Table 1: Comparative runtime evaluation (milliseconds) between methods using reinforcement learning, L-Systems, both
sequential and parallel with 8 worker threads.
Number of tiles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sequential RL 2.03 4.43 7.88 10.4 12.81 15.79 18.21 21.41 23.42
Parallel RL 2.14 3.61 6.33 8.21 9.89 11.83 12.98 13.99 14.61
Sequential LS 1.76 3.98 7.72 10.29 10.63 13.73 18.02 20.33 22.48
Parallel LS 1.99 2.92 5.12 7.71 8.60 11.59 12.33 13.29 14.46
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies