Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research
Data Management Use Case
Benedikt Heinrichs
, Marius Politze
and M. Amin Yazdi
IT Center, RWTH Aachen University, Seffenter Weg 23, Aachen, Germany
Research Data Management, FAIR Data Management, Digital Objects, Metadata, FAIR Data Architectures.
Research data management systems are mostly designed to manage data according to the FAIR Guiding Prin-
ciples. In order for the systems themselves to follow this promise and improve the possibility of network-
ing between decentralized systems, they should incorporate standardized interfaces for exchange of data and
metadata. For this purpose, in the last couple of years, several standards emerged which try to fill this gap and
define data structures and APIs. This paper aims to evaluate these standards by defining the requirements of
a research data management system called Coscine as a use case and seeing if the current standards meet the
defined needs. The evaluation shows that there is not one complete standard for every requirement but that
they can complete each other to fulfill the goal of a standardized research data management system.
The FAIR Guiding Principles (Wilkinson et al., 2016)
are a critical part of today’s research environment.
Making research data and their metadata findable, ac-
cessible, interoperable, and re-usable as FAIR data or
in the form of FAIR digital objects therefore has a
central place in research data management systems
and initiatives like NFDI4Ing (Schmitt et al., 2020).
The field of research data management tries to bring
the integration of FAIR principles for research data to-
gether, however solutions for how to implement these
principles diverge (Jacobsen et al., 2020) and creat-
ing an overview is not always the easiest task. There-
fore, research data management systems like Coscine
(Politze et al., 2020) sometimes build their own in-
terfaces instead of following defined standards on in-
teracting with FAIR data. This, of course, leads to
even more divergence and prevents the aim of fol-
lowing the FAIR Guiding Principles. For this rea-
son, this paper aims to provide an overview on open
standards, which claim to provide data structures and
APIs for building an architecture to enhance FAIR
data management. Based on the described research
data management system, Coscine, requirements for
(meta-)data management will be collected. Based on
them, the standards are evaluated, and a description
is given on how they fit into each requirement. Es-
pecially, important points like data provenance, per-
sistent identification and metadata management in the
linked data environment will be considered. Addi-
tionally, based on the use case and its requirements, it
will be evaluated how well these standards fit into a
real-world example and at which level they could be
applied and integrated. Finally, the implementation
decision for the real-world example will be discussed
and described.
1.1 Use Case
By working with researchers across different domains
and the advent of the FAIR Guiding Principles, a need
was made clear: A platform for facilitating research
data management and metadata annotation. However,
a specific need from the researchers was that their own
research data could be located at separate storage sys-
tem providers, so a platform would need to account
for these different locations. Most storage systems
are coming from the commercial area and therefore
do not adhere to the FAIR principles. To overcome
this challenge, an intermediate layer was needed that
can make arbitrary storage systems “FAIR”. With
these requirements, Coscine (Politze et al., 2020) was
born and developed at the RWTH Aachen Univer-
sity by the research data management team. It is ad-
vertised as a (C)ollaborative (Sc)ientific (In)tegration
Heinrichs, B., Politze, M. and Yazdi, M.
Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research Data Management Use Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0011302700003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 476-483
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(E)nvironment which aims to support the researchers
during their active research phases, where research
data artifacts are generated and changed across a va-
riety of different storage providers. To organize the
different research activities of scientists, Coscine sup-
ports the creation of projects. These projects can be
shared across other scientists for collaboration pos-
sibilities and can have an arbitrary number of stor-
age resources. These resources are assigned a glob-
ally unique persistent identifier within the platform
to make them easily shareable. The uploaded re-
search data has to be annotated by metadata which is
based on semantic web technologies like RDF (Wood
et al., 2014) and validated by SHACL (Kontokostas
and Knublauch, 2017).
In the first approach, Coscine was built accord-
ing to the scientists’ requirements. As the system
now strives for implementing a more standardized ap-
proach, it needs to be assessed how common stan-
dardized FAIR data interfaces can represent the re-
quired complexity.
1.2 Research Goal
Following up on the introduced area and the use case,
the goal of this paper is to answer the following re-
search question: “To what extent are current FAIR
data interfaces suitable to service and exchange re-
search data and metadata in a decentralized environ-
ment?”. The answer to this question will lead to a
concrete idea on how to proceed with the inclusion of
standards for the use case.
For the evaluation part of this paper, a short overview
of the research area and the architectural standards is
given in this section. The separate standards are eval-
uated in more detail in the later sections.
2.1 Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
The persistent resolution of a web resource is an es-
sential task, making standard URLs not an ideal so-
lution, since external factors like the change of the
web-route or a company going out of business could
mean that the resolution is not possible anymore.
This issue is something persistent identifiers (PIDs)
claim to fix by having an identifier with an updatable
pointer. A system like the Handle system (Sun et al.,
2003) provides a clear registration and resolver sys-
tem for these PIDs, which can provide the needed ref-
erence to a web resource over time. Solutions like
ePIC (Schwardmann, 2015) go a step further, pro-
vide clear implementations and encourages PID infor-
mation records containing metadata like information
2.2 Digital Object (DO)
The concept of Digital Objects (DOs) has been pre-
sented by (Kahn and Wilensky, 2006) and has been an
important topic ever since. When talking about Digi-
tal Objects (DOs), generally any piece of information
like a bit-sequence of data which has some metadata
and is uniquely referenced by a PID is meant as de-
fined by (Gary Berg-Cross et al., 2015). These DOs
can be represented as collections which are relating
to each other, e.g. some data which has some meta-
data and a PID attached to it. As stated in (Schultes
and Wittenburg, 2019), the concept of FAIR DOs is
a continuation of the DOs by putting them into the
FAIR perspective. The goal is to extend the simplicity
of the DO and make it possible to specify necessary
domain-dependent metadata.
2.3 Linked Data
As the annotation of research data with their meta-
data is an important requirement presented by the use
case, we briefly describe how metadata can be rep-
resented. A lot of work has been done in represent-
ing such information with the Resource Description
Framework (RDF) (Wood et al., 2014) that structures
information as subject, predicate, and object triple
pairs which linked data builds upon. The main ben-
efit is the annotation according to standards like on-
tologies (concept representations) which describe the
meaning of a predicate like “dcterms:title”. There-
fore, this makes it a powerful tool to describe infor-
mation concise but descriptive and machine-readable
as linked data. Making these annotations accessi-
ble furthermore makes these types of metadata linked
open data. However, in the use case the raw anno-
tation of metadata alone is not enough since, espe-
cially for user-provided metadata, the need for vali-
dation emerges to make sure a certain structure is be-
ing followed. Such a mechanism and definition for
validation is the W3C’s Shapes Constraint Language
(SHACL) (Kontokostas and Knublauch, 2017) stan-
dard, which enables the validation of metadata repre-
sented as linked data by comparing them to a valida-
tion schema.
Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research Data Management Use Case
2.4 Linked Data Platform - LDP
A Linked Data Platform (LDP) (Arwe et al., 2015)
is a standard to model the interactions of web re-
sources. It achieves this by proposing a simple in-
terface based on HTTP operations that communicate
linked data. Since a research data management sys-
tem has to model the interaction between web re-
sources and store related metadata linked to it, the
LDP makes a perfect implementation target. Such
an implementation is called an LDP server and dif-
ferentiates between two types of so-called resources,
the ones represented using RDF (Linked Data Plat-
form RDF Source (LDP-RS)) and the ones dealing
with the different types of data, not described in RDF,
like simulations, image scans or test runs (Linked
Data Platform Non-RDF Source (LDP-NR)). The def-
inition of an LDP furthermore proposes the idea of
a Linked Data Platform Container, which contains
a number of resources and other containers. Since
such a structure can be seen as related to an exist-
ing ontology like DCAT, there was work on aligning
these two with each other, where the LDP can be uti-
lized for the API definitions and DCAT to describe
the hierarchical structure. The discussion can be fol-
lowed in the respective issue in the GitHub repository:
2.5 FactStack
FactStack (Gleim et al., 2021) acts as an interoperable
way for data management and provenance based on
the FactDAG (Gleim et al., 2020) data interoperabil-
ity layer model and is utilizing existing standards like
the LDP and the HTTP Memento protocol. With this,
they enable the version-based provision of resources
with their metadata tied to it. This is done by assign-
ing every resource with a FactID that can be resolved,
thanks to time-based versions. They verify their con-
cept with a reference implementation, showing real-
life capabilities.
2.6 Solid
A recent work in progress in architectural standards
is Solid (Capadisli et al., 2021) which acts as a speci-
fication for letting people store their data in so-called
“Pods” that act as a data store. Solid enhances other
standards like LDP and builds on top of their features
like access rights and role management. Their vision
is to have open and interoperable standards to correct
the current notion of proprietary and diverging non-
interoperable implementations.
2.7 Digital Object Architecture - DOA
The Digital Object Architecture (DOA) (DONA
Foundation, 2019) is a specification by the DONA
Foundation which defines information management
standards and interfaces for interacting with Digital
Objects (DOs). They define with their specification
the DO itself, the Digital Object Interface Protocol
(DOIP), the Digital Object Identifier/Resolution Pro-
tocol (DO-IRP), an Identifier/Resolution System, a
Repository System and a Registry System. With this,
they aim to create an interoperable infrastructure for
data management.
2.7.1 Digital Object Interface Protocol - DOIP
The Digital Object Interface Protocol (DOIP) (Kahn
et al., 2018) is a part of DOA and an interface defi-
nition on how to interact with a DO. It defines oper-
ations such as the creation, update, deletion, retrieval
or search for it and specifies how the request and re-
sponse should look like. In the later sections, DOIP
will be seen as part of DOA and DOA will be evalu-
ated as a whole.
2.8 FAIR Digital Object Framework -
The FAIR Digital Object Framework (FDOF)
(da Silva Santos, 2021) is a currently developed
framework for representing FAIR Digital Objects
(FDOs) in a digital environment. The main goal is the
representation of a DO according to the FAIR princi-
ples by enabling persistent identification, description
with metadata records and providing their own ontol-
ogy. For accessing the DOs, the FDOF extends the
LDP structure and references the DOA. The main idea
is that a defined identifier record has to exist which on
the access of a persistent identifier is returned and al-
ways specifies all necessary information about the DO
in a standardized way. Furthermore, a resolution pro-
tocol extending HTTP is proposed that can retrieve
the identifier or metadata records with methods like
2.9 Data Catalog Vocabulary - DCAT
The Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) (Browning
et al., 2020) is a recommendation of the W3C for
describing the interoperability between data catalogs
which act as collections of data. It standardizes their
description and provides ways to describe datasets
and their relationship to each other. Furthermore, it
is possible to describe the related data services and
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
the association to specific agents responsible for a
2.10 FAIR Data Point - FDP
The FAIR Data Point (FDP) (Bonino et al., 2021) is a
service for FAIR metadata following the FAIR Guid-
ing Principles and provides its own vocabulary. With
their reference implementation, they define a central
way for accessing metadata and define their interfaces
based on standards like LDP. Their vocabulary defini-
tion extends DCAT by specifically specifying meta-
data, a metadata service and their own FAIR Data
Point. They additionally utilize metadata schemas
formulated by SHACL (Kontokostas and Knublauch,
2017) and include a standardized way of referencing
For this section, the use case requirements were col-
lected in the context of implementing a standard-
based research data architecture. It will be discussed
how these requirements will be evaluated and what
the different dimensions being looked at are.
3.1 Use Case Requirements
The platform Coscine offers researchers the ability to
store their research data on several service providers,
with the promise of being able to annotate them with
metadata and persistently identify them using a PID
service. This ensures the encapsulation of the re-
search data management in the whole research data
life-cycle, from planning to publication. Therefore,
many things like the research data’s location have to
be accounted for to enable this at every step of the life-
cycle and implemented standards and the provided in-
terfaces need to fit into parts of the existing function-
ality. Therefore, the requirements are coming from
the current platform’s abilities, consider aspects of
the FAIR Principles and the plans that the developing
team is currently working on.
Requirement 1: The interface should be able to
describe the data’s and metadata’s location indepen-
dently of their physical storage location. Since re-
search data has to be stored across multiple storage
providers, this can pose quite a challenge, if not care-
ful. Therefore, a standard that can deal with such a
structure is generally favored.
Requirement 2: The standard should incorpo-
rate persistent identification. This means that research
data should be made resolvable and annotated with
such an identifier. The requirement is, additionally,
one of the FAIR Principles for findability and acces-
Requirement 3: The standard should incorpo-
rate the annotation of research data with metadata as
linked data. Here it is to note, that this annotation
in the best case should be able to account for dif-
ferent levels of metadata, like descriptive, technical
or administrative which might be located in different
places. Fulfilling this requirement is furthermore in-
creasing the interoperability of such a platform.
Requirement 4: The standard should provide a
possibility to describe a research data management
system’s infrastructure. The need comes from the
case that the use case platform not only describes
and contains singular research items, but deals with
whole research projects, which can contain multiple
research data resources that can access separate stor-
age providers. Such a structure should be possible to
be described so that easy access to research data on
every level can be established.
Requirement 5: The interface and standard
should handle access rights. The structure of projects,
resources and research data requires the possibility
of managing access to every level separately since
e.g. someone could become a project member and
can see everything, but there might be the need to just
share a certain part of the research data. This is envi-
sioned to in turn enable collaboration with distributed
read/write rights.
Requirement 6: The interface and standard
should provide a way to manage data provenance in-
formation. For facilitating the reusability in a plat-
form, data provenance is a key topic, so the option to
describe the relations between separate versions of re-
search data and describing the path research data has
traversed is essential. Therefore, a standard should
be able to account for separate versions of data and
importantly also metadata, since they are subject to
change as well.
Requirement 7: The standard should provide a
clear and standardized API. For making the platform
in line with accessibility requirements, it is necessary
that a standardized protocol and interfaces can be used
to communicate research data and their metadata.
Requirement 8: The standard should be in a
state usable for production. This means the stan-
dards should be well-supported by a community, es-
tablished and in a production-ready version. This is
to ensure the maturity of the standard and platform.
Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research Data Management Use Case
3.2 Methodology
Since the requirements of the use case are clear, it
needs to be discussed how the standards shall be eval-
uated regarding them. From the descriptions in sec-
tion 3.1, the following categorization of them can be
1. Description of the Data’s Location
2. Handling of Persistent Identifiers
3. Metadata as Linked Data
4. Description of the Structure
5. Handling of Access Rights
6. Description of Data Provenance
7. Clear Standardized APIs
8. Ready for Production
These numbered categories will be used and
checked for every standard which include LDP, Fact-
Stack, Solid, DOA, FDOF, DCAT and FDP as pre-
sented in section 2. They are ranked into either con-
forming (+), semi-conforming (/) or not conform-
ing (-). Since it is expected, that no single standard
will fully account for all the requirements, it will be
looked into, how they can be combined and what their
compatibility to each other are. Thankfully, most of
them have a similar base (derived from LDP), which
should make this possible and is visualized in figure
Figure 1: Illustration of the standard relations.
In this section, the previously described architecture
standards are compared with each other according to
the requirements brought forward by the use case in
section 3. Furthermore, the results will be discussed
and the plans moving forward from that are described.
Each of the standards is designed to meet a specific
purpose, some of them with FAIR principles in mind
(like FDP) some of them not (LDP). All of them are fit
to serve their designed purposes, the question that is
to be answered is if they can serve the use case at hand
(becoming the standardized interface for Coscine) ac-
cording to the previously discussed requirements.
4.1 Comparison
The full evaluation of the requirements can be found
in table 1. This subsection will elaborate on each re-
quirement and the ranking of the individual standards.
Table 1: Evaluation of the requirements listed in section 3.2.
Features 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
LDP - - + / - - + +
FactStack - + + / - + + +
Solid - - + / + / + +
DOA - + - / / - + +
FDOF - + + + / / / -
DCAT + - / / / / - +
FDP + - + + + / + +
4.1.1 Description of the Data’s Location
Starting with the comparison between the standards,
the first requirement to look at is the possibility to de-
scribe the research data’s location. While evaluating
the standards, LDP, FactStack, Solid, FDOF and DOA
left the handling of the data’s location open and focus
more on the interfaces which make the data available
that an implementing agent has to provide. DCAT and
with that respectively FDP describes a clear model on
how data exposure could be described and with that
offers a way to describe so-called data services that
can contain information like an endpoint URL which
points directly to where the data is located. The dif-
ferences between the standards are displayed in table
1 as “1.”.
4.1.2 Handling of Persistent Identifiers
For handling PIDs, LDP, Solid, DCAT, and FDP all
expect identification of data, but do not fully provide
a direct solution on how to create and manage PIDs
in their standards. That being said, they do not pre-
vent one from using persistent identifiers as an iden-
tifier solution, either. FactStack, DOA, and FDOF on
the other hand specifically utilize persistent identifiers
in their definitions and therefore fulfill this category.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The differences between the standards are displayed
in table 1 as “2.”.
4.1.3 Metadata as Linked Data
The handling and description of metadata as linked
data, tied to their research data, marks a significant
aspect that most standards support. LDP, FactStack
and Solid enable this with their LDP-RS type and en-
able the description of LDP-NR types with the “de-
scribedby” property. FDP extends DCAT by exactly
this metadata dimension, however DCAT itself can
describe some parts of the metadata already, since the
technical metadata description is one of its primary
goals. Additionally, FDOF incorporates the meta-
data part by establishing a concrete metadata record
that can be accessed and has to be described in RDF.
The only standard which does not support the require-
ment directly is DOA, since it relies heavily on its
own protocol for communication. It does, however,
take metadata into account, leaves the implementation
part, however, quite vague. The differences between
the standards are displayed in table 1 as “3.”.
4.1.4 Description of the Structure
For describing the complex use case’s structure, most
standards offer some solutions. The LDP-based solu-
tions with FactStack and Solid all can offer a structure
description by abstracting it to the container model.
DCAT comes close to being able to describe the
whole structure and is an excellent fit but falls short
on the metadata part where FDP comes in and com-
pletes the picture by furthermore including parts of
the LDP. Following the aims of FDOF, it would also
help to incorporate the full structure by presenting
a solution for describing the identifier, metadata and
data interaction and relying in parts on the LDP. DOA
provides with its three core components, the identi-
fier/resolution system, the repository system and the
registry system, fitting components for the structure.
Without some clear definitions about them in the
terms of the linked data space, it is however not fully
adaptable for the use case. The differences between
the standards are displayed in table 1 as “4.”.
4.1.5 Handling of Access Rights
With a focus on open data and metadata, LDP and
FactStack do not provide clear access rights handling.
For this, Solid comes in and provides a way to han-
dle access rights on a granular level, which can en-
able collaboration and sharing of data. DOAs DOIP
standard provides a method for sharing access control
information, but the usage is not entirely specified.
FDOF specifically mentions a metadata access mech-
anism and leaves the implementation of access mech-
anisms open to the implementing platform. DCAT of-
fers definitions on how to define access rights, which
FDP expands on by providing its own access con-
trol components, handling the access to metadata sets.
The differences between the standards are displayed
in table 1 as “5.”.
4.1.6 Description of Data Provenance
The LDP standard is not concerned with versions and
provenance, which is why FactStack fills this role.
Solid mentions provenance as a notion to be stored as
auxiliary resources, nevertheless no concrete concept
can be found. FDOF mentions provenance in their
working draft, nevertheless the work is not quite com-
plete yet. With DCAT and FDP, there is a clear defi-
nition on how to describe provenance information for
datasets, the interaction with it is, however, missing.
The DOA does not have a clear definition on prove-
nance, theoretically could be, however, extended to
be utilized by accessing a defined version of a digi-
tal object. The differences between the standards are
displayed in table 1 as “6.”.
4.1.7 Clear Standardized APIs
For providing clear APIs, most standards provide
their own definitions. The only standards which do
not currently are FDOF due to the draft status and
DCAT because it does not aim to provide an API. The
differences between the standards are displayed in ta-
ble 1 as “7.”.
4.1.8 Ready for Production
The readiness for production was fulfilled by nearly
all standards except FDOF, which because of its draft
status and no reference implementations is right now
not deemed as ready for production. It is, however,
still very relevant because active work on it could
change this. The differences between the standards
are displayed in table 1 as “8.”.
4.2 Discussion of the Results
From looking at the comparisons evaluated in 4.1, two
kinds of needs were identified: Defining the structure
and defining the access and API endpoints. It seems
that for each category, there is a top contender for a
baseline. For defining the structure, this would be
DCAT because of a wide array of definitions for defin-
ing data catalogs, datasets and their distribution infor-
mation. For defining access and API endpoints, the
Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research Data Management Use Case
baseline is LDP, since most other definitions, except
DOA, are based on this standard. This makes it clear
that these two standards are the most common ground
to which the use case should be compatible, and there
is even some alignment between them. However, the
baselines do not offer the full requested requirements,
making the extensions worthwhile. Especially, the
extensions of LDP as FactStack and Solid can bring
a lot of wanted functionality in terms of data prove-
nance and access rights which because of the com-
mon ground of being based on LDP is not that big of
an additional overhead to implement and is definitely
something the use case will strive to be compatible
to. Additionally, since FDP extends the LDP to be-
come a metadata access point and extends DCAT with
the part of recognizing metadata as its own entity, this
compliments the final requirements and is therefore
a final piece for achieving the requirements. How-
ever, DOA is not completely out of the picture either,
since especially for DOA, the persistent identifier res-
olution part which DONA (the maintainer of DOA) is
working on is based on the Handle System which the
use case uses as well. There are, therefore, certainly
parallels, so this is something not to disregard and in
future some compatibility is to be expected. Lastly,
FDOF is an interesting current development which
because of the not production readiness just falls short
currently to be implemented. This, however, could
definitely change in a short amount of time, making
this a future candidate to look out for.
This paper discussed the need for standards in a re-
search data management system and presented the use
case of Coscine, which acts as such a platform. Com-
mon architectures and standards are explored and
described, including LDP, FactStack, Solid, DOA,
FDOF, DCAT, and FDP. For evaluating these stan-
dards, the requirements of the use case are dis-
cussed and presented. During the evaluation, the stan-
dards are categorized regarding presented require-
ments. The discussion part clarifies that there is a
baseline which many standards fall back on, which is
LDP and DCAT. They are therefore a definite must for
the use case to be compatible to. To fulfill the require-
ments, FactStack, Solid, and FDP are discussed to ful-
fill the missing parts from the baseline. Therefore, af-
ter evaluation, work on implementing these standards
in the use case can start, and it can hopefully become
a fully standard-based research data management sys-
tem in the future.
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Evaluation of Architectures for FAIR Data Management in a Research Data Management Use Case