HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to
Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios
Claudia Bonanno
, Francesco Ragusa
, Rosario Leonardi
, Antonino Furnari
and Giovanni Maria Farinella
FPV@IPLAB, DMI - University of Catania, Italy
Next Vision s.r.l. - Spinoff of the University of Catania, Italy
First Person Vision, Object Detection, Chatbot, Conversational Agent, Visual Question Answering.
We present HERO, a Conversational Intelligent Assistant to support workers in industrial domains. The pro-
posed system is able to interact with humans using natural language and observing the surrounding world in
order to avoid the language ambiguity. HERO is composed of four modules: 1) the input module to process
both text and visual signals, 2) the NLP module to predict user intent and extract relevant entities from text,
3) the object detection module to extract entities by analyzing images captured by the user and 4) the output
module which is responsible for choosing the best answer to send to the user. To assess its usefulness in a real
scenario, the proposed system is implemented and evaluated in an industrial laboratory setting. Preliminary
experiments show that HERO achieves good performance in predicting intents and entities exploiting both text
and visual signals.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows to build systems
which enable automatic conversation between hu-
mans and machines using natural language. These
conversational agents could be integrated in more
complex systems with the aim to support humans
where they live and work. Generally, conversa-
tional AI systems can be grouped into three categories
(Gao et al., 2018): 1) task-oriented systems, 2) chat-
oriented systems and 3) question answering systems.
The first category comprises all systems that aim to
address specific tasks such as booking a table at a
restaurant or ordering a pizza, while chatbots are de-
signed to handle common queries (e.g., “tell me a
joke”) or to simulate conversation with a virtual friend
(Fedorenko et al., 2017). Given a user’s query, ques-
tion answering bots are able to exploit previously col-
lected knowledge and resources to find the most ap-
propriate answer.
Nowadays, well-known hybrid systems, belong-
ing to both chatbot and question answering categories,
are exploited in daily-life applications such as Apple’s
Siri (Apple, 2012) (e.g., to ask her to call someone),
Microsoft’s Cortana (Microsoft, 2014) (e.g., to open
a specific app in our personal computer) or Amazon’s
Figure 1: Concept of the proposed AI Assistant HERO.
Alexa (Amazon, 2014) (e.g., to receive information
about the weather or to listen to your favourite songs).
Conversational agents are used also in the context of
marketing or customer care, providing several func-
tions such as answering frequently asked questions,
resolving customer queries or recommending new of-
fers in an automatic way. Conversational agents are
used as well in the kitchens domain, where they can
support humans for maintenance of the coffee ma-
chine (Mleczko, 2021).
Bonanno, C., Ragusa, F., Leonardi, R., Furnari, A. and Farinella, G.
HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios.
DOI: 10.5220/0011318600003289
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2022), pages 86-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-591-3; ISSN: 2184-9471
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
While these solutions are widely employed, they
suffer from natural language ambiguity (or diversity)
due to the fact that they cannot see the surrounding
environment. Recently Amazon’s Alexa has a new
available feature called “Show and Tell” (Amazon,
2019) which allows visually impaired users to exploit
the camera of the smartphone/tablet to recognize the
objects in the hands of the user. Also in the con-
text of kitchens, a conversational agent which can see
through a mobile phone’s camera has been developed
to assist visually impaired people to understand how
long to cook a microwave meal or if it contains an in-
gredient they are allergic to (Brick et al., 2021). De-
spite the progress made in this field, there are not so-
lutions able to support workers in the industrial do-
main, e.g., assisting them during the maintenance op-
erations “What is the next step?”) or providing con-
tinuous training (“How can I use this tool?”).
In this paper, we present HERO, an AI Assistant
that, through the interaction with a Conversational
Agent equipped with artificial vision allows the user
to request information about the environment or the
objects (e.g., How can I use this object?) using natural
language, as well as images acquired from the user’s
point of view using wearable devices (see Figure 1).
HERO is based on the Egocentric Vision paradigm,
which offers a convenient setting to collect visual in-
formation about the user’s activities and the interac-
tions with objects and can be useful to remove the
ambiguity present in the human’s questions. Specifi-
cally, we assume that the user interacting with HERO
is equipped with a wearable camera able to collect vi-
sual information from their point of view. By means
of its direct access to the egocentric camera, HERO
can exploit both language and vision to interact with
the user. HERO is composed of four main modules:
1) the input module which takes both text/audio and
visual signals, 2) the NLP module which analyzes the
text/audio signal to understand the user’s questions, 3)
the object detection module which processes the in-
put images acquired from the user’s point of view and
recognizes all the objects present in the surrounding
environment and 4) the output module which com-
bines the obtained information to generate the most
reasonable answer to the human’s question. The pro-
posed system has been tested in a real industrial lab-
oratory (Leonardi et al., 2021) where workers per-
formed different maintenance operations with 2 elec-
trical boards and 21 industrial tools. To implement
HERO in this domain, we considered 26 different
worker’s intents such as “Which objects are there?”
or “Turn off the oscilloscope”, which HERO should
exploit to generate the correct answer and give the
needed support. Preliminary experiments show that
the proposed system achieves good performance in
the tasks of object detection and natural language un-
derstanding in the considered industrial domain. The
remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reports the related work. Section 3 presents the
collected datasets in the industrial laboratory. The ar-
chitecture of HERO and its services are discussed in
Section 4, while the experimental results are reported
in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
Natural Language Understanding (NLU). Several
works investigated how to perform text classification
(Joachims, 1998; Fan et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2015).
In particular, different word embedding approaches
have been proposed in literature for classification pur-
poses. The authors of (Mikolov et al., 2013) sug-
gested Word2Vec, a vectorial representation of words
for learning high-quality text representations consid-
ering huge datasets. The authors of (Joulin et al.,
2017) proposed a simple and efficient baseline called
fastText able to classify millions of sentences repre-
sented as bags of n-grams. GloVe (Global Vectors)
has been proposed in (Pennington et al., 2014) with
the aim to produce a vector space which is generic
with respect to the variations in phrasing.
Text classification is a key task to build a Dia-
log Management Control system which is able to un-
derstand the human’s natural language (Young et al.,
2013). Most task-oriented systems are able to per-
form end-to-end learning to build natural conversa-
tions in specific domains (Wen et al., 2015; Bordes
et al., 2017). To overcome this limitation, the au-
thors of (Williams et al., 2017) proposed a end-to-end
learning RNN which reduced the amount of training
data required to adapt the dialog control system in
specific domains. Also the authors of (Williams and
Liden, 2017) proposed an interactive “teaching” sys-
tems which allows a developer to teach the network
by interacting with the system and providing on-the-
spot corrections. Recently, the authors of (Bunk et al.,
2020) proposed the Dual Intent and Entity Trans-
former (DIET), which is a multi-task architecture for
intent classification and entity recognition. DIET has
the ability to generalize to different domains by in-
corporating pre-trained word embeddings from lan-
guage models and combining these with sparse word-
and character-level n-gram features. To allow HERO
to understand the human’s language and to answer
the human’s questions, we designed a NLU module
which contains a DIET module, considering a fixed
set of possible requests which the user can ask.
HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios
Figure 2: Sample images of the industrial laboratory with
bounding box annotations for the objects present in the
NLU Software Libraries. There are differ-
ent software libraries publicly available to build high-
quality conversational agents. PyDeal (Ultes et al.,
2017) is an open source end-to-end statistical spo-
ken dialogue system toolkit which offers easy config-
urations and domain-independent implementations of
several dialogue system modules. To avoid the need
of specialist software developers, several frameworks
have been released with the aim to build conversa-
tional agents in a easy way such as OpenDial (Li-
son and Kennington, 2016), RavenClaw (Bohus and
Rudnicky, 2009), AT&T (Williams et al., 2010), In-
proTKs (Kennington et al., 2014) and IrisTK(Skantze
and Moubayed, 2012). In particular, RASA NLU and
RASA Core have been proposed in (Bocklisch et al.,
2017) and are open source Python libraries for build-
ing conversational software. The main difference with
respect to the other works is the architecture which
has been implemented as common APIs, which can
be easily integrated in other systems. We considered
the RASA framework to develop our NLP module.
Object Detection and Recognition. Given an
image, the aim of an object detector is to detect and
recognize all the objects present in the input image. In
the literature, there are two main groups of object de-
tectors: 1) Two-stages detectors and 2) One-stage de-
tectors. Two-stage methods predict a set of candidate
bounding boxes in the first step, while, in a second
step, they extract visual features from each box and
use them to classify boxes into one of the considered
object classes and regress accurate bounding box co-
ordinates. These detectors (Girshick et al., 2014; Gir-
shick, 2015; Ren et al., 2015) favor the accuracy of
the predictions at the expenses of computation speed.
Differently, one-stage methods perform object local-
ization and classification in a single step, allowing for
a faster computation, but often with a reduced accu-
racy (Liu et al., 2016; Redmon and Farhadi, 2018;
Bochkovskiy et al., 2020). Due to its more accurate
results, we choose the two-stage detector Faster R-
Figure 3: Samples of the structured data used to train the
NLU module. For each intent (blue) we designed different
examples including different entities (red, green and pur-
CNN (Ren et al., 2015) to build our Object Detection
We considered the realistic industrial context pro-
posed in (Leonardi et al., 2021), where an industrial
laboratory has been set up. The authors acquired 8
real egocentric videos using a Microsoft Hololens 2
device in which subjects interact with 23 objects fol-
lowing different sequences of operations related to
test and repair procedures on two electrical boards
(e.g., turning on the power supply or pushing the red
button on the electrical panel). Figure 2 shows sam-
ple images of the industrial laboratory where HERO
is able to support workers performing several opera-
3.1 Dataset for the NLP Module
We built a dataset to train our NLP module consid-
ering the industrial laboratory. We structured infor-
mation about the user messages following the intent-
entity concepts. The intent is what the user plans
to do or accomplish (e.g., greeting, turn on objects,
etc.), while the entities are the key pieces of infor-
mation that can be extracted from the message (e.g.,
phone number, location, objects, etc.). Considering
the videos and the operations performed by the users,
we defined 26 different intents and 4 entities. The 4
entities are the following:
object: is related to the object’s class of the indus-
trial laboratory;
electronic board: it can be high or low voltage
electronic board;
component: several objects are composed of dif-
ferent components (e.g., the high voltage elec-
SIGMAP 2022 - 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 4: Some images with bounding box annotations for
the objects present in the scene.
tronic board has a display);
procedure: indicates a procedure that the subject
can perform. There are two kinds of procedures:
testing and repair.
For each intent, we defined several examples which
represent different questions that the user can make
referring to the same intent. For example, the sen-
tences How can I use the oscilloscope? and I can’t use
the power supply are different examples belonging
to the same intent (i.e., object’s instructions). Since
HERO is able to see what the user is looking at, the
user does not need to ask questions explicitly includ-
ing the name of the objects, for example when he does
not know its name (e.g., How can I use this object?).
At the end, we obtained 136 examples related to the
26 intents. Figure 3 reports some intents with the re-
lated examples.
3.2 Dataset for the Object Detection
We used the dataset proposed in (Leonardi et al.,
2021), which includes 8 videos acquired using a Mi-
crosoft Hololens 2 wearable device at a resolution of
2272 × 1278 pixels and with a framerate of 30 f ps.
For each of these videos, the authors selected the first
frame where the hand touches an object and the frame
after the hand releases it. For each extracted frame,
the objects visible in the image have been annotated
with (x, y, w, h, c) tuples, where c indicates the object
class among the 19 object categories and (x, y, w, h)
are the bounding box coordinates. Following this pro-
cedure, we extended the set of annotations from 19
to 23 object classes, manually annotating all the ob-
ject instances belonging to the following 4 object cat-
egories: power supply cables, ground clip, battery
charger connector and panel A. With this procedure,
we obtained 20000 labeled objects belonging to 23
objects categories. Figure 4 shows some examples of
the annotated frames.
Figure 5: The architecture of the HERO system.
Figure 5 illustrates the architecture of the HERO sys-
tem. It is composed of four main components: 1) in-
put module, 2) NLP module, 3) object detection mod-
ule and 4) output module. We describe the modules
of HERO in the following sections.
4.1 Input Module
The input module is responsible for taking different
inputs from the user and sending them to the corre-
sponding modules. In particular, this module takes
in input the text which will be processed by the NLP
module and the images acquired by a camera from
the first point of view which will be sent to the object
detection module.
4.2 NLP Module
This module is based on the RASA framework (Bock-
lisch et al., 2017) and it is responsible for managing
conversations between humans and the AI assistant.
In the considered scenario, the user follows a pro-
cedure (i.e., testing or repairing) composed of sev-
eral sequential operations. At any point of the pro-
cedure the AI assistant must be able to change con-
text and answer other questions related to the dif-
ferent intents (e.g., object’s instructions). In RASA,
a general conversation can be represented by stories
or rules, a type of data, which are used to train the
assistant’s dialogue management module. Since in
real cases, such as in the considered industrial con-
text, a complex conversation between a worker and
the AI agent can be composed of different question-
answer couples, it would be too expensive to add a
story for each different question-answer instance. For
HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios
Figure 6: A sample conversation with our HERO system
through a Telegram bot.
this reason, we represented the data as rules which
describe short pieces of conversations that should al-
ways follow the same path. The output of the NLP
module is made of the predicted intent and the en-
tities. The entities can sometimes be absent (e.g.,
if the user does not know the name of an object,
the NLP module will not able to extract this infor-
mation from the text). The intent represents the
main intention of the user when they ask a ques-
tion. The intent information will be combined with
the extracted entities in order to choose the correct
response. In this industrial scenario, 4 of the 26 con-
sidered intents (i.e., present objects, can use objects,
powered objects, where PPE) do not need any en-
tities nor any context in order to generate the an-
swer. These 4 intents have been grouped into a
macro-intent called FAQ. Using this scheme, the DI-
ETClassifier (Bunk et al., 2020) predicts whether
each intent is a regular intent or a FAQ. In the lat-
ter case, the ResponseSelector further classifies the
FAQ macro-intent into one of the four related intents
(present objects, can use objects, powered objects,
where PPE).
4.2.1 NLU Pipeline
Our NLU Pipeline is composed of several compo-
nents which are described in the following:
SpacyNLP: This component is needed in order to
initialize Spacy structures
SpacyTokenizer: This component segments each
message into words, punctuation and so on using
specific rules related to the used language model,
thus obtaining tokens;
CountVectorsFeaturizer (CVF): This component
creates bag-of-words representation of user mes-
sages, intents, and responses. Two instances of
CVF are used. The former analyzes messages at
word-level, whereas the latter analyzes messages
at character-level. We consider n-grams of lengths
ranging from 1 to 4.
SpacyFeaturizer: This component creates a vector
representation of user messages and responses.
DIETClassifier (Dual Intent Entity Transformer)
(Bunk et al., 2020): This component is a multi-
task architecture for intent classification and en-
tity recognition. The architecture is based on a
transformer which is shared for both tasks;
EntitySynonymMapper: This component is re-
sponsible of the synonymous entities. If the train-
ing data contains defined synonyms, this compo-
nent will make sure that detected entity values will
be mapped to the same value;
ResponseSelector: This component chooses the
response from a set of possible responses for those
intents that were grouped in a macro-intent;
4.3 Object Detection Module
Our Object Detection module relies on the two-stage
object detector Faster-RCNN (Ren et al., 2015) to ad-
dress object detection and recognition. Given an im-
age from the Input module, the object detector pre-
dicts a (x, y, w, h, c) tuple for each detected object,
where c indicates the class belonging to the 23 object
categories and (x, y, w, h) are the bounding box coor-
dinates. Since humans usually focus their attention on
the center of the image when they are interacting with
an object, we filter the predictions choosing only the
object closest to the center of the image. The class of
the predicted object represents an entity and it will be
used by the output module.
4.4 Output Module
This module chooses the final answer to send to the
user considering the intent and the entities predicted
by the NLP module and the entity detected by the ob-
ject detection module.
The RASA framework is based on the Spacy library:
SIGMAP 2022 - 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 1: Results obtained by the NLP module consider-
ing the intent and entity classification of the DIETClassifier
(first and second row) and the response selection performed
by the ResponseSelector (last row).
Precision Accuracy F
Entity classification 0.944 0.959 0.866
Intent classification 0.729 0.735 0.700
Response Selection 0.800 0.867 0.822
To evaluate HERO, we assess the performance the
NLP and object detection modules. In particular, we
consider two tasks: 1) intent-entity recognition and 2)
object detection and recognition. For a preliminary
evaluation we designed channel connectors where the
user can send and receive messages. In particular, we
integrated a channel connector through the use of a
Telegram bot where the input signals are the text writ-
ten in a chat by the user and the images is acquired by
the camera phone (see Figure 6).
5.1 NLP Module
We split the dataset into training and test sets with
an 80 : 20 ratio. Considering the small dimension of
the dataset, we find the optimal model’s parameters
performing a 5-fold cross-valuation on the training
set. We trained the final model on the whole training
set considering the mean of the parameters of each
split. The model has been trained on an Intel Core
i5 CPU for 100 epochs with learning rate of 0.001
and a variable batch size which linearly increases for
each epoch from 64 to 256. We evaluate our model
on the test set using precision, accuracy and F
measures. Table 1 reports the results obtained on the
entity classification (first row) and intent classifica-
tion (second row) using the DIETClassifier module,
as well as the response selection performed by the
ResponseSelector module (last row). The DIETClas-
sifier recognizes very well the entities considering all
the evaluation measures with a precision of 0.944, an
accuracy of 0.959 and an F
-score of 0.866. The per-
formances of the intent classification are lower, with
a precision of 0.729, an accuracy of 0.735 and a F
score of 0.700. The ResponseSelector module ob-
tains good performance considering the classification
of the 4 micro-intents contained in the FAQ group,
achieving a precision of 0.800, an accuracy of 0.867
and an F
-score of 0.822.
Figure 7: Qualitative results of the object detector.
Table 2: Splits of the dataset reporting the number of
videos, images and objects for each split.
Train Validation Test
Videos 4 2 2
Images 1,367 832 857
Objects instances 7,981 6,009 6,010
5.2 Object Detection Module
We split the object detection dataset into training, val-
idation and test sets being careful to include all the
frames extracted from a video in a single split. Ta-
ble 2 reports statistics about these splits considering
the number of videos, images and objects included in
each split.
As object detector we used Faster R-CNN (Ren
et al., 2015) with a ResNet-101 backbone (He et al.,
2016). We used the implementation provided in the
Detectron2 (Wu et al., 2019) framework. The exper-
iments were conducted on a Nvidia V100 GPU. We
trained the model for 30,000 iterations with a batch
size of 2, a learning rate of 0.001 and 1000 warmup
iterations. We decreased the learning rate by a factor
of 10 after 15,000 and 20,000 iterations. We evaluated
the model using the COCO mean Average Precision
metric (mAP)
with an Intersection over Union (IoU)
of 0.5 (mAP@50). The mAP measures the ability of
the model to both localize and classify the objects in
the image. We tested the model on the Test set ob-
taining a mAP of 73.41%, which indicates that the
module is able to correctly localize and recognize the
objects present in the images. Table 3 reports the indi-
vidual APs for each object class. The results suggest
that the network recognizes well large objects such
as the oscilloscope (90.12%) or the welder station
(89.87%), whereas it has some difficulty in recogniz-
ing small objects such as the battery charger connec-
tor, obtaining an AP of 15.91%. Figure 7 shows some
qualitative results of our object detector.
HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios
Table 3: Average Precision AP per class.
Category AP Category AP
power supply 80.18 working area 90.18
oscilloscope 90.12 welder base 88.82
welder station 89.87 socket 90.27
electric screwdriver 81.45 left red button 100
screwdriver 58.73 left green button 100
pliers 79.18 right red button 81.82
welder probe tip 50.63 right green button 90.91
oscilloscope probe tip 51.72 power supply cables 41.34
low voltage board 88.53 ground clip 44.84
high voltage board 61.44 battery charger connector 15.91
register 71.07 panel A 89.77
electric screwdriver battery 51.72
We presented HERO, a Conversational Intelligent As-
sistant able to support workers using the natural lan-
guage and observing the surrounding environment to
avoid natural language ambiguity. Experiments high-
light the good performance on the considered indus-
trial laboratory used to evaluate HERO’s ability of
intent-entity prediction considering both text and vi-
sual inputs. Future works will consider the integration
of wearable devices such as Microsoft Hololens2 and
a speech-to-text module to leave the human hands-
free during their work.
This research is supported by Next Vision
s.r.l. and
by the project MEGABIT - PIAno di inCEntivi per la
RIcerca di Ateneo 2020/2022 (PIACERI) linea di
intervento 2, DMI - University of Catania.
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HERO: An Artificial Conversational Assistant to Support Humans in Industrial Scenarios