Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and
Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining
Andrea Delgado and Daniel Calegari
Instituto de Computaci
on, Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad de la Rep
ublica, Montevideo, 11300, Uruguay
Process Mining, Data Science, Process and Organizational Data Integration, Process Improvement.
Business Process execution analysis is crucial for organizations to evaluate and improve them. Process mining
provides the means to do so, but several challenges arise when dealing with data extraction and integration.
Most scenarios consider implicit processes in support systems, with the process and organizational data being
analyzed separately. Nowadays, many organizations increasingly integrate process-oriented support systems,
such as BPMS, where process data execution is registered within the process engine database and organiza-
tional data in distributed potentially heterogeneous databases. They can follow the relational model or NoSQL
ones, and organizational data can come from different systems, services, social media, or several other sources.
Then, process and organizational data must be integrated to be used as input for process mining tasks and pro-
vide a complete view of the operation to detect and make improvements. In this paper, we extend previous
work to support the collection of process and organizational data from heterogeneous sources, the integration
of these data, and the automated generation of XES event logs to be used as input for process mining.
Business Process Management (BPM) (van der Aalst,
2013; Dumas et al., 2018; Weske, 2019) focuses on
business processes in organizations, covering their
lifecycle from modeling, configuration, execution and
evaluation, to support their continuous improvement.
Data science (van der Aalst, 2016; IEEE, 2020) has
emerged in recent years as an interdisciplinary disci-
pline to deal with the management, analysis, and dis-
covery of information in large volumes of data that are
generated at high speed (velocity), with great variety,
and also considering its veracity (the three V) (Furht
and Villanustre, 2016), which is stored in structured
or unstructured forms.
Process Mining (van der Aalst, 2016) is a disci-
pline within Process Science (van der Aalst, 2016),
and Data Science (van der Aalst, 2016; IEEE, 2020)
that can be seen as a bridge between those areas, and
has been developed in the last two decades to pro-
vide techniques, algorithms, and tools to discover in-
formation from process execution data. These data
are registered within traditional organization’s infor-
mation systems (IS) or BPM systems (BPMS), where
events that occur within each process instance (case)
are registered in a so-called event log. Process mining
provides three main approaches (van der Aalst, 2016):
i) discovering processes from event logs, i.e., generat-
ing process models based on execution process data;
ii) process conformance, i.e., checking the actual ex-
ecution in event logs against existing or discovered
BP models; and iii) enhancing BP models with other
information such as roles and resources involved.
Organizations face several challenges regarding
their daily operation and technical support infras-
tructure and the large amount of data they con-
tinuously gather from different and heterogeneous
sources. These sources include relational and NoSQL
databases nowadays, distributed within the organiza-
tion or several organizations working together, tradi-
tional IS with implicit business processes, and BPMS
with explicit business processes. A key challenge is to
seize all this data and get information and value from
it to improve their business. It involves collecting, in-
tegrating, and processing process and organizational
data in an integrated manner to get a complete picture
of their processes and organizational data.
In previous works (Delgado and Calegari, 2020;
Calegari et al., 2021) we have presented the problem
of dealing with the compartmentalized vision of pro-
cesses on the one hand and organizational data on
the other. We introduced a model-driven proposal
for data integration using an integrated metamodel in
which data is collected, and a matching algorithm re-
Delgado, A. and Calegari, D.
Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0011322500003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 557-566
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
lates it. This integrated data is transformed from the
metamodel to many targets, e.g., an event log for pro-
cess mining. In (Delgado et al., 2021), we envision a
generic Application Programming Interface (API) to
collect data from any BPMS, which was initially pro-
posed and implemented in a previous work (Delgado
et al., 2016).
A significant drawback that presents the approach
is the high coupling of the ETL process to the data
model type and the specific implementation of the
data source. Within the whole proposal, we envision
a generic API to collect data from any database, both
relational or NoSQL, but it was not previously defined
in detail.
This paper presents an extension of the former
proposal with the joint definition of both APIs that
allow us to collect process and organizational data
from heterogeneous sources. In particular, the generic
API for organizational data will enable us to decou-
ple the ETL process both from the data model type
and the specific database implementation. The ex-
tension includes changes in the metamodel to adapt
the data concepts to other data models and changes in
the model-driven approach to automatically generate
an extended event log that contains the correspond-
ing organizational data for each event (activity) of the
The rest of the article is organized as follows: In
Section 2 we introduce key concepts related to the
main elements included in our proposal. In Section 3
we discuss related work. In Section 4 we describe our
proposal, including the definition of the process and
organizational data integration with a generic API, as
well as preliminary results. In Section 5 we provide
some examples of applications. Finally, in Section 6
we present some conclusions and future work.
Process execution data is registered from IS or BPMS
from the organization’s daily operation, based on im-
plicit or explicit process models that depend on the
existing settings. Most data are mainly scattered in
several heterogeneous databases, which can be rela-
tional or NoSQL, with no explicit relationship be-
tween the execution of the process and the associated
organizational data it manages. This compartmental-
ized vision of processes on the one hand and organi-
zational data on the other is not adequate to provide
the organization with the evidence-based business in-
telligence necessary to improve their daily operation.
A typical scenario in an organization regarding the
ecosystem of systems and infrastructure needed to
support its daily operation is depicted in Figure 1.
As it can be seen in Figure 1, process and organi-
zational data can come from heterogeneous sources,
such as IS, BPMS, services, Internet of Things
(IoT) settings, social media interacting with IS or
BPMS, which are registered in distributed (proba-
bly not linked) databases, such as the process engine
database, or several organizational databases both re-
lational and NoSQL. This scenario can be extended
to inter-organizational collaborative processes involv-
ing several organizations, where apart from these set-
tings, organizations interact using interchanging mes-
sages that also contain data, which is also registered.
In (Calegari et al., 2021) we discussed two main sce-
narios for inter-organizational collaborative BPs, one
that involves direct interaction between participants
and the other with interaction via an Interoperability
Platform (InP) which registers all interactions. Inter-
organizational collaborative processes add even more
complexity to the data integration problem.
In previous works (Delgado and Calegari, 2020;
Calegari et al., 2021) we have presented the problem
of dealing with the compartmentalized vision of pro-
cesses on the one hand and organizational data on the
other. We introduced a model-driven proposal for data
integration using an integrated metamodel in which
data is collected and a matching algorithm to recon-
struct the relationships between them. We have also
defined an extension of the eXtensible Event Stream
(XES) (IEEE, 2016) format, called an extended event
log. An XES log represents events grouped in traces
(cases) for a given process, and it is used as stan-
dard input for process mining. It provides an exten-
sion mechanism for defining new attributes to events.
We include the associated data entities and attributes
as defined by the matching algorithm for each event
within the extended event log.
The idea of connecting databases with process data
was mainly focused on the perspective of process
mining and not on the exploitation of both sources
of information altogether, i.e., process data and or-
ganizational data. Examples of this are the work in
(Claes and Poels, 2014) in which the authors analyze
the exploitation of database events as a source of in-
formation for event logs. Also, in (Berti and van der
Aalst, 2020), the authors propose building multiple
viewpoint models from databases, providing a holis-
tic view of a process.
Nevertheless, some works are tackling the integra-
tion of both sources of information. In (de Murillas
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Linking process and organizational data from heterogeneus sources extended from (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
et al., 2019), the authors propose a comprehensive in-
tegration of process and data information in a con-
sistent and unified format through the definition of a
metamodel. This work has some aspects in common
with our proposal in (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
Moreover, in (Tsoury et al., 2018), the authors de-
fine a conceptual framework for a deep exploration
of process behavior by combining information from
the event log, the database, and the transaction (redo)
log. Complimentary to these ideas, in (Radesch
et al., 2008; Radesch
utz et al., 2015) the authors de-
scribe concrete matching techniques between process
data and operational data. As far as we know, none of
these works considered the existence of a generic API
for BPMS (or databases) as we defined and discussed
in (Delgado et al., 2016).
Figure 2 presents the complete integration approach
we have defined. In Figure 2a the Extraction Transfor-
mation Load (ETL) process, to collect process and or-
ganizational data from heterogeneous sources. Most
process mining approaches deal with implicit pro-
cesses registered along with the organizational data
within the execution of traditional IS in one or sev-
eral distributed databases. On the contrary, we as-
sume that processes are explicitly defined and exe-
cuted within a BPMS, where process data are auto-
matically registered in the process engine database
(mostly relational, but recently there are initial imple-
mentations for NoSQL databases such as MongoDB),
and organizational data are registered in a different
database (which can be relational or NoSQL) within
the organization, where other systems also insert and
access organizational data.
In our initial proposal (Delgado and Calegari,
2020; Calegari et al., 2021) we have defined a meta-
model in which process and organizational data col-
lected from those heterogeneous sources are stored
and integrated with a matching algorithm. The meta-
model is divided horizontally into an upper and lower
part, where the upper part corresponds to process
data, and the lower one corresponds to organizational
data. It is also divided vertically into a left and a right
part. The left part corresponds to process and organi-
zational definition data, and the right corresponds to
process and organizational instances data. We have
presented a prototype implemented in Activiti BPMS
with a PostgreSQL database, and the organizational
data is also registered in a PostgreSQL database. We
directly extracted the corresponding data from both
databases and loaded it into the metamodel, running
the matching algorithm to connect the process and or-
ganizational data elements.
Although the approach is general for any BPMS
and any organizational database, we realized that a
significant drawback of our proposal was coupling the
data extraction to a specific type of data model and a
particular implementation of a database. For example,
the relational model and PostgreSQL, since chang-
ing the data model or the database implementation re-
quires a new ETL implementation to extract process
and organizational data to the metamodel. Therefore,
Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining
(a) Mechanism for the ETL process and organizational data collection extended from (Delgado et al., 2021).
(b) Model-driven approach for generating the extended event log for process mining.
Figure 2: Complete approach for collection, integration and process mining of process and organizational integrated data.
in (Delgado et al., 2021) we have envisioned an ex-
tension in which a generic API is defined and used
for extracting process data from BPMS. Another API
is defined and used for extracting organizational data
from heterogeneous databases. To include such exten-
sion for heterogeneous data models, we also extended
the metamodel to better reflect different approaches.
We present here such extension, for which we in-
tegrated and extended a previously defined generic
API for BPMS (Delgado et al., 2016), that we used to
propose a generic user portal for BPMS that can work
with different BPMS as backend. This generic API
operates over a generic data model for process execu-
tion that includes several concepts and relations that
are also present in the integrated metamodel, i.e., pro-
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: Example of the generic API for BPMS excerpt from (Delgado et al., 2016).
Process category
GetProcessDefinitions(string name, string category, bool active):Enumerable<Process>
Returns a list with existing process definition by name, category and state.
GetProcessDefinition(int processId):Process
Returns the definition of the selected process.
SuspendProcess(int processId):void
Suspends process with processId so no cases can be generated from it.
Cases category
CreateCase(int processId):void
Allows the creation of a case from the process with id processId.
GetAllCases(string name, string creator, string user, string state):IEnumerable<Case>
Returns a list of cases filtered by process name, assignee, creator or in some state.
AddCommentToCase(int caseId, string userId, string comment):void
Allows to add a comment to a case by the selected user.
Tasks category
GetTasks(string name, bool assignee, string candidateUser):IEnumerable<TaskInstance>
Returns a list of tasks by name, assigned or not, to be taken by the user.
TakeTask(string taskId):bool
Assigns the task to the user performing the invocation.
GetTaskVariables(string taskId):IEnumerable<VariableInstance>
Returns the list of variables associated with the selected task.
Table 2: Example of the generic API for heterogeneous databases.
Entity category
List <String>GetEntityNames()
Returns a list with the names of existing entities.
List <Entity>GetEntityDefinitions()
Returns a list of Entities, including their attributes.
Entity GetEntityDefinition(string entityName)
Returns the Entity selected by name.
List<EntityInstance> GetEntityInstances(string entityName)
Returns all instances of an Entity selected by name.
cess definition and instance, element definition and
instance (activity, tasks), role, user. The operations
defined in the API allow gathering information from
the BPMS by defining a specific wrapper for each
BPMS. The generic operations are translated to spe-
cific operations provided by the BPMS to obtain pro-
cess instances, activities, users, etc. In Table 1 we
present an example of the generic API for BPMS ex-
cerpt from (Delgado et al., 2016).
The generic API for organizational data has been
defined from scratch through analyzing the data mod-
els that different NoSQL approaches defined, such
as document, graphs, key-value and column-oriented,
and the relational model, which was the first one con-
sidered in the proposal. In Table 2 we present an ex-
ample of the generic API for organizational data for
the Entity category. Based on our analysis, we have
also extended the metamodel to reflect the entities bet-
ter, relationships and attributes involved. We have in-
cluded a few changes to the original modeling, in the
first place, in the relation between entities modeling,
which is now explicitly modeled by adding the no-
tion of Relation as a concept, allowing attributes in
a relation (particularly for graph databases). A Re-
lation connects one (self-relation) or two entities and
can also have attributes. Secondly, we have added at-
tributes Source and SourceType in Entity and Process
to allow traceability for the ETL process. A source
can be the database connection string plus the loca-
tion of the generic connector or other data to identify
the origin of the data. SourceType is, for the Entity
element, the type of data model, i.e., relational, doc-
ument, graph, etc., and, for Process, the process type,
i.e., BPMN, CMMN.
In Figure 2b we present the second part of our
data integration approach. Once the metamodel is
loaded with the process and organizational data, we
can run the matching algorithm to reconstruct the re-
Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining
Table 3: Mapping from the integrated metamodel to the extended XES event log.
