Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention
of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation
Maria Hajłasz
and Bożena Mielczarek
Faculty of Management, Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
ul. Ignacego Łukasiewicza 5, 50-371 Wrocław, Poland
Keywords: Hybrid Simulation, Agent-based Simulation, Discrete Event Simulation, Dental Caries, Decision Support.
Abstract: Dental caries is a disease caused by medical and nonmedical factors. It can be prevented by taking conscious
preventive action. In addition to the services provided by dentists and dental hygienists, awareness is very
important in preventing the development of the disease. Awareness can be shaped, among other things, by
the environment of peers. The aim of this paper is to use a hybrid simulation to investigate the impact of
supportive, neutral, and non-supportive peer environments on strengthening or weakening the effectiveness
of dental caries prevention in students of a sample primary school in southwestern Poland. Three experiments
were carried out in which the effectiveness of preventive services varied. The effectiveness depended on the
individual approach of the students to oral hygiene and dietary habits. Depending on the frequency of
changing the closest peer environment, individual student attitudes change over time, which in turn affects
the effectiveness of preventive services. Hybrid simulation, which combines discrete event simulation and
agent-based simulation, used to model the effectiveness of caries prevention programs may be useful from
the perspective of planning preventive care dedicated to children in schools.
Dental caries has been recognized in the current
century as a social disease that affects more than half
of the world's population (WHO, 2017). It is caused
by teeth demineralization due to a number of factors,
including cariogenic bacteria and sugars
(Featherstone, 2004). Although people of all ages
suffer from it, the severity of the symptoms varies
depending on the type of preventive measures taken,
such as attending educational meetings, dental check-
ups, fluoridation, and sealing of the teeth. The
environment and the views of those around us also
play an important role in caries prevention. A positive
influence of an environmental group may result, for
example, in greater attention to oral hygiene or less
consumption of sugars, or, on the other hand, a
negative influence may exacerbate poor hygiene and
dietary habits. Depending on the environment,
individual attitude may be formed in students.
Prevention from an early age is crucial and
requires substantially fewer financial resources than
caries treatment. Health policy planning is essential
in the prevention of dental caries disease and is the
focus of much reflection and discussion (Ramos-
Gomez et al., 2020). In planning preventive care, it
may be important to consider the environment for
which care is dedicated. Depending on the region, for
example, students may be more or less aware of
health. They may be more concerned with hygiene or
have better eating habits than in other regions. The
main goal of health care is to ensure the health of the
population by providing access to curative but also
preventive services. Compared to treatment,
prevention is much cheaper. However, to have the
greatest effect in limiting the progression or
occurrence of a disease, it must be introduced enough
early. In the early years of life, parents and caregivers
are responsible for the good oral health and hygiene
habits of children. However, the number of children
with dental caries shows that these individually
Hajłasz, M. and Mielczarek, B.
Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0011317500003274
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2022), pages 340-347
ISBN: 978-989-758-578-4; ISSN: 2184-2841
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
undertaken measures are insufficient and do not
produce the desired results. Therefore, it is very
important to provide systemic support by conducting
preventive programs in schools.
Simulation methods are playing an increasingly
important role in supporting healthcare-related
decision making (Kisliakovskii et al., 2017).
Simulation methods used in health care can be
classified in different ways; however, the most
common methods are those from four subcategories:
discrete event simulation (DES), agent-based
simulation (ABS), system dynamics (SD), and Monte
Carlo (MC) simulation (Brailsford et al., 2009).
Simulation methods can be used in health care to
support various types of decision. However, each of
them, when used within the same problem, will
potentially produce different results due to their
different characteristics. Therefore, it is becoming
increasingly popular to combine different methods in
one approach. Models based on two or more
simulation approaches such as DES, ABS or SD are
called hybrid simulation. When combining
simulation methods with analytical techniques, this is
called the hybrid systems modelling approach
(Powell and Mustafee, 2014). Applying a hybrid
approach to healthcare can provide decision makers
with a wider and better understanding than is possible
with only one method (Zulkepli and Eldabi, 2015).
Hybrid approaches emerged to take advantage of and
overcome the limitations of individual methods.
When combining DES and ABS, the DES method
covers detailed modelling of the system, including
flows and queues, but omits the possibility of
modelling interactions between units. This feature, in
turn, is an advantage of using ABS, but this method
has the disadvantage of not having a queueing and
flow concept (Abdelghany and Eltawil, 2014).
The aim of this paper is to use a hybrid simulation
to investigate the impact of supportive, neutral, and
non-supportive peer environments on strengthening
or weakening the effectiveness of dental caries
prevention in students of a sample primary school in
southwestern Poland.
2.1 Study Design and Settings
The prevention of dental caries can take many
different forms. From those provided individually in
dental surgeries to group preventive services, usually
held in schools. Few programs in southwest Poland
provide, among other things, additional funding for
services that are not funded by the National Health
Fund. As part of the program: Prevention of dental
caries in students in primary schools in Wroclaw
(Nyczak, 2017), students in selected schools are
provided with preventive actions such as dental
check-up of students with determination of oral
condition and educational, preventive, and
therapeutic needs, stabilization of caries in primary
teeth, sealing of permanent teeth, or treatment of
"punctual" caries in permanent molars. This program
is a multi-year undertaking, implemented in
conjunction with the city's performance budget
planning. Such programs are additional because,
regional governments are responsible for ensuring
that all students have access to preventive care
(Journal of Laws of 2019, 1078). The National Health
Fund finances this care, but the directors of individual
institutions are responsible for providing it.
Education in Poland is divided into several stages,
the first in primary school lasts 9 years: kindergarten
and eighth grades. During education, students are
provided with preventive services: check-ups, sealing
of first molars, fluoridation, and education. It is
assumed that in addition to these services, students
exchange views on oral hygiene and oral health
Awareness is very important in caries prevention.
Depending on whether the student is aware of the
negative impact of poor eating habits or the good
impact of proper hygiene, he or she may support or
inhibit the development of caries in the oral cavity.
This awareness is influenced by many different
factors, one of which is undoubtedly the closest
environment. In addition to parents, children at school
are surrounded by their classmates.
2.2 Data
Access to actual data describing the phenomenon of
dental caries in schoolchildren in southwestern
Poland is limited. In the present study, we used
aggregated data showing the average number of
primary teeth, permanent teeth, and the value of the
dmft and DMFT indicators (dmft: decayed, missing,
and filled teeth) in children 6,7,10,12 and 15 years of
age (Tables 1 and 2). The dmft indicator is commonly
used in dentistry, the higher the index value, the more
advanced the caries. The symbol dmft is used for
primary teeth and the symbol DMFT for permanent
The effectiveness of the preventive services
undertaken was based on reports from the available
literature after consulting with an expert dentist.
Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation
Table 1: Number of primary and permanent teeth: average
[avg] and standard deviation [sd] in children aged 6, 7, 10,
12, and 15 years. Source: (Olczak-Kowalczyk et al. 2021).
Primary teeth
± sd]
Permanent teeth
± sd]
6 17.64±1.82 4.25±2.59
7 14.83±2.85 8.89±2.87
10 3.88±3.77 19.65±4.03
12 0 25.59±2.94
15 0 27.83±0.79
Table 2: Indicators of dmft and DMFT: average [avg] and
standard deviation [sd] in children aged 6, 7, 10, 12 and 15
years. Source: (Olczak-Kowalczyk et al. 2021).
dmft [avg ± sd] DMFT [avg ± sd]
6 3.65±3.21 0.09±0.47
7 5.42±3.25 0.61±1.12
10 1.62±1.88 1.88±1.63
12 0 3.60±2.74
15 0 5.42±3.69
2.3 Methods
We have constructed a hybrid simulation DES-ABS
model to investigate the impact of the environment on
the effectiveness of dental caries prevention in
students (Figure 1). Both DES and ABS are methods
commonly used in healthcare.
The DES method is a useful method for studying
complex and dynamic systems and is often used to
flow modelling. It has been used in problems related
to more than half of the diseases in the ICD-10
classification (Zhang 2018). For modelling, e.g.,
infectious diseases, the ABS method is particularly
applicable (Tracy et al., 2018). It is a method in which
special attention is paid to the interactions that occur
between the individual components of the system, the
so-called agents. Therefore, the combination of these
two methods enables the flow modelling and taking
into account the interactions that occur during the
simulation between the different agents (Abdelghany
et al., 2016).
The DES method was used to model the
educational process in primary school along with
preventive services provided such as dental check-
ups, sealing of first molars, fluoridation, and
education. An ABS method was used to model
interactions between agents, who are students. The
combination of these two methods allowed verifying
the effect that contact with peers can have on
increasing or decreasing the effectiveness of
preventive services.
Figure 1: Hybrid simulation: overview of the DES-ABS model.
SIMULTECH 2022 - 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
The DES part is responsible for simulating the
growing process of children over the course of their
primary schooling. Each student starts school with
values for four basic attributes: primary and
permanent teeth, dmft, and DMFT taken from real
data. Then, preventive services are provided during
their nine-year education. Indicators are updated once
a year. Graduation students have a given number of
permanent teeth and a DMFT indicator value.
The time and effectiveness of the measures taken
influence the update of the indicators. Part of ABS is
responsible for tracking students' attitudes toward oral
health care. Each student, through contact with other
students, can change his or her attitude towards taking
care of health. Students change their closest
environment at school by changing their classmates
with whom they share their opinions about oral health.
After any change in the environment, their individual
attitude (IA) towards oral hygiene care, dietary habits,
or overall attitude toward oral health may change.
Depending on whether immediate peers have a
negative, neutral, or positive IA, the effectiveness of
preventive services may be decreased or increased.
3.1 Overall Algorithm
The hybrid model was built in Arena by Rockwell
Automation. Ten replications were conducted; one
replication covered 6570 days, or 18 years. A warm-
up period of half that time was assumed so that the
school would be filled with students before statistics
collection began. A classroom of 20 students was
observed, and the effectiveness of preventive services
was tracked over time without and after taking into
account social influence.
The DES model with verification and validation
is presented in detail in Hajłasz and Mielczarek
(2022). The effectiveness of preventive services was
developed with a dental expert based on reports in the
literature. Effectiveness is understood as the
percentage that accounts for the reduction in caries
growth that would have occurred if these services had
not been provided.
The ABS model assumes that each student can be
assigned one of three attitudes toward oral hygiene:
IA negative (-1), IA neutral (0) and IA positive (+1).
At the beginning of the simulation, each student is
assigned an IA value based on his or her oral health.
To simulate the interactions between the students, a
two-dimensional grid was constructed, which is a
typical cellular automaton. Each field represents a
space that can be occupied by a student. Students
change their surroundings and, by extension, their
neighbors. Figure 2 shows the initial example setup
(0) of the students along with an example change (1).
Each shaded grid corresponds to one student with an
ID number of 1 to 20. Each time, each student
randomly shifts to one of eight adjacent grid squares.
Then the IA of neighboring students are checked, and
a given student can change its IA.
Figure 2: The example of the students' closest environment
in the initial state and one example change.
Each student exchanges his or her views with
different classmates. The attitudes of classmates can
change a given student's attitude, so his or her IA can
change depending on three conditions. If the
summative IA of the closest surrounding students is
less than a given student's IA, then there is a 50%
chance that a given student, if he or she has a positive
or neutral IA, will change it to a negative IA. If, on
the other hand, the summative IA of the clostest
surrounding students is greater than a given student's
IA, then there is a 50% chance that a given student, if
they have a negative or neutral IA, will change it to
positive. If the summative impact of the closest
surrounding students is the same as a given student's
IA then nothing changes. There is also no chance of
changing the IA from negative or positive to neutral.
Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation
The closest environment is understood as the students
occupying cells immediately adjacent to a given
student cell in the grid.
The IA of students is read at the time of updating
the dmft and DMFT indicators in the DES model, i.e.,
at the end of the school year. Depending on whether
a student's IA is negative, neutral, or positive, this
changes the baseline effectiveness value of the
preventive services undertaken.
The main output measure is the average number of
pupils having a certain sum of dmft and DMFT at the
end of each school year. Depending on this sum, each
student is classified into one of three dental caries
states (DCS): good, moderate, or bad (Table 3). Over
time, the values of the dmft and DMFT indicators
change, which may cause a change in the DCS class.
These classes were defined and named by the authors.
Table 3: Three states of dental caries state (DCS) depending
on the sum of dmft and DMFT in each pupil.
DCS dmf
Moderate 1-3
4 and more
3.2 Simulation Experiments
Three simulation experiments were conducted (Table
4). In the first experiment, it was assumed that students
are provided with regular fluoridation, dental check-
ups, sealing of first molars, and education, and the
effectiveness of the services is expressed as a
percentage and generated from triangular distributions.
Table 4: Plan of the experiments.
Scenario Effectiveness of caries prevention
1 The same applies to each pupil
2 Variations b
IA updated annuall
3 Variations b
IA updated twice a
The parameters of the distributions in the first
experiment are independent of the IA value of a given
student, that is, they take values corresponding to
neutral IA (Table 5).
In the second and third experiments, IA is affected
by contact with closest peers. In the second
experiment, students change their environment once
a year, while in the third experiment, they change
their environment twice a year. Initial IA values are
generated depending on the initial value of DCS
indices, i.e., how many primary and permanent teeth
with dental caries a given student has. If he or she has
all healthy teeth, then the initial IA is +1, if he or she
has 0 to 3 teeth with caries, then the IA is 0, if he or she
has more than 3 teeth with caries, then the IA is-1.
Table 5: Effectiveness of preventive services depending on
a student IA: most frequent value, and range of triangular
IA Primar
teeth (%) Permanent teeth (%)
23 (17,27)
77 (71,81)
0 26 (20,30) 85 (79,90)
1 29 (23,33) 93 (87,97)
3.3 Simulation Results
The DES model was able to track changes in the
average number of students with a given DCS
indicator. On the contrary, the ABS model provided
information to the DES model about how the level of
effectiveness of preventive services varied by student
IA. Figures 3 and 4 show how the average number of
students with a given IA evolved depending on
whether the students changed their closest
environment once a year (scenario 2), or twice a year
(scenario 3).
Figure 3: Average number of students with one of the three
IAs (-1,0,1) at each age for which the effectiveness of
preventive services was updated, assuming that students
change their closest environment once a year.
Figure 4: Average number of students with one of the three
IAs (-1,0,1) at each age for which the effectiveness of
preventive services was updated, assuming that students
change their closest environment twice a year.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
number of students
-1 0 1
7 8 9 1011121314
number of students
-1 0 1
SIMULTECH 2022 - 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 5: Comparison of the average number of the same group of 20 students with a given DCS class in all experiments
conducted; results of 10 replications.
Table 6: Average number of students with one of the three DCS classes in each of the three experiments. Average of 10
replications for 20 students.
DCS Scenario 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 6.4 5.2 4.4 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.7 4.6 3.9
2 5.8 5.5 4.5 7 8.5 8.8 8.6 6.7 5.5
3 6.3 3.9 4.4 6.1 8.8 9.8 8.3 6.5 5.2
1 6.4 5.3 8.2 8.8 9.8 12 13 15 16
2 5.7 4.5 6.9 7.3 9.2 10.6 11.4 13.3 14.5
3 5.9 6.7 6.8 7.7 9.4 9.9 11.7 13.5 14.8
1 7.2 9.5 7.4 5.1 3.8 1.4 0 0 0
2 8.5 10 8.6 5.7 2.3 0.6 0 0 0
3 7.8 9.4 8.8 6.2 1.8 0.3 0 0 0
In the first scenario, the average group of children
with good and moderate DCS at graduation was 3.9
and 16 students, respectively (Figure 5). In the
experiments that included IA, whether the students
changed their environment twice a year or once, the
results were similar for these experiments. With good
DCS they graduated an average of 5.5, with moderate
DCS 14.5 in the second experiment. In the third, 5.2
and 14.8, respectively (Table 6).
Students may change their IA several times during
their primary education, which impacts the
effectiveness of services, which translates into the
number of students with a given DCS.
Caries disease is a disease that is the result of many
factors. It is also a disease that is relatively easy to
prevent. This is confirmed by the literature reports
and conducted studies. Preventive services regularly
provided to schoolchildren can significantly reduce
Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation
the problem of caries. The effectiveness of preventive
measures, in addition to the effectiveness of medical
procedures, is influenced by individual attitudes and
behaviour of students. The present study considers
individual attitude of students, which is randomly
shaped by a student's interactions with his or her
closest peers within a single classroom.
If the majority of students have the IA equal to 1,
which corresponds to positive attitude, there is a
much greater chance that this group will convince
children with the IA equal to 0 or -1 (neutral and
negative) that hygiene and healthy habits are worth it,
which in turn may results in reduced caries.
If, on the other hand, the majority of children had the
IA equal to -1, this could lead to a deterioration in the
health of the students in the class. much greater
chance that this group will convince children with the
IA equal to 0 or -1 (neutral and negative) that hygiene
and healthy habits are worth it, which in turn may
results in reduced caries. If, on the other hand, the
majority of children had the IA equal to -1, this could
lead to a deterioration in the health of the students in
the class.
The hybrid simulation that combines DES and
ABS approaches allows testing many different
scenarios of the effectiveness of preventive services
together with the interactions that occur between
students at the school. The DES simulation alone
cannot verify this impact, and it is believed that in the
context of dental caries prevention, awareness of the
importance of good hygiene and diet is important and
may or may not support the effectiveness of other
measures such as fluoridation, sealants, check-ups, or
This study identified the usefulness of hybrid
simulation to investigate the impact of supportive,
neutral, and nonsupportive environments on
strengthening or weakening the effectiveness of
dental caries prevention in students of a sample
primary school in southwestern Poland.
The main strength of the suggested approach lies
in the ability to comprehensively follow the
development of dental caries in students in different
scenarios, taking into account not only the
effectiveness of services, but also individual social
interactions. The primary limitation of the present
study is the limited access to detailed source data.
Therefore, further research primarily is planned to
acquire detailed source data. Additionally, school
surveys are planned to verify the IA in students
according to the region of residence of the students,
among others. It is also planned to conduct
experiments taking into account more classers or
schools and the students' region of residence or other
demographic factors that may influence the formation
of individual student attitudes toward oral hygiene,
broadly defined.
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Science Centre, Poland based on decisions:
2021/41/N/HS4/03282 “Hybrid modelling of the
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Modelling of the Influence of the Peer Environment on the Prevention of Caries Development in Schoolchildren using a Hybrid Simulation