With this contribution, we presented exemplarily how
to use the experimentable digital twin (EDT) ap-
proach in the life cycle of a complex cyber-physical
system (CPS). Using the ECSS project phase defini-
tion, we combined the approach with an MBSE-like
strategy during the first phases and used the EDT up
until the utilisation phase. Our presented system is
a demonstrator using a fischertechnik
swivel arm
robot. We named its EDT, which we developed in
high detail and use here for illustration, the Fischer-
Twin. During its and its real twins life cycle we had a
number of findings.
The structural and behavioural identity of the
twins offers enormous benefits as, given EDTs of the
environments, in which the CPS is used, extensive
testing can be performed virtually. This is valid for
the hardware and software of the CPS. This way, ex-
pensive physical prototypes for simulatable tests can
be entirely omitted and parallel development of many
components is possible with limited to no access to
the real system. In our case, the development of a
robotic command interpreter, an OPC UA communi-
cation interface and a graphical human-machine inter-
face was possible purely using the EDT with minimal
effort for transfer to the real system.
The testing and development relies on a virtual
testbed (VTB, as the runtime environment for EDTs)
allowing the simulation of the required environments
in all relevant disciplines (kinematics, rigid body dy-
namics, sensors, wiring, etc.). For use cases actively
using EDTs in the utilisation phase, parallel devel-
opment of EDT and VTB may be necessary. In our
case, this was, among others, the addition of pre-
programmed “black-box behaviour” for didactic pur-
poses and the ability of the VTB to perform non-linear
simulation progressions (“jumps back in time”) and
switching between a mode of mirroring the state of a
real twin to its EDT and using the latter to perform
simulation for a “look into the future”.
At the time of writing, we continue to use the Fis-
cherTwin for scenarios of varying complexity; among
others, to generate training data for AI-based state
recognition. While it is usable in its current form,
we intend to continue the extension and refinement
of some of the FischerTwin’s partial models, e.g., a
more detailed rigid body dynamics representation and
a higher fidelity signal transmission model between
its components.
The writing of this work was enabled in part from
within the context of the FeDiNAR project. It is
funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Re-
search (BMBF) as part of the “Digital Media in Vo-
cational Education and Training” programme and is
supported by the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
under the funding code 01PV18005A.
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The FischerTwin: An Experimentable Digital Twin Case Study