The Jetbrains’ Meta Programming System (?) al-
lows developers to extend IntelliJ-based editors with
a projectional editor for a domain-specific language.
Their editors furthermore support collaborative edit-
ing, however, we are unaware of their approach to
synchronising replicas as their source code is not pub-
licly available.
This paper presented an alternative approach, called
COAST, to implement a real-time collaborative code
editor to overcome the limitations that arise for tradi-
tional editors that treat source code as sequences of
characters. COAST synchronizes code at the level
of the abstract syntax tree (AST) and implements this
AST as a conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT).
Our proof-of-concept implementation covers a min-
imal set of nodes, but already demonstrates the ca-
pability of the merging strategy to resolve conflicts
for different concurrent operations. The strategy is
mainly based on the inclusion of a logical timestamp
allowing for an ordering of events that allows the data
structure to recompute the AST including newly re-
ceived updates. Even so, certain optimizations are in
order to improve conflict resolution, either by the in-
clusion of developer roles or by shifting the merge
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COAST: A Conflict-free Replicated Abstract Syntax Tree