change should use the TPM to generate and authen-
ticate the Diffie-Hellman key pair, which the native
TLS integration in EKEP does not support yet. Fur-
thermore, the most important requirement remaining
to be addressed is mechanism negotiation. Fortu-
nately EKEP already includes a way to signal attes-
tation mechanisms to the remote endpoints. This is
because EKEP has been designed to accommodate
both local and remote attestations between SGX en-
claves. While naturally these two attestation mech-
anisms strongly depend on each other, we are confi-
dent that this mechanism can be adopted to negoti-
ate mechanisms between endpoints that are utilizing
completely different trusted computing technologies.
In this position paper we addressed the challenge
of conducting remote attestations between different
trusted computing platforms. We motivated the use-
fulness of a heterogeneous remote attestation proto-
col that bridges the technological gap between differ-
ent technologies and presented a list of protocol re-
quirements. Then we showed how remote attestations
can be conducted between Intel SGX enclaves and
hardware-based TPMs, as well as ARM TrustZone
devices. Our proposed attestation mechanisms also
establish shared secrets that are bound to the attested
platform identities. Finally, we briefly discussed the
possibility of integrating the proposed mechanisms
into the existing remote attestation protocol EKEP.
In the future, we plan to develop mechanisms to
facilitate remote attestations with more trusted com-
puting platforms, such as RISC-V and AMD SEV.
Furthermore, important future work includes the im-
plementation and evaluation of a proof-of-concept at-
testation protocol. As outlined in the last section,
we plan to use the existing implementation of EKEP
as a basis for this. We believe that we can fulfill
most of the requirements presented in section 3 that
way. However, even with a working proof of con-
cept for multiple technologies, there will still be re-
maining issues to consider. This includes perfor-
mance evaluations, but most importantly the problem
of analyzing the security of heterogeneous attestation
protocols. Since such protocols depend on multiple
security-critical technologies with possibly different
attacker models at once, determining the resulting se-
curity guarantees that can be expected from a protocol
handshake is rather difficult. We plan to explore these
research questions more thoroughly in the future.
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Towards Heterogeneous Remote Attestation Protocols