In this work, the modeling framework of an EPS us-
ing Petri nets Place-Transition was adopted to analyze
issues relevant to monitoring and control in the op-
eration of an EPS. In the development of the model,
a linear transformation was used, which allows for-
mally solving monitoring and control problems. Us-
ing Linear Algebra techniques, an equation was de-
veloped that for boundary conditions, formalizes such
techniques. For monitoring analysis, the conservation
of the number of marks in the extended Petri net was
ensured, which leads the expanded Petri net to main-
tain the balance between the input and output inci-
dence matrix of the original Petri net, thus ensuring
the ownership of place invariants. As for the control
of the operation, it was established that the marking of
the extended Petri net is kept constant, which leads to
an incidence matrix of the expanded part as opposed
to the incidence matrix of the places to be controlled.
The work is completed with an application study that
was carried out using an electrical power system sub-
station. The selection of the places to be monitored
is made from a line vector, L vector, whose non-null
elements point to their positions. The product of this
vector with the incidence matrix of the original Petri
net generates the incidence matrix of the expansion
of the Petri net. This result determines the weight, the
direction of the arc and which events of the original
Petri net will link the Monitor or Controller place.
This work was partially supported by CAPES
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior).
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Power System Operation Modeling, Monitoring and Control using Petri Nets