
In this paper we have presented the concept of pre-
dictive simulation used for enabling both: the run-
time assessment of a system or system component
trustworthiness and the needed self-reconfiguration in
case of malicious/ untrusted deviations. For enabling
the prediction of timing behavior that enables evalu-
ation of synchronization capabilities, we have intro-
duced a generic temporal model for the timing behav-
ior that can be used for evaluating timing deviation.
To this end, we have proposed a set of restrictive rules
on expected behavior by analyzing a set of open data
from an automotive use case. Our initial proof of con-
cept has been performed by iterating the model over
the behavior of the platoon in two safety-critical situ-
Ongoing work is directed towards reverse engi-
neering the behavior of single systems that can be
subject of the predictive simulation evaluation with
respect to timing considerations. Future work will go
into creation of models for enabling predictive evalu-
ation of the function interaction between system com-
This work has been partially funded by Euro-
pean Funds for Regional Development (EFRE)
in context of ”Investment in Growth and Em-
ployment” (IWB) P1-SZ2-3 F&E: Technologieori-
entierte Kompetenzenfelder -MWVLW ”Neue Er-
probungskonzepte fuer sichere Software in hochau-
tomatisierten Nutzfahrzeugen” , by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 952702 (BIECO)
and by ERDF/ESF ”CyberSecurity, CyberCrime and
Critical Information Infrastructures Center of Excel-
lence” (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies