of 0.406 and RMSE of 0.595, and a good r2 score of
The validity of this research results is pertinent to in-
ternal validity and external validity.
• Internal threats to validity are related to the size
of the data set where the number of instances in
the data set must be more significant. This work
is limited to the numerical attributes of the Soft-
ware Enhancement datasets for scrum projects,
although many historical scrum project datasets
contain categorical attributes.
• External threats to validity are proportional to the
degree to which the study’s findings can be ap-
plied to other projects. We only used one private
scrum dataset. However, we believe that our pro-
posed research study can be applied to a variety of
project datasets.
In this study, we investigated the problem of accu-
rate estimation of effort for software scrum enhance-
ment projects. Three single ML techniques and stack-
ing models were implemented and empirically tested.
Based on the fact that COSMIC sizing is a power-
ful FSM method, it was used as an input feature for
predicting enhancement effort, the enhancement FS
is used as an independent variable. The following are
the results of the experiments:
• LinearSVR is more accurate with small MAEs=
0.240, MSE= 0.923, and RMSE= 0.646 compared
to DTRreg and RFR.
• The stacking ensemble model is more accurate
with MAE of 0.206, MSE of 0.406 and RMSE
of 0.595, and a good r2 score of 0.789 compared
to the selected single ML techniques SEEE accu-
Then, we conclude our research work process by
building a localhost ERWebApp. The web applica-
tion’s goal is to evolve into a company that can esti-
mate the effort of a new enhancement request from FS
in a scrum context. We did not place a high value on
the roles of scrum master and product owner because
the estimation process is handled by the development
team. However, it will be improved in the future.
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Software Enhancement Effort Estimation using Stacking Ensemble Model within the Scrum Projects: A Proposed Web Interface