We have shown that when computing visibility re-
gions by the triangular expansion algorithm (TEA),
the choice of the triangulation type matters. Choos-
ing the right or lousy triangulation can shift the av-
erage query performance of the TEA significantly in
both directions. We have also shown that the con-
straint Delaunay triangulation (CDT), although it is
commonly used, is not optimal for the TEA in the
sense that it does not minimize the expected number
of edge expansions done by the algorithm. This pa-
per contributes by designing a new type of triangula-
tion called MinVT that approximately minimizes the
above criterion and improves the TEA query perfor-
mance compared to CDT by about 5-28%, depending
on the input map. In addition, the proposed triangula-
tion can adapt to TEA with early exit strategy, called
d-TEA, used when computing visibility regions con-
strained by limited visibility range d.
In future work, we plan to address the preprocess-
ing time, i.e., the time needed for constructing the
proposed triangulation, which was not addressed here
but appeared slow due to naive approaches used in
some of the sub-procedures. Furthermore, a promis-
ing direction for future research is generalizing from a
triangulation optimization to an optimization of gen-
eral collection of convex polygons, also called a nav-
igation mesh. A computation similar to TEA’s com-
putation of visibility regions but using a general nav-
igation mesh appears in (Shen et al., 2020). Here,
Polyanya (Cui et al., 2017), a state-of-the-art optimal
solver for computing geometric shortest paths in nav-
igation meshes, was adapted to compute all convex
obstacle vertices visible from a query mesh vertex.
Adapting the ideas of this paper to navigation meshes
used in Polyanya may result in a similar average im-
provement of query times as for TEA with optimized
This work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund under the project Robotics for In-
dustry 4.0 (reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15003/000
0470) and by the Grant Agency of the Czech Tech-
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Triangular Expansion Revisited: Which Triangulation Is The Best?