Janusz, Ewa Kontny, 2014, Lambert et al., 2015). As
the most abundant free amino acid in excitable tissue,
taurine plays an essential role in several biological
functions including central nervous system
development and membrane stabilization. Studies
have also shown that mammals need to supplement
taurine by eating foods rich in taurine (Lambert, et al.,
In humans, taurine can be synthesized from other
sulfur-containing amino acids (Polakof, Sergio et al.
2018, Sampath, et al. 2020), one of which is cysteine.
It was long discovered that an enzyme, cysteine
dioxygenase (CDO), primarily controls the high level
of taurine in the human body (Wl, et al., 2019).
Regulating through the oxidation pathway of
cysteine, CDO expression level contributes to the
taurine biosynthesis in multiple human organs,
including the two major contributing organs: liver
and mammal glands (Ueki, Iori, Martha H Stipanuk.
2007). Through the CDO gene synthesis pathway, the
taurine content of taurine-containing plants can be
increased. Controlling the CDO gene can also help
control the content of taurine in the body. (Tevatia,
Rahul, et al. 2019)
Gene knockdown is considered better since it
achieves the same purpose and attains the same
results without directly regulating the genes, like
deletion in gene knockout or addition in gene knock-
in. It only affects the transcription and mostly
translation of a specific gene of interest, with high
accuracy and specificity. Plus, it will be far easier to
conduct knockdown than knockout.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed by
connecting adenine, ribose, and 3 phosphate groups.
It releases more energy during hydrolysis and is the
most direct source of energy in the body. ATP release
and autocrine signals through purinergic receptors
promote T cell activation to form the immune synapse
formed by T cells and APC. (Ledderose, Carola et al.
2018) ATP can help human cells to carry out
immunity, and cardiomyopathy can reduce the ATP
produced by autogenous movement in the heart.
(Bloemink, Marieke et al., 2014, Ichihara, Sahoko, et
al., 2017)
1.2 Hypothesis
Therefore, this review will outline the important role
of taurine in mitochondrial cardiomyopathy. We
believe that increasing the content of taurine in the
body to a certain extent can help protect the damaged
mitochondria of cardiomyocytes. Change the original
CDO in the body to control the initial content of
taurine in the body. By changing the content of
taurine in the food used to help the experimenter to
supplement taurine, at the same time can detect the
content of ATP to select the most appropriate taurine
supplement. We believe that there should be a suitable
range for supplementing taurine content, which
should not be too high or too low.
2.1 Cardiomyocyte Cell Culture
Cardiomyocyte cell culture. Two groups of neonatal
cardiomyocytes are isolated from three-day-old
murine hearts, one from wild-type, the other from
mice with cardiomyopathy. The cells are resuspended
in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
serum, 100units ml−1 penicillin, 100μg ml−1
streptomycin. After another 24 h with a regular
culture medium, 20μg ml−1 cytosine β-D-
arabinofuranoside will be added into the medium to
suppress non-interest cells. (Ladeira, et al, 2010)
2.2 CDO Knockdown in
Cardiomyocyte Cell Culture
Short interfering RNA (siRNA) Oligonucleotides.
In order to obtain CDO sequence siRNA
oligonucleotides, the experiment requires siRNA
manufacturer companies to design the required
complementary sequences, select potential target
sites, and then search with NCBI Blast to confirm the
specificity of each CDO exon expression. Since
there is no commercially available or known siRNA
that specifically downregulates the CDO gene in
murine cardiomyocytes, a positive control group
cannot be carried out. For the negative control group,
this work design non-targeting siRNAs that lack the
RNA sequences of interest in the targeting genome to
eliminate the possible experimental material
interference. (Han 2018) Aliquot the resuspended or
annealed siRNA into new tubes and store at −20 °C.
Single-Wall Carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).
Ladeira et al. (Ladeira, et al, 2010) have already
validified that the covalent conjugation of siRNA to
SWCNTs for RNA interference and gene knockdown
is of high efficiency, especially in cell lines that are
poorly transfected, such as cardiomyocytes. SWCNT
is added into the cell medium with a concentration of
0.0250mg ml−1 for 48-h incubation of
cardiomyocytes. To guarantee the presence of
SWCNTs in the cells, the work use Raman
spectroscopy. The sample cell is excited by a He-Ne
laser (632.8 nm), and an oil objective lens with a