We have presented the software that forms the back-
bone of the ExpoLIS information system. We started
by listing the requirements and then proceeded with
the data model. The information system can handle a
heterogeneous mobile sensor network. We have also
presented a set of applications that use the collected
data. This has led us to select a set of air quality prop-
erties to be monitored and presented to users, either
from the general population or scientists interested
in studying and analysing air quality data. The core
database can be adapted to other geographical regions
and/or air quality measures. The data server scripts
can be easily configured to this goal. Future work has
been discussed in the previous section.
This work was supported by ExpoLIS project
(LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-032088) funded by
FEDER, through Programa Operacional Regional
de Lisboa and national funds and FCT - Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology. Authors
also acknowledge the support of FCT through the
contract CEECIND/04228/2018 and the PhD grant
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics