network. Every AirInterface compute if the pkts col-
lided or not and if they arrive with enough power to
the GTW. So, its task is to virtualize the communi-
cation channel of a GTW, then the NS is created in
an abstract mode, and it decides when a GTW must
send an ACK and when every GTW must respect the
DC Limit before it will send the ACK message.
Finally it worth noting that upon this kind of simula-
tor could be applied any kind of suited protocol and
an example of this is presented in (De Rango et al.,
Figure 6: Final Structure of LoRaEnergySim.
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LoRaSim, LoRaFREE & LoRaEnergySim. We fo-
cused our attention on the last one providing a set of
custom modifications to extend the basic behaviour
implemented by LoRaEnergySim. The most impor-
tance additional features introduced in the simulator
are: Multi-GTW-Extension with interference man-
agement, the imperfect SFs orthogonality, ACK man-
agement and new statistics to improve the network
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Extending LoRaEnergySim Simulator to Support Interference Management under Multi-Gateway IoT Scenarios