Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols
Paul Georg Wagner
and J
urgen Beyerer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation IOSB, Karlsruhe, Germany
Remote Attestation, Trusted Computing, Trusted Platform Modules, Intel SGX, Arm Trustzone, Distributed
Remote attestation protocols are valuable tools to cryptographically verify the integrity of remote software
stacks. Usually these protocols rely on a specific hardware-based trusted computing technology to provide
their security guarantees. However, especially in distributed settings with many collaborating platforms it is
not always feasible to use protocols developed exclusively for one trusted computing technology. In this work
we explore the possibility of conducting heterogeneous remote attestations between endpoints utilizing dif-
ferent trusted computing technologies. We motivate the benefits of such attestations in the light of distributed
systems and present a list of requirements for a working heterogeneous remote attestation protocol. Then we
propose a remote attestation mechanism that can securely link Intel SGX enclaves, TPM-based trusted appli-
cations, as well as ARM TrustZone devices with an attested and encrypted communication channel. Finally
we outline how this mechanism can be integrated into an established remote attestation protocol.
In today’s environment of ubiquitous computing,
more and more data are being processed in distributed
systems. Such systems consist of components that are
often operated by different stakeholders in a decen-
tralized infrastructure. One major challenge in such
scenarios is to establish the trustworthiness of remote
system components. This includes verifying the cor-
rectness of remote components and preventing mali-
cious operators from manipulating critical software.
A popular way of achieving this is by applying re-
mote attestation protocols. Remote attestation is the
process of cryptographically verifying the integrity of
a computing device’s software stack. This verifica-
tion process is usually backed by hardware-based se-
curity mechanisms known as trusted computing tech-
nologies. Currently the most popular and widespread
trusted computing technologies are Trusted Platform
Modules (TPMs), Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone.
While much research went into the development
of these technologies over recent years, so far they
have mainly been viewed separately from each other.
Depending on the specific use case and security re-
quirements, usually only one technology is selected
and deployed systemwide. However, especially in
distributed systems it is beneficial to combine sev-
eral trusted computing technologies and conduct re-
mote attestations between them. That way technolo-
gies with different benefits and drawbacks can be used
simultaneously. For example, TPMs are cheap and
easy to use, but generally do not provide as strong se-
curity guarantees as Intel SGX. Being able to deploy
SGX enclaves for security-critical components while
still using TPM-protection would greatly enhance the
flexibility and adaptability of distributed trusted ap-
plications. Furthermore, in large distributed systems
it is unlikely that all operators unanimously agree on a
single trusted computing technology to use in the en-
tire system. Finally, there are often technological rea-
sons for using multiple trusted computing technolo-
gies. For example, ARM-based embedded devices
seldom have a dedicated TPM module, so they are
bound to rely on the ARM TrustZone technology.
In this position paper we take first steps towards
a heterogeneous remote attestation protocol that con-
nects different trusted computing technologies. For
this, we first give a brief overview of existing remote
attestation protocols (section 2), before we identify
requirements for a heterogeneous protocol (section 3).
Then we describe how to conduct remote attestations
between TPMs, Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone and
show how these mechanisms can be integrated into a
joint attestation protocol that establishes secure chan-
nels (section 4). Finally we conclude the paper with
an outlook on future work (section 5).
Wagner, P. and Beyerer, J.
Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols.
DOI: 10.5220/0011289000003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 586-591
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Among the most widespread trusted computing
technologies today are Trusted Platform Modules
(TPMs). TPMs hold several cryptographic keys on
a dedicated hardware chip, which can then be used
to encrypt and sign critical information in a secure
environment. The private parts of the cryptographic
keys stored in the TPM hardware are protected against
external influence and cannot be extracted in plain
text. There have been multiple proposals for TPM-
based remote attestation protocols over the years
(Armknecht et al., 2008; Zhou and Zhang, 2010;
Wagner et al., 2020; TCG, 2019a). All of them uti-
lize a special set of registers in the TPM chip, the
Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs). When a
TPM-protected system boots up, these registers con-
tain unforgeable fingerprints of the system’s current
hardware and software configuration. During the re-
mote attestation protocol, the PCR contents are signed
with the private part of an asymmetric attestation key,
which is known only to the TPM. By verifying that
signature as well as the system fingerprints, remote
verifiers can be convinced that the attested system
runs a correctly configured and unmodified software
stack. Furthermore, most remote attestation protocols
also conduct a Diffie-Hellman key exchange to estab-
lish a shared secret between verifier and prover.
A more sophisticated trusted computing technol-
ogy is Intel’s Software Guard Extension (SGX). In-
tel SGX consists of a set of special hardware security
modules directly integrated into the CPU die, which
allow security critical code to run as a protected en-
clave (Costan and Devadas, 2016). SGX enclaves
are executed completely isolated from the rest of the
computer system, including other system processes,
administrators, and even the operating system itself.
Similar to TPMs, there are several SGX-based re-
mote attestation protocols on offer. One way of re-
motely attesting SGX enclaves is by using a group
signature scheme called EPID (Johnson et al., 2016).
This scheme extends the machine-internal local attes-
tation of an SGX enclave with a cryptographic sig-
nature that is externally verifiable by communicating
with Intel’s attestation services. However, with recent
CPUs Intel also provides the option to build decentral-
ized third-party attestation infrastructures (DCAP),
mainly targeted to data center operations (Scarlata
et al., 2018). Both attestation protocols offer a so-
phisticated Sigma protocol encompassing a Diffie-
Hellman key exchange to establish a shared secret be-
tween prover and verifier. The low-level remote attes-
tation schemes provided by Intel have also been in-
tegrated into several higher-level communication pro-
tocols. There are proposals for including SGX-based
remote attestation into TLS (Knauth et al., 2018) as
well as HTTPS (King and Wang, 2021). Furthermore,
Google uses a high-level protocol called EKEP
SGX-based attestation in their Asylo framework, and
there is also a protocol implementation for Gramine
While Intel SGX is only available for x86 archi-
tectures, TrustZone is the trusted computing technol-
ogy for ARM-based infrastructures. ARM TrustZone
divides the system into two distinct worlds, the nor-
mal world and the secure world (Pinto and Santos,
2019). Both worlds have their own software stack
and are strictly isolated from each other by means of
hardware-based access control. That way the poten-
tially compromised normal world (and even its op-
erating system) cannot maliciously influence security
critical applications running inside the secure world.
Unlike with TPMs and SGX, remote attestation ca-
pabilities have not been a big concern in the design
of ARM TrustZone. To our knowledge, no stan-
dardized remote attestation protocol for TrustZone
has been published so far. However, there are some
application-specific proposals (Shepherd et al., 2017;
Wang et al., 2020; Ling et al., 2021) available. These
proposals utilize a Software-TPM implemented as a
trusted application and protected by the TrustZone
hardware. Hence the resulting proposals are very sim-
ilar to TPM-based attestation protocols.
As a first step towards heterogeneous remote attesta-
tion protocols, we have identified six general require-
ments that such protocols should fulfill.
Heterogeneous Attestations. The first and most
important requirement is the support of heteroge-
neous remote attestations. This means that a single
protocol instance must be able to deal with differ-
ent trusted computing technologies on both endpoints.
After the protocol handshake completes successfully,
the code identities of both sides have to be mutu-
ally verified as dictated by the respective mechanisms.
Furthermore, at this point the protocol has to consider
the potentially different attestation scopes. For exam-
ple, an SGX remote attestation provides code iden-
tity information about a single enclave. TPMs on the
other hand always include the entire trusted system in
their attestation data. In the remainder of this paper
we focus on supporting TPMs, SGX and TrustZone
Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols
as trusted computing technologies. However, in the
future other technologies should be supported in het-
erogeneous remote attestations as well.
Mechanism Negotiation. Since a heterogeneous
remote attestation protocol has to handle multiple dif-
ferent technologies at once, a suitable way of mecha-
nism negotiation is required. The protocol needs to be
able to select suitable attestation mechanisms for both
respective endpoints and notify them about the kind of
attestation information to expect from the other side.
Only then can a heterogeneous attestation endpoint
successfully validate the transmitted attestation infor-
mation. This could be achieved with a separate nego-
tiation phase before the actual remote attestation.
Secure Channels. Besides the mutual verification
of code integrity, the remote attestation protocol also
has to establish a secure channel between the attested
endpoints. Usually this is achieved by adopting a
Diffie-Hellman key exchange to establish a shared se-
cret on the channel. However, when developing a het-
erogeneous remote attestation protocol, great care has
to be taken to properly authenticate this key exchange.
The key exchange has to be unambiguously linked
to the attested code identities. This means that the
shared secret must only be accessible to the attested
endpoints, and only if they are in the correct (i.e. ver-
ified) states. How exactly this is achieved depends on
the specific trusted computing technology used. Fur-
thermore, the protocol must be resilient against replay
attacks, i.e. prevent adversaries from authenticating a
new key exchange with old attestation information.
Platform Independence. A heterogeneous remote
attestation protocol is particularly useful in distributed
systems consisting of many different hardware plat-
forms, because in such systems it is often not feasi-
ble to deploy just one single trusted computing tech-
nology. Hence platform independence is an impor-
tant protocol requirement. This includes compatible
protocol implementations for different platforms (e.g.
ARM and x86), but also simple protocol bindings
for different programming languages. Furthermore
the protocol should be easily expandable with novel
trusted computing mechanisms.
Protocol Reuse. Since there are sophisticated and
(partly) standardized remote attestation protocols
available for the considered trusted computing tech-
nologies, it is not necessary to invent new attestation
mechanisms completely from scratch. Instead, the
heterogeneous attestation protocol should build on al-
ready existing attestation mechanisms wherever pos-
sible. That way protocol complexity can be decreased
and compatibility can be maximized.
Performance. Finally, the protocol performance is
defined by the time it takes to conduct a full two-way
handshake including the mutual attestations. How-
ever, the protocol performance will strongly depend
on the specific trusted computing technologies. For
example, TPMs are rather slow on certain crypto-
graphic operations, while SGX enclaves can utilize
the full resources of the CPU and are much faster.
Hence the performance of a heterogeneous remote
attestation protocol should be evaluated by compar-
ing it with existing attestation protocols of the various
In this section we show how mutual remote attesta-
tion can be conducted between endpoints of different
trusted computing technologies. We present a con-
cept for mutual remote attestation between hardware-
based TPMs and Intel SGX enclaves, and discuss how
it can be adopted for attestations between ARM Trust-
Zone devices and SGX enclaves. We also show how
secure communication channels can be established
between heterogeneous endpoints. Finally, we pro-
pose the integration of these mechanisms into a het-
erogeneous remote attestation protocol.
4.1 Connecting Trusted Platform
Modules with SGX Enclaves
To facilitate a mutual remote attestation between
hardware-based TPMs and Intel SGX enclaves, we
combine the EREPORT instruction on SGX-capable
systems with the TPM2 Quote instruction on the TPM-
protected side. Furthermore, we establish a shared
secret using an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)
key exchange. We choose ECDH to allow the use of
the TPM2 ECDH ZGen key establishment primitive of
the TPM 2.0 interface (TCG, 2019b), as has been re-
cently proposed in (Wagner et al., 2020). On the SGX
side, this key exchange is authenticated by including
a hash of the public key in the signed EREPORT data
structure. Together, this establishes a secure com-
munication channel between the heterogeneous end-
points and ensures that the shared secret is known
only to both attested code identities.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
System A (SGX)
System B (TPM)
Untrusted App Trusted App
Local attestation
, Q
Create nonce
Create ECDH
, Q
, N
Validate sgx_report
TPM2_Certify( )
, N
TPM2_Quote( )
, Q
Validate tpm_report
Validate signature
, Q
, N
Encrypt using shared secret
k :
Figure 1: Remote attestation mechanism between SGX enclaves and TPMs.
Figure 1 shows a high-level description of the pro-
posed heterogeneous remote attestation sequence be-
tween an SGX enclave and a TPM-protected trusted
application. To keep the sequence diagram simple, we
assume that both systems are already set up and ready
to conduct a remote attestation. This means that the
TPM-protected system has performed a trusted boot
sequence that established a chain of trust from the
hardware TPM over the bootloader and operating sys-
tem to the user applications. We especially assume
that the trusted application has been included in the
measurements conducted via the PCR Extend TPM
operation, because otherwise the SGX enclave can-
not validate the remote code identity and the attesta-
tion would fail. On the SGX side, we assume that
the quoting enclave (QE) has been launched and pro-
visioned with an attestation key according to either
the EPID or DCAP specification. Note that for sim-
plicity, figure 1 only provides a high-level description
of the necessary SGX attestation messages. The de-
tails of EPID (Johnson et al., 2016) and DCAP (Scar-
lata et al., 2018) attestation messages can be found
in the respective specifications. Furthermore we omit
additional SGX components required for the respec-
tive attestation procedure, such as the Intel attesta-
tion services (with EPID) or the provisioning certi-
fication enclave (with DCAP). As first step in the pro-
tocol handshake, the TPM-protected trusted applica-
tion randomly draws a nonce N
and transmits it to
the remote enclave. This nonce is used for freshness
purposes and prevents malicious reuse of attestation
information (replay attacks). The SGX enclave then
creates its own nonce N
for the same reason, as well
as a new ECDH key pair (d
, Q
). Note that the se-
cret key d
has been created inside the secure SGX
enclave and will never leave it. The public key Q
along with the remote nonce N
is then used as qual-
ifying data to generate the signed SGX report in the
quoting enclave. This means that the tuple (Q
, N
is hashed and included in the attestation information
generated for the SGX enclave. That way the nonce
provides freshness, and the enclave’s ECDH public
key is authenticated and linked to the conducted at-
testation. The resulting SGX attestation report is then
transmitted back to the TPM system, alongside the en-
clave’s public key Q
and its nonce N
. In the trusted
application, the SGX attestation report can then be
verified. During the verification process, both the re-
port’s signature as well as the contained enclave fin-
gerprints have to be validated. Note that figure 1 omits
some details of the signature verification step. When
the EPID signature scheme is used on the SGX side,
the verifier has to communicate with Intel’s attesta-
tion service (IAS). When DCAP is used, a third-party
certification authority provides the necessary certifi-
cates for the signature verification. Once the SGX
attestation report has passed verification, the TPM-
protected software stack generates its ECDH key pair
and attestation information. As described in (Wagner
et al., 2020), we can use the TPM2 Create function
Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols
to generate a new ECDH key pair (d
, Q
) inside the
TPM. Once again, the private key d
will never leave
the protected TPM hardware for the remainder of the
handshake. Instead, we use the TPM2 Certify func-
tion to sign the public ECDH key Q
with the current
attestation key used by the TPM. While this differs
from the key handling on the SGX side, it fulfills the
same purpose. The resulting signature σ
cates the ECDH public key and links it to the current
attestation context, since it is signed by the unique at-
testation key. Note that to prevent replay attacks, here
we have to include the remote nonce N
in the signa-
ture as well. Finally, the usual TPM2 Quote function is
used to generate an attestation report over the selected
PCRs, which is also signed with the TPM’s attestation
key. As soon as the TPM attestation report, the ECDH
public key and its signature is transmitted to the SGX
enclave, it can be verified there. In this verification
step the enclave has to check both the report’s and the
public key’s signatures and also validate the attested
PCR fingerprints. Once this is successful, both sides
can calculate the shared Diffie-Hellman secret Z us-
ing their own secret key and the authenticated remote
public key. Subsequent communication can then be
encrypted using a symmetric secret derived from Z.
4.2 Connecting ARM TrustZone
Devices with SGX Enclaves
To give our heterogeneous remote attestation proto-
col a broader field of application, we aim to support
ARM TrustZone devices without access to a physi-
cal TPM. One issue is that to our knowledge there
is currently no standardized remote attestation proto-
col available for ARM TrustZone. However, we can
build on existing proposals that are using a dedicated
trusted measurer application protected by the Trust-
Zone hardware (Shepherd et al., 2017). For our pur-
poses it makes sense to use fTPM (Raj et al., 2016) as
trusted measurer. fTPM is a TPM 2.0 reference im-
plementation created by Microsoft, which has been
migrated to ARM TrustZone devices. As a software
implementation of the TPM specification, it offers all
functionality of dedicated hardware TPM modules.
Using fTPM-based remote attestation on ARM Trust-
Zone has clear benefits for our use case. Since fTPM
provides a TPM 2.0 compatible programming inter-
face, we can very easily adopt the protocol presented
in figure 1 for TrustZone devices. The only real differ-
ence in the protocol sequence is that we use an fTPM
trusted application instead of a hardware TPM. How-
ever, there are also several drawbacks of this solution.
First, software TPMs cannot provide the same level of
isolation as a dedicated hardware TPM chip. In fact,
ARM TrustZone only provides hardware-backed iso-
lation of trusted software against malicious applica-
tions running in the rich world. However, depending
on the attacker model we require protection against
maliciously manipulated trusted applications as well.
Furthermore, it is still unclear how to establish a broad
chain of trust that includes all relevant system soft-
ware (including the bootloader and operating system)
from both worlds. This is an important step to ensure
the integrity of the fTPM trusted application. There is
some recent work by ARM aimed at establishing mea-
sured boot processes on ARM platforms with fTPM
but to our knowledge this largely remains an open
issue. However, besides the drawbacks of this ap-
proach, we believe that fTPM-based remote attesta-
tion on ARM TrustZone devices is a promising direc-
tion for developing heterogeneous remote attestation
in distributed environments containing ARM devices.
4.3 Heterogeneous Protocol Integration
After describing heterogeneous remote attestation
mechanisms that are capable of establishing secure
communication channels, we are left with integrat-
ing these mechanisms into a joint protocol. We plan
to do this by extending the existing Enclave Key Ex-
change Protocol (EKEP)
. EKEP has been developed
by Google for their Asylo trusted computing frame-
work, where it is used to securely communicate be-
tween local and remote SGX enclaves. On a technical
level, EKEP is based on a TLS variant that features
mutual authentication, which has been enhanced to
include attestation information during the key estab-
lishment. Integrating the heterogeneous remote attes-
tation mechanism as described in figure 1 into EKEP
requires some modifications. First, establishing the
encrypted communication channel should now be out-
sourced to the underlying TLS protocol, instead of
performing a separate Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
However, to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, the
established channel encryption key still needs to be
properly linked to the attested code identities. Usu-
ally this is achieved by generating self-signed TLS
certificates. These TLS certificates are then included
in the attestation reports instead of the ECDH pub-
lic key itself (c.f. figure 1). This authenticates the
self-signed certificates, which in turn can be used to
finally establish an encrypted TLS channel during the
remote attestation protocol handshake. While this is
a simple and reliable solution, integrating the TPM-
based attestation step shown in figure 1 requires some
deeper modifications. This is because the key ex-
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
change should use the TPM to generate and authen-
ticate the Diffie-Hellman key pair, which the native
TLS integration in EKEP does not support yet. Fur-
thermore, the most important requirement remaining
to be addressed is mechanism negotiation. Fortu-
nately EKEP already includes a way to signal attes-
tation mechanisms to the remote endpoints. This is
because EKEP has been designed to accommodate
both local and remote attestations between SGX en-
claves. While naturally these two attestation mech-
anisms strongly depend on each other, we are confi-
dent that this mechanism can be adopted to negoti-
ate mechanisms between endpoints that are utilizing
completely different trusted computing technologies.
In this position paper we addressed the challenge
of conducting remote attestations between different
trusted computing platforms. We motivated the use-
fulness of a heterogeneous remote attestation proto-
col that bridges the technological gap between differ-
ent technologies and presented a list of protocol re-
quirements. Then we showed how remote attestations
can be conducted between Intel SGX enclaves and
hardware-based TPMs, as well as ARM TrustZone
devices. Our proposed attestation mechanisms also
establish shared secrets that are bound to the attested
platform identities. Finally, we briefly discussed the
possibility of integrating the proposed mechanisms
into the existing remote attestation protocol EKEP.
In the future, we plan to develop mechanisms to
facilitate remote attestations with more trusted com-
puting platforms, such as RISC-V and AMD SEV.
Furthermore, important future work includes the im-
plementation and evaluation of a proof-of-concept at-
testation protocol. As outlined in the last section,
we plan to use the existing implementation of EKEP
as a basis for this. We believe that we can fulfill
most of the requirements presented in section 3 that
way. However, even with a working proof of con-
cept for multiple technologies, there will still be re-
maining issues to consider. This includes perfor-
mance evaluations, but most importantly the problem
of analyzing the security of heterogeneous attestation
protocols. Since such protocols depend on multiple
security-critical technologies with possibly different
attacker models at once, determining the resulting se-
curity guarantees that can be expected from a protocol
handshake is rather difficult. We plan to explore these
research questions more thoroughly in the future.
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Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols