when coupled with a time-series heatmap visualiza-
tion approach. The structure of the data was investi-
gated through clustering with k means and DBSCAN,
revealing that the structure of the data in both Biopac
and E4 were more suitable for DBSCAN, which is
robust to noise.
This demonstrates the ability of clustering to be
used to discover and characterize data structure even
when labels pertaining to activity descriptions are
missing, as was the case with this data.
Clustering with different sized window lengths
had a stark impact on the structure of 81 the data in
both Biopac and E4; at a higher window length (90
and 120 seconds), the data of two participants was
flagged (the entire signal was clustered in a single
cluster, or was visually very different than the remain-
ing participants) and determined unusable.
We thank Dr. Kristal Thomassin and her students
for the use of the data from the Child Emotion
and Mental Health Lab at the University of Guelph
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications