Figure 8: Component Annotations (Green Hexagons) on a
Sample Circuit.
In order to validate the approach, the results are
demonstrated on a sample circuit (see Figure 8).
An RDF-based system for automatically deriving
functional annotations of individual components in-
side circuits has been described. By incorporating
support for an openly available CAE system as well
as referencing ressources from the also openly avail-
able wikidata knowledge base, it connects the world
of circuit modeling with the world of image annota-
tion and the world of circuit understanding.
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multiple, rather specific ways in order to deal with all
desired situations. Further preprocessing steps are re-
quired to allow for more general formulations. For
example, voltage sources as well as vcc and gnd sym-
bols need to be resolved to a uniform representation.
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications