cost medium wired technology like Gigabit Ethernet,
support a network stack like User Datagram Proto-
col (UDP) over Internet Protocol (IP), and an applica-
tion management protocol like Simple Network Man-
agement Protocol (SNMP) (Harrington et al., 2002).
This work presents a well-defined protocol and
Application Programming Interface (API) for ac-
cess to the OBU’s lower layer services through the
ITS-LCI. Thus, allowing easy development of third-
party applications without the specialized knowledge
of the OBU’s internals. The proposed protocol uses
UDP and is encoded using the standard widely known
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) format, facili-
tating an easy and quick development and deployment
in any system.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 discusses the related work, presenting
other middleware architectures in the literature. Then,
in Section 3, the agnostic architecture that serves as
the basis for the development of this work is de-
scribed. Section 4 presents the API designed to access
the OBU internals through the agnostic architecture.
Section 5 evaluates the designed protocol, and, finally,
the conclusions are presented in Section 6.
VANETs are complex and heterogeneous networks,
and in the future, vehicles may use multiple types of
wireless communications. Thus, the implementation
of applications and technologies should be indepen-
dent of the underlying medium access communication
framework. Additionally, the same concept should be
applied to the transport and network level. This can be
achieved by applying a concept known as an agnostic
middleware communication layer. It can provide in-
dependent information management for multiple data
sources, allowing the communication over heteroge-
neous interfaces to be transparently supported over
different stacks.
CALM is a communication architecture defined
by the ISO Technical Committee 205 - Working
Group 16 (TC204 WG16). It is designed to allow in-
teroperability between Cooperative Intelligent Trans-
portation Systems (C-ITS) stations, and it abstracts
applications and services from the underlying com-
munication layers (Willke et al., 2009). The CALM
architecture defines a set of standard specifications
(Dias et al., 2018; Sousa et al., 2017), including ITS
Station Management, Communications Security, Fa-
cilities, Station Networking, Transport layer proto-
cols, Communication Interfaces and Services, Inter-
facing Technologies and ITS Station, and Distributed
Implementations ITS Stations, Interfacing ITS Sta-
tion to existing communication networks. . However,
it does not present detailed solutions for simultane-
ous usage of the different Vehicle to Anything (V2X)
communication technologies by multiple applications
in the same ITS station.
ETSI ITS-G5 is defined by the standard ISO
21217:2014 (WG16, 2014), which describes the ITS
station reference architecture. It consists of six parts:
Applications, Management, Facilities, Networking
and Transport, Access and Security. However, the
standard does not specify whether a particular ele-
ment should be implemented. It depends on the spe-
cific communication requirements. The most relevant
middleware support solution for application agnosti-
cism architecture on CALM was introduced by the
facilities layer (Some more recent alternatives were
proposed (Nour et al., 2011) (Costa, 2013) (Silva
et al., 2013) (Jawhar et al., 2013), but they can be
seen as forms of instantiation of the generic ETSI pro-
posal). However, the implementation of such middle-
ware might be very complex, needing knowledge of
many details of the lower layers. Thus, causing soft-
ware makers to lose their ability to choose the devel-
opment paradigm for their applications.
The Agnostic and Modular Architecture for the De-
velopment or Cooperative ITS Applications is an ar-
chitecture adapted from the modern ETSI and ISO
to be deployed on ITS and overcome the current ar-
chitecture standards shortcomings. Its goal is to en-
able middleware agnosticism, facilitating the devel-
opment of cooperative ITS applications and services
that use different communication technologies and
network/transport stacks to use the communication
medium transparently. It separates the OBU inter-
nals and the application development, enabling an
easier integration of applications developed by third
parties. Furthermore, the separation between user ap-
plications and OBU internals more easily fulfills the
strict safety and security requirements of the automo-
tive industry’s strongly regulated manufacturing and
deployment processes.
The agnostic ITS architecture supports all types
of vehicular applications using any programming
paradigm and taking full potential of a multi-medium
access capable OBU.
For this approach, the OBU should provide a
group of services, implementing all common fea-
tures needed for access to the vehicle’s internal data
sources, V2X communications, and lower-level auto-
Agnostic Middleware for VANETs: Specification, Implementation and Testing