RRConvNet: Recursive-residual Network for Real-life Character Image
Tadele Mengiste
, Birhanu Hailu Belay
, Bezawork Tilahun
, Tsiyon Worku
and Tesfa Tegegne
Faculty of Computing, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
ICT4D Research Center, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Ethiopic Character Image, OCR, Pattern Recognition, Recursive-CNN, Skip-connection.
Variations in fonts, styles, and ways to write a character have been the major bottlenecks in OCR research.
Such problems are swiftly tackled through advancements in deep neural networks (DNNs). However, the
number of network parameters and feature reusability are still the issues when applying Deep Convolutional
Neural networks(DCNNs) for character image recognition. To address these challenges, in this paper, we
propose an extensible and recursive-residual ConvNet architecture (RRConvNet) for real-life character image
recognition. Unlike the standard DCCNs, RRConvNet incorporates two extensions: recursive-supervision
and skip-connection. To enhance the recognition performance and reduce the number of parameters for extra
convolutions, layers of up to three recursions are proposed. Feature maps are used after each recursion for
reconstructing the target character. For all recursions of the reconstruction method, the reconstruction layers
are the same. The second enhancement is to use a short skip-connection from the input to the reconstruction
output layer to reuse the character features maps that are already learned from the prior layer. This skip-
connection could be also used as an alternative path for gradients where the gradient is too small. With an
overall character recognition accuracy of 98.2 percent, the proposed method achieves a state-of-the-art result
on both publicly available and private test datasets.
Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly important to
have documents in a digital format for easily access-
ing information, efficient data storage, and retrieval.
For example, if a manuscript was published 100 years
ago, it is quite impossible to have text for this an-
cient manuscript in an editable document such as a
word or text file. So, the only choice that remains
is to type the entire text which is a very exhaustive
process if the text is large. The solution to this prob-
lem is optical character recognition. The use and ap-
plications of Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
systems have been developed and widely applied for
the digitization of many documents written in various
scripts (Elleuch et al., 2016).
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the pro-
cess of extracting text from an image handwritten
or machine-printed documents. A single page of
the sample Ethiopic script is illustrated in Figure 1.
OCR has been and is widely used for many scripts
as a method of digitizing printed texts which can
be electronically edited, searched, stored more com-
pactly, displayed online, and also used to facilitate the
human-to-machine and machine-to-machine commu-
nication such as machine translation, text-to-speech,
key data, and text mining (Belay et al., 2019b).
Figure 1: Sample Ethiopic script image.
Optical character recognition is a strenuous field
of research that requires great effort and researchers
have been exploring different strategies for about the
Mengiste, T., Belay, B., Tilahun, B., Worku, T. and Tegegne, T.
RRConvNet: Recursive-residual Network for Real-life Character Image Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0011270400003277
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2022), pages 110-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-584-5; ISSN: 2184-9277
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
past half a century. Recently, deep neural networks
have drawn the observance of many researchers due
to their competency in figuring out computer vision
problems such as object detection, classification, and
recognition undoubtedly well (Bai et al., 2014). CNN
is one of the most prominent types of deep neural net-
works, it can learn and extract features from images.
The CNN classifier can effectively recognize charac-
ters located in the image.
As Kim (Kim et al., 2016) presented in detail, us-
ing the standard deep CNN architecture (Bora et al.,
2020), for character recognition substantially boosts
the number of parameters and needs more data to pre-
vent over-fitting. Important hyper-parameters such as
the degree of parameter sharing, number of layers,
units per layer, and the overall number of parame-
ters must be selected manually through trial-and-error
(Eigen et al., 2013). In very deep neural networks,
the gradient becomes too small when we approach
the earlier layers. Thus, we will not update the ear-
lier layers since the gradient becomes zero (Tan and
Lim, 2019; Dai and Heckel, 2019). In such standard
network architectures, there is also low-level informa-
tion shared between the input and output layers (He
et al., 2016).
To address this, we have introduced a Recursive-
residual Convent (RRConvNet) for real-life Ethiopic
character image recognition. Sample Ethiopic script
is shown in Figure 1. This method consists of two ap-
proaches that are used to ease the difficulty of train-
ing. First, all recursions are supervised. Feature maps
after each recursion are used to reconstruct the tar-
get character. The reconstruction method (layers ded-
icated to reconstruction) is the same for all recursions.
As each recursion leads to a different character pre-
diction, all predictions resulting from different levels
of recursions that deliver a more accurate final pre-
diction are combined. A recursive neural network is
a kind of deep neural network created after applying
the same set of weights recursively to the structured
inputs. Finally, a structured prediction over variable-
size input structures or a scalar prediction on it is pro-
duced by traversing a given structure in topological
The second extension is to use a skip-connection
from the input to the reconstruction layer. In the ex-
periment, the input to the layers for output reconstruc-
tion have explicitly connected. This is especially ef-
fectual when input and output are tremendously cor-
related. It utilizes a very large context compared to
previous character recognition methods with only a
single recursive layer (Kim et al., 2016) and few pa-
rameters since adding another layer increase the num-
ber of parameters (Eigen et al., 2013). The skip-
de-skewing, gray-scale
conversion, binarization
Feature Extraction Classifier
dictionary correction,
grammar rule
Raw Images
Document Text
Model base
Figure 2: Overview of the generic OCR process: (Meshesha
and Jawahar, 2007). The process of using an OCR system,
in general, can be broken down into four key steps: The
first phase is image prepossessing, which involves a wide
range of imaging functions such as image rotation, binariza-
tion, and de-skewing to improve image quality. The second
document analysis process defines the text recognition ar-
eas and provides data on the layout and formatting aspects
of each page, as well as the document’s overall structure. At
the recognition stage, the actual texts are predicted. In the
post-processing stage, the OCR errors are repaired and the
model is updated.
connection has two advantages. First, the network
capacity to store the input signal during recursions
is saved. Second, the exact copy of the input sig-
nal can be used during target prediction (Kim et al.,
2016). The proposed method demonstrates state-of-
the-art performance in common benchmarks.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Re-
lated works are reviewed in section 2. In section 3, the
proposed system architecture and detail of datasets
are presented. Section 4 presents experimental results
and finally, conclusions are presented in section 5.
Pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction, and
classification are the generic processes that charac-
ter recognition entails. While each stage affects
recognition accuracy, the feature extraction technique
(Gondere et al., 2019) plays the most important in-
fluence. Layout analysis and text line extraction are
the first steps in analyzing a document image. For
each line, the text is divided into distinct character
pictures. Finally, the classifier receives these charac-
ter pictures and generates class labels. An overview of
the OCR entire process is illustrated in 2. This generic
OCR process is proposed by (Meshesha and Jawahar,
2007). Following such generic OCR process performs
better for well-printed or well-written manuscripts.
For a long time, the document analysis community
has been focused on automating reliable document
RRConvNet: Recursive-residual Network for Real-life Character Image Recognition
image recognition and information extraction meth-
ods (Younas et al., 2017). In contrast to Latin and
Asian scripts, OCR research for low-resource scripts
such as Ethiopic script is still lacking(Belay et al.,
2019b; Assabie and Bigun, 2007; Cowell and Hus-
sain, 2003). Various methodologies have been used
to build OCR methods for a variety of scripts, with
ground-breaking results. A CNN-based handwritten
Bangala character recognition system has been pro-
posed by (Rahman et al., 2015), which normalizes
written character images before using CNN to classify
individual characters, with a recognition accuracy of
85.36 percent on a dataset of 20000 characters.
Mars and Antoniadis (Mars and Antoniadis, 2016)
presented a model for Optical Character Recogni-
tion (OCR) in the Telugu language, which includes
three parts: a database of Telugu characters, a deep
learning-based OCR algorithm, and an online client-
server application for the developed algorithm. Their
model is based on Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) algorithm reasonably to classify the charac-
ters. They have applied their OCR system to real data
and the results were good. A hierarchical fuzzy con-
volutional neural network (HFCNN) (Chaudhuri and
Ghosh, 2017) is used for the Czech language char-
acter recognition task. It takes full advantage of deep
CNN towards modeling long-term information of data
sequences located on the database that contains un-
constrained handwritten text at a resolution of 300 dpi
as PNG images with 256 gray levels.
The first work for Amharic script recognition is
proposed by Alemu (Alemu, 1997). Alemu devel-
oped an algorithm based on the laser printouts of text
with normal type style of WashRa font, 12-point font
sizes, and reported 97.31% of character recognition
accuracy. Later, Yaregal Assabie (Yaregal, 2002) ex-
plored various OCR development approaches to de-
velop an OCR model for Amharic script and come up
with a versatile algorithm that is independent of the
Amharic characters’ font size. The system correctly
recognized 73.18% of the characters included in the
training set.
Wondwossen (Mulugeta, 2004) developed an
OCR model for a special type of handwritten Amharic
text (“Yekum Tsifet”) using a neural network ap-
proach. The results reported in this work are 95.96%
for segmentation rate and 98.8% to 20.3% for recog-
nition. An enhanced optical character recognition for
real-life Amharic degraded documents have been de-
veloped by (Birhanu, 2008) using an Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) approach for classifying the features
generated. Accordingly, an average recognition rate
of 96.87% for the test sets from the training sets and
11.40% recognition rate is observed for the new test
sets. So far, there are very limited research efforts
made for Ethiopic character recognition and there is
no effective OCR application. The possible reasons
mentioned are the use of a large number of charac-
ters in the writing, the existence of a large set of
visually similar characters, variations in font, style,
and writing materials, and the unavailability of stan-
dard dataset (Assabie and Bigun, 2011; Meshesha and
Jawahar, 2007; Belay et al., 2019a).
The prior studies focused on creating a classifier
that can handle character image sets with limited type
and known fonts and has been focused on the stan-
dard deep neural network layers with a large num-
ber of parameters. In comparison to other character
recognition methods, we developed an adaptive recur-
sive CNN method that uses recursive convolution and
a skip connection to reduce the number of parame-
ters, save network capacity for storing inputs during
recursions and enable feature reusability.
A general OCR system includes the basic steps shown
in Figure 2 (Meshesha and Jawahar, 2007) that start
from preparing a dataset followed by training the
model. In this section, the nature of the dataset used
for training and model evaluation, the proposed algo-
rithm, and the training schemes that we’ve followed
throughout the research are presented.
3.1 Datasets
This section describes the datasets we utilize for our
experiments. To train and test the proposed model,
two different datasets are used. The first dataset is
the ADOCR database
, a public and freely avail-
able dataset, which contains about 77,994 Amharic
character images. Out of 77,994 images, 7800 of
10% of them are used for the testing, and the remain-
ing 70,194 for training purposes. The second dataset
consists of 10470 character images that are collected
from various private sources and it includes histori-
cal hand-written and printed characters with differ-
ent and also unknown font types. Once we collect
these character images, we manually labeled each of
them. Then we consider randomly selected 10% of
the dataset as a test set and the remaining character
images for training purposes. Few sample character
images taken from the database are shown in Figure
http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/ belay/
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
a b
Figure 3: Sample segmented and binary Ethiopic character
images. (a) Real-life Ethiopic character image. (b) Synthet-
ically generated character images from ADOCR database
3.2 Proposed Algorithm
The overall framework of the proposed approach is
shown in Figure 4. CNNs have the main feature of
sharing inner parameters across the network, which
leads to architectural properties of scale, shift, and
distortion invariance, making them a powerful tool for
image feature extraction with few preprocessing steps
(Goodfellow et al., 2016). Those properties mean
that regardless of where and how a specific raw fea-
ture appears in the image, a suitable and well-trained
CNN can capture that feature. After feature extrac-
tion has been practiced, images can be classified, seg-
mented, or even reconstructed. CNNs are formulated
as a feature extraction block and a classification block
(Fig 4). The initial block receives a grid-like topol-
ogy input and hierarchically extracts representative
features followed by another block responsible for re-
ceiving the top hierarchical feature and providing a
final matrix of prediction.
Input Character
Output character
Figure 4: The proposed Recursive-ConvNet architecture
showing the features extraction and character recognition
zones together with main notations where R=3. The
, de-
notes the concatenation operation as used in (Huang et al.,
3.2.1 Recursive-ConvNet
Consider a character recognition problem in which
the aim is to associate an input feature x, character
image, with an output y, Unicode character, through
the neural network function f(x). This neural network
model is trained using Adam optimizer (Kingma and
Ba, 2014) to minimize a loss function L over a char-
acter image dataset D. This network architecture is
defined using a convolutional layer C, parameterized
by weights W. To build a deep neural network, called
Recursive-residual ConveNet, we use a single convo-
lution layer, as proposed in (Kim et al., 2016), which
is iteratively applied R times on successive steps. The
convolution layer in the proposed model consists of
a kernel size of 3 × 3, 32 filters and same padding.
This network architecture, RecurssivConvNet, is then
defined by the following recursive sequence:
= 32 × 32
= C(x
) for t=0,1,..., R
b = Add()[x
, x
= maxpooling(b)
y = FC(b
where x
denotes the input character image, x
feature maps after passing a convolution layer C. b is
the concatenated value of the feature map from the
and input image that denotes the skip connection
in the network, x
is the feature map at the end of
the whole iteration (R), and FC is the fully connected
network layer.
In our proposed architecture, the RecursiveCon-
vNet layer iteratively performs a convolution opera-
tion R times by receiving a character image as input
where R=3 and adopted from (Kim et al., 2016). Fol-
lowed by the input image tensor which is directly fed
into the reconstruction net whenever it is used during
the recursions. In this case, the skip-connection has
two advantages. First, the network capacity to store
the input features during recursions is saved. Second,
the exact copy of the input features map of the charac-
ter image can be used during target character recog-
nition which is usually called feature reusability. In
addition, this skip connection can be used as an alter-
native path during back-propagation where the gra-
dient is too small; thus, a vanishing gradient might
not be an issue during training our network. The
concatenated features are then passed through a max-
pooling layer. Before passing the features from the
max-pooling layer to the recognition phase, a similar
convolution operation is applied to it.
In this case, pooling has two effects. First, it di-
minishes the number of computations made by one
iteration which significantly increases the speed of
a forward pass in the network model training. Sec-
ond, it allows the convolutional filter to take effect in
larger regions of the initial character images. Finally,
the feature maps from the max-pooling layer are flat-
tened and fed into the Fully connected (FC) layer to
compute the probability distribution over each class,
where this probability is computed using, equation
(2), soft-max activation function. The idea behind the
RRConvNet: Recursive-residual Network for Real-life Character Image Recognition
recursiveness, in this network architecture, is the en-
hancement of outputs quality by considering the pre-
viously simulated information.
f (z)
where z is the input vector, e
denotes the standard
exponential function for input vector, K is number of
classes, and e
is the standard exponential function
for output vector.
The recognition loss of the this network architec-
ture is categorical cross-entropy loss function and can
be computed as,
L =
log( ˆy
) (3)
where ˆy
is thei-th scalar value in the model output. y
is the corresponding ground-truth value, C is the class
of the sample.
The overall character recognition accuracy of the
model is computed as a ratio of incorrectly recognized
characters and the total number of characters in the
test dataset.
Our methodology is enforced in Keras Application
Program Interface(API) with a TensorFlow backend.
In addition, we resized the images into a size of
a b
Figure 5: Learning curve. (a) Training and validation accu-
racy of real-life character images, (b) training and validation
accuracy using the ADOCR dataset.
32 × 32 pixel. The architecture is trained with a batch
size of 16 running for 15 epochs. To select suitable
network parameters, different values of these param-
eters were considered and tuned during experimenta-
tion, and the results reported in this paper are obtained
using an Adam optimizer employing a convolutional
neural network with a feature map of 64, kernel-size
of 3 × 3, and stride of 2. This CNN layer is called
and convolves, over the input image, three times re-
cursively. The input image tensor is concatenated,
through skip connection, with the output tensor of the
CNN layer and passes through a max-pooling layer
that has a 2× 2 kernel size followed by two fully con-
nected layers having 512 and 1024 neurons respec-
Since we have two different datasets, we con-
ducted two experiments and learning curve of each
experiment is shown in Figure 5. In the first ex-
periment, the model was trained and evaluated with
28 × 28 synthetic character image from the ADOCR
dataset having 231 unique characters. The second ex-
periment was conducted using real-life character im-
ages that consist of 319 unique Ethiopic characters
and digits written with different and also unknown
Our network is trained using the different batch
sizes, epochs and network setups. The best test re-
sult is recorded with in batch size of 16 running for
15 epochs. The character recognition accuracy of our
model is calculated as a ratio of correctly recognized
characters and the total number of characters in the
test set and then multiply by 100 ( see equation (4)).
A =
#correctly recognized characters
# characters in the test set
× 100 (4)
4.1 Performance Comparison
Based on the results recorded during experimentation,
98.2 % of real-life character images and 94.75% of
test images from the ADOCR database are correctly
predicted respectively. Compared to the real-life
character images, Character images in the ADOCR
dataset are highly degraded and even there are some
deformed character images as illustrated in figure 7.
Due to this the character recognition accuracy on the
ADOCR test dataset is much lower than that of the
recognition accuracy on the real-life test sets. As it is
observed in Table 1, we have achieved better perfor-
mance compared with works done on Amharic OCR
using 231 classes. Others’ work is presented in Ta-
ble 1, here, it is not to compare the performance di-
rectly since they used different datasets and experi-
mental settings. However, it’s simply to indicate the
progress of OCR for the Amharic script.
where A denotes accuracy.
As illustrated in Figure 6, some characters are in-
correctly recognized due to similarity (e.g Ø as a)
while the others are incorrectly recognized (e.g as
e) even with no similarity between them. While the
others are miss-recognized due to the quality of the
image. Some of these deformed character image are
show in Figure 7.
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Table 1: Performance of prior works and proposed method.
Authors #Dataset Type Accuracy
(Yaregal, 2002) 1010 handwritten 73.18%
(Meshesha and Jawahar, 2007) 76800 printed 90.37%
(Belay et al., 2018) 80,000 synthetic 92.71%
(Belay et al., 2019a)* 77,994 Synthetic 93.45%
Ours* 77,994 Synthetic 94.75%
Ours 10470 real-life 98.2%
Denotes methods tested on similar datasets.
sample test Image
Ground-truth Prediction
Figure 6: A typical diagram that shows the sample miss-
recognized historical characters images.
Figure 7: Deformed characters, from the ADOCR test set
that are wrongly recognized.
In this paper, we have introduced an adaptable
Recursive-CNN-based method, for real-life Ethiopic
character image recognition. This method is a
lightweight architecture with few network parameters
and limited network capacity to store input features
that can be easily adapted to other image-based pat-
tern recognition problems. The proposed method is
designed based on the existing VGGnet-like CNN ar-
chitecture with two extensions; the recursive convolu-
tion where a single Convolutional layer recursively is
convolved through the input character image and one
pooling layer followed by two fully connected lay-
ers. Second, is the Skip-connection where the input
feature maps are concatenated with the output feature
maps of a character image. We evaluated our RRCon-
vNet model on a publicly available dataset which has
77994 sample Amharic character images and 10470
real-life Ethiopic character images. Experiments on
these datasets have shown that our model achieves
high character recognition accuracy. Our proposed
method minimizes the number of network parameters
and allows feature reusability. As part of future work,
the proposed network architecture can be extended to
text-line level image recognition tasks, as a feature
extractor, by integrating with the recurrent neural net-
This research work was partially supported by the
ICT4D research center (annually research grant),
Bahir Dar Institute of Technology, Bahir Dar Univer-
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