out control groups) and user experience studies in-
dicate that users are satisfied with the app, but exer-
cise adherence may be low if patients need to exer-
cise independently (Injurymap
) compared to daily
remote biofeedback sessions with a health profes-
sional (SWORD HEALTH) (Bak et al., 2022; Correia
et al., 2021). Although reminders are offered by most
systems, other features such as gamification which
enhance exercise motivation have not been included
yet (Croon et al., 2021). In summary, many e-health
systems still depend on (remote) interaction with a
health professional, monitoring and feedback, the sys-
tem may require costly additional equipment, infor-
mation concerning the disorder is limited and person-
alized entrance level and advancement through the ex-
ercises is only based on rules engines in a few sys-
tems. On the contrary in our system FEAL, the per-
sonalized entry level is based on extensive question-
naires as well as an assessment with feedback from
the patient. Extensive information concerning the in-
jury is provided. Furthermore, our system does not
need additional technology and can be easily adapted
by a health professional if needed. Since the App can
store health related data such as patient’s function and
activities as well as answers from questionnaires, it
will also be a useful tool for research.
Considering that ankle sprains are a frequently occur-
ring injury, this paper dealt with developing FEAL,
a medical information system for personalized reha-
bilitation after ankle inversion trauma. After giving
some medical background on this use case, we pre-
sented requirements and a software architecture for
the system. Then, we described how we developed a
prototype consisting of several components. A mobile
app for the injured person is used to obtain insights on
the user’s rehabilitation based on questionnaires, ex-
ercises, and assessments. For health professionals, on
the other hand, we implemented a dashboard helping
them to monitor and adapt the rehabilitation progress.
As part of the backend components, we developed
a rules engine allowing to recommend exercises to
the user based on the input to the mobile app. Ad-
ditionally, we introduced our DSL QuApp allowing
to specify questionnaires and mobile apps and gener-
ate corresponding code automatically. We evaluated
our work regarding different aspects (e.g., functional
conformance, performance, usability), discussed lim-
itations, and also pointed out related work.
Future work for FEAL should primarily focus on
improving usability and generalizability. We men-
tioned several means to overcome the limitations of
our approach: (1) using a customized language for
specifying Drools rules and (2) implementing com-
patibility with a metadata standard for questionnaires.
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A Medical Information System for Personalized Rehabilitation after Ankle Inversion Trauma