Blockchain Patterns in Critical Infrastructures: Limitations and
Hind Bangui
and Barbora Buhnova
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Critical Infrastructures, Blockchain Patterns, Security, Antifragility, Resilience.
The widespread adoption of data-driven applications in critical infrastructures has arisen with security and pri-
vacy concerns. Blockchain has received considerable attention to protect critical infrastructures (e.g., health-
care and transportation) that could be subjected to intentional and unintentional cyberattacks. Blockchain
patterns as reusable solutions have been used in critical infrastructure software to fulfill security requirements
while delivering reliable and trusted services to citizens. Thus, this work provides a comprehensive review
of blockchain patterns to examine how they can steer the advancement of critical infrastructures. Through a
critical analysis of existing blockchain pattern literature, we identify realistic limitations, lessons learned and
open research issues entirely dedicated to advancing blockchain-based antifragile critical infrastructures.
The digitization of critical infrastructures (CIs) has
gained increasing attention from academic and indus-
trial communities to improve the quality of citizens’
life through digital services. However, a digital CI is
not a simple technological concept that would only
merge between digital elements and physical space
to get the information and then convert it into ac-
tions for gaining smart capabilities. Instead, it also
covers the economic, social, and environmental as-
pects (Jang and Gim, 2021) that accept the digiti-
zation only if it fulfills the protection requirements,
such as the absence of unacceptable failures in vital
services (like healthcare). In this regard, the differ-
ent CI definitions have mainly pointed out the impor-
tance of protecting CIs. For example, the EU Direc-
tive 2008/114/EC (Directive, 2008) has defined CIs
as followed: ”A critical infrastructure means an as-
set, system or part thereof located in Member States
that is essential for the maintenance of vital societal
functions, health, safety, security, economic or social
well-being of people, and the disruption or destruc-
tion of which would have a significant impact in a
Member State as a result of the failure to maintain
those functions”.
In the digital era, the fundamental problem of
CIs centers around the protection of their informa-
tion to guarantee the continuity and quality of their
vital services (Silva et al., 2018). Thus, the applica-
tion of blockchain technology has been extended re-
cently to CIs (Vance and Vance, 2019) as a trusted
security solution to protect sensitive CI information.
Thanks to the blockchain characteristics, e.g., trans-
parency, trust, integrity, and redundancy (Vance and
Vance, 2019), blockchain (Vance and Vance, 2019)
has received positive sightings in CIs due to its capa-
bility to enhance their properties, such as resilience
and reliability (Gheorghe et al., 2018). However,
due to the significant blockchain impact on control-
ling the CI information and the apparition of security
concerns entirely dedicated to blockchain technology
(Boireau, 2018), a critical question has been raised in
academic and industrial communities on whether the
blockchain is capable of supporting the development
of CIs (Venkatesh et al., 2020).
Therefore, in this paper, we contribute to the body
of knowledge on blockchain and its effective adoption
for CI development by examining blockchain patterns
as reusable solutions in improving the design qualities
of CIs (like transportation). To this end, we focus on
studying only the blockchain patterns that have been
deployed in real-world scenarios in order to examine
convincingly the positive and negative realistic effects
of blockchain. Accordingly, we outline a research
agenda for blockchain patterns to meet the require-
ments of CIs that are paving the way for constructing
Bangui, H. and Buhnova, B.
Blockchain Patterns in Cr itical Infrastructures: Limitations and Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0011278500003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 457-468
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Blockchain Application Examples in Healthcare and Transportation.
