bricant used, and the anisotropy and elasticity among
others, as well as due to the equipment where wear in
the die, mismatch in parameters such as the regulation
or the stamping pressure of the material among others
may happen.
To all this we must add the day-to-day work of
an automotive plant, where it is essential to have the
ability to be flexible and dynamic to adapt to the de-
mand required at all times. In the stamping plant
at Ford Spain facilities we have a large number of
lines of different capacities, which allows us to have
a great adaptation to the demand required. There are
a large number of car chassis parts manufactured in
the factory for the five models that are currently being
made, these may undergo changes in the manufactur-
ing standards, either by the type of material, geometry
of the part, line change or other factors. Therefore,
try-out tests are carried out for a new adjustment and
to ensure that the quality of the product during mass
manufacture is correct.
The tests carried out in the try-out procedure for
the new adjustment consist of modifying the manu-
facturing parameters until reaching the most optimal
point of resources use, both equipment and material.
For example, adjustments are made to the working
parameters of the press in the calibration to control
the pressure with which the part is made, parameters
of the pressure made in the press are also adjusted to
control the amount of material drawn into the die in
order to ensure no cracks occur due to excess stroking
or wrinkles due to the lack of it. Other types of mate-
rial can even be used instead of the one initially pro-
posed, taking into account a different mechanical be-
haviour with which the work parameters must be ad-
justed again.
As for the characteristics of the presses we have in
the plant, we can classify them in two groups, the me-
chanical and hydraulic presses. Most of the presses
in the plant belong to the first group that includes,
on the one hand, the cutting presses, which work at
high speeds and perform the cutting of the coil in the
blank parts that will later be used in the stamping pro-
cess. We have also the stamping presses, character-
ized by being the largest ones, with which different
operations are carried out, such as deep-drawing, cut-
ting, drilling, bending and spring-back. These presses
work at high levels of pressure due to the size of the
moulds used for the aforementioned operations, espe-
cially those of deep-drawing. Within the mechanical
presses we have two types, single-action and double-
action. The latter are the ones that have been used for
a long time for forming stamping parts, characterized
by having two eccentric transmission systems in the
press head. And on the other hand the single-action
presses, which are more efficient, incorporating an in-
telligent hydraulic cushion at the bottom of the press
including only one eccentric transmission system on
the head.
Following the current trends in predictive mainte-
nance, we intend to implement at plant level a mon-
itoring system of the presses we have in the factory
to find out their working status and be able to an-
ticipate possible faults. It is known that the imple-
mentation of this type of industrial projects requires
a great economic investment, but in our case, follow-
ing the philosophy proposed by the Miniterms (Gar-
cia and Montes, 2019), we intend to take advantage
of the maximum of available sensors and taking into
account the information that can be extracted from
these develop new solutions to monitor the health of
the equipment. This is a great advantage we have in
the stamping plant, since most presses come equipped
with a lot of sensors thus having at our disposal a lot
of information at no extra cost.
The sensorization of the presses with strain gauges
has been used for years to define pathologies of the
equipment from different points of view, including di-
agnosing failures in the stamping process of both the
equipment and the manufactured product (Koh et al.,
1996). This can be done by applying different tech-
niques to obtain information from measured data such
as wavelets (Jin and Shi, 1999), relying on experi-
ments (Jin and Shi, 2000) and even applying machine
learning techniques by using neural networks (Bassi-
uny et al., 2007). Going a step beyond the detection of
pathologies, process control systems have also been
developed based on the graph obtained from the ton-
nage of each cycle (Zhou et al., 2015) or by finding
variations in the lubrication of the process and wear
of the die (Voss et al., 2017). Following the trends
of internet of things in industry (IIoT) we now have a
lot of available data in real time to model the process,
as it has been done in this field by (Niemietz et al.,
2020). Hence, in this paper we show the first insight
we have obtained from the process and the advantages
we are taking from the application developed for solv-
ing detected issues and optimizing the process from
the point of view of energy consumption.
Optimizing the process to achieve energy savings
is vitally important due to two major factors. One of
them aims to achieve a sustainable development of the
planet, reducing pollution and saving on available re-
sources. And the second is the economic factor, since
during the last year the price on the electricity bill at
the factory has doubled the price and it is predicted
that this upward trend will continue, thus these costs
indirectly will affect the profit per car produced at the
ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics