Illicit Darkweb Classification via Natural-language Processing:
Classifying Illicit Content of Webpages based on Textual Information
Giuseppe Cascavilla
, Gemma Catolino
and Mirella Sangiovanni
Eindhoven University of Technology, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, The Netherlands
Tilburg University, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, The Netherlands
Natural-language Processing, DarkWeb, Bert, RoBERTA, Machine Learning, ULMFit, LSTM, AI.
This work aims at expanding previous works done in the context of illegal activities classification, performing
three different steps. First, we created a heterogeneous dataset of 113995 onion sites and dark marketplaces.
Then, we compared pre-trained transferable models, i.e., ULMFit (Universal Language Model Fine-tuning),
Bert (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), and RoBERTa (Robustly optimized BERT
approach) with a traditional text classification approach like LSTM (Long short-term memory) neural net-
works. Finally, we developed two illegal activities classification approaches, one for illicit content on the Dark
Web and one for identifying the specific types of drugs. Results show that Bert obtained the best approach,
classifying the dark web’s general content and the types of Drugs with 96.08% and 91.98% of accuracy.
The Internet, in recent times, dominates everyone’s
daily and professional lives, and it can be divided into
three parts: The surface Web, the Deep web, and the
Dark web. The surface web is the well-known part of
the Internet that most of us use every day. The Deep
web is unavailable is hidden from commercial search
engines, e.g., Google, since its content cannot be in-
dexed by web crawlers. It is common to believe that
the deep and the dark web belong to the same con-
cept; however, the Dark web (Cascavilla et al., 2021)
is publicly available but can only be accessed with an
encryption tool, e.g., Onion Router (Tor) (Mansfield-
Devine, 2014). Tor provides “hidden services” in or-
der to host websites anonymously.
This anonymity creates the perfect environment
where illegal endeavors can occur. This renders the
dark web investigation extremely enticing to both
law enforcement agencies and researchers to support
them. Indeed the literature on this topic ranges from
user identification (Spitters et al., 2015), criminal mo-
tivation (Dalins et al., 2018), and content analysis of
Tor (Biryukov et al., 2014) to product categorization
for Darknet marketplaces (Graczyk and Kinningham,
2015) using natural languages processing techniques
(NLP), e.g., Bert. Nonetheless, most of the previ-
ous works (Graczyk and Kinningham, 2015; Spitters
et al., 2015) dealt with activities from one market-
place and did provide an extensive evaluation in terms
of accuracy when comparing different text classifica-
tion approaches. This study aims to expand previous
studies in three different steps. First, we expanded
previous datasets provided in the past, expanding their
size with new instances from different Darknet mar-
ketplaces. Then we provided a deeper comparison of
pre-trained transferable models, e.g., ULMFit (Uni-
versal Language Model Fine-tuning), with a tradi-
tional text classification approach like LSTM (Long
short-term memory) neural networks. Finally, we
built two approaches for classifying the Dark Web’s
illicit activities and types of drugs.
The results show how the Bert model outper-
formed ULMFit and LSTM during the testing phase
for both the models, i.e., illicit activities and drugs
classes, while RoBERTa model obtained the low-
est accuracy. According to our results, our models
achieve 96.08% accuracy for classifying illegal activ-
ities from more than one marketplace.
Text represents the main feature for analyzing and
classifying the Darknets, thus implying the usage of
text mining and Natural Language Processing tech-
niques. For instance, Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) has been widely applied
by the research community for identifying (i) forum
Cascavilla, G., Catolino, G. and Sangiovanni, M.
Illicit Darkweb Classification via Natural-language Processing: Classifying Illicit Content of Webpages based on Textual Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0011298600003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 620-626
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
discussions (Tavabi et al., 2019), or (ii) topics from
Darknet (Yang et al., 2009). Additional studies used
Bag of Words (BOW) (Tsai, 2012) and Term Fre-
quency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) (Yun-
tao et al., 2005) for categorizing the content of the
Darknet. For example, Nabki et al. in (Al Nabki
et al., 2017) created a dataset that encompasses the
activities on the Darknet web pages. They found that
combining TF-IDF words representation with the Lo-
gistic Regression classifier achieves 96.6% accuracy.
On the same line, Graczyk et al. in (Graczyk and
Kinningham, 2015) attempt to provide illicit product
categorization within a marketplace, using a machine
learning approach. Choosing TF-IDF for feature ex-
traction, the model achieved 79% accuracy. Besides
these positive results, Choi et al. (Choi et al., 2014)
showed how statistical methods like TF-IDF fall be-
hind in text classification because they cannot com-
prehend the semantic meanings of the text created
by people. For this reason, Sabbah et al. (Sabbah
et al., 2015) introduced a Hybridized term-weighting
method to accurately identify terrorism activities with
textual content from the Dark web.
The following subsections describe the methodology
of our study. We report all the steps done and the
technology used. All the experiments and data
manipulation has been conducted within the Python
programming environment.
Goal and Contribution. Our study aims to im-
prove the state of the art when classifying illicit
activities on the Dark web pages based on textual
information. In particular, we expanded the previous
datasets provided by past studies (Al Nabki et al.,
2019; Graczyk and Kinningham, 2015). Then, we
provide a deeper comparison of three pre-trained
transferable models, e.g., ULMFit, with a traditional
text classification approach like LSTM neural net-
works. Finally, we construct two machine learning
approaches to classify the Dark Web’s illicit activities
and the types of drugs and analyze the performance.
3.1 Dataset Creation
Data Collection. This paper uses data from various
sources from the Dark web and some from the surface
web. The dataset is built to combine existing datasets
(Agora, Duta10k (Al Nabki et al., 2019)) and crawl
the web specifically for this study. In more detail,
the different data collection procedures can be divided
into four parts.
The Duta10k dataset is an extension of the Duta
one (Al Nabki et al., 2017). Compared to the
Duta dataset, Agora did not contain onion addresses.
Hence, we considered only titles and descriptions.
Nonetheless, training a text classifier on the product
description is challenging since the model should be
able to get textual information focused only on titles
and the descriptions of the product page.
In the context of our study, we boosted this dataset
manually, extracting further pages. In particular, we
collected manually several onion sites by surfing the
Tor browser. As a result, we downloaded 148 onion
sites. Their content ranged from counterfeit per-
sonal identification accounts (e.g., PayPal accounts),
cards, and drugs and violence (weapons, hitman ser-
vices). The downloaded onion pages belong to a spe-
cific onion site that cataloged all the available sites
in the Tor network distributed per topic. After col-
lecting these sites, we relied on an automatic solution
for collecting HTML pages containing illicit activi-
ties from the Surface Web. The tool used to auto-
mate the collection procedure is HTTrack tool
. The
copied website consists of images, links, code, and
HTML pages (Engebretson, 2013). We downloaded
web sites from the Surface Web like and Finally, we merge other
data crawled by us from the Dark web, i.e., Berlus-
coni and the Silkroad markets.
After creating the dataset, we proceeded with the
labeling phase and the data fusion process.
Duta10k: the labeling process was already pro-
vided by the authors from (Al Nabki et al., 2019).
The labels have been modified in order to improve
the categories;
Agora: we used the product descriptions and titles
of the HTML pages to create new labels or to fill
the labels provided by Duta10k.
Other data sources: we manually scraped them.
After extracting the text, they are hand-labeled us-
ing previous labels or creating new labels.
The Duta10k dataset initially had 26 main labels
that the authors manually assigned in (Al Nabki et al.,
2019). Some of them were also assigned a sub-label.
A detailed description of it can be found in table 5 in
the online appendix (Appendix, 2022), specifically in
the first two columns. We kept most of the original
labels from the Duta10k as main classes, e.g., Ser-
vices, Counterfeit Personal Identification, Counter-
feit Credit-Cards, Counterfeit Money, Leaked Data,
Porno, Drugs, and Violence (not included in the ta-
ble for the sake of space). One significant modifica-
Illicit Darkweb Classification via Natural-language Processing: Classifying Illicit Content of Webpages based on Textual Information
tion concerned the Social Network class. In (Al Nabki
et al., 2019), the authors appointed four sub-labels to
it, namely, Chat, Blog, Email, and News. The Blog
was altered to the main label, and the others were re-
moved. We ignored Marketplace label due to very few
After carefully studying each label, we merged
the Hacking class with the Services one because
the former referred mainly to providing hacking
services. The Forum’s main class was transferred
from the new main classes to the Social Network
main class because forums were considered a form of
communication like the social networks. Therefore,
having an individual class for it seemed redundant.
Similarly, we added the Human Trafficking main
initial main class to the new Violence main class.
Furthermore, we ignored the Cryptocurrency class as
its content varied from site to site and the authors’
reasons for creating this label were unclear. Lastly,
we eliminated the Cryptolocker class. All these
changes to the original labels were made after
considerable examination of the content of their
corresponding sites. At the end of this process, we
created a list with the changed labels, and we mapped
them to the initial ones. Labels like Info, eBooks,
Relationships and Sex, and Drug paraphernalia and
Pipes are transformed into Library Information and
Drugs Paraphernalia main classes.
Agora Category Labels Modifications. The Agora
web page categorization was more detailed than the
Duta10k dataset. To adapt these categories to our
work, we applied several modifications. For the
sake of space, we provide a short example of all the
changes made with the labels from the Agora dataset.
After carefully investigating each category and its
content, all the changes were made and compared
to the Duta10k main labels. We renamed the Ser-
vice/Hacking category from the Agora as Services.
Same for the category Drugs/Psychedelics/2C that
became Drugs. Info/eBooks/Philosophy was renamed
as Library Information. For a more detailed overview
please refer to table 6 in the online appendix (Ap-
pendix, 2022). After being transformed, the labels
from Agora decreased from 104 to 15. We introduced
three new labels from Agora to the final classes
that did not exist before in the Duta10k, namely,
Counterfeit Products, Counterfeit Coupons, and
Accounts. We renamed the Agora labels to normalize
the dataset with more details to the Duta10k dataset
and introduce new categories.
Drugs Labels. During the labeling procedure from
both Agora and Duta10k, we discovered several
sub-labels describing in more detail the main labels.
However, we considered only sub-classes referring
to drugs for the classification task. There are two
different explanations of why only drug sub-classes
were considered. Firstly, using all the sub-labels
implied that the classification methods should have
been modified to a hierarchical format. Secondly,
according to the latest studies, the interest in drug
sales increases on the Dark Web. In particular, re-
searchers (Bhaskar et al., 2017), (D
etu et al.,
2018), (Celestini et al., 2016) and (Minnaar, 2017)
investigated marketplaces like Silkroad for their
illicit drugs content. We created drug sub-classes
from the detailed descriptions of the Agora labels.
The finalized drugs sub-classes are 49, and a detailed
depiction of them can be found in table 7 in the online
appendix (Appendix, 2022). All these sub-classes
correspond only to the Drugs main class.
Final Classes. As previously mentioned, the final
labels are generated from blending and normalizing
the Agora with the Duta10k dataset. The other data
sources, particularly the self-collected pages, were
manually labeled after creating the final classes. Ta-
ble 1 presents the final 19 main classes.
Table 1: The 19 Main Classes of the Final Dataset.
Final Main Classes
Accounts Drugs
Counterfeit Coupons Drugs paraphernalia
Counterfeit Money Leaked Data
Counterfeit Other Library Information
Counterfeit Products Services
Cryptocurrency Services/Money
Violence Social Network
Substances for Drugs
Final Dataset. The complete dataset contains tex-
tual information from the Duta10k dataset, the Agora,
and the manually collected pages. The pages manu-
ally collected contain 640 HTML pages from Canna-
Home, 323 from Berlusconi market, and 1660 from
Silkroad, plus other 149 manually collected pages
from the Dark Web (we used only 50 pages due to
the relationship to our labels). From the pages col-
lected using the HTTrack tool, 120 are incorporated
inside the dataset from the Normal Web. The rest of
the text is derived from the Agora dataset. Table 2 il-
lustrates the final dataset formation. Figure 1 depicts
the distribution of the classes for the whole dataset.
In (Appendix, 2022), figure 4 shows the distribution
without the Drugs class.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: The Data Sources in the Final Dataset.
Data-source Data Instances
Agora 108261
Berlouskoni 323
CannaHome 640
Duta10k 2941
Manual Dark Web Collection 50
Normal Web 120
SilkRoad 1660
Total of Instances Used 113995
Figure 1: The Distribution of the 19 Main Classes for the
Final Dataset.
3.2 Text Preparation and Extraction
This subsection presents all the steps followed to pre-
pare the text for the language classification model.
First, we extracted the text from the HTML pages
to feed these data to the language model. We used
Beautiful Soup
library to extract the text in Python.
Beautiful Soup is a Python library used to survey and
extract HTML content easily (Hajba, 2018). Also,
even though all the HTML pages are stored locally,
we used the module-urllib.request
Python library to
open the URLs. Then we built two different ap-
proaches based on the market, one for random pages
from the Dark web and one specific for marketplaces
such as Silkroad and Berlusconi.
In the first approach to reading the HTML files,
we called the urllib.request Python library. Next, we
used Beautiful Soup Python library to perform the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Eliminate all the script and style elements.
2. Get the rest of the text from the HTML.
3. Break the text into lines and remove the leading
and trailing space on each of them.
4. Break each of the multi-headlines into a line.
5. Drop any blank or empty lines.
The second approach intends to extract only the
description and the title from the HTML pages and
refers only to specific marketplaces. The text from
HTML from marketplaces contains repeated words
(e.g., the marketplace name) and, in general, has
some fixed layout. We eliminated repeated words
by focusing only on the description and title. We
also removed the pages that only include listings of
products and do not describe a specific item. This
technique was not used for all pages regardless if they
belong to a marketplace because using it requires
inspecting the pages, and it would not generalize
well. It was utilized for marketplaces only because
they have a repeated template for all the pages.