Paper Description
Healthcare Domain
(Nguyen et al., 2021) A Cooperative Architecture of Data Offloading and Sharing for Blockchain-based Healthcare Systems
(Chelladurai and Pandian, 2021) A novel blockchain based electronic health record automation system for healthcare
(Alzubi, 2021) Blockchain-based Lamport Merkle Digital Signature: Authentication tool in IoT healthcare
(Soni and Singh, 2021) Blockchain-based security & privacy for biomedical and healthcare information exchange systems
(Rajput et al., 2021) A Blockchain-Based Secret-Data Sharing Framework for Personal Health Records in Emergency Condition
Transportation Domain
(Zhang et al., 2020) BSFP: Blockchain-Enabled Smart Parking with Fairness, Reliability and Privacy Protection
(Ge et al., 2020) A semi-autonomous distributed blockchain-based framework for UAVs
(Bera et al., 2021) Private blockchain-based access control mechanism for unauthorized UAV detection and mitigation in In-
ternet of Drones environment
(Gupta et al., 2021) Blockchain-assisted secure UAV communication in 6G environment
(Alsamhi et al., 2021) Blockchain for Decentralized Multi-Drone to Combat COVID-19
Alvares et al., 2021) Blockchain-Based Solutions for UAV-Assisted Connected Vehicle Networks in Smart Cities
a sustainable digital world.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 briefly illustrates some blockchain
application examples in CIs. Section 3 carries out
a literature review on blockchain patterns that have
been applied in real-world blockchain-based appli-
cations. Moreover, it discusses the pros and cons
of blockchain patterns from the critical infrastructure
perspective. Sections 4 illustrates an advanced in-
tegration of blockchain in CIs. As blockchain pat-
terns would be merged with CIs, Sections 5 high-
lights some recommendations that could help in deal-
ing with the negative impacts associated with reusing
blockchain patterns. Finally, Section 6 concludes the
work and outlines the future research.
Blockchain has been adopted in different CI domains
thanks to its ability to ensure preventative security
measures necessary to sustain the development of
their applications. Table 1 illustrates some of the vi-
tal domains where the blockchain has received con-
siderable interest. Indeed, blockchain has been used
in effective ways to improve the reliability of numer-
ous applications, such as the unmanned aerial vehi-
cles (UAV) that have become a big research topic
thanks to their various applications in various do-
mains, such as UAVs (or drones) for medical appli-
cations (Egala et al., 2021), multi-drone to combat
COVID-19 (Alsamhi et al., 2021), and UAV-assisted
connected vehicle networks (
Alvares et al., 2021). In-
deed, blockchain offers trust and security to UAVs
that are necessary to resist potential cyber-attacks
(e.g., Sybil and GPS spoofing attacks), which may
lead to the destruction of available information among
the whole UAV system. Blockchain also enhances the
coordination between distributed UAVs by solving the
computation and storage overhead issues while main-
taining its reliability and security benefits.
Despite the positive influence of blockchain in
different domains, blockchain is vulnerable to sev-
eral threats (Wang et al., 2019; Boireau, 2018), such
as mining-pool threats that exploit miners to launch
attacks (e.g., Pool Hopping (Singh et al., 2019)).
Thus, the next section we focus more on examining
blockchain patterns as reusable solutions in CIs while
pointing out their limitations to determine what kind
of blockchain issues that may impact CI protection.
Due to the importance to provide a proven blockchain
design for CIs, blockchain patterns are used to aid in
offering best practices for blockchain solutions and
addressing common software engineering problems.
Furthermore, patterns facilitate the design of a dis-
tributed ledger system that is a crucial part of the de-
pendability of CIs. In this respect, the aim of this sec-
tion is to study how the properties and limitations of
blockchain patterns could affect CIs.
3.1 Selection of Blockchain Patterns
From the perspective of software and systems en-
gineering, we conducted a survey of blockchain-
patterns literature, spanning from 2008 to the time
of writing this paper. Different combination of key-
words were used to find relevant studies, such as
“Blockchain” and ”design pattern”, ”Blockchain” and
”architectural patterns”, “Blockchain patterns”, and
”blockchain-based patterns”. Furthermore, for each
paper, the title and abstract were examined dur-
ing the initial search to ensure that the paper per-
tained to blockchain patterns. Overall, 77 articles
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 2: Selected Blockchain Pattern Studies.
Ref Category of Patterns Sub-Category of Patterns
What kind of real-world case
study is discussed?
The major issues detected and
(Xu et al.,
2018) Smart Contract Patterns
General Examples of Real-
World Known Uses of Patterns
Limited upgradability, extra cost,
lack of flexibility and adaptability
(Zhang et al.,
A Case Study on a Real-
World Blockchain-based Health-
care Applications
Extra Cost, latency,leaked Data
(Wohrer and
Zdun, 2018;
et al., 2020;
and Zdun,
2018; Bar-
toletti and
Ethereum Smart Contract Pat-
A Case Study on a Real-World
Ethereum Blockchain-based Ap-
Harmful callbacks, adverse circum-
stances on how and when func-
tions are executed, uncontrollably
high financial risks at stake, Un-
trusted external interactions, data
sharing,cascading failures (Other
platforms face similar issues as
(Liu et al., 2018)Smart Contract Patterns
Creational Patterns
A Case Study on a Real-
World Blockchain-based
Traceability Applications
Extra cost, latency, complexity,
steal of digital secret key
Structural Patterns
Inter-behavioral Patterns
Intra-behavioral Patterns
(Xu et al.,
Security Patterns N/A
General Examples of Real-
World Known Uses of Patterns
Dishonest users, compromised Key,
latency, extra cost, lack of flexibil-
ity and adaptability
(Xu et al.,
et al., 2020;
Xu et al.,
Interacting with the External
World Patterns
General Examples of Real-
World Known Uses of Patterns
Trust, delay, extra cost, uncertainty,
performance, transparency, lack of
flexibility and adaptability
et al., 2020)
A Case Study on a Real-World
Blockchain-based Weather
Warning Applications
(Xu et al.,
Data Management Patterns
General Examples of Real-
World Known Uses of Patterns
Compromised Key, compromising
data integrity, trustworthiness, extra
cost, immutable data may be sub-
ject to brute force decryption at-
(Weber et al.,
A specific Study for Multi-
Tenant Blockchain-Based Sys-
Compromising data integrity
and Tai,
2017; Chao
et al., )
Specific Studies Focusing on
Computation and Data Off-
Chaining and Maintaining the
Key properties of misused
Extra Cost, compromising data in-
tegrity, unavailable Data due to ma-
licious intent, leaked Data, trustless
(Liu et al., 2020)Self-Sovereign Identity Patterns
Key Management Patterns
General Examples of Real-
World Known Uses of Pat-
Lost or compromised master-key,
data loss, extra cost, data integrity,
trustworthiness, privacy, Latency,
Lack of flexibility and adaptability
DID management Patterns
Credential design Patterns
et al., 2020)
Data Migration Patterns N/A
(Xu et al.,
Deployment Patterns N/A
(Lu et al., 2021)Payment Patterns
Token Design Patterns
A Case Study on a Real-
World Blockchain-based
Payment Applications
Extra cost, privacy, upgradability,
data integrity, lack of liquidity, lack
of traceability, lack of flexibility
and adaptability
Seller Management Patterns
Payment Management Pat-
were retrieved from academic databases and well-
known publishers such as IEEE Xplore Digital Li-
brary, ScienceDirect, ACM Digital Library, Springer,
and Google Scholar. After that, we examined each
work based on full-text read. Then, we identified the
primary studies that fulfilled the following criteria:
Providing detailed blockchain pattern descrip-
tions for developers.
Describing how to make good use of blockchain
patterns in real-world applications.
Blockchain Patterns in Critical Infrastructures: Limitations and Recommendations
Listing blockchain pattern benefits.
Listing real-world blockchain pattern drawbacks.
Due to the immaturity of software engineering for
blockchain (Hakak et al., 2020), we found only 16
comprehensive blockchain pattern studies that pro-
vide details of 102 blockchain patterns and meet our
engineering perspective views. Table 2 provides more
details about the identified blockchain pattern studies.
3.2 Comparison of Blockchain Patterns
from CI Perspective
In this section, we aim to review the adaptation
and suitability of blockchain patterns for CIs. To
avoid overlapping conflict, the 102 blockchain pat-
terns are classified into 9 categories based on real-
world blockchain applications (Table 2), which are as
follows: Smart contract patterns, ethereum smart con-
tract patterns, security patterns, interacting with the
external world patterns, data management patterns,
self-sovereign identity patterns, data migration pat-
terns, deployment patterns, payment patterns. After
that, we focused on examining the drawbacks cited in
each work. The importance of this step is to highlight
the major blockchain pattern limitations without fo-
cusing only on promoting the benefits of blockchain
properties, such as decentralization, transparency, and
immutability. Figures 1, 2, and 3 summarize the find-
ings of the major limitations of blockchain patterns to
explore whether blockchain patterns would live up to
their CI expectations or not.
Findings on the Pattern Benefits. There is no
doubt that blockchain has the potential to promote the
development of CI systems due to its ability to change
the way to store and secure sensitive information ef-
fectively against adversaries trying to access data to
control or disrupt systems, resulting in boosting the
capabilities of CI properties (Gheorghe et al., 2018).
For example, thanks to the redundancy and trace-
ability offered by blockchain, resilience and forensic
readiness can retrain data from every step of the data
generation process in CI systems. Moreover, these
CI properties have built trust in blockchain as a dis-
tributed database technology that can endorse the data
quality and guarantee the correctness of data analysis
necessary for making resilient CI systems.
Findings on the Patterns Limitations. Based on
reviewing blockchain patterns, we found that the ma-
turity of blockchain is still facing many limitations not
yet solved. The major blockchain pattern challenge is
maintaining security (Figure 1). Notably, we found
that the key compromise is the root cause of security
issues in blockchain and its dependent systems as los-
ing this unique and secret key assigned to each user
may make sensitive information accessible to unau-
thorized parties. Moreover, since the blockchain net-
work is decentralized to prevent a single point of secu-
rity failure, it is hard to identify the behavior of a ma-
licious user who gets the private key of an authorized
user. In this critical case, blockchain technology can-
not fulfill the requirements of CI properties, such as
self-healing resilience that needs accurate data to aid
a system to respond rapidly and recover effectively
from unexpected setbacks. Likewise, the vulnerable
codes in smart contract patterns may cause malicious
behaviors of blocks and leave CI systems seriously
vulnerable in real circumstances. For example, the
invocation of callback functions in Ethereum smart
contract patterns (Wohrer and Zdun, 2018; March-
esi et al., 2020; W
ohrer and Zdun, 2018; Bartoletti
and Pompianu, 2017) may result in giving a chance
to attackers to exploit security bugs and deteriorate
CI systems. Equally, privacy and trust are not guar-
anteed in some blockchain patterns (Figure 1) due
to the lack of security countermeasures against such
steal of the digital key and leak data. Yet, there is a
big need to maintain the security in blockchain pat-
terns, particularly, we need to fix the vulnerabilities
of smart contract and find a secured way to share
a key over blockchain networks, while guaranteeing
and centering CI systems around the promising prop-
erties of blockchain technology, such as decentrali-
sation, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and
On the other hand, flexibility, adaptability, and
upgradability of blockchain patterns (Figure 2) are ac-
companied with significant limitations that affect the
fusion of blockchain within CI systems. For example,
in the case of the public blockchain, all smart con-
tracts by default have no owner. As a result, all partic-
ipants can access all the information and code stored
on blockchain without any special privilege. For ex-
ample, the embedded permission pattern (Xu et al.,
2018) is used to restrict access to the invocation of
the functions defined in smart contracts. However, the
specified permissions cannot be updated or removed
once they are issued, which can be considered as a
lack of flexibility and adaptability in CI systems. Yet,
a mechanism should be proposed to support the flex-
ibility and adaptability of the embedded permission
Long time to synchronize a large volume of trans-
actions is another gap in blockchain patterns (Fig-
ure 2) that may affect data transmission between
CI systems, resulting in compromising security con-
cerns as well as reducing the scalability and per-
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Roadmap of Blockchain Patterns with Compromised Key, Trust, and Privacy Issues.
Figure 2: Roadmap of Blockchain Patterns with Latency, Flexibility-Adaptability, and Upgradability Issues.
formance of CI systems. Double-spending (Iqbal
and Matulevi
cius, 2021) is an example of attacks in
blockchain that reflects the negative impact of delay
between the initiation and confirmation of two trans-
actions. Indeed, double-spending is possible with
any attacker who wants to benefit from time-lapse
to get the first transaction results before other blocks
announce the invalidation of the second transaction.
Consequently, blockchain would not be the best se-
curity solution that could manage and synchronize
real-time sensitive information flow over CIs. Thus,
realistic case studies are required to understand how
blockchain may process, maintain, and manage trans-
actions over different CIs. Also, experimental studies
Blockchain Patterns in Critical Infrastructures: Limitations and Recommendations
Figure 3: Roadmap of Blockchain Patterns with Extra Cost Issue.
are required to identify in what cases blockchain may
cause significant delays, resulting in defining the best
practices of blockchain development and supporting
data transmission that is the main key for advancing
resilient CIs.
Meanwhile, we found that sustainability is still a
key barrier to adopt blockchain in CI systems. Indeed,
the rising cost of maintaining ledgers and managing
data is of extreme concern (Figure 3). For exam-
ple, the ”Off-Chain Data Storage” pattern requires ex-
tra communication mechanisms and storage platforms
to ensure data sharing (Xu et al., 2018), which can
cause significant extra cost for interdependent CIs.
Likewise, some blockchain patterns still need quali-
fied and experienced personnel to ensure the correct-
ness of their implementation within a system, such as
Learning Curve is mandatory steep for users of DApp
Pattern (Xu et al., 2018) to understand the functional-
ity of smart contracts and know-how to verify trans-
On the other hand, it is expected that data prop-
agated over blockchain would be increased to meet
the needs of CI systems. As a result, the comput-
ing resources of blocks would be increased, result-
ing in increased CI energy use. Actually, the cur-
rent blockchain patterns focus mainly on preventing
unauthorized access that is essential for securing any
vulnerable system; however, they are not prepared to
deal with intensive data storage related to the expo-
nentially increasing complexity of dependent CI sys-
tem interactions. For example, in (Zhang et al., 2017),
a study have been conducted to determine the benefits
of the application of patterns to address interoperabil-
ity in blockchain-based health applications. However,
this work has pointed out the major limitations of re-
alizing patterns on the blockchain, which are: high
computation delay, extra computation cost, and stor-
age overhead. Thus, there is a necessity to shape an
efficient and sustainable blockchain that would con-
trol and manage the data generated by smart devices
while minimizing the undesirable computation and
energy cost impact in CIs.
3.3 Observations
In this section, we summarize lessons learned from
the previous section, structured into beneficial prop-
erties that can be useful in reconstructing upcom-
ing blockchain patterns and supporting the fusion of
blockchain technology within complex CIs. From CI
perspective, the beneficial properties of blockchain
patterns include:
The pattern shows its simplicity for non-qualified
and experienced personnel to support its wide im-
The pattern shows its trustworthiness through
measuring its reputation when CI system partic-
ipants access to information.
The pattern shows its dependability through fault-
tolerance and resilience in CI systems.
The pattern shows its flexibility and efficiency
through managing large datasets without develop-
ment overheads.
The pattern shows its agility through responding
to the increasing complexity of CI system interac-
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
tions and dealing rapidly with their related unex-
pected circumstances.
The pattern shows its interpretability and interop-
erability through comparing and measuring alter-
native responses to automate the transformation of
interdependent and dependent CI systems.
The pattern shows its adaptability through learn-
ing over experience and accommodating new re-
quirements imposed by the ever changing nature
of CIs (like need of using further storage space)
with minimum cost, energy, and time.
Despite the blockchain pattern limitations, they can
be reused to improve the design of CIs. Thus, in
this section, we highlight an example of advanced ap-
plication of blockchain that can support the moving
beyond resilience by considering antifragility in CIs
(Sartorio et al., 2021; Martinetti et al., 2019). Besides,
we try to clarify why we should care about the limita-
tions of blockchain patterns and implications related
to them.
4.1 Data Management for Antifragile
Moving towards digitization is not an easy task for
CIs since it brings new security concerns (Sartorio
et al., 2021; Martinetti et al., 2019). Thus, CIs are
looking for strategies that enable them to learn how to
autonomously readjust and evolve their function and
structure while boosting their robustness.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book ”Antifragile:
Things That Gain from Disorder” (Taleb, 2012) has
introduced the concept of antifragility as an evolu-
tionary understanding of the resilience that not sim-
ply enables a system to tolerate adverse events, but
rather allows to strengthen in the process its self-
learning ability to respond to future possible threat-
ening situations, which was clarified in Taleb’s book
(Taleb, 2012) as follows: ”Antifragility is beyond re-
silience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and
stays the same; the antifragile gets better”. Thus, an-
tifragility is a property of ”systems able to learn while
enacting elastic and resilient strategies” (De Florio,
2014). In other words, as it is impossible to predict
all future circumstances with a large negative impact
in the digital era, antifragility looks at enabling an au-
tonomous system to self-learn from shocks, resulting
in creating a complex adaptive-autonomous system
that is antifragile to negative incidents. Thus, An-
tifragility has been considered as an important step
in safety evolution (Martinetti et al., 2019), exempli-
fying the digital era. Figure 4 provides more clarifi-
cation concerning the antifragility concept.
4.2 Impact of Blockchain Pattern
Limitations in Antifragile CIs
Learning from disorder is the main key in antifragile
systems to boost self-improvement and autonomous
data-driven decisions (Sartorio et al., 2021; Mar-
tinetti et al., 2019). Thus, learning process should be
done through truthful information sources to satisfy
the requirements of antifragility concept. Therefrom,
blockchain is considered as the best security solution
that can manage data necessary for realizing truly an-
tifragile systems while addressing their data require-
ments in terms of trust, transparency, security, immu-
nity, redundancy, and decentralisation.
There is no doubt that blockchain can bring sig-
nificant security enhancement to antifragile CI sys-
tems. However, the fusion of blockchain and antifrag-
ile CI systems is a big challenge as blockchain pat-
terns need to address carefully their limitations. For
example, due compromised key and immutable data
issues, Encrypting on-Chain Data Pattern (Xu et al.,
2018) may produce undesirable impact for antifragile
systems that center around their informational part.
Blockchain patterns have been merged with CIs to
support their digital transformation. However, the
blockchain pattern limitations may hinder this fusion
as any failure or attack leads to serious interdependent
cascading effects.
Therefore, in this section, we list below some po-
tential recommendations that could help in avoiding
or minimizing the negative impact of blockchain pat-
tern limitations that may affect CIs.
5.1 Distributed Trust Models for
Protecting Private CI Information
5.1.1 Description of the Challenge
Considering the limitations of blockchain patterns
detected through realistic scenarios, the users’ trust
would be affected before and after interactions with
blockchain. For example, data leakage is one of
the major privacy concerns of blockchain that pushes
Blockchain Patterns in Critical Infrastructures: Limitations and Recommendations
Figure 4: Antifragility Concept.
the owners of sensitive data stored in blocks to
switch from overtrust to undertrust blockchain (Zhu
et al., 2018). Indeed, in case of information leaking,
blockchain can guarantee its trustworthiness property
as stored data in blocks are unaffected and still im-
mutable, transparent, and decentralized. However, the
ledger cannot guarantee data owners’ trust as their
personal data can be disclosed without their aware-
ness and misused by unauthorized parties. The data
leakage issue could be exacerbated in CIs due to the
dependability of a set of functional services on infor-
mation. In other words, serious security issues can re-
sult in the disclosing of information and effect across
interdependent CI systems. Yet, ensuring users’ trust
through blockchain is still a big deal in CI facilities,
which are driven by the growing demand for access to
information over smart devices.
Some studies have tried to propose methodologies
for deciding the suitability of blockchain in industrial
areas (Pedersen et al., 2019; Bavassano et al., 2020).
However, they have not provided a comprehensive
guidelines on how to assess user trust who would be
willing to place data on blockchain. Moreover, they
have not discussed how to use the existing scales that
have been developed to measure user trust in various
systems, such as human-computer trust scale(Gulati
et al., 2019) and the measurement of the propensity to
trust in automation (Jessup et al., 2019).
5.1.2 Recommendation
There is a big need for proposing distributed trust
models to empower the blockchain reputation in CIs
by representing the trust level of qualitative and quan-
titative system properties, mainly privacy and safety.
5.2 Other Alternative Distributed
Ledger Technologies for CIs
5.2.1 Description of the Challenge
Despite the blockchain advantages in addressing the
correctness and trustworthiness of shared information
while preserving CI security objectives (Alcaraz and
Zeadally, 2015), the blockchain pattern drawbacks
may prevent this ledger from compelling its adoption
in CIs. To tackle these limitations, some studies
have focused on examining the suitability of each
blockchain implementation based on the character-
istics of a given application (Pedersen et al., 2019).
However, blockchain is not the only DLT (Distributed
Ledger Technology) that can ensure security and
advanced protection against threats in CIs. There
are also other DLTs that can be used as alternative
solutions for protecting CIs, such as Tangle that
is one of the most popular directed acylic graph
instances for ensuring high transaction volumes in
smart environments (Singh et al., 2021).
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 3: Comparison of Different Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs).
Blockchain Tangle HashGraph HoloChain Tempo
Licence Open Source Open Source Patented Open Source Open Source
Platform(s) Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple,
Ethereum, etc.
IOTA Swirlds Holo Radix
Initial Release 2008 2017 2016 2018 2017
Popularity Very well know Low Low Low Low
Maturity Been used Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental
Scalability Low High High High High
Decentralized Yes Semi-Centralized Semi-Centralized Yes Yes
Energy consumption High Low Low Low Low
Mining required Yes No No No No
Transaction fees High Low Low Low Low
Transaction per second 4 to 7 500 to 800 More than 200.000 More than millions More than 25.000
Latency High Low Subject to Gossiping Subject to Gossiping Subject to Gossiping
Security in terms of Availabil-
ity, Integrity, and Fault Toler-
High High High High High
Table 3 provides a comparison between the most
popular DLTs in terms of popularity, maturity, scala-
bility, decentralization, energy consumption, latency,
transaction fees, mining process, transaction fees
per second, and security. As shown in Table 3,
there are multiple DLTs but they are still in the in-
fancy stage except blockchain that has been proven
and used widely in digital currency security (Singh
et al., 2021), which encourages its acceptance in CIs
(Georgescu and C
ırnu, 2019).
5.2.2 Recommendation
There is a big need for proposing recommended
model approaches to select the best alternative ledger
(Table 3) that can assist blockchain in case of poor
performance or security and privacy concerns, result-
ing in supporting the sustainable development of dig-
ital CIs.
5.3 Blockchain Checklists for
Designing CIs
5.3.1 Description of the Challenge
Blockchain has revolutionized decentralized software
architectures and become a fundamental building
block of CI designs. However, to date there are no
accepted laws and standards that could be followed to
unify DLTs in terms of interoperability, architecture,
and software design. There are some checklists that
can be used to facilitate the integration of blockchain
with CIs. Generally, a checklist is a strategic un-
derstanding that aims to facilitate the software devel-
opment process by efficiently instructing and guid-
ing developers. It has been defined as (Singhal and
Uthappa, 2019): ”A comprehensive formal list of es-
sential actions to be taken in a specific fashion”. Thus,
a standard checklist can provide a detailed explana-
tion on how integrate blockchain design while foster-
ing dramatically the blockchain adoption in interde-
pendent CIs.
Due to the infancy stage of blockchain develop-
ment, there are very few studies (Table 4) that are
targeted for evaluating blockchain before its imple-
mentation. However, they have not devised a stan-
dard blockchain model that can be recommended as a
mature DLT to fulfill the burst CI needs effectively
and elastically. For example, a CI system may re-
quest a considerable amount of blockchain resources;
simultaneously, its demand may significantly affect
the quality of service of its dependable CI systems.
Thus, it is necessary to provide an appropriate guide-
line on monitoring blockchain resource utilization to
fulfill the dynamic demands of dependable CIs. Like-
wise, the related checklist solutions have not dealt
well with the compatibility issue between private and
public blockchain transactions to fit CI needs (Ghe-
orghe et al., 2018). Furthermore, they have not de-
scribed how a checklist can contribute in avoiding
or minimizing security vulnerabilities and threats of
blockchain that may cause severe consequences in
CIs, such as data leakage.
5.3.2 Recommendation
Due to the diversity of CIs and the importance of
keeping them protected against cyber-attacks (Ghe-
orghe et al., 2018), it is necessary to put forward an
institutional model for blockchain that can describe
clearly the relations between different DLTs (Table 3)
and determine in which case it is recommended to use
another DLT instead of blockchain. Furthermore, it
is necessary to collect real-world blockchain applica-
tions within different contexts to help developers to
learn how to make good use of blockchain in CI de-
signs as well as learn how to select a suitable type of
blockchain (Andreev et al., 2018), while determining
its right technical parameters for each specific CI use
case (Gheorghe et al., 2018).
Blockchain Patterns in Critical Infrastructures: Limitations and Recommendations
Table 4: Checklists for evaluating the implementation of Blockchain.
Paper Description
Crypto 2.0 ‘Lenses’ (Jaffrey, 2015) Develop an evaluation framework specific for the financial applications.
Greenspan (Greenspan, 2015) Propose a general industrial framework containing eight conditions that should be verified
before the implementation of Blockchain.
METI (MET, 2017) Evaluate the comparability between conventional system and a Blockchain-based systems.
Consensus (Seibold and Samman, 2016) Propose a questionnaire for evaluating distributed consensus mechanisms.
BLOCKBENCH (Dinh et al., 2017) Propose a framework for evaluating the performance of private Blockchain components in
terms of fault-tolerance, throughput, latency, and scalability.
Case study checklist (Treiblmaier, 2020) Propose a checklist for writing Blockchain case studies.
In this work, we investigate the state-of-the-art lit-
erature on blockchain patterns to identify the real-
world blockchain limitations that could make bar-
riers in adopting the blockchain technology in CIs
(like transportation systems). Accordingly, a list of
lessons learned is highlighted to facilitate the fusion
of blockchain within CIs. This is followed with the
discussion of the implications and future directions of
blockchain research roadmap, following the trends of
distributed trust models, antifragile systems, check-
lists, and other alternative distributed ledger technolo-
Understanding that the use of digital technologies
is becoming a fact in our life and every digital system
is vulnerable, the management of disturbances has be-
come a top-priority concern for creating sustainable
CI systems. Thus, as a future work, we plan to assess
the degrees of blockchain criticality, and investigate
how to further advance blockchain integration within
The work was supported from ERDF/ESF “Cy-
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tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
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