xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline
Maja Mitreska
1 a
, Tashko Pavlov
1 b
, Kostadin Mishev
1,2 c
and Monika Simjanoska
1,2 d
iReason LLC, 3rd Macedonian Brigade 37, Skopje, North Macedonia
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University,
Rugjer Boshkovic 16, Skopje, North Macedonia
Cross-lingual AMR, AMR Parsing, AMR-to-Text Generation, Multilingual AMR, Cosine Similarity, BLEU,
ROUGE, LASER, LaBSE, Distiluse, Low-resource Languages, Europarl.
Creating multilingual end-to-end AMR models requires a large amount of cross-lingual data making the pars-
ing and generating tasks exceptionally challenging when dealing with low-resource languages. To avoid this
obstacle, this paper presents a cross-lingual AMR (xAMR) pipeline that incorporates the intuitive translation
approach to and from the English language as a baseline for further utilization of the AMR parsing and gen-
eration models. The proposed pipeline has been evaluated via the cosine similarity of multiple state-of-the-art
sentence embeddings used for representing the original and the output sentences generated by our xAMR
approach. Also, BLEU and ROUGE scores were used to evaluate the preserved syntax and the word order.
xAMR results were compared to multilingual AMR models’ performance for the languages experimented
within this research. The results showed that our xAMR outperforms the multilingual approach for all the lan-
guages discussed in the paper and can be used as an alternative approach for abstract meaning representation
of low-resource languages.
Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) (Banarescu
et al., 2013) is a language for semantic representation
firstly introduced for the English language. The pur-
pose of AMR is presenting a sentence into an AMR
graph where nodes portray the entities in the sentence
and the edges between them represent the existing se-
mantic relationships. The AMR graphs are rooted, di-
rected, acyclic graphs with labeled edges and leaves.
The process of converting sentence to an AMR graph
is called AMR parsing as we parse each component
of the sentence into its appropriate graph representa-
tion. Moreover, the opposite process, the conversion
of an AMR graph to sentence is known as AMR-to-
text generation. Each of these processes has their own
specific characteristics and challenges which encour-
age researchers to explore the best solutions. Due to
the fact that AMR is not intended to be interlingua
(Banarescu et al., 2013), there is a huge challenge
when it comes to re-purposing AMR for other lan-
guages, i.e., making AMR cross-lingual stable.
There are a lot of different methods of AMR pars-
ing and generating in the English language, and most
of them are focusing on either on the parsing, or on
the generating part. Each of the research is proposing
new and enhanced way of dealing with these tasks.
In (Wang et al., 2015) a transition-based framework
is presented, where a sentence is first transformed in
a dependency tree which is used as input for build-
ing an AMR graph. Furthermore, in (Ballesteros and
Al-Onaizan, 2017) and (Wang and Xue, 2017) the us-
age of stacked bidirectional LSTM networks are ex-
plored, and even more probabilistic method is intro-
duced in (Lyu and Titov, 2018) where the alignments
are treated as latent variables in a joint probabilis-
tic model. In (Zhang et al., 2019) the task of AMR
parsing is treated as a sequence-to-graph transduction
problem. Many of the papers that are exploring the
AMR-to-text generating task build and train graph-
to-sequence models, i.e., graph transformer architec-
tures (Song et al., 2018), (Damonte and Cohen, 2019),
(Zhu et al., 2019), (Wang et al., 2020). In the recent
years, many researchers are succeeding to combine
Mitreska, M., Pavlov, T., Mishev, K. and Simjanoska, M.
xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline.
DOI: 10.5220/0011276500003277
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2022), pages 132-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-584-5; ISSN: 2184-9277
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
these tasks, and build end-to-end systems for parsing
sentences to AMR graphs and generating sentences
from given AMR graphs using advanced neural net-
works architectures (Konstas et al., 2017), (Blloshmi
et al., 2021).
With the progress and improvement of the
English-based AMR parsers and generators, the next
major step is building multilingual AMR parsers
and/or generators. Another important challenge in
creating such systems is the small amount of cross-
lingual data. The English AMR parsers and gener-
ators need training on huge amount of English sen-
tences, but more importantly those systems need an-
notated AMR graphs so they can train or evaluate
their models. Most of the time those AMR graphs are
manually annotated. Because of these reasons, the
creation of multilingual systems is even more prob-
lematic. The need for creating dataset of multilingual
AMR graphs requires a lot of both data and human
Encouraged by the mentioned difficulties, we pro-
pose new approach for creating end-to-end cross-
lingual AMR systems. In this paper, we explain the
benefits of the usage of state-of-the-art translators in
these kind of problems. Our architecture consists
of pretrained translator and state-of-the-art English-
based AMR model. Firstly, a given non-English sen-
tence is translated into English and further processed
into the AMR parser out of which the AMR graph
is obtained. This AMR graph is then run through an
AMR generator which results with an English sen-
tence as an output. In the final step, the generated
English sentence is translated to the original source
language. To measure the preserved semantics of the
input and the output sentences, our xAMR pipeline
is evaluated by using cosine similarity (Singhal et al.,
2001) in the opposite of the foregoing papers where
usually the Smatch metric (Cai and Knight, 2013) is
used to evaluate the semantic similarity of two AMR
graphs. Additionally, the quality of the translated
sentences in terms of overlapping words is measured
with BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and ROUGE (Lin,
2004). As a benchmark dataset we are using the Eu-
roparl Corpus (Koehn, 2005) which is a parallel cor-
pus deliberately constructed for statistical machine
translation and consists of the languages that are spo-
ken in the European Parliament. We are limiting these
experiments on German, Italian, Spanish and Bulgar-
ian language because there are available multilingual
AMR representations. In addition to these languages,
we have manually translated a subset of the English
Europarl corpus into Macedonian language. We are
introducing the Macedonian language into our exper-
iments as an example of low-resource language for
which creating AMR models would be both time and
resources consuming.
In the following sections we explain in details how
this research was conducted. In Section 2 we present
previous achievements in the field of parsing and gen-
erating multilingual AMRs. In Methodology, we are
explaining the whole pipeline, the dataset, and the
evaluation metrics that are being used to compare the
results in Section 4. Finally, we conclude our work
and highlight the achievements in the final section 5.
This section presents a brief review of the recent
achievements in the field of multilingual AMR pars-
ing and AMR-to-text generation. While the recent
work on both of these tasks is mostly focused on En-
glish models, the field of cross-lingual AMR still re-
mains unexplored and a great challenge for research.
The very first research that tackles the issue of
multilingual parsing and evaluation (Damonte and
Cohen, 2017) uses annotation projection to generate
AMR graphs in the target language. They project
AMR annotations to a target language using word
alignments which means if a source word is word-
aligned to a target word, and AMR aligned with a
graph node, then the target word is aligned to that
node. The newly-generated graphs are used for train-
ing AMR parsers. The second problem that they are
tackling is the evaluation dataset, that is, the lack of
parallel corpora to compare the AMRs graphs. For the
validation process a so called silver dataset is used,
which is generated in the same way as the training
data and relies on the same errors influenced by the
errors of the English AMR parser and the projection
errors. Therefore, there is a need of a gold dataset.
They are solving this problem by inverting the pro-
jection process and train another English parser from
the target parser. The new parser is then evaluated on
a exiting English gold dataset. The comparison be-
tween the parsers is done using Smatch score. The
pipeline is used on Italian, German and Spanish data
retrieved from the Europarl dataset and Chinese data
retrieved from TED talks corpus (Cettolo et al., 2012).
Another research in the field of cross-lingual
AMR parsing is (Blloshmi et al., 2020). Here the
cross-lingual AMR parsing is enabled using Trans-
fer learning techniques. For a given sentence in En-
glish and its translations in different languages, first
a concept identification is made, and then a relations
identification. For the concept identification task, they
train sequence-to-sequence model which when a list
of words in another languages is given as an input it
xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline
generates list of nodes in the original English AMR
formalism as output. The new trained network is used
to dispose the AMR alignments described in the pio-
neer paper (Damonte and Cohen, 2017) in this field.
The second step is the relations identification. As
stated in the paper, this task was inspired by the arc-
factored approaches for dependency parsing. Over
the identified concepts from the previous task a search
is run for the maximum-scoring connected subgraph.
Using deep biaffine classifier a prediction is made
whether there is an edge between two nodes and what
is its label.
In (Cai et al., 2021) a new approach is pro-
posed where they train and fine-tune one multilin-
gual AMR parser for all different languages includ-
ing English. Similarly to (Blloshmi et al., 2020) they
dispose words and nodes alignments using Trans-
former’s sequence-to-sequence models. Before train-
ing, they utilize parameters for initialization of the
encoder and the decoder of two pre-trained architec-
tures, one for multilingual denoising autoencoding
and the other, for multilingual machine translation.
Via knowledge distillation they are trying to trans-
fer the knowledge of an English AMR parser to their
multilingual AMR parser and additionally fine-tune
the resulting parser on gold AMR graphs. They use
gold and silver dataset, and Europarl’s corpus for the
knowledge distillation process and evaluate its perfor-
mances using Smatch.
In contrast to the other papers, (Fan and Gardent,
2020) resolves the issue of multilingual AMR-to-
text generation. The model is sequence-to-sequence
model, with Transformer encoder and decoder where
the input is English AMR which then is used as sam-
ple to generate multilingual text from it. Different
datasets are used, but for all of them the jamr parser is
used. The performance of the model is measured us-
ing the BLEU metric, where the multilingual output
is compared to its parallel pair.
So far, multiple papers have been discussed for ei-
ther AMR parsing, or AMR-to-text generation. The
research presented in (Xu et al., 2021) describes
cross-lingual models that can be used for both AMR
parsing and AMR-to-text generation. These models
are furthermore fine-tuned on different tasks to ex-
plore the their performances. The pre-training of the
models is done on three tasks, AMR parsing, AMR-
to-text generation and machine translation, via multi-
task learning. The translation task is included to help
the decoder to generate more fluent foreign sentences
and to help the encoder to capture beneficial syntax
and semantic information. The proposed approach
demonstrates higher results when compared to the
previous multilingual AMR parsing research, and as
higher results as those in (Fan and Gardent, 2020).
For comparison of the performance of the model, for
the parsing task the Smatch metric is used and the
BLEU metric is used for the generating task.
Another interesting research that has been done
in this field is a baseline translation model similar
to our proposed approach. Experiments are made
with translating multilingual sentences into English
sentences and then parsing them with strong English
AMR parser. For the translation process, they use
Neural Machine Translation system HelsinkiNLP’s
Opus-MT models (Tiedemann et al., 2020) and as
AMR parser, a model from the Amrlib
library is
used. The described pipeline is utilized on the bench-
mark LDC2020T07
for German, Italian, Spanish
and Mandarin. As evaluation metric in this parsing
task, the Smatch metric is used. In comparison with
our method, we are adding the AMR-to-text task to
complete the pipeline and create end-to-end multilin-
gual AMR system.
This section presents our full end-to-end cross-lingual
AMR parsing and text generation pipeline (xAMR)
in details. The first section is related to the dataset we
use for our experiments, and in the following part we
describe the approach used to achieve cross-lingual
AMR parsing and text generation.
3.1 Datasets
In this research we evaluate xAMR on ve different
languages. For four of them, Bulgarian, German, Ital-
ian and Spanish, we used the parallel corpus from Eu-
roparl dataset extracted from the Proceedings of the
European Parliament. The corpus is available in 11
different languages and for each language there is a
parallel English corpus. Since there is no such paired
corpus available for the Macedonian language, a hu-
man expert manually translated a subset of 1000 Eu-
roparl sentences originally given in English language.
3.2 The xAMR Pipeline
Our technique for multilingual AMR parsing and text
generation presented in the following sections is de-
picted in Figure 1. We provide a new and efficient
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
end-to-end multilingual pipeline that solves the prob-
lem of huge resources needed for training such mod-
els. This unique process includes the usage of state-
of-the-art models for translating sentences, and AMR
model for parsing and generating English sentences.
3.2.1 Forwards Translation
For the translation of the initial non-English sentence
into English, we use two translation pipelines, Tx-
and DeepTranslator’s GoogleTranslator
so we
can make a comparison of the influence of the chosen
translator in our approach.
3.2.2 AMR Parsing
The next step in the xAMR is parsing the trans-
lated English sentence into an AMR graph. For
this purpose, we use the parser from Amrlib
. The
AMR parser is a pre-trained T5-base model (Roberts
et al., 2020) that has been fine-tuned on English sen-
tences and their corresponding AMR graphs using the
benchmark dataset.
3.2.3 Text Generation
The following phase is a generation of an English sen-
tence from the AMR graph constructed in the previ-
ous step. To generate text from AMR graph, we use
the Amrlib’s graph to sentence T5-base model.
3.2.4 Backwards Translation
The final step in xAMR is translating the generated
English sentence into the original source language.
For achieving such translations, we use the aforemen-
tioned translation pipelines for Macedonian, German,
Italian, Spanish and Bulgarian language.
3.3 Evaluation
The main evaluation metric that we use to evaluate our
methodology is cosine similarity on the sentence em-
beddings to capture the semantic similarity between
the sentences. For each of the four steps, transla-
tion into English, AMR parsing, AMR-to-text gen-
eration and finally translation into the initial, source
language, we generate parallel sentences and measure
the cosine similarity of their sentence embeddings.
We employ multilingual sentence embedding because
the sentences in our methodology are not only in En-
Figure 1: Visual representation of the xAMR pipeline.
The multilingual sentence embeddings that we ap-
ply are LASER (Language Agnostic SEntence Rep-
xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline
(Chaudhary et al., 2019) which uses
BiLSTM encoder that understands 93 different lan-
guages; LaBSE (Language-agnostic BERT Sentence
Embedding) (Feng et al., 2020) which is multilin-
gual BERT embedding model that produces cross-
lingual sentence embeddings for variety of languages,
and Distiluse-Base-Multilingual-Cased-v2 (Reimers
and Gurevych, 2019) (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020)
which is a modification of the BERT model and is
able to derive semantically meaningful sentence em-
beddings using modified networks.
In addition, we also measure BLEU and ROUGE
scores between the input sentences and the output
sentences in their initial language. We chose BLEU
as a standard metric in translation tasks to measure
how much the syntax and the word order alter be-
tween the stages of the xAMR pipeline. ROUGE is a
similar metric to BLEU. It calculates how many of the
overlapping n-grams in the input sentence appeared
in the generated output, whereas BLEU focuses more
on the overlapping n-grams in the generated sentence
that appeared in the input sentence.
This section presents comparison of our proposed
xAMR pipeline to the multilingual AMR-to-text gen-
eration model (mAMR) (Fan and Gardent, 2020). As
the mAMR has already been evaluated on a subset
of the Europarl dataset, we have modified our Eu-
roparl datasets to suit the available testing dataset
for mAMR. Therefore, 1000 parallel sentences in
German, Spanish, Italian, and Bulgarian were se-
lected with their parallel English sentences and the
corresponding simplified AMR graph representations.
These AMR representations are needed as input for
the mAMR model, which generates sentences in the
selected language. In this comparison, we exclude
the Macedonian language since the mAMR model
does not support the Macedonian language. In this
manner, we obtain four datasets containing original
English sentences, their respective simplified AMR
graph, and the parallel sentence in the chosen lan-
guage that serves as a reference.
The Macedonian language dataset is used only to
evaluate the xAMR pipeline, however, the success of
a mAMR trained on Macedonian could be assumed
from the Bulgarian mAMR as a language most similar
to the Macedonian language.
For the translation processes in the pipeline, two
different translators had to be considered due to the
inconsistencies in the Bulgarian language translation.
The translators that are applied are Txtai on the Ger-
man, Italian, Spanish and Macedonian dataset and the
DeepTranslator’s GoogleTranslator to the Bulgarian
Considering that the English AMR graphs are ac-
quired from the original English sentences and run
through the mAMR model, we skip the first step of
our pipeline. Namely, instead of beginning with a
non-English sentence, we begin our pipeline from the
parsing stage. As input, we have the original English
sentence, which is first parsed into an AMR graph.
Next, the AMR graph generates another English sen-
tence, which, lastly, is translated to the selected lan-
guage. This skipping stage is done to obtain a more
reliable comparison between the models. Finally, the
output of both models is compared to the reference
sentence in the selected language to understand the
significance of the results.
Table 1 presents the cosine similarity score calcu-
lated between the different intermediate states of the
input sentence when passed through the pipeline. X
denotes the input sentence in the selected language,
EN denotes the translated sentence to English, and
AMR represents the parsing and the generating task.
When the notation is shown in uppercase letters, we
compare those two intermediate outputs.
Each column of the tables represents the cosine
similarity computed between the original non-English
sentence compared with its translated English ver-
sion, the English sentence after its AMR generation,
and the final output of the pipeline, respectively. The
cosine similarity is calculated over the different sen-
tence embeddings.
When the sentences are embedded with LASER,
the scores are the highest compared to the others em-
beddings. Moreover, from the XenamrenX
column, we see that the original input sentence and
the final output of our pipeline have leading scores,
hence we can conclude that the pipeline truly keeps
the semantic meaning of the sentences. In terms of the
languages, the Spanish dataset obtained best scores
regardless of the sentence embeddings.
The non-English sentences, the inputs in our
pipeline and their respective outputs are further com-
pared using the BLEU and ROUGE metrics. Table
2 presents the results when the sentences are evalu-
ated with BLEU. When calculating the BLEU scores,
we take into consideration the overlapping matches
in unigrams BLEU-1, bigrams BLEU-2, trigrams
BLEU-3 and weighted score BLEU-W. The weighted
score calculates the number of matches of unigrams,
bigrams, trigrams and four-grams each with 25%
weight. In comparison with the cosine similarity,
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Table 1: Cosine similarity comparison between the original non-English input and the intermediate outputs of the pipeline.
SE Model Language XENamrenx XenamrENx XenamrenX
DE 0.9511 0.8953 0.9633
ES 0.9670 0.9040 0.9769
IT 0.9639 0.8983 0.9754
BG 0.9196 0.6254 0.9593
MK 0.9357 0.8798 0.9802
DE 0.8879 0.8458 0.9593
ES 0.9248 0.8755 0.9757
IT 0.9209 0.8685 0.9696
BG 0.8980 0.7130 0.9531
MK 0.8849 0.8393 0.9792
DE 0.9263 0.8893 0.9582
ES 0.9501 0.9098 0.9731
IT 0.9394 0.8969 0.9679
BG 0.8693 0.6842 0.9405
MK 0.9327 0.8972 0.9754
Table 2: Results for BLEU.
Language BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-W
DE 0.6677 0.4880 0.4209 0.4548
ES 0.7622 0.6213 0.5343 0.5760
IT 0.7010 0.5412 0.4511 0.4952
BG 0.6617 0.5381 0.6511 0.5989
MK 0.8374 0.7376 0.6753 0.7041
Table 3: Results for ROUGE F1 Score.
DE 0.6944 0.4754 0.6703
ES 0.7867 0.6221 0.7703
IT 0.7327 0.5467 0.7152
BG 0.6609 0.5012 0.6591
MK 0.8602 0.7445 0.8546
BLEU obtains lower results because of the paraphras-
ing that happens during the generation from AMR and
the translation processes. Nevertheless, BLEU only
provides an overview of the similarity of the syntax
and the word order. In the same manner, we com-
pare the sentences with ROUGE calculating matches
in unigrams, bigrams and longest common sequence
using the F1 measure. The results are shown in Ta-
ble 3. From the both tables, the conclusion is that
the Spanish dataset, again, has the highest BLEU and
ROUGE scores, hence the highest scores with the co-
sine similarity metric, because good amount of the
word are overlapping in both input and output sen-
To evaluate the performance of our method, we
compare it with mAMR as previously explained. The
English input sentence in both methods is compared
with the reference non-English sentence and the gen-
erated sentences from the models. The cosine sim-
ilarity is computed between the reference sentence
and the generated outputs. Table 4 presents the ob-
tained results for the cosine similarity with the three
sentence embeddings. With OrgX we label the ref-
erence sentences, and with GenX we label the corre-
sponding generated sentences. Again, the best results
are acquired when LASER is used for sentence em-
beddings. It can be noticed that our method produces
sentences with higher similarity with the original En-
glish sentence at input, unlike mAMR.
The results show that the presented xAMR
pipeline generates outputs with less information loss
in contrast to the results of mAMR, when compared to
the reference non-English sentence. The cosine sim-
ilarity metric shows almost constant improvement in
range 0.03 to 0.04 at xAMR for all the languages, re-
gardless of the applied sentence embedding.
Table 5 and 6 present the results acquired with
BLEU and ROUGE when the reference non-English
sentence is compared with the generated outputs from
our xAMR and the mAMR model. Once more,
xAMR surpasses the mAMR model by 0.01 to 0.09
depending on the metric and the counted n-grams, ex-
cept in two cases when evaluating with BLUE-3 on
the German and Italian dataset.
Taking these conclusions into account we can con-
firm that our method successfully outperforms the
previous method for multilingual AMR-to-text gener-
ation without the need of pre-training models on large
annotated data.
Table 7 displays the results of a comparison be-
tween the output of our pipeline and the generated
sentences from mAMR. The purpose of comparing
these results is to observe how similar sentences both
of the strategies produce. The metrics for comparison
of such sentences are cosine similarity on the sentence
embeddings generated from three different sentence
embedding models, BLEU and ROUGE scores. The
results obtained from the evaluation of cosine simi-
larity is high, which means that both methods pro-
vide sentences with similar meanings, but have dis-
tinct sentence organization observed from the BLEU
and ROUGE metrics.
xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline
Table 4: Cosine similarity comparison on mAMR and xAMR.
EN OrgX EN GenX OrgX GenX
SE Model Language xAMR mAMR xAMR mAMR xAMR mAMR
DE 0.8968 0.8968 0.9543 0.8902 0.9066 0.8645
ES 0.9070 0.9070 0.9664 0.8974 0.9141 0.8650
IT 0.8986 0.8986 0.9633 0.8944 0.9088 0.8636
BG 0.9417 0.9417 0.9643 0.9151 0.9566 0.9139
DE 0.8218 0.8218 0.8835 0.8261 0.8956 0.8617
ES 0.8592 0.8592 0.9246 0.8633 0.9081 0.8666
IT 0.8459 0.8459 0.9233 0.8611 0.8902 0.8501
BG 0.8925 0.8925 0.9215 0.8737 0.9489 0.9113
DE 0.8547 0.8547 0.9389 0.8943 0.8873 0.8583
ES 0.8696 0.8696 0.9536 0.9096 0.8939 0.8633
IT 0.8478 0.8478 0.9456 0.8977 0.8749 0.8436
BG 0.9059 0.9059 0.9447 0.9020 0.9369 0.9013
Table 5: BLEU score comparison on mAMR generation and xAMR.
DE 0.4971 0.4354 0.3577 0.3194 0.4016 0.4367 0.3643 0.3522
ES 0.5727 0.4982 0.4126 0.3371 0.4003 0.3610 0.3990 0.3386
IT 0.5032 0.4327 0.3641 0.3194 0.3771 0.3826 0.3572 0.3298
0.6585 0.5753 0.5101 0.4256 0.4508 0.4075 0.4770 0.4078
Table 6: ROUGE F1 score comparison on mAMR and xAMR.
Language xAMR mAMR xAMR mAMR xAMR mAMR
DE 0.5239 0.4716 0.2800 0.2196 0.4943 0.4252
ES 0.6021 0.5372 0.3751 0.2939 0.5719 0.4785
IT 0.5248 0.4660 0.3022 0.2377 0.4977 0.4211
BG 0.6852 0.6081 0.4835 0.3892 0.6730 0.5735
Table 7: xAMR vs mAMR.
DE 0.9033 0.9261 0.9181 0.5957 0.4244 0.4019 0.4091 0.6275 0.3845 0.5740
ES 0.9075 0.9339 0.9222 0.6629 0.4933 0.4264 0.4575 0.6902 0.4810 0.6277
IT 0.9056 0.9233 0.9132 0.5914 0.4292 0.3819 0.4056 0.6265 0.4055 0.5747
BG 0.9277 0.9274 0.9282 0.6419 0.4950 0.4453 0.4647 0.6619 0.4578 0.6269
This paper presents an effort to eliminate the need for
large corpora for achieving multilingual AMR repre-
sentation for a particular language other than English.
The main goal of the paper is to propose a novel ap-
proach by introducing cross-lingual AMR end-to-end
pipeline referred to as xAMR which utilizes state-of-
the-art translation and embeddings models along with
English-based AMR parsing and generating tasks.
The efficiency of the proposed pipeline has
been compared with the existing multilingual AMR
pipeline by measuring the sentences’ loss of informa-
tion in terms of cosine similarity, BLEU, and ROUGE
scores. To obtain comparable results, Europarl cor-
pus has been used at both pipelines. Additionally,
the xAMR pipeline has been evaluated by introduc-
ing one low-resource language - the Macedonian lan-
The results showed that our xAMR significantly
surpasses multilingual AMR models for all the lan-
guages we experimented with within this paper. Thus,
this research revisited the translation as a baseline for
developing cross-lingual AMR models.
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xAMR: Cross-lingual AMR End-to-End Pipeline