Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while
Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability
Igor Jakovljevic
1,2 a
, Christian G
1 b
, Andreas Wagner
2 c
and Alexander Nussbaumer
1 d
ISDS, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Open Data, Privacy Protection, Plausible Deniability, Open Data Framework.
Open data and open science are terms that are becoming ever more popular. The information generated in
large organizations is of great potential for organizations, future research, innovation, and more. Currently,
there is a wide range of similar guidelines for publishing organizational data, focusing on data anonymization
containing conflicting ideas and steps. These guidelines usually do not focus on the whole process of assessing
risks, evaluating, and distributing data. In this paper, the relevant tasks from different open data frameworks
have been identified, adapted, and synthesized into a six-step framework to transform organizational data into
open data while offering privacy protection to organisational users. As part of the research, the framework was
applied to a CERN dataset and expert interviews were conducted to evaluate the results and the framework.
Drawbacks of the frameworks were identified and suggested as improvements for future work.
Releasing data generated in large organizations has
been a great source of information for researchers,
facilitating innovation and advances in various ar-
eas, and encouraging collaboration to bring new tech-
nology, insights, and capabilities to solve problems
(Navarro-Arribas et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2020).
Promoting an open and transparent approach has pro-
vided diverse benefits and competitive advantages for
organizations. One example is the move of the Obama
administration to increase access to government data,
by launching, to increase the visibility and
the legitimacy of governmental data (Van Schalkwyk
and Verhulst, 2017).
Large organizations generate a median of 300 ter-
abytes (TB) of data weekly. The data is generated
from the use of various methods of communication
(chat, email, face-to-face, phone, SMS, social media)
between organization members, data sharing tools,
internal processes, different hardware units (mobile
phones, tablets, laptops, etc.), and more (Jakovljevic
et al., 2020). Public services, like non-governmental
organizations (NGO) or governmental organizations
(GO), have recognized the benefits of open data con-
cepts. Open data initiatives in these organizations
have resulted in greater availability of data, improved
efficiency and effectiveness, improve decision mak-
ing, increased transparency, accountability, citizen
participation in NGOs, and economic and social value
creation (Loenen et al., 2020).
Open data can be used and reused without finan-
cial, legal, intellectual, and technical obstacles. The
reuse of open government data will create billions
of Euros in economic value (European Commission
and Directorate-General for the Information Society
and Media, 2002). The Open Data Institute has de-
termined that open data should be an integral part of
organizational infrastructure as a key to building the
future of the urban world (Yates et al., 2018).
Besides the benefits of sharing organizational
data, there are also risks and drawbacks, such as ex-
posing sensitive and private information, if not shared
appropriately (Navarro-Arribas et al., 2012; Zhang
et al., 2020). An example of exposing sensitive data is
the Netflix Prize. It was an open competition for the
best collaborative filtering algorithm to predict user
ratings for movies, based on previous ratings without
any other information about the users or movies. The
participants produced algorithms that improved the
recommendation system by as much as 10% per year
Jakovljevic, I., Gütl, C., Wagner, A. and Nussbaumer, A.
Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability.
DOI: 10.5220/0011265700003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 301-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Zhang et al., 2020). In 2007, researchers were able
to identify individual users by matching the Netflix
datasets with movie ratings from the Internet Movie
Database (IMDB), which lead to the cancellation of
the competition due to privacy issues (Narayanan and
Shmatikov, 2006).
Another example of an attempt to encourage open
information and collaboration that had negative con-
sequences is related to American Online (AOL). In
August of 2006, AOL, to support researchers in In-
formation Retrieval (IR), provided a large query log
from their search engine. The data represented around
650k users issuing 20 million queries. The troubling
part of the data was the ease with which individuals
could be identified with the logs. The result of this
data release was the disclosure of private information
for a number of AOL users, major reputational dam-
age to AOL, and significant damage to the research
efforts of academics who depend on such data (Adar,
Based on the previous examples it is evident that
data privacy is an important aspect when it comes to
sharing organizational data. It is necessary to protect
persons, institutions, and organizations (Data Sub-
jects) following laws and ethical rules during the life
cycle of data (collecting data, processing and ana-
lyzing data, publishing and sharing data, preserving
data, re-useing data) (Erg
Ozkoc¸, 2021). Many
different organizations such as the European Union,
PDPC Singapore, CERN, and others have created
guidelines for sharing data. This research focuses on
defining a framework, based on previously mentioned
guidelines, for publishing organizational data as Open
Data. Based on the observations stated above, more
specifically, the main research questions are:
RQ1: How to compile organizational datasets
into open data and guarantee anonymization?
