Identifying Organizations Receiving Personal Data in Android Apps
David Rodriguez
, Miguel Cozar
and Jose M. Del Alamo
ETSI Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Privacy, Data Protection, Personal Data, Data Controller, First-Party, Corporation, Android, Apps.
Abstract: Many studies have demonstrated that mobile applications are common means to collect massive amounts of
personal data. This goes unnoticed by most users, who are also unaware that many different organizations are
receiving this data, even from multiple apps in parallel. This paper assesses different techniques to identify
the organizations that are receiving personal data flows in the Android ecosystem, namely the WHOIS service,
SSL certificates inspection, and privacy policy textual analysis. Based on our findings, we propose a fully
automated method that combines the most successful techniques, achieving a 94.73% precision score in
identifying the recipient organization. We further demonstrate our method by evaluating 1,000 Android apps
and exposing the corporations that collect the users’ personal data.
Extensive research (Wongwiwatchai, 2020) (Gamba,
2020) has shown that mobile applications are eager
collectors and leakers of their users’ personal data.
This goes unnoticed by most users (Balebako, 2013)
(Kim, 2015) and even the app developers (Balebako,
2014), who are also unaware that many different
organizations are receiving this data (Razaghpanah,
2018), even from multiple apps in parallel.
Properly identifying the organizations that receive
personal data is becoming increasingly important for
different stakeholders. For example, supervisory
authorities must carry out investigations on the
relationship between the source and destination of
some personal data flows to understand a system's
compliance with e.g., legal requirements for
international transfers of personal data. Similarly,
developers may want to check to which organizations
they are sending their users’ personal data.
Also, privacy researchers can leverage this
information to audit what corporations are avidly
collecting massive amounts of personal data.
However, the apps’ privacy policies often fail to
include the third parties with which personal data are
shared. Although a dynamic analysis of the app can
reveal the personal data flows and the destination
a 0000-0002-0911-4608
Corresponding author
domains, identifying the organizations receiving the
data may become challenging due to e.g., WHOIS
accuracy and reliability issues (Ziv, 2021), or the lack
of details in SSL certificates (“SSL survey”, 2022).
In this context, we aim to advance the
fundamental understanding of the accuracy of
different methods to identify the organizations
receiving personal data. To this end, we have first
gathered a ground truth of domain holders, and then
we have assessed three different methods against it.
To improve the overall performance, we have
integrated them into a new method, showing a high
precision level (94.73%). Finally, to demonstrate its
applicability at scale we have applied the new method
to understand the organizations and corporations that
are receiving personal data on a random sample of
1,000 Android apps.
WHOIS (“Technical Overview | ICANN WHOIS”,
2022) is the standard protocol for retrieving
information about registered domains and their
registrants, including the domain holder's identity,
contact details, domain expiration date, etc. However,
several issues have been reported (“Current Issues |
Rodriguez, D., Cozar, M. and Alamo, J.
Identifying Organizations Receiving Personal Data in Android Apps.
DOI: 10.5220/0011290100003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 592-596
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ICANN WHOIS”, 2022) that threatens WHOIS
reliability and accuracy.
An SSL certificate is another source of
information about the authority holding a domain as
they digitally bind a cryptographic key, a domain,
and, sometimes, the domain holder details. SSL
certificates are usually issued by a Certification
Authority (CA), who checks the right of the applicant
organization to use a specific domain name and may
check some other details depending on the certificate
type issued. However, recent studies report that as
little as 30% of the certificates available contain
details about the applicant (“SSL survey”, 2022).
Due to the limitations of the WHOIS service and
SSL certificates to provide information on a domain
holder some researchers have looked at privacy
policies as an alternative means of identifying an
authority controlling a domain. In many jurisdictions,
the privacy policy must include the identity and the
contact details of the personal information handler, or
first party/data controller in data protection parlance.
For example, the European General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) (“Regulation 2016/679 of the
European Parliament and of the Council”, 2016) sets
the requirements (Article 13) for the information to
be provided to data subjects when their personal data
are collected, including the identity and the contact
details of the controller”. It is reasonable to assume
that the data controller for a given subdomain is also
the authority holding that domain, and vice versa.
Previous work on privacy policy analysis has
focused on determining the presence/absence of
specific information in the text (Torre, 2020)
(Harkous, 2018), mainly to assess compliance with
legal requirements for transparency. We advance
these works further extracting the controller’s identity
by applying Named-Entity Recognition (NER)
techniques. Hosseini et al. (Hosseini, 2020) also used
NER techniques to identify third party entities on
privacy policies, but their goal was to recognize all
entities of a class (i.e. organization) in a policy, while
we aim to get only one output (the data controller)
from all possible organizations (i.e. first party, third
parties) recognized in the policy text.
Similar to our work, WebXray (Libert, 2021) also
provides information about the holder of a given
domain. However, identification is achieved through
information extracted from WHOIS and other
methods (e.g. web search).
The works mentioned above focus on analyzing
privacy policies to identify and extract specific
information. Our work aims to further apply these
techniques to discover third-party organizations
receiving personal data from Android apps. To
achieve this, it is necessary to intercept and analyze
the outgoing personal data flows. This has been the
subject of previous works too, mainly through static,
dynamic or hybrid analysis techniques (Guaman,
2020). Similar to these works, we have leveraged our
previous research on a platform for the dynamic
analysis of Android apps that allows carrying out
assessments of data protection features in Android
apps at scale (Guaman, 2021).
WHOIS service consultation, SSL certificates
inspection, and privacy policies analysis are three
different methods to obtain information on an
organization receiving personal data. In all cases, we
depart from the information obtained when
intercepting a personal data flow i.e. a Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) receiving the data.
We leverage WHOIS records to learn the
organization holding a given domain. Our queries ask
for FQDNs as well as the corresponding Second
Level Domains (SLDs), obtaining better results when
asking for the latter. We tried to retrieve the
information using the python-whois
(over eight
million downloads, 180,000 in the last month)
observing incomplete or missing fields that were not
correctly parsed, particularly those related to the
Registrant Organization identity. This is probably due
to the absence of a consistent schema followed during
the domain registration process, as noted by previous
research. Thus, we developed our own code to query
the WHOIS service using the command line tool and
parsing the Registrant Organization details. We
discarded values hidden for privacy reasons by
detecting keywords such as “redacted” or “privacy”.
To leverage the SSL certificates, we set up
HTTPS connections to the destination FQDN,
intercepted the certificate sent by the server, and
analysed it for the holder details.
Finally, we look for the privacy policy governing
the FQDN and analyse it to extract the data controller
identity. First, we get the SLD from the FQDN and
compose an HTTP URL, to which we send an HTTP
request aiming to be redirected to a valid home page.
Otherwise, we leverage the Google search engine to
find the domain’s home page URL. Once the home
page is found we search for the privacy policy. We
have followed two different approaches to get it: 1)
Identifying Organizations Receiving Personal Data in Android Apps
Scraping the home page with Selenium and, in case a
valid policy is not found, 2) searching the policy on
the Google search engine. When a potential privacy
policy is found its text is downloaded and kept for
further analysis. We relied on Selenium to deal with
dynamic JavaScript code displaying the privacy
policy. In our experimental tests, these techniques
correctly found 65% of the privacy policies governing
the target domain.
Once a potential privacy policy is collected, its
language is checked with the langdetect
package, and non-English texts are discarded.
Afterwards, a supervised Machine Learning model
based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) checks
whether the text is indeed a privacy policy. We
trained the model with 195 manually annotated texts,
achieving 98.76% precision, 97.56% recall and
98.15% F1 score when evaluated against 100 unseen
English texts.
To identify the data controller in the privacy
policy, we first select the paragraphs of the text where
it is likely to appear. This selection is based on a bag
of words that seeks keywords empirically
demonstrated to be closer to the data controller
mention (e.g. keywords such as “we”, “us” found in
many privacy policies). Then, NER techniques are
applied to the selected paragraphs to identify the data
controller name. We have used SpaCy
for this, which
provides two different trained NER models, one
prioritizing efficiency and another favouring
accuracy. The efficiency model showed poorer results
and therefore the accuracy-based model was
implemented. We validated the combination of the
bag of words and the NER performance with 140
privacy policies achieving 92.14% accuracy, 95.41%
precision, 94.54% recall and 94.97% F1 score.
We used a ground-truth dataset to evaluate the
performance of the three methods in identifying the
controller behind a given domain. The dataset
includes 100 unique domains manually annotated
with the organization holding the domain. The
domains were randomly selected from those obtained
with the experimental setup described in section 4.
The evaluation result for each method is either 1) a
given value for the domain holder, which can be right
(i.e. true positive - TP) or wrong (i.e. false positive -
FP), or 2) no value (i.e. Null), in case the method
cannot determine a specific organization. For this
reason, none of the results can be considered as a False
Negative or True Negative. Thus, no accuracy, recall
or F1-score can be measured and only precision will be
considered to assess each method performance.
The SSL certificate inspection method retrieved
99 certificates out of the 100 domains fed, with 30 of
them containing the organization name. The missing
certificate could not be obtained because this domain
uses HTTP protocol. After a manual check, only 20
of those organization names were correct and 10 were
wrong. These results translate into a 66.67% precision
score and only 20% identified organizations.
The WHOIS consultation method failed to
retrieve information on 10 out of the 100 SLDs. From
the remaining 90 registries, 37 were correctly
obtained, 2 were wrong, 24 did not contain the
Registrant Organization field, 2 had an empty value
on this field, and 35 included hidden values due to
privacy reasons. This results into a 94.87% precision
and 37% identified organizations.
The privacy policy analysis method obtained the
highest rate of TP (Table 1). The evaluation is applied
to the whole pipeline including the extraction of the
privacy policy associated with the FQDN and the
extraction of the data controller name from the policy
Table 1: Evaluation results.
TP FP N Precision
SSL certificate 20 10 69 66.67%
WHOIS 37 2 61 94.87%
Privacy Policy 56 4 40 93.34%
Privacy Policy + WHOIS 72 4 24 94.73%
Interestingly, the combination of the privacy
policy analysis method as first choice and the WHOIS
consultation as second choice outputs the best results,
showing almost the same precision score (94.73%
against 94.87%) while reducing considerably the
number of null results. We have applied this
combination to the evaluation of 1,000 Android apps.
We developed a controlled experiment leveraging our
previous work on personal data flow interception and
analysis in Android apps (Guaman, 2021).
Basically, this is a pipelined microservices-based
platform able to automatically 1) search, download,
install, run, and interact with Android apps, and 2)
intercept and analyse outgoing network connections.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The platform intercepts HTTP/HTTPS
connections established by the app under assessment
through a Man in the Middle (MITM) proxy, logging
information on the destination FQDNs and the
payload of the messages. The platform bypasses most
certificate pinning protections using the Frida tool.
The payload analysis accounts for different
obfuscation, encoding, and hashing techniques (e.g.
Base64, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, etc.) that might be
used by the app developer to evade the detection of
personal data. Finally, the IP address of the personal
data recipient is geolocated (Cozar, 2022), providing
more details for their subsequent analysis.
This platform was fed with a list of 1,000 random
Google Play Store apps, from which 943 managed to
execute. The apps were downloaded and tested
between 23 February and 2 March 2022. They were
installed and executed on a mobile device Xiaomi
Redmi 8 running Android 9 (API 28). The Android
Monkey (“UI/Application Exerciser Monkey”, 2022)
was used to automatically stimulate the app.
4.1 Results
Our platform identified 99,300 personal data flows
from 767 apps to 1,004 unique domains during the
experiment. A huge portion (96.46%) of these data
flows correspond to HTTPS connections. A subset of
1,849 HTTPS data flows could not be analysed due to
their further security protection we could not break.
Interestingly, we found 3,515 (3.54%) HTTP
connections containing personal data, which is an
insecure practice. Also, personal data flows were not
identified in 176 apps.
Fig. 1 shows the number of connections sending
personal data to the top-20 destination FQDNs. As
expected, most of these domains serve analytics,
marketing or monitoring purposes.
Figure 1: Personal data flows destinations.
We further applied our method to identify the
companies receiving personal data (Fig. 2). Overall,
we were able to find them in 77.42% (76,878) of the
personal data flows, representing 68.92% (692) of the
unique destination domains. The top-6 companies to
which most apps send personal data provide analytics
and marketing services. The list is led by Google,
receiving data from 646 apps.
Figure 2: Companies receiving the personal data.
We have leveraged the Crunchbase
database to
further understand which corporations are beneath
these companies, showing the parent company and all
the subsidiaries that collect personal data. Fig. 3
shows how some of them collect data from different
subsidiaries, being the aggregated data higher than
expected as for Fig 2. The example of AppLovin is
quite representative, as it receives personal data
through AppLovin (monetization tools), but also
Adjust (developers’ support) and MoPub
(advertisement). The result is a whole ecosystem of
companies collecting data that situate the corporation
on our top-3. Meta is another example of a company
aggregating subsidiaries and collecting data from
different sources, including Instagram and Branch.
Figure 3: Corporations receiving personal data.
Identifying Organizations Receiving Personal Data in Android Apps
This paper has described a new method that combines
information from different sources to identify
organizations receiving personal data. The method
achieves a 94.73% precision and has been applied to
identify the corporations receiving personal data from
1,000 Android apps. We are working on applying
these results at scale to have a clearer picture of the
personal data collectors in the mobile ecosystem.
This work was partially supported by the Comunidad
de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
through the V-PRICIT Research Programme Apoyo
a la realización de Proyectos de I+D para jóvenes
investigadores UPM-CAM, under Grant APOYO-
JOVENES-QINIM8-72-PKGQ0J. The identification
of the relationships between companies was possible
thanks to Crunchbase, who kindly allowed us free
access to its API for this research.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography