limited
to the Palestinian IT sector, and hence, it could not be
generalized but can be replicated in other countries.
1. Internal Validity: Few participants know the au-
thors in person. Thus, their responses to this fact
may be affected by the participant trying to sat-
isfy the author by choosing the answer that cor-
responds with the survey context. However, the
number of them is limited, as the survey was de-
livered to companies without revealing personal
information about the author.
2. Construct Validity: The participants could guess
the research questions from the context of the sur-
vey title. Therefore, some participants’ might an-
swers to the survey may be affected. However,
we think that the number of participants affected
by their responses, if any, was few since we are
dealing with mature and independent participants
with their opinions.
3. External Validity: The sample as described in sec-
tion 3 was limited to the Palestinian IT sector.
However, the study took into consideration the di-
versity of the sample selection as software devel-
opers from various sectors, experiences, and com-
pany sizes, which ensures that the sample is as
representative as possible.
The adherence to secure SDL of the Palestinian IT
market is still modest, immature, and unsystematic,
as non of the surveyed companies followed one of
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Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle