the participants. In further research, I would
recommend redesigning the feedback system in a way
that is more visible to the driver with less effort.
Furthermore, it is of high importance to keep the
information even simpler so that the driver can see or
feel in a blink of an eye what is expected. Another
recommendation that I deem important is the speed of
the database. While the database showed an
impressive amount of speed and functionality, the
system lacked a bit behind due to the congestion
errors that were present by default. The internet
connection and the database configuration seemed to
be a bottleneck throughout the entire process. Perhaps
in future studies, a local database could be
implemented to overcome these issues.
Additionally, the learning and analysis method is
currently based on the normal distribution. While this
classification method seems to work for this context,
it is not always reliable. If a car crashes along the way,
the entire lap gets classified as a low marker.
Neglecting the time that a car is lacking in this
situation, the driver might still recover and increase
his pace. This increase in pace is currently not
counted towards the final classification and hence the
data is discarded. Having too many of these data
points might corrupt the data. To overcome this, a
fully functioning deep learning algorithm can be
implemented to recognize events like crashes.
6.2 Future Work
To exploit the effectiveness of this training method,
these recommendations must be taken into account.
Improvements must be made to increase the
reliability and accuracy of the system. Moreover, by
conducting more user tests, a statistical and scientific
backbone can be created for the training method.
Additionally, although the initial concept relied
on machine learning and deep learning principles, the
final concept within the scope of this research barely
made use of these concepts. For future development
of this project, machine learning and/or deep learning
could be exploited to better understand the obtained
data and perhaps give suggestions beforehand instead
of in real-time.
Lastly, the method of displaying information must
be changed. As denoted in the recommendation
section, another manner of providing feedback must
be implemented to gain the maximum result while
keeping the level of distraction low.
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