XES extended
Generated label Included in
<string key=”concept:name” value=””/ > <log></log>
Role <string key=”org:role” value=””/ > <event ></event >
<string key=”concept:name” value=””/ > <event ></event >
<string key=”orgdata:elemType” value=””/ > <event ></event >
<list key=”orgdata:varlist”/> <event ></event >
<variables ></variables > <list key=”orgdata:varlist”/>
<string key=”concept:varname” value=””/ > <variables></variables>
<string key=”orgdata:valueType” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:varname”/>
<trace ></trace > <log ></log >
<date key=”startTime:timestamp” value=””/ > <trace ></trace >
<date key=”completTime:timestamp” value=””/> <trace ></trace >
<string key=”state” value=””/> <trace ></trace >
<string key=”id” value=””> <trace ></trace >
User <string key=”org:resource” value=””/ > <event ></event >
<event ></event > <trace></trace>
<string key=”lifecycle:transition” value=””/ > <event></event>
<date key=”time:timestamp” value=””/ > <event></event>
<string key=”orgdata:varValue” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:varname”/ >
<date key=”time:timestamp” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:varname”/ >
<list key=”orgdata:entlist”/ > <event></event>
<entities></entities> <list key=”orgdata:entlist”/ >
<string key=”concept:entname” value=””/ > <entities></entities>
<list key=”orgdata:attlist”/ > <string key=”concept:entname”/>
<attributes></attributes> <list key=”orgdata:attlist”/ >
<string key=”concept:attname” value=””/ > <attributes></attributes>
<string key=”orgdata:valueType” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:attname”/ >
<string key=”orgdata:refVariable” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:attname”/ >
<string key=”orgdata:operation” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:entname”/ >
<date key=”time:timestamp” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:entname”/ >
<string key=”orgdata:attValue” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:attname”/ >
<date key=”time:timestamp” value=””/ > <string key=”concept:attname”/ >
lations between data from process and organizational
databases. From the integrated metamodel, we have
defined a model-driven approach for generating the
extended XES event log, which is then used as in-
put in the ProM framework for process mining tasks.
To support the automated generation of the extended
event log, we have defined mappings between the
metamodel concepts and the XES format tags that
should be generated. In Table 3 we present the defined
mappings. It is worth noting that once the metamodel
is loaded with the process and organizational data for
the selected process, through the ETL using the de-
fined APIs for BPMS and organizational data, and the
data is integrated using the matching algorithm, the
generation of the extended XES event log from the
metamodel is the same for all cases. It does not mat-
ter from which sources or type of sources (i.e., which
BPMS, or which relational or NoSQL database) the
data was obtained since it is expressed using concepts
and relationships within the metamodel.
As shown in Figure 2b, the extended event log can
be used for process discovery as input for existing al-
gorithms. These algorithms are implemented in dif-
ferent plug-ins since the organizational data is treated
as other attributes of the events and ignored for con-
trol flow discovery. It can also be used for process ex-
ecution analysis based on traditional attributes such as
timestamps for performance evaluation, as throughput
time and bottlenecks. Finally, it can be used as input
for a plug-in of our own (under development) to apply
process mining and data mining in an integrated way.
It allows a complete analysis of data by crossing pro-
cess and organizational data for specific views (e.g.,
clustering, association rules) on data managed by dif-
ferent types of cases (e.g., variants) or types of cases
that lead to different data results.
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
(a) Students Mobility BP from (Delgado and Calegari, 2020).
(b) Extended data model for the Students Mobility BP.
Figure 3: Students Mobility BP and data model from (Delgado et al., 2021).
We have implemented several prototypes using dif-
ferent technologies and defining different settings that
allowed us to probe the feasibility of our proposal us-
ing the same BP and organizational data. The process
we used corresponds to our university’s real process,
the “Student mobility” BP, where scholarships are of-
fered to students from different interchange programs
and applications are evaluated. Some are selected as
holders, and other remains as the alternate. The orga-
nizational data model includes students, applications,
programs, and courses. We have essay three proto-
type implementations, with settings combining differ-
ent BPMS, different process databases, and different
organizational databases. In Figure 3 we present the
definition of the “Student Mobility” BP and its cor-
responding organizational data model from (Delgado
and Calegari, 2020).
The prototype was implemented using Activiti
BPMS with a PostgreSQL database for the process
engine database and a PostgreSQL database for the
organizational data. We implemented the ETL pro-
cess directly from the databases to the metamodel.
We also implemented the matching algorithm over the
defined metamodel. It was presented and discussed in
Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining
(a) Historic tasks as collection of documents. (b) Historic variables as collection of documents.
