ter headache (CH) is the most usual of this kind of
cephalalgias, being predominant in male with onset
often in the 20s, and it is often accompanied with se-
vere unilateral, orbital or periorbital pain, with several
autonomic features. As summarized in (El-Yaagoubi
et al., 2020), a sympathetic hypofunction remains la-
tent and subclinical between attacks, but it can be
shown by provocative tests with eye-drop substances.
If there is a persistent but subtle and constitutional
sympathetic hypofunction in the symptomatic side,
the iris of that side is expected to be less pigmented,
and this can likely happen during the first years af-
ter birth. Accordingly, one of the signs of CH could
be different iris coloration in a patient’s eyes, and this
difference could be subtle and not always noticeable
by simple visual inspection. These previous works
propose that the screening and early detection of CH
could be addressed by creating biomarkers from sub-
tle color changes in the iris of both eyes from a given
The use of machine learning techniques has been
proposed for providing the clinicians with methods
detecting color differences between both eyes (El-
Yaagoubi et al., 2020), with promising results. An
alternative way to create new biomarkers using statis-
tical tools to characterize iris image distributions, is
proposed in the present work, given the vast amount
of existing methods devoted to biometry using the iris.
For instance, a system was delivered in (Demirel and
Anbarjafari, 2008) using color histograms as pixel
statistic feature vectors for recognition of irises in
order to perform cross correlation between the his-
togram of a given iris and those from available indi-
viduals in a database, in which the final assignation
was assigned by a majority voting scheme. Specifi-
cally, our main contribution here was to scrutinize the
raw statistical distributions of colors and their differ-
ences between the eyes of a given subject, using his-
tograms of the iris color components in several color
spaces and the Kullback-Leibler divergence for their
comparison. This can represent a principled input fea-
ture space in machine learning systems designed to
provide neurologists with biomarkers in CH.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. First,
color spaces characteristics are summarized, in partic-
ular for RGB, HSI, and CIELAB model spaces. Then,
the color feature vectors are described, as well as
the approaches using cross-correlation and Kullback-
Leibler divergence, for their comparison. Next, the
dataset used in our experiments is described, and the
results of comparisons are subsequently presented.
Finally, conclusions are drawn and directions for fu-
ture research are highlighted.
Figure 1: Color Iris image, captured with a high resolution
camera (Zeiss FF 450 plus Fundus IE).
Color is the way the Human Visual System (HVS)
perceives radiation from part of the electromagnetic
spectrum, approximately between the wavelengths of
300 nm and 830 nm (Tkalcic and Tasic, 2003). Fig-
ure 1 shows the eye image (sclera, iris and pupil) cap-
tured with a high resolution camera in the department
of neurology of Hospital Universitario Fundaci
on de
on in Spain.
In the field of Image Processing, a color model
is an abstract mathematical model specifying the way
in which colors can be represented as a set of num-
bers (Gonz
alez and Woods, 2007). Thus, color spaces
aim to facilitate the specifications of colors in some
standard way, by creating a coordinate system such
that each color is mapped as a point onto it.
Some color spaces are hardware oriented (cam-
eras, monitors, printers), while others are more ade-
quate for color processing. In digital image process-
ing, the RGB (red, green and blue) space is mainly
used for cameras and monitors, CMY (cyan, magenta
and yellow) for printers and HSI (hue, saturation and
intensity) which is closer to the human eye percep-
tion, is usually convenient for image processing and
analysis because it separates color and intensity in-
formation. In this line, the CIELAB space (luminos-
ity, red-green and yellow-blue) or CIE L ∗a ∗ b∗, gen-
erally called L ∗ a ∗ b∗, is also interesting because it
separates intensity and colors in a way more similar
as the HVS performs (differences in colors are uni-
formly perceived).
In this work, the RGB, HSI and CIELAB models
have been considered.
2.1 RGB
The RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color model is a sensory
model characterized by representing each color by its
three primary spectral components of red (R), green
(G), and blue (B) (Gonz
alez and Woods, 2007). This
model is based on the Cartesian coordinate system,
with the color gamut forming a cube, where each of
the main axes quantifies the proportion of red, green
Statistical Analysis of Color Differences on Iris Images for Supporting Cluster Headache Diagnosis