bination of springs is integrated. Springs’ fixation
points can be adjusted to produce a counter-torque
that can statically balance a range of applied exter-
nal forces. The design of this compensator shows that
torque due to payload can be decoupled and compen-
sated with a combination of linear springs. Variation
of payload can be compensated by adjusting the dis-
tance of one of the springs’ fixation points. The ratio
between the range of the payload and the distance that
can be spanned by the fixation point can determine
the value of the spring coefficient. The paper presents
the use of the compensator with a 2-DoF manipula-
tor. The simulation shows that a complete compen-
sation of constant payload can be achieved around the
whole workspace. The adaptation feature allows com-
plete compensation in case the payload has changed.
The design of this system is very complex yet, possi-
ble. This system can be very useful in repetitive tasks
with constant payload while having the advantage of
readjusting for different tasks with different payloads.
The advantage of this system is that it reduces energy
consumed to support payload as the robot’s actuators
need only to support dynamic torques.
In the future, it will be necessary to use this com-
pensator with manipulators with more than 2-DoF and
to test it on real hardware.
This work was supported by Russian Scientific Foun-
dation (Project number 22-41-02006).
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External Force Adaptive Compensator for Serial Manipulators