We proposed in this paper a solution to generate test
cases for communicating systems from event logs.
Instead of proposing a basic ”record and replay”
technique or an approach combining model learning
and MbT, we presented algorithms allowing to ex-
tract knowledge by means of an expert system and
generate an initial test suite made up of IOLTS test
cases. By doing this, we intend to extract test ver-
dicts, save computation time, and avoid the impreci-
sion brought by models produced with passive model
learning techniques. Besides, we proposed 11 test
case mutation operators to expand the initial test case
We have implemented this approach in a tool pro-
totype. Due to lack of room, we briefly summarise
its features here: the tool is specialised for Web ser-
vice compositions. It takes event logs as inputs and
generates sessions by means of the tool presented in
(Salva et al., 2021). The tool Drools is the expert sys-
tem used to analyse sessions. Then, our tools pro-
duces test cases written with the Citrus framework
A complete evaluation will be presented in a future
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies