
Membership inference attacks aim to infer whether
a specific individual belongs to a given aggregate.
In this work, we introduced a new technique to per-
form inference attacks on (threshold-based) aggre-
gated time series. Given a publicly known dataset
of time series, and aggregated values (one value per
timestamp) calculated from a private subset of that
dataset, the adversary that we consider is able to re-
identify the individuals belonging to the private sub-
set. To do so, we modeled the membership inference
attack as a subset sum problem and we used Gurobi to
solve it. We completed experiments on two real-life
datasets containing power consumption time series,
from UK and Ireland, respectively. We showed that
if the number of available aggregated values is larger
than the aggregate size (i.e., the number of individ-
uals in the private subset), then the SUBSUM attack
is highly likely successful. Interesting future works
include relaxing the background knowledge required
by the SUBSUM attack (e.g., missing time series, ap-
proximate values) and coping with advanced privacy-
preserving approaches (e.g., differential privacy).
We would like to thank Charles Prud’homme (TASC,
IMT-Atlantique, LS2N-CNRS) for his help on the
choice of the solver. Some of the authors are sup-
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Membership Inference Attacks on Aggregated Time Series with Linear Programming