Conversely, the random pages from the Dark web
have a different format. Finally, after the text derived
from both approaches was ready, we moved to the
preparation’s next part.
Text Pre-processing. Preprocessing textual data is a
key component of any text classification task. The
preprocessing part is usually comprised of tokeniza-
tion, stop-word removal, lowercase conversion, and
stemming (Uysal and Gunal, 2014). Nonetheless, the
tokenization step differed from the NLP techniques
used in this work. The preprocessing procedure fol-
lowed in this work can be divided into six steps.
1. Remove any HTML tags using Beautiful Soup
Python library.
2. Remove URLs using the re library that provides
regular expression matching operations.
3. Converting contractions; i.e., when you’re be-
comes you are.
4. Remove all special characters like currency signs
(e.g., $) and words that include numbers.
5. Preprocessing, to remove articles, prepositions,
and pro-nouns (Vijayarani et al., 2015). Often
these are not required for tasks such as sentiment
analysis or text classification. Consequently, we
removed stopwords using the collection from the
NLTK (Bird et al., 2009) Python library.
6. In the final step, we used the WordNetLemma-
tizer from the NLTK library to lemmatize the pro-
cessed text. Lemmatization is a way to normalize
the dataset, i.e., from bought to buy. Lastly, all
the text is transformed to lowercase.
3.3 Research Model
For each of the techniques, we constructed two dif-
ferent models, i.e., one for predicting illicit activities
Illicit Darkweb Classification via Natural-language Processing: Classifying Illicit Content of Webpages based on Textual Information
and one for the type of drugs. Due to the space limi-
tation, we just reported them without details. In par-
ticular, we used Long Short Term Memory, Universal
Language Model Fine-tuning, Bidirectional Encoder
Representations, and Robustly optimized BERT ap-
proach. We evaluated the performance of the models,
i.e., classifying illegal activities and types of drugs,
through (i) accuracy and the confusion matrix, (ii)
precision and recall of each model, and (iii) train-
ing time and computing power. The transfer learn-
ing models are supposed to work with few data in-
stances. Therefore, all four models are tested in the
whole dataset (meaning the Main Classes) and a sub-
set of the dataset (the Drugs Classes) to examine this
attribute. Lastly, the procedure follows the same steps
as for the classification of the types of drugs.
In this section, we report the results achieved. We
discuss the performance of the models during training
and the comparison between the methods regarding
the testing process, for each technique used for each
model, i.e., main classifier (illicit activities) and
drug types. Due to the space limitation, we report
only plots of the best models, i.e., BERT. The rest is
available in the online appendix (Appendix, 2022).
LSTM. Both models are compiled with the same
model configurations meaning the loss function,
optimizer, and metrics. Specifically, we chose
categorical cross-entropy for the loss function, Adam
as an optimizer, and accuracy as a reference metric.
The models are trained for five epochs with a batch
size equal to 32. Nonetheless, the results from the
training process of the Main Classes LSTM model
and the Drugs Classes LSTM are notably different.
First of all, the computing time varies per model, as
the Main Classes model needed approximately 1 hour
and 24 minutes to train while the Drugs classifier
took less than one hour.
ULMFit. Starting with the first cycle, the last layer
of the pre-trained ULMFit is unfrozen, and the model
is trained for two epochs with a learning rate equal
to 1e 01. During the first batches of data, the
validation loss is much higher than the training loss;
so the model struggles to learn the validation data.
In the second cycle, the last two layers are unfrozen;
indeed there are parts of the data batches that seem
easier for the model to learn. Lastly, in the third
cycle, all the layers are used to train the model for
five epochs, and it learns better than before. The
training time took half hour. Like the Main Classes
model, the Drugs Classes model is trained during
three cycles, where the last layer, the two last layers,
and the whole architecture are unfrozen, respectively.
We used the same epochs per cycle as ULMFit.
Both ULMFit classifiers overfit and have greater loss
values than their LSTM counterparts.
BERT. The Main Classes Bert model is trained
for two cycles. In the first cycle, all the layers of
the architecture are frozen except for the last two.
Next, the model is trained for five epochs with a
2e-4 maximum learning rate. We can notice that the
model is training adequately. There is no indication
of overfitting, and the loss values are below 0.4. In
the second and last cycle, the last three layers are
unfrozen, and it is trained for three epochs with a
lower maximum learning rate, namely 2e-5. In this
cycle, the classifier starts to overfit on the training
data batches probably because of the layers used,
and the model becomes complex. This model took
approximately one and a half hours to train. Finally,
Bert is trained with the same configurations as the
Main Classes one in the Drugs Classes. However, in
the second cycle with three unfrozen layers, this Bert
model presents less overfitting than the previous one
but higher loss. A possible reason is that the Drugs
Classes dataset is smaller than the whole dataset used
in the other Bert. Consequently, fewer data might
improve the training results. Drugs Classes took less
than an hour. So far, both Bert approaches outperform
the ULMFit and LSTM models in training. The loss
values are low, and the training and validation data
batches are more appropriately learned.
RoBERTa. The Main Classes RoBERTa model is
trained for three cycles; the model overfits on the
third and last cycle instead of Bert that overfits sig-
nificantly from the second cycle. The configurations
for the first two cycles are the same as for the Bert
models. In the third cycle, all the layers are unfrozen,
and the model ends up learning better the training
batches than the validation batches. RoBERTa model
in the second cycle is more prone to overfitting than
the corresponding Bert. To conclude, we can indicate
that the RoBERTa and Bert models for the Main and
Drugs classes present superior results than the ULM-
Fit and the LSTM.
Classification Methods Performance Comparison.
The overall performances of the Main Classes are
shown in table 3, while the ones of the Drugs in table
4. The tables present evaluation metrics, particularly
accuracy, precision, recall, and f1 score.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(a) First cycle
(b) Second cycle
Figure 2: Main Classes Bert model per learning cycle.
(a) First cycle
(b) Second cycle
Figure 3: Drugs Classes Bert model per learning cycle.
Moving to the Drugs Classes models results in ta-
ble 4, Bert has the highest accuracy score. However,
the metrics scores for these models are more diverse
than the previously discussed. Specifically, the ULM-
Table 3: Results metrics for the Main Classes Models.
Main-Classes Models Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score
Bert 96.08% 0.82 0.78 0.80
RoBERTa 95.78% 0.85 0.82 0.84
ULMFit 95.98% 0.77 0.74 0.74
LSTM 95.91% 0.80 0.77 0.78
Table 4: Results metrics for the Drugs Classes Models.
Drugs-Classes Models Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score
Bert-Drugs 91.98% 0.85 0.85 0.84
RoBERTa-Drugs 91.38 0.83 0.79 0.80
ULMFit-Drugs 61.01 0.23 0.19 0.18
LSTM-Drugs 90.58 0.84 0.82 0.82
Fit model severely underperforms compared to the
rest. The Bert surpasses all three models in the met-
rics scores, but more importantly, the precision and
recall values are the same. This is an ideal trade-off
situation as the precision and recall metrics should be
as close as possible. Bert is the best from the Drugs
Classes models, and RoBERTa comes second. The
results of the Drugs Classes models can be used to
evaluate their scalability. The scalability of the mod-
els refers to how well they perform with fewer data
instances. Since the Drugs Classes ULMFit model
performs poorly compared to the Main Classes one,
it is clear that the ULMFit approach is not scalable.
The other three models have produced similarly ade-
quate results with the whole dataset and a subset of the
datasets, specifically, the drugs-related HTML pages.
Based on the results, we investigated the confu-
sion matrix of Bert and RoBERTa approaches for both
models. Unfortunately, due to the space limitation,
we did not add figures, but we uploaded them in the
online appendix (Appendix, 2022). When investigat-
ing the Main Classes Bert matrix, we noticed that the
model mostly confuses the label Drugs with the label
Substances for Drugs. In particular, when the label
should have been Substances for Drugs, Bert assigns
the label Drugs 26 times and vice versa. Regarding
the RoBERTa model, the confusion matrix indicates
that the Drugs and Substances for Drugs labels are the
most confused, as in Bert. However, in RoBERTa, the
Drugs and Substances for Drugs classes are wrongly
identified 67 times. Therefore, the ability of Bert to
identify the correct labels seems better.
This study provided several different approaches for
classifying the Dark Web content that achieved good
results. Specifically, the best model classified the
Dark Web’s general content with 96.08% accuracy
and the specific types of drugs with 91.98% accu-
racy. Future studies include exploiting the hierarchi-
Illicit Darkweb Classification via Natural-language Processing: Classifying Illicit Content of Webpages based on Textual Information
cal classification model and developing a similar clas-
sifier for multiple languages.
The authors thank MSc student Theodora Tzagkaraki
for her valuable job, and Prof. W.J. van den Heuvel
and Prof. D.A. Tamburri for providing feedback to
improve the quality of the paper.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography