(a) FLU
(b) FLU
Figure 3: The daily infected cases of FLU
and FLU
year 2000, 2010 and 2020.
Take SimTW as an example, the mock population has
a great impact to the simulation result, but it can only
be updated every ten years from a costly Census sur-
vey. PopuSet performs some kinds of “update” every
year to C_HSD
We note that PopuSet can use some further im-
provements, especially when SimTW is simulating
diseases with R
≈ 1. The picking order of smaller
or larger households, the revamping strategy of prob-
ability are some of the parts that can be improved and
reasonable conjecture or heuristic may help. More re-
lated data and insightful information from data also an
important way to improve. We currently do not have
updates of information on worker and student flows
in aggregated forms. Without those data, the chang-
ing in social network cannot be updated. Our current
approach is to extrapolate linearly which may not be
a good practice when the societal structure, such as
rapid aging, and social interaction, such as the aver-
age household size, are changing in a very fast pace.
We thank Center for Survey Research (SRDA),
RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan for providing data
of Taiwan Census 2000 and 2010. This study was
supported in part by MOST, Taiwan Grants 107-2221-
E-001-017-MY2, 108-2221-E-001-011-MY3, 109-
2327-B-010-005 and 110-2222-E-033-005, and by
Research Center for Epidemic Prevention - National
Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (RCEP-NYCU).
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SIMULTECH 2022 - 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications