executions are represented by using symbolic repre-
sentations. However, the approaches did not consider
the feasibility of actions.
This study aimed to understand the action possi-
bility, which implies the feasible actions and their po-
sitions in real space, and its variations in real space
based on the world state. To archive the objective,
we proposed a WDAG based on knowledge represen-
tation using scene graphs. In particular, we adopted
the scene graph to represent the knowledge of action,
because it is an environmental representation that is
compatible with the world state and contains both ge-
ometric and semantic information. In addition, the
WDAG represented the mutual interaction between
the action and its possibility in a recursive multi-
layered graph structure. Accordingly, a construction
method of an action graph was established based on
the scene graph-based representation of action effects
and a recursive multilayered graph structure. This al-
lowed the capturing of the action possibility of agents
and the recursive variations of the action possibility
depending on the world state. The effectiveness of
the proposed method was verified by simulation, as-
suming a coffee shop environment. Moreover, the fol-
lowing two points were verified. 1) WDAG represents
the action possibility in real space based on the world
state. 2) WDAG represents the variations in the action
possibility caused by the agent’s action on the recur-
sive multilayered structure.
In future, we will validate the effectiveness of
WDAG in practice by implementing a planning
method of action sequences based on WDAG and ap-
plying to task plannings in real space. Task planning
based on WDAG is expected to yield more efficient
plans, such as plans with shorter movement distances,
by considering geometric information such as object
This study was supported by the Core Research for
Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) of the
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) under
Grant Number JPMJCR19A1.
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics