Development of a Text Classification Framework using
Transformer-based Embeddings
Sumona Yeasmin, Nazia Afrin, Kashfia Saif and Mohammad Rezwanul Huq
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Classification, Transformer-based Embedding, Contextual
Traditional text document classification methods represent documents with non-contextualized word embed-
dings and vector space models. Recent techniques for text classification often rely on word embeddings as
a transfer learning component. The existing text document classification methodologies have been explored
first and then we evaluated their strengths and limitations. We have started with models based on Bag-of-
Words and shifted towards transformer-based architectures. It is concluded that transformer-based embedding
is necessary to capture the contextual meaning. BERT, one of the transformer-based embedding architec-
tures, produces robust word embeddings, analyzing from left to right and right to left and capturing the proper
context. This research introduces a novel text classification framework based on BERT embeddings of text
documents. Several classification algorithms have been applied to the word embeddings of the pre-trained
state-of-art BERT model. Experiments show that the random forest classifier obtains the highest accuracy
than the decision tree and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithms. Furthermore, the obtained results have been
compared with existing work and show up to 50% improvement in accuracy. In the future, this work can be
extended by building a hybrid recommender system, combining content-based documents with similar fea-
tures and user-centric interests. This study shows promising results and validates the proposed methodology
viable for text classification.
Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability
of a computer program to understand human lan-
guage. NLP consists of two significant steps, namely
data preprocessing and implementation of algorithms.
Preprocessing is mainly done to understand the syn-
tax, i.e., arrangements of words in a sentence to make
grammatical sense, and the semantics, i.e., the use of
and meaning behind words, of a sentence. Text docu-
ment classification has become one of the key tasks in
the field of NLP since it is very challenging to tag ap-
propriate documents out of a massive corpus. Further-
more, text document classification has a wide range of
applications, such as document organization, content
identification, information retrieval, and similar doc-
ument searching (Li et al., 2020).
Typically, descriptors or context are extracted
from the document first. Then based on that same
context, records are kept together, making it more
convenient and easier to retrieve documents. It is not
feasible to classify text documents using a traditional
classification algorithm which requires the input to be
a fixed-length feature vector. It is important to find a
better way of representing large text documents. As
classification algorithms can only work with numeric
values, a challenge arises to represent a vast amount
of text in numerical form, capturing both syntax and
semantics of the document. There are several repre-
sentations for vectorizing large textual datasets, such
as Word2vec, and TF-IDF which can convert text doc-
uments into high dimensional vectors. Despite their
popularity in vectorizing large text, these models have
drawbacks as they cannot capture the sequence or se-
mantic meaning.
The proposed text classification framework will
follow the followings steps:
Data preparation and preprocessing of a corpus of
the text documents.
Generation of embeddings large text documents
using the BERT Model.
Execution of classification algorithms over the
document embeddings, i.e., vectorized forms of
Yeasmin, S., Afrin, N., Saif, K. and Huq, M.
Development of a Text Classification Framework using Transformer-based Embeddings.
DOI: 10.5220/0011268000003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022) , pages 74-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A taxonomy of existing methods on word embeddings.
We introduce a transformer-based text classifica-
tion framework by embedding the state-of-art BERT
(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers) model, which has mitigated the drawbacks
mentioned above. The powerful multi-head mech-
anism of BERT is used to vectorize text documents
with contextual sentence embeddings. After the vec-
torization process, the text documents are classi-
fied with machine learning algorithms such as Deci-
sion Tree, Random Forest, and K-Nearest Neighbor
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the background knowledge and existing work,
followed by the proposed methodology in Section 3.
Section 4 describes the datasets used for the valida-
tion, and Section 5 presents the results of our experi-
ments. Eventually, we discuss the possible extensions
of this work in the future and summarize the contri-
butions of this study in Section 6.
This section presents the background and related
work relevant to text classification, including embed-
dings of words. Figure 1 visualizes a taxonomy of
existing methods on word embeddings. Text em-
bedding techniques have been broadly classified into
three types, which are discussed below.
First, sparse vector representations, e.g. Bag-of-
Words model, have been studied. Three types of vec-
torizers fall under this category. One-Hot encoding
scheme considers the whole corpus of documents and
vectorizes each document based on the existence of
words, i.e., either true or false.
Count Vectorizer takes the count value of each oc-
curring word in a document and transforms the docu-
ment into a vector based on each word’s frequency in
the entire text. Count Vectorizer converts a collection
of text documents to a vector of term/token counts.
TF-IDF (Qaiser and Ali, 2018) is a vector rep-
resentation scheme calculating the importance or the
relevance of a word document within a collection of
documents. TF-IDF stands for Term Frequency In-
verse Document Frequency. Despite being very pop-
ular vectorization techniques, both count vectorizer
and TF-IDF cannot identify the relationships between
words regarding linguistic similarity and word impor-
tance for analysis.
Another way to vectorize text documents is dense
vector representation methods. Word2vec is one of
the dense vector representation methods for produc-
ing word embeddings from a larger text corpus sta-
tistically. Another well-known text vectorizer is the
gloVe vectorizer. The gloVe is an unsupervised algo-
rithm for vector representations for words in which
the training performs on aggregated global word-
word co-occurrence statistics from a corpus. Word
embeddings obtained from dense vector representa-
tions group semantically similar words together; how-
ever, they cannot capture the contextual meaning of
the whole paragraph.
Since the previously presented approaches have
significant limitations of not capturing the contextual
meaning of the text document, the transformer-based
Development of a Text Classification Framework using Transformer-based Embeddings
Figure 2: Flow Diagram of the Proposed Framework.
vector representations, which are state-of-the-art text
embedding techniques, have been explored and stud-
ied in-depth. Transformers have robust word embed-
ding schemes that capture both semantic and contex-
tual meanings of a word. Transformers’ idea is to
completely handle the dependencies between the in-
put and output with attention and recurrence. Atten-
tion mechanisms have become an integral part of cap-
tivating sequence modeling and transduction models
in various tasks, allowing the modeling of dependen-
cies without regard to their distance in the input or
output sequence (Bahdanau et al., 2014), (Kim et al.,
2017). ELMo, which stands for Embeddings from
Language Model, is a bi-LSTM language model (Pe-
ters et al., 2018). It captures the deeply contextualized
word embeddings created from the Language Models
(Devlin et al., 2019). OpenAI GPT is a generative pre-
trained language model trained on a diverse corpus of
unlabeled text (Radford et al., 2018). Furthermore,
the model is fine-tuned for each specific task.
Finally, the state-of-art BERT model is designed
to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from an
unlabeled text by jointly conditioning the left, right
and proper context in all layers (Devlin et al., 2019).
BERT possesses two significant steps to complete
its task such as pre-training and fine-tuning. BERT
has a few variations and extensions. One of them is
RoBERTa which includes a careful evaluation of the
effects of hyper-parameter tuning and training set size
(Liu et al., 2019). DistilBERT is a small, fast, cheap,
and light transformer model based on the BERT ar-
chitecture (Sanh et al., 2020).
There exist several studies facilitating
transformer-based embeddings for text docu-
ments. A clustering module of large text documents
based on BERT’s fine-tuning has been developed (Li
et al., 2020). The authors used a weighted scheme
and tested their algorithms on the Reuters Dataset
(Lewis, 1997).
X-BERT, an extreme Multi-label Text Classifica-
tion using the BERT model, has been introduced in
(Chang et al., 2019). According to this paper, the
proposed model, X-BERT, leverages both the label
and input text to build label representations, which
induces semantic label clusters to better model label
DocBERT, a fine-tuned BERT model for Doc-
ument classification based on the distilled BERT
model, is reported in (Adhikari et al., 2019). In an-
other work, the authors developed a clustering method
of large documents based on an improved K-means
algorithm with a density peak (Hu et al., 2021). Au-
thors have used the embeddings of the BERT model
for the clustering tasks. Haoxiang Sh et al. proposed
document clustering based on BERT with data aug-
mentation (Shi and Wang, 2020). The authors in-
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
troduced self-supervised contrastive learning (SCL)
and few-shot contrastive learning (FCL). These learn-
ing techniques with unsupervised data augmentation
(UDA) are used for text clustering. The authors have
also introduced data augmentation methods, back
translation, and random masking. Another work by
Daniela Godoy et al. proposed an intelligent agent
called a personal searcher, which collects documents
from the world wide web and filters out the results
based on the high probability relevant to the target
user (Godoy and Amandi, 2000).
