front-end deformation and the rotation of the vehicle;
first around the point of impact and then around the
failure of the material due to welding or heat treat-
ment. The LPM employs Lagrangian formulation to
define the equations of motion and is presented in po-
lar coordinates to simplify the system. The model cor-
relates well with the FE data for a 2010 Toyota Yaris;
the deformation, velocity and pitching angle are pre-
dicted well for a full frontal impact at 56 kmph. The
failure of the structural members is simulated in the
model with a torsional spring. The angle of rotation
of the vehicle θ
due to material behavioural changes
is close to the maximum values in the validation data.
The novel methodology presented in this study
can be further enhanced with real-time weld fracture
data from physical tests. The model predictability can
be further improved by replacing the piece-wise linear
approximation for the vehicle parameter values with
non-linear functions for stiffness and damping coeffi-
The authors would like to thank Top Research Center
Mechatronics (TRCM) at University of Agder for the
support to conduct the research. We would also like
to acknowledge the support of NHTSA and NCAC for
the FE models used in this study.
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SIMULTECH 2022 - 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications