This paper performed a comparative evaluation of
MBSE methodologies based on the existing FEMMP
approach with two main extensions. First, we added
a shortlisting step based on a few guiding criteria.
Second, we introduced some extra criteria based on
an independently designed evaluation methodology.
Then, we applied the extended evaluation grid to three
MBSE methodologies, two of them not yet ranked.
The evaluation summary was consolidated with other
published evaluations to reach an total of 6 method-
ologies across 19 criteria.
Our work is limited by the facts that not all criteria
were ranked and by some subjectivity due to qualita-
tive nature of the evaluation. However, we believe this
work is of interest for the consolidated results but also
for the proposed extensions and discussion. We hope
our feedback can add to other reports and help driving
the evolution of FEMMP, providing better guidance in
selecting an adequate MBSE methodology and foster-
ing the adoption of MBSE.
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Applying and Extending FEMMP to Select an Adequate MBSE Methodology