Our in-depth, comprehensive analysis of these
works discovered some limitations of these ap-
proaches. The study (Li et al., 2020) has not included
any sentence-level feature in the weighted plan to im-
prove its overall performance. The work reported in
(Chang et al., 2019) introduced SCL(Self-supervised
Constructive Learning). SCL shows a problem of
negative sampling, which limits the performance of
their algorithm. In another work (Adhikari et al.,
2019), the authors did not provide distillation effects
over a range of neural network architectures. Also,
the authors did not explore the model compression
techniques in the context of transformer models. Our
proposed framework addresses the limitations men-
tioned earlier and bridges the research gaps to provide
a robust text document classification framework.
This section explains the methodology of our pro-
posed text classification framework. Figure 2 depicts
the overall flow diagram of the framework. The pro-
posed framework consists of four central components:
embedding module, classification module, similarity
index module, and suggested domain module. Col-
ored arrows denote different workflows of these com-
ponents (see Figure 2).
First, documents are collected and scraped from
the internet and are preprocessed, if required. After-
ward, we provide the preprocessed data to the BERT
model as input for producing word embeddings. The
pre-trained BERT model is the core of the embed-
ding module. The pre-trained language representa-
tion model BERT will generate contextualized sen-
tence embeddings. Generally, this module maps each
variable-length sentence in text documents to a 768-
dimensional fixed-length sentence embedding.
BERT models’ embeddings are then used to per-
form classification tasks. The embeddings from
BERT are provided to the classification algorithms
such as Decision tree, Random Forest, and KNN(k-
Nearest Neighbor). The classification module com-
prising these algorithms is executed, and finally, The
documents are classified based on their topic and con-
text and stored within the cloud-based repository fa-
cilitated by the framework. The blue-colored path
represents this whole workflow in Figure 2.
The following workflow of the proposed frame-
work is to find contextually similar documents. Rep-
resented by green-colored paths, the target document
is considered and passed through the embedding mod-
ule. Then the similarity index module is used to re-
trieve similar documents from the repository. A pre-
dicted domain is also tagged based on the classifica-
tion module. The similarity index module retrieves
the most similar documents. We have used the co-
sine similarity measures, and the proposed framework
retrieves the five most similar documents. The defi-
nition of cosine-based similarity is mentioned below,
in which A and B are vectors representing two docu-
Cosine Similarity(A, B) =
A · B
In this paper, we mainly focus on the classification
tasks and discuss the performance of the classifiers in
the coming sections.
This section presents the two datasets we have used
in this paper for the experiments. First, the Reuters
dataset as a benchmark dataset (Lewis, 1997), and
second, the dataset we collected from the Daily
Star news portal
, a leading English newspaper in
Table 1: Reuters Dataset Description - Training Size vs. Ex-
ecution Time (used for comparison with (Li et al., 2020)).
of Topics
Time (in
DS4 v2 200 4 372.45
DS5 v2 500 5 784.57
DS8 v2 1000 8 4391.68
DS15 v2 5000 15 8786.54
4.1 Reuters Dataset
The Reuters dataset from Reuters-21578, Distribu-
tion 1.0 in Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) (Lewis,
1997), was considered for testing the classification
module. The Reuters-21578 dataset is one of the most
Development of a Text Classification Framework using Transformer-based Embeddings
widely used data collections for text categorization re-
search. Documents existing in the Reuters-21578 are
from the Reuters newswire in 1987. We have taken
this dataset as a benchmark for the experiments, anal-
ysis, and later framework validation. From Reuters-
21578 datasets, the documents tagged with only one
topic are considered in our experiments.
As described in Table 1, the whole dataset is
partitioned into four different datasets. The dataset
DS4 v2, DS5 v2, DS8 v2, DS15 v2 consist of 200,
500, 1000, 5000 documents respectively, with 4, 5, 8,
15 most frequent topics. The dataset size and number
of topics are chosen based on the general principle
of dataset preparation as described in work (Li et al.,
2020). Later, the obtained experimental results of the
classification module of the proposed framework are
compared with the experimental results reported in
(Li et al., 2020). The classifier’s performance anal-
ysis is described in Section 5.2.
Table 2: Reuter Dataset Description (for evaluating perfor-
mance of classifiers).
Dataset Name Dataset Size Number of
DS1 200 5
DS2 500 5
DS3 1000 5
DS4 5000 5
Table 2 presents the Reuters dataset used in this
study for evaluating the performance of different clas-
sification algorithms. As mentioned earlier, docu-
ments labeled with only one topic are considered
while building these four different datasets. Further-
more, the topics with a document frequency count of
more than 250 are included in these datasets. This
threshold value is assumed to be an experimental
value suitable for a balanced dataset. The ve most
frequent topics are chosen to build these datasets, as
shown in Table 2.
Figure 3 shows the execution time of the BERT
model’s vector embedding generation for different
dataset sizes of the Reuters dataset. This study has
worked with four Reuters datasets (DS4
v2, DS5 v2,
DS8 v2, DS15 v2). It has been observed that, with
the increasing size of the dataset, the time taken by
the BERT model increases at a higher rate. When the
dataset size rises from 500 to 1000 samples, we see
a sharp increase in the execution time of the BERT
model. Interestingly, the execution time increases
at a much lower ratio for larger datasets indicating
that the pre-training of BERT takes less time with the
larger dataset. This analysis implies that the execu-
tion time increment is logarithmic against the size of
Figure 3: Reuters dataset size vs. execution time.
the dataset.
4.2 Daily Star Dataset
Table 3: Daily Star Dataset Description.
Dataset Name Dataset Size Number of
DS415 415 7
DS212 212 7
As mentioned earlier in Section 4, the proposed
framework’s classifiers performance has also been
evaluated using the Daily Star dataset (Yeasmin et al.,
2022). The Daily Star portal is an online news por-
tal containing hundreds of news articles on various
domains. We have collected the datasets via web
scraping. The news content under different domains
were fetched using Python’s Beautiful-Soup library
Only the text part of each news article was considered.
Next, the contents were merged with respective do-
main names to make it a complete and labeled dataset.
The collected and preprocessed dataset has been di-
vided into two sets, namely, DS415, DS212 contain-
ing 415 and 212 documents and associated domain
names, respectively, for the experimental purpose of
this paper. The documents pertaining to Business, En-
tertainment, Sports, Live living, Tech news, Youth,
and Environment, a total of seven domains/topics
from the Daily Star news portal, have been consid-
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
4.3 Dataset Preprocessing
Large text files can contain garbage values and char-
acters that should be eliminated before producing
word-level embeddings. Therefore, preparing and
preprocessing the uncategorized raw text before pro-
viding them to the BERT model is a key task for a ro-
bust classification result. The following data prepro-
cessing steps were performed over the datasets used
for the experiments.
1. Stop words removal: Stop words are the most fre-
quent word, and they can reduce the integrity of
the context of a document. Therefore, Python’s
NLTK library functions are used to discard the
stop word for strong contextual corpus genera-
tion. The entire document is divided into words
and then if the word exists in the list of stop words
provided by NLTK, it is removed.
2. Removing special, unexpected symbols: Uncat-
egorized data can come with all kinds of sym-
bols that are not expected during model training.
Python’s Regex function is used to remove special
symbols and characters from the dataset.
3. Tokenizing the words: Tokenization is an impor-
tant step before feeding the word embedding to
the BERT model. Word tokenization is the pro-
cess of splitting a large text into words. Tok-
enizing the words is needed because each word
needs to be captured and subject to further anal-
ysis like classifying the document and counting
them for a particular sentiment. The BERT pre-
trained model’s tokenizer was used for this pur-
4. Padding the token vectors: Padding is a special
form of masking where the masked token are at
the start or the end of a sequence. Padding makes
all sequences in a batch fit a given standard length.
The BERT model’s padding schemes are used to
pad the corpus.
5. Masking the tokens: Masking is a way to tell
sequence-processing layers that some inputs are
missing; this helps to train the model better. We
have applied masking with the BERT model.
6. Embedding with the BERT model: The final step
before applying the classification algorithms is to
get the BERT’s contextual word embeddings. The
numeric representation of documents with appro-
priate padding and masking are provided to the
BERT model to produce powerful contextual em-
beddings of documents.
Table 4: Accuracy (in percentage) of different classification
algorithms on Reuters dataset.
DS1 200 76.5 88.0 81.5
DS2 500 75.8 87.0 85.6
DS3 1000 67.7 88.0 88.5
DS4 5000 72.8 90.0 89.8
The experimental results of classification algorithms
were obtained and analyzed based on two datasets,
namely the Reuters Dataset and the Daily Star dataset
in this paper. Classification algorithms such as De-
cision Tree, Random Forest, and KNN (k-nearest
neighbors) were applied over these datasets. Further-
more, the results of the experiments have been vali-
dated by a linguistic expert showing the viability of
the proposed framework.
The experimental results demonstrate that the ran-
dom forest algorithm outperforms all other algorithms
for the classification task and achieves around 90%
accuracy for Reuters dataset and 75% accuracy for the
Daily Star dataset. Furthermore, the classifiers per-
formance of the proposed framework provides better
accuracy than the work reported in (Li et al., 2020)
demonstrating the robust and solid performance of the
proposed framework. This section presents all the de-
tails in this regard.
5.1 Performance of Classifiers on
Reuters Dataset
Figure 4: Accuracy distribution (max, min and avg.) of
different classifiers on Reuters dataset.
This section presents the result analysis for the
Reuters dataset with the proposed method. Several
classification algorithms are applied to analyze the
performance of the classifiers and the influence of the
dataset size in the classification task.
It has been observed that the accuracy of the clas-
Development of a Text Classification Framework using Transformer-based Embeddings
Table 5: Performance comparison in terms of accuracy with the target research (Li et al., 2020).
Dataset Name Dataset Size Topic number Decision Tree Random Forest KNN Target Accuracy
DS1 200 4 76.0 91.5 91.0 75.0
DS2 500 5 74.4 86.4 85.2 63.0
DS3 1000 8 66.2 82.6 81.5 53.7
DS4 5000 15 59.8 84.7 85.0 67.9
Figure 5: Average accuracy of different classifiers vs. dif-
ferent Reuters dataset.
Figure 6: Performance comparison of research work’s ac-
curacy with the targeted research work on Reuters dataset.
sifiers increased when the dataset size also increased.
The cross-validation method is used as a validation
technique. Stratified 10-fold cross validation is used
for the result analysis. The cross-validation helped us
to achieve optimal results for classification algorithms
used in this research. The overall classifier algorithm
performance is shown in table 4. Random forest clas-
sifier outperforms all other classifiers in all cases. Fig-
ure 4 shows the maximum, minimum and average ac-
curacy obtained for different classifiers over different
partitions of Reuters dataset, used in this paper. It can
be seen from Figure 4 that the random forest classifier
provides the optimal performance in all cases. Fig-
ure 5 presents comparative visualization of the per-
formance of the classifier algorithms in terms of aver-
age accuracy obtained from 10-fold cross-validation
on the Reuters Dataset. The random forest classifier,
yet again, outperforms all other algorithms.
5.2 Comparative Performance
Evaluation on Reuters Dataset
In this section, the performance and classification ac-
curacy of the proposed framework is compared with
the weighted BERT model reported in (Li et al.,
2020). The dataset mentioned in Table 1 is used
for this comparative study. The proposed method
achieves higher classification accuracy than the target
research in (Li et al., 2020). The comparative analy-
sis is presented in table 5. The proposed framework is
simple yet effective. The classification module, pro-
posed in this research, outperforms the accuracy re-
ported in (Li et al., 2020).
Figure 6 provides a visual representation of the
comparative analysis with the target study mentioned
in (Li et al., 2020). As mentioned earlier in Section
4.1, the partitioning of the dataset was kept identical
to the target research, reported in (Li et al., 2020),
for a fair comparison and validation of the results.
The classification module of the proposed framework
achieves the best accuracy by applying the random
forest classifier on all datasets. The accuracy of the
random forest classifier of the proposed method is at
least 22% higher than the accuracy reported in the tar-
get research. In the best case, the random forest clas-
sifier shows more than 50% accuracy than the work in
(Li et al., 2020).
Figure 7: Different Classifier analysis on Daily star dataset.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 6: Unseen test data analysis of Daily Star dataset.
Predicted Class Label
Sample No. System Generated
Class Label
Domain Expert Iden-
tified Class Label
Decision Tree Random Forest KNN
1 environment business tech news business environment
2 environment environment environment business environment
3 sports sports sports sports sports
4 sports sports tech news sports sports
5 business business entertainment business business
6 business tech news tech news business environment
7 entertainment entertainment environment business sports
8 entertainment entertainment entertainment entertainment entertainment
9 tech news tech news tech news tech news tech news
10 tech news business tech news business business
11 life living life living entertainment life living life living
12 life living life living environment tech news tech news
13 youth tech news tech news entertainment youth
14 youth youth entertainment life living youth
Table 7: Accuracy (in percentage) of different classification
algorithms on Daily Star Dataset.
DS415 36.61 75.92 62.86
DS212 31.17 66.47 60.47
Table 8: Comparative analysis of classifiers based on Sys-
tem Generated and Domain Expert tagging.
Predicted Accuracy (%)
System Gener-
ated Class Label
35.7 50.0 64.2
Domain Expert
Identified Class
42.8 57.1 64.2
5.3 Performance of Classifiers on Daily
Star Dataset
This section presents the performance of the classifi-
cation algorithms applied over the Daily Star dataset
used in this paper. Two datasets, namely, DS415 and
DS212, are used for this experiment. Stratified 10-
fold cross-validation method is applied while obtain-
ing the accuracy. The random forest classifier per-
forms the best in both datasets, as described in table
Figure 7 shows the visual representation of the
classifiers performance over the Daily star dataset.
Decision tree did not provide a good result while the
random forest classifier achieved 75.9% accuracy in
DS415 dataset which is the best among all classifiers.
Table 6 presents the class label prediction of the
classifiers of the proposed framework over 14 unseen
Daily Star news portal article which are considered as
the test dataset. These articles have also been manu-
ally classified by a linguistic expert for a better under-
standing of the performance of the classifiers.
Table 8 shows the accuracy of the classifiers based
on the unseen test dataset as mentioned earlier. The
accuracy is measured in both ways - by using the sys-
tem generated class labels and domain expert identi-
fied class labels. In both cases, KNN provides better
accuracy than the decision tree and the random for-
est classifier. Interestingly, the performance of classi-
fiers are better or at least equal when compared to the
domain expert identified class labels than the system
generated class labels. It shows that the classifiers of
the proposed framework is better aligned with the do-
main expert’s understanding implying the suitability
of the framework for real, unseen test dataset. The
authors of this paper will incorporate more unseen
test data samples and apply the classification module
over those samples, with the expectation of achieving
a better and conclusive results.
This paper introduces a novel text classification
framework through transformed-based embeddings.
The study of embedding schemes of different mod-
els concluded that the transformer-based architectures
are better suited for generating contextual word em-
This research has applied the classification al-
Development of a Text Classification Framework using Transformer-based Embeddings
gorithms to a benchmark Reuters dataset and web-
scrapped Daily Star dataset. The experiments with
the random forest classifier and KNN show promising
results. The random forest classifier achieves around
90% accuracy over the Reuters dataset and 75% accu-
racy over the Daily Star dataset. The performance of
the classifiers has been compared with existing work
and it shows up to 50% improvement in accuracy.
The extended version of the framework will in-
clude a hybrid recommender system integrating user-
centric preferences. The hybrid recommender system
facilitates both content-based and collaborative filter-
ing. Moreover, multiple repositories of text docu-
ments can be added to the framework for smooth user
experience of information browsing. The framework
will eventually allow users to browse and submit doc-
uments for finding contextually similar records. The
framework will will be more robust as the time passes
by through a monitoring scheme, keeping the updated
user profiles based on the search history. The au-
thors of this paper have already been working towards
building such an extended system.
In sum, the proposed text classification framework
shows great results for classification tasks and envi-
sions an all-around platform for text processing jobs
including classification, clustering and document rec-
ommendation. The framework brings state-of-art al-
gorithms, tools and techniques under the same um-
brella to provide a unique user experience in text cat-
We want to thank S. M. Keramat Ali, Assistant Engi-
neer at the Department of Transportation in Califor-
nia, USA, completed MA in Language & Linguistics
from the University of Dhaka, for supporting us to
validate the classification results on Daily star dataset.
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications