weighted attribute, which computed the result of the
sub-tree corresponding to that attribute. Our results
can be see in Figure 1.
While this approach is most likely not the most effi-
cient for Weighted ABE systems, it is not far away
from the best existing solution in terms of efficiency.
However, our variant provides a more simpler
and proven secure mathematical construction, which
lead to more versatility, inheriting all possible en-
hancements of the emblematic KP-ABE (Goyal et al.,
2006) and CP-ABE (Bethencourt et al., 2007) sys-
tems, such as: access revocation, outsourcing and
On top of that, this Weighted ABE system proves
to be very suitable for parallelized decryption, in or-
der to make it more efficient: It is both easy to imple-
ment and offers great practical time benefit, without
any mathematical alteration of the system.
The performance tests show that this simple ap-
proach is suitable for practical use. While for the nor-
mal version we could use access policies up to 40-
50 attributes, for the parallel one, this number will
greatly increase to around 100.
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