RQ2: What are the benefits and drawbacks of the
proposed framework for organizations?
RQ3: What is the value of the data before and
after applying anonymization methods?
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 covers the literature overview and discusses
current topics in privacy-preserving data mining, open
data, and possible use cases. In section 3 we propose
a framework based on previous research. In Section
4, the framework is applied to a CERN dataset and
the benefits and drawbacks of the framework are dis-
cussed and evaluated. The general characteristics of
the CERN dataset are described in this section. Fi-
nally, we conclude the work in Section 5 with the dis-
cussion of the research questions and future works.
Many institutions have recognized the need to reg-
ulate selecting data for sharing and sharing with
the public. The primary goal behind these regu-
lations is to protect individuals, organizations, and
their sensitive data. Guidelines like the Federal Act
on Data Protection (FADP), Personal Data Protec-
tion Act (PDPA), and General Data Protection Reg-
ulation (GDPR) have a commonality. They demand
that sensitive data about individuals and organizations
need anonymization to a certain degree before sharing
with the public (European Commission, 2016; Per-
sonal Data Protection Commission Singapore, 2018;
The Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation,
To make the data functional and useful, it is also
crucial to find the balance between sharing too much
and too little data. The Privacy-Utility trade off is
based on the understanding that the more data we
eliminate through anonymization, the more privacy
we convey to users but the less useful that data be-
comes (Adar, 2007). Pseudonymization is defined
as the processing of personal data in such a way
that the data can no longer be attributed to a spe-
cific data subject without the use of additional infor-
mation (Personal Data Protection Commission Singa-
pore, 2018). Such additional information is kept sep-
arately and subjects to technical and organizational
measures to ensure non-attribution to an identified
or identifiable individual. Data remain pseudony-
mous as long as the original identifying information
is safeguarded by the publishers of the data. Vari-
ous types of privacy-preserving methods, such as ran-
domization, anonymization (k-anonymity, l-diversity,
t-closeness), partition-based privacy, and differential
privacy methods, are commonly used to solve the
problem of deidentification. All these methods have
different vulnerabilities, and researchers are continu-
ing their research for updating them to adopt contem-
porary data (Erg
Ozkoc¸, 2021; Pramanik et al.,
2021; Sousa et al., 2021).
On the other hand, if researchers share
pseudonymized data without the related identifying
keys, then those data are considered anonymous for
the recipients. If applied properly, it may satisfy data
protection requirements, since anonymized data is
not considered as “personal” and therefore does not
fall under the scope of data protection acts (Grace
et al., 2016; Personal Data Protection Commission
Singapore, 2018).
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2.1 Open Data and Open Data
Open Data is the term used to describe data avail-
able freely for anyone to use for analysis and research
(Antony and Salian, 2021). There have been differ-
ent initiatives for collaboration based on open data,
such as the previously mentioned Netflix Prize, Open-
StreetMap, CERN Open Science Initiative, Open City
Initiatives, and more. All of these collaboration
projects faced a common issue. Sharing of data that
contains identifies, quasi-identifies, and sensitive at-
tributes. Besides these issues, political factors such
as structures, regulations, and ways of working be-
come challenges for sharing data even within an or-
ganization (Antony and Salian, 2021; Runeson et al.,
2021). Open Data Repositories (ODR) are structures,
whether academic or non-academic, that host data and
allow free access to them. Examples of open reposito-
ries are Zenodo, arXiv, CiteSeerX, UK Data Archive,
and Figshare (Costa et al., 2021).
An important aspect of making data usable is the
ability to identify, locate, and retrieve the correct data
together with understanding the context of the data.
This can be achieved by providing metadata about the
dataset, in the form of a data dictionary or a meta-
data repository. Metadata is the summary informa-
tion describing the data, including the availability,
nature, meaning, and type of each attribute of the
dataset. It provides context about the data that helps
users understand their meaning. The open data ini-
tiative requires a uniform data publishing approach
to ensure interoperability between different datasets
Data.Gov.IE (2015); De Bie et al. (2022).
Open Data Ecosystems (ODE) is an emerging
concept for data sharing under public licenses in soft-
ware ecosystems. A study done by Runeson et al.
(2021), interviewed 27 participants from 22 different
private companies and public authorities on concep-
tual ideas about ODE. Their qualitative analysis of
data and interviews concluded that the value of ODE
lies in the data they produce and in the collaboration
around the data. Furthermore, they concluded that
identifying data (e.g, identifiers and quasi-identifiers)
is challenging from a legal point of view, and liabil-
ity issues are also unclear. Trust in the data and the
governance of an ODE is also a challenge.
As seen in the previous sections, there is a need
for organizations to share data and/or make them pub-
licly available. To correctly open internal organiza-
tional data it is necessary to assess potential risks,
evaluate if the data contains sensitive information, de-
termine to which ODR to distribute the data, evalu-
ate which license to use for data sharing, and more.
When distributing sensitive information, it is impor-
tant to follow guidelines, which can be given by coun-
tries, public entities, or even the organizations them-
selves. Most of these guidelines require a level of
privacy and anonymization for sensitive data (Antony
and Salian, 2021; Personal Data Protection Commis-
sion Singapore, 2018; Van Schalkwyk and Verhulst,
2017). Privacy-preserving and anonymization meth-
ods use some form of transformation on the data. Nat-
urally, such methods reduce the granularity of repre-
sentation and remove information. This results in a
loss of effectiveness for data management, data pro-
cessing methods, and algorithms created from this
data (Adar, 2007).
2.2 Data Transformation and
Anonymization Methods
Depending on the type of data, different methods for
anonymization can be applied (Erg
Ozkoc¸, 2021;
Pramanik et al., 2021). Past research indicates that the
most used methods for anonymization of datasets are:
Randomization Methods - add noise to data to
conceal the attribute values of records. The added
noise is large enough so that individual records
cannot be recovered (Erg
Ozkoc¸, 2021).
Cryptographic Approaches - are based on ap-
plying a cryptographic function over data that is
presented in raw format. This raw data is also
called plaintext. Applying a cryptographic func-
tion to plaintext produces cyphertext. It is hard to
reproduce the original raw data, from the cypher-
text. This is why it is used for anonymization
of identifying data (e.g., names, addresses, etc.)
(Sousa et al., 2021).
k-anonymity - follows the idea that the re-
lease of data must be such that every combina-
tion of values of quasi-identifiers can be indis-
tinctly matched to at least k individuals. Let
T (A
, ..., A
) be a table and Q
be the quasi-
identifiers associated with it. T is said to satisfy k-
anonymity if and only if for each quasi-identifier
each sequence of values in T [Q] appears
at least with k occurrences in T [Q] (Samarati and
Sweeney, 1998).
l-diversity - is an improvement to k-anonymity
and aims to mitigate possible defects of k-
anonymity like homogeneity and background
Knowledge attacks. In homogeneity attacks, all
the values for a sensitive attribute within a group
of k records are the same. Even if the data is k-
anonymized, the value of the sensitive attribute for
Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability
that group of k records can be predicted exactly
(Aggarwal and Yu, 2008)..
t-closeness - While k-anonymity protects against
identity disclosure, it does not protect in general
against disclosure of a sensitive attribute corre-
sponding to an external identified individual. t-
Closeness is another extension of k-anonymity
which tries to solve this issue. t-closeness requires
that the distribution of a sensitive attribute in any
equivalence class is close to the distribution of a
sensitive attribute in the overall dataset (Li et al.,
Partition based Privacy - For an aggregate func-
tion f : D R, a dataset D with n records of
n individual users, and a privacy preference φ =
, · ·· , ε
·· · ε
), where ε is the privacy
parameter. Let Partition(D, φ, k) be a procedure
that partitions the original dataset D into k par-
titions (D
·· ·D
). The partitioning mechanism
is defined as PM = B
), ·· · , DP
where DP
is any target ε
-differentially private
aggregate mechanism for f , B is an ensemble al-
gorithm (Li et al., 2007)
2.3 Differential Privacy
Differential Privacy can be understood as a random-
ized function k which is applied to document collec-
tions or query results before their public release. Ac-
cording to Sousa et al. (2021), for all subsets S in
the range of k, and a document collections D and
differing on at most one element, k provides ε-
differential privacy if:
Pr [k(D) S] exp(ε)Pr [k(D
) S]
2.4 Existing Open Data Publishing
Different governments and organizations have
adopted open data principles and created guide-
lines for publishing such data. For instance, Open
Data Handbook provides an introduction to the
concept of Open Data and essential guidance for
its publication. On the other side, the Open Data
Ireland: Best Practice Handbook provides more
detailed recommendations, additionally, it compares
current international and Irish practices (Lee et al.,
2014; Open Knowledge, 2015). Ku
cera et al. (2015)
have analyzed 16 different guidelines and extracted
the main processes and activities. These main
processes recognized in them are the development
of an open data publication plan, preparation of
publication, realization of publication, and archiving.
While the main activities identified are data quality
management, communication management, risk
management, and benefits management. Based on
the analysis of different guidelines, key issues to be
considered before publishing open data are:
Table 1: Main Questions for Publishing Data (Data.Gov.IE,
2015; Ku
cera et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2014; Open Knowl-
edge, 2015).
Which dataset should be published?
Does your organization produce, manage and
maintain the dataset?
How to create datasets descriptors (recommended
metadata schema) to help in the identification, lo-
cation, and retrieval of online resources?
Is the data published online or offline? Is the
dataset updated? How frequently?
Is anonymization and/or aggregation required?
Is there any other reason why data cannot be pub-
lished (confidentiality clauses, third-party copy-
right, etc.)?
Can this dataset be associated with the recom-
mended open Licence?
Can the dataset be published in a structured
machine-readable format?
Does your dataset use a recognized international
or national standard?
Table 2 describes the main steps in popular frame-
works for open data publishing (Carrara et al., 2018;
Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2022; Van Her-
reweghe, 2021).
Table 2: Analysis of Frameworks for Open Data Publishing.
Title Steps
Open Data
1. Choose your dataset(s)
2. Choose a model licence
3. Open up your source data
4. Document your dataset(s)
5. Make your dataset(s)
6. Evaluate your Open Data
What is
involved in
1. Identify issues and/or
opportunities for collecting data
2. Select issue(s) and/or
opportunity(ies) and set goals
3. Plan an approach and methods
4. Collect data
5. Analyze and interpret data
6 Act on results
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
One commonality for all open data publishing
frameworks is the usage of FAIR Data Principles
They define a range of qualities a published dataset
should have to be findable, accessible, interopera-
ble, and reusable (Data.Gov.IE, 2015; Open Knowl-
edge, 2015; Van Herreweghe, 2021). When publish-
ing Open Data, international standards described by
reputable organizations, such as ISO, the European
Commission, W3C, IETF, OGC, and OASIS should
be used for classifying data attributes and creating
metadata repositories and/or data dictionaries. If in-
ternational standards are inconvenient, national stan-
dards can be used (Data.Gov.IE, 2015; Lee, 2021).
2.5 Discussion
Even though various guidelines exist that illustrate the
steps necessary to publish organizational data, they
focus on data anonymization and contain conflicting
ideas and steps. The mentioned guidelines often do
not focus on the whole process of assessing risks,
evaluating, and distributing data.
There is a need to develop a more generic frame-
work for releasing organizational data as open data,
by merging ideas, concepts, and steps from multiple
frameworks. Based on previous research and analysis
of different frameworks, instead of focusing only on
data anonymization, data privacy, and sensitive infor-
mation release, a generic framework should answer
the following questions first: What are the risks of
sharing the data? What are the benefits and draw-
backs of disclosing the data? Who is going to be the
gatekeeper of the data? What are the applicable data
governance rules? Where will the data be distributed?
From what sources was the information compiled?
Are there any restrictions for the use of data?
The following section describes a step-by-step
framework for the compilation of organizational data
into open data.
Based on the previous section, relevant task have been
identified, adapted, and synthesized into a frame-
work to transform organizational data into open and
sharable data. The main steps of this framework are:
Define the Purpose And Scope of Data, Data Classi-
fication, Risk Assessment, Data Transformation and
Anonymization, Evaluation, and Publishing.
3.1 Define Purpose and Scope of Data
The first step for compiling organizational data into
open data is determining why and which data should
be distributed and for how long. Data.Gov.IE (2015);
cera et al. (2015); Lee et al. (2014); Open Knowl-
edge (2015); Personal Data Protection Commission
Singapore (2018) describes that answering the follow-
ing questions allows to formulate a clear and concise
plan with a specified purpose and scope for the data:
Q1: What is the intent of its collection and pro-
Q2: Which type(s) of data is being processed (e.g.
machine information, user input data, user data,
sensor information, etc.)?
Q3: To which audience (public or internal organi-
zational shareholders) will the data be distributed?
Q4: What is the data retention period (e.g. GDPR
suggestion is 6 years, indefinitely for internal
Q5: Where applicable, are there details regarding
transfers of data (e.g. what are the necessary ac-
tions before moving the data to a different reposi-
tory or a new governing body)?
3.2 Data Collection and Classification
In the second step, it is required to collect the data,
and evaluate and classify the data based on the level
of sensitive attributes. Before collecting the data it is
necessary to determine which data format (eg. pdf,
CSV, XML, JSON, etc.) to use and where to tem-
porarily securely store the data before publishing.
The selection of the format and storage depends on
the organizational requirements. Data can be col-
lected from multiple sources such as newly generated
data or data from another internal or external source,
which implies that it can be in different formats also.
The data collection step focuses on aggregating data
from different formats and transforming them into
a single predetermined format (Data.Gov.IE, 2015;
cera et al., 2015; Open Knowledge, 2015).
According to Data.Gov.IE (2015), metadata infor-
mation such as datatypes should be assigned to data
attributes. It is recommended that the value of the
property is taken from a well-governed set of resource
types, such as the DCMI
. Besides basic datatype in-
formation, metadata should include up-to-date addi-
tional information such as the context, qualities, and
meaning of each attribute of the dataset (De Bie et al.,
Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability
2022). Based on table 3, it is necessary to assign pri-
vacy classification classes, that fulfill the definitions
for Identifiers (ID), Quasi-identifiers (QID), Sensitive
attributes (SA), and Insensitive attributes (IA), to data
attributes from the mentioned dataset..
Table 3: Privacy Data classification (Pramanik et al., 2021).
Type Description
Information that uniquely and di-
rectly identifies individuals (e.g.
full name, driver license, and social
security number, etc.)
Identifiers that, combined with ex-
ternal data, lead to the indirect
identification of an individual (e.g.
gender, age, date of birth, zip code,
etc. )
Sensitive at-
tributes (SA)
Contains data that is private and
sensitive to individuals, such as
sickness and salary (e.g. medical
records, bank records, etc)
Contains general and non-risky
data that are not covered by other
attributes (e.g. web site visits, num-
ber of likes of a post, etc. )
Data containing IDs, QIDs, or SAs is classified
as sensitive data and needs additional transformations
for publishing, while the data with IAs does not need
additional data transformation (Alexandra and Brian,
2020; Personal Data Protection Commission Singa-
pore, 2018). The result of this step is aggregated data
that has been stored in a unified predetermined for-
mat together with corresponding metadata informa-
tion (in the form of a metadata repository or a data
dictionary), that has also been classified based on data
attributes into sensitive and non-sensitive data.
3.3 Risk Assessment
In this step, the organizational risk of disclosing data
and the risk of data disclosure to the individual is as-
sessed. According to Krotova et al. (2020), four main
dimensions should be produced by answering the fol-
lowing questions: What are the strategic risks of re-
leasing data? What are the economic risks of releas-
ing data? What are the legal risks of releasing data?
What are the technical risks of releasing data?
Strategic Dimension. In this step, the goal is to de-
termine the strategic risks of releasing data. Orga-
nizations contain data of different types. Data like
machine or sensor data, that do not contain any sen-
sitive information could be freely available, without
damaging the organization. However, some com-
pany data contains sensitive attributes like employee
date of birth, address, personal identity numbers, and
more. Table 3 describes data attribute classification
based on the level of sensitive information it contains.
If the data contains any ID, QID, or SA it is necessary
to analyze the data from different strategic perspec-
tives (organizational learning and growth, organiza-
tional processes, user perspectives, etc.). One such
perspective is organizational reputation, for example
providing data with these attributes, without any ac-
cess limitations or protection, can damage the rep-
utation of an organization or its members. Another
strategic perspective is competition risk, does releas-
ing such data put the organization at risk from com-
petitors (e.g. abuse of methods used in an organiza-
tion or user poaching) (Krotova et al., 2020; Pramanik
et al., 2021).
Economic Dimension. When analyzing the data
from the economic perspective, it is necessary to es-
timate the economic risks of sharing the data. Data
produced in companies is often a byproduct or day to
day workflows in organisations, which makes shar-
ing data a low expence process. However ensur-
ing secure usage of the correct data and data gov-
ernence can be a costly process. With the appear-
ance of big data analytics, sharing huge data repos-
itories free of charge, can result in a economic loss
for organisations, since the produced data contains
economic value (Pramanik et al., 2021; Waelbroeck,
2015). Many studies have also indicated that the
development of information openness can stimulate
innovative activities, the creation of innovative ap-
proaches, greater performance and greater economic
benefits for organizations (Lopez-Vega et al., 2016).
Legal Dimension. Legal issues like data licensing,
sensitive user information regulations (GDPR), stor-
ing and distributing regulations, and others that have
legal implications have to be analyzed. The objec-
tive is to determine legal risks that arise from opening
data and possible ways to mitigate them (Pramanik
et al., 2021). One example is determining the usage of
correct open licenses (MIT, Apache, etc.) for certain
types of organizational data (primarily non-sensitive
and anonymous data) and the legal risks of these li-
Technical and Organizational Dimension. When
analyzing the data it is necessary to determine the
technical and organizational implications of releasing
organizational data. Organizational implications such
as the question if it is necessary to invest additional
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
staff members to maintain the dataset, how difficult
is it to gather the data from different sources within
the organization, what are necessary technical skills
needed to release the data, are there staff members
that are capable to execute the release without expos-
ing the organization to risks (e.g. data loss and se-
curity leaks).On the other side, technical implications
are how to publish the data, anonymize the data, en-
sure data quality, low error rate, machine readability,
and continuity of access (Pramanik et al., 2021; Red-
man, 2022).
Quantitative Risk Rating (QRR). The next step
is the QRR calculation for each of the previous di-
mensions. Based on Kaya (2018), begin by allocat-
ing a value for the Likelihood of the risk arising and
the Severity of Injury for each risk dimension. The
Likelihood takes the following values Highly Proba-
ble, Probable, Possible, Unlikely, Rare. The Severity
of Injury can be Very Low, Low, Medium, High, or
Very High. Based on the table from figure 1, each di-
mension has to be assigned a risk level ranging from
Minor, Moderate, Major, or Severe.
Figure 1: Risk Matrix (Kaya, 2018).
3.4 Data Transformation and
This step focuses on determining which method to use
for data anonymization and transformation. Table 4
aggregates the knowledge produced from the litera-
ture study and previous steps.
It is used to determine the correct methods (Grace
et al., 2016; Personal Data Protection Commission
Singapore, 2018; Van Schalkwyk and Verhulst, 2017).
Based on the risk level and the level of data sensitivity,
the anonymization method is determined. By apply-
ing the correct method we aim to ensure differential
privacy for sensitive information and reduce the effort
necessary to publish non-sensitive and low-risk infor-
Table 4: Data Anonymisation Methods Matrix.
Data Sensitiv-
ity Level
None Non-Sensitive Low
Randomization Non-Sensitive
/ Sensitive
Cryptographic Sensitive Low-High
Sensitive Low-High
Remove Non-Sensitive
/ Sensitive
3.5 Evaluation
After the data transformation or data anonymization
methods, it is necessary to evaluate the resulting
dataset. The main question to answer in this step is:
Does the new dataset mitigate risks and fulfills the
purpose and scope defined earlier? According to Car-
rara et al. (2018) for the evaluation of the data, it is
necessary to review the following: check the dataset
on quality, check the data on timeliness and consis-
tency, check the dataset on the use of standards, and
check the dataset on technical openness.If the result-
ing dataset does not mitigate risks and fulfills the pur-
pose and scope defined earlier, it is necessary to iter-
ate back to a previous step. This can be a return to
selecting a new method for data transformation, es-
tablishing a new purpose or/and scope for the data,
or reevaluating the risk. Otherwise, the data is ready
for the publishing step (Ku
cera et al., 2015; Personal
Data Protection Commission Singapore, 2018).
3.6 Publishing
Before publishing, it is necessary to prepare descrip-
tive information about the data. It should contain
a comprehensive description (e.g., sources, entities,
metadata information), a self-explanatory title, pri-
vacy declaration, contact information and the infor-
mation related to the scope and purpose defined in 3.1.
Depending on 3.2 and 3.3, the Open Source Licence
needs to be be carefully selected. When adding meta-
data to the dataset and data attributes, the use of stan-
dardized metadata schema by public bodies such as
the W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) is rec-
ommended to ensure the dataset respects the FAIR
principles. The next step consists in determining the
correct ODR for publishing and preparing data gover-
nance rules. The final step is publishing the data with
all meta-information to a ODR.
Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability
This section focuses on the application and evalua-
tion of the framework. The goal of this chapter is to
answer the following research questions: What are
the benefits and drawbacks of the proposed frame-
work for organizations? What is the value of the
data before and after applying anonymization meth-
ods? The framework was applied to the CERN Mat-
termost Dataset. It contains information about teams,
channels, message threads, user messages, user reac-
tions, and basic user information, together with infor-
mation about user connections to other users, teams,
and channels.
As part of the evaluation, six expert interviews
were conducted. The participants were young pro-
fessionals, between the age of 25 and 29, working at
CERN in the IT department as Full Stack Develop-
ers. The interviews were done in person, the partici-
pants needed to first read and analyze all steps of the
framework. Then they were asked to evaluate each
step by stating issues that they found, positive com-
ments, and general feedback. They had to addition-
ally rate how understandable each step was, with one
of the following values: very understandable, under-
standable, neither understandable nor confusing, con-
fusing, or very confusing. After the questionnaire,
the participants were presented with how the frame-
work was applied to the CERN dataset. Each step
was discussed with the participants where they had to
evaluate and express the drawbacks and benefits. At
the end of the evaluation, the participants were asked
to provide general feedback and statements about the
framework and its use within organizations. The par-
ticipants did not have disagreements regarding the at-
tribute classification. Since all the participants were in
a similar age range and profession, the results of the
study could lean more to open data principles, then if
the study was conduced with individuals from differ-
ent professions and/or age ranges.
4.1 Define the Purpose and Scope of
The list bellow contains answers to questions from the
first step mentioned in section 3.1.
Q1 Answer: The selected data should be used only
for research purposes, mostly implementation of
ML algorithms for user-channel recommenda-
tions and community dynamics analysis. Com-
mercial application of the datasets should be for-
Q2 Answer: The necessary data for processing will
be generated from Mattermost. It will con-
sist of user data such as User-Channel, User-
Organisation, User-Building information. Be-
sides the user information, channel information
(creation date, number of messages, etc.) will be
included in the dataset. The selected Mattermost
data entities are Channel Information, Chan-
nel Member, Channel Member History, Post,
Threads, Teams, Team Members, and User.
Q3 The data will be distributed to the public. The
aim demographics are machine learning and rec-
ommendation systems researchers.
Q4 Answer:The data will be stored indefinitely on a
Open Data Repository but the data governance
will be taken care of by CERN
Q5 Answer: No details needed
Interview participants expressed that this step was un-
derstandable and provided a solid start to the process
of open-sourcing data. The defined questions are clear
and objective while allowing space for generalization.
The participants also stated that some points made,
seem more related and focused on why the organiza-
tion is gathering data than on open-sourcing the data.
4.2 Data Classification
The selected entities for publishing are Channel In-
formation, Channel Member, Channel Member His-
tory, Post, Threads, Teams, Team Members, and
User. Data attributes of these entities were classified
by data sensitivity level. Attributes such as Chan-
nel or Team Ids are classified as ID attributes, Dis-
playNames or Names attributes are classified as SA,
while attributes such as TotalMsgCounts, and Men-
tionCounts are classified as IA. Besides this classifi-
cation, the data attributes will be defined by the stan-
dard W3C metadata convention. Jakovljevic et al.
(2022) describes documents with the result of data at-
tribute classification. It was also decided to store the
data in JSON format since it adheres to the policies of
the organization. Even though the participants stated
that this step provides understandable and clear intro-
ductions on how to classify and identify private/public
information, concerns were identified. Concerns like
specification on what seems to be possible subjective-
ness. Private and sensitive seems very tied with com-
mon sense that might vary between organizations and
people that might try to apply this framework.
4.3 Risk Assessment
Based on 3.3 and examples given, the four risk dimen-
sions have been analysed and described.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Strategic Dimension - Possible damage to the organ-
isations reputation in case that sensitive information
is leaked or user behavioral patterns are linked to in-
dividuals. Poor data documentation might also lead to
extraction of organizational processes that should not
be shared with the public.
Economic Dimension - In the case that identifiable
information is released the organisation is financially
liable for breaking privacy rules imposed by Swiss
and EU regulations. In the case, that identifiable in-
formation about individuals is released, the organiza-
tion might need to pay out compensation to the indi-
viduals. Depending on the licence unforeseen costs
might arise
Legal Dimension - Since one of the initial constrains
is that the published data cannot be used for commer-
cial purposes, it is necessary to determine a adequate
licence for the data. Because the data contains sen-
sitive information it is necessary to publish the data
according to organizational and governmental legis-
lation, otherwise legal repercussions might incur.
Technical Dimension - To publish the data to the cor-
rect data repository it is necessary to coordinate tech-
nical collaboration with multiple organizational units
and share data data between them in a secure way.
Risk Estimate - Based on the risks mentioned in the
previous section and the matrix displayed in figure 1
the risk dimensions have been assigned a value for
severity and probability. The average risk of disclo-
sure of data is High.
According to the participants, this step contains
understandable descriptions of all relevant dimen-
sions required for risk assessment, with sufficient de-
scriptions to understand the goal. It was also stated
that this step was the least understandable, but also
the most complex. There are whole departments ded-
icated to risk assessment. It was also stated that com-
panies/organizations find grey areas with risk assess-
ments and without strict and careful guidelines this
can lead to data abuse.
4.4 Data Transformation and
Taking into consideration the values in table 4 and the
results from the previous two steps, different meth-
ods for anonymization have been used. For sensi-
tive information such as user first names, user last
names, and post message text, the removal of at-
tributes method has been used since these attributes
are at the same time sensitive and have a severe risk
level. For channel display name, team name, user
building name, user organizational unit name, and all
sensitive ID values cryptographic methods have been
used. Elements that did not contain sensitive informa-
tion and that were not dates were left as is. To elim-
inate the possibility to detect smaller clusters of indi-
viduals and reidentify users, channels, organizational
units, or buildings k-anonymity was used to ensure
that these clusters are removed from the dataset.The
participants identified that the risk matrix and method
selection matrix provides a simple but effective way
to determine which data and how to anonymize. They
also recognized that other methods could be also used
for anonymization and that specific cases could not
be covered with the use of the previously mentioned
4.5 Evaluation
After the application of anonymization methods, the
dataset was evaluated to determine if there was an im-
pact on the quality of the data and consistency com-
pared to the original dataset. Besides these evalua-
tions, it was also determined that the applied methods
mitigate risks without eroding the purpose of releas-
ing the dataset. Even though the participants rated this
step as crucial and highly beneficial, it was suggested,
to avoid any sort of bias, that some evaluation param-
eters should be defined during the first step. The eval-
uation parameters should be clearly defined and pre-
sented as a checklist or a set of specific questions to
4.6 Publishing
Following the guidelines from 3.6 a data description
document was created with general information about
the dataset, together with metadata information about
the data and data attributes. Due to the restrictions
from the initial step, it was necessary to select an open
license that prohibits the usage of the dataset for com-
mercial purposes. It was decided to select the CC
BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDeriva-
tives) Licence. As the ODR, it was decided to store
all the data on Zenodo, since it is an integral part of
CERN infrastructure and it enables easy data gov-
ernance (Jakovljevic et al., 2022). The participants
stated that this step contains very clear points on how
to publish the data, from elements (description, title,
etc.) to references of a vocabulary. They also stated
that having a source to consult makes it easier to fol-
low the whole process of open-sourcing data.
Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability
In conclusion, this research investigates various
guidelines for compiling data into open-source data
with a focus on organizational data, data transfor-
mation, and anonymization methods. Relevant tasks
have been identified, adapted, and synthesized into a
framework to transform organizational data into open
and sharable data. To evaluate the newly created
framework, it was applied and evaluated on CERN
data. The value of the data before and after the ap-
plication of the framework has been discussed. Even
though creating a framework that encompasses all
necessary steps needed to convert sensitive organiza-
tional information into open data is a hard task, this
framework takes advantage of a diverse set of na-
tional and organizational frameworks. It provides a
generic framework that can be adapted for organiza-
tional use cases easily and provides the initial solu-
tion for the generalization of the process for compil-
ing data to open data. Based on the evaluation of the
framework, more detailed descriptions of individual
steps, improved methods for anonymization can be a
way to improve the initial framework in the future.
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Compiling Open Datasets in Context of Large Organizations while Protecting User Privacy and Guaranteeing Plausible Deniability