Figure 4: Example of Flowable BPMS with Mongodb.
Figure 5: Example of graph modeling for the Mobility organizational data in Neo4j.
(Delgado and Calegari, 2020; Calegari et al., 2021).
The second prototype uses Flowable BPMS in-
tegrated with a MongoDB (document) database
as the process engine database and a Post-
greSQL database for the organizational data.
MongoDB defines a collection of documents
for each table in the process engine, e.g.,
activityInstances, historicTaskInstances,
historicActivityInstances, variables,
historicVariableInstances, etc. Each doc-
ument is equivalent to a row in the table, and each
field in the document is equivalent to a column.
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Listing 1: Load algorithm using the generic API for organizational data.
db = ge t T ar g e tD B ( )
L i s t <E n t i t y > e n t i t i e s = G e t E n t i t y D e f i n i t i o n s ( )
f o r e a c h e n t i t y i n e n t i t i e s
db . e n t i t y . i n s e r t ( e n t i t y )
f o r e a c h a t t r i b u t e i n e n t i t y . A t t r i b u t e s
db . a t t r i b u t e . i n s e r t ( a t t r i b u t e )
e n d f o r
f o r e a c h t a r g e t E n t i t y i n e n t i t y . R e l a t i o n s h i p s
db . e n t i t y E n t i t y . i n s e r t ( e n t i t y . name , t a r g e t E n t i t y )
e n d f o r
L i s t <E n t i t y I n s t a n c e > i n s t a n c e s = G e t E n t i t y I n s t a n c e s ( e n t i t y . name )
f o r e a c h i n s t a n c e i n i n s t a n c e s
db . e n t i t y I n s t a n c e . i n s e r t ( i n s t a n c e )
f o r e a c h a t t r i b u t e I n s t a n c e i n i n s t a n c e . a t t r i b u t e s
db . a t t r i b u t e I n s t a n c e . i n s e r t ( a t t r i b u t e I n s t a n c e )
e n d f o r
f o r e a c h r e l a t i o n s h i p I n s t a n c e i n i n s t a n c e . R e l a t i o n s h i p s I n s t a n c e s
f o r e a c h t a r g e t I n s t a n c e I d i n r e l a t i o n s h i p s I n s t a n c e . T a r g e t I n s t a n c e s
db . e n t i t y I n s t a n c e E n t i t y I n s t a n c e . i n s e r t ( i n s t a n c e . Id ,
t a r g e t I n s t a n c e I d )
e n d f o r
e n d f o r
e n d f o r
e n d f o r
Figure 4 shows the document collections for historic
task instances and variables instances for the “Stu-
dent Mobility” implemented in Flowable BPMS with
To collect the process data from Flowable, the
generic API for BPMS is used, with an adapter that
implements the invocation of the corresponding op-
erations from the Flowable REST API in the same
manner that we did in previous work (Delgado et al.,
2016). To collect the organizational data from the
PostgreSQL database, the generic API for organiza-
tional data is used in the same way, with the same
select statements executed directly in the prototype.
The third prototype uses Camunda with a Post-
greSQL database for the process engine and differ-
ent NoSQL databases for organizational data: Mon-
goDB and Neo4j (graph database). As before, Mon-
goDB stores the organizational data model (Mo-
bility database) as a collection of documents, and
each document with corresponding fields, for tables
such as Student, Application, and Program. The
Neo4j database stores rows as nodes with properties
for columns and labels for tables; foreign keys and
join tables correspond to relationships (edges) in the
graph. The Mobility database is then transformed
into nodes with labels Student, Application,
and Program, and relationships PRESENTS between
Student and Application, and CORRESPONDS TO
between Application and Program. Figure 5 de-
picts an example of the Mobility database in Neo4j.
As before, the generic API for BPMS is used to
collect process data from Camunda, with an adapter
that invokes the Camunda REST API in the same
manner that we did in previous work (Delgado et al.,
2016). The organizational data is then collected us-
ing the generic API for organizational data, defining
for each NoSQL database the corresponding adapters
with specific queries to gather it. The ETL process
works directly against the generic API for BPMS to
load the process definition and process instance quad-
rant of the metamodel and against the generic API for
organizational data to load the data definition and in-
stance quadrant of the metamodel. Listing 1 presents
the load algorithm for the organizational data quad-
rants using the operations defined in the generic API
for organizational data.
Regarding the automated generation of the ex-
tended XES event log from the integrated metamodel,
we have defined an M2T transformation using Ac-
, based on the mappings we presented in Sec-
tion 4. The logs generated from the metamodel
were successfully imported into both ProM and Disco
tools. It confirms that the complete chain from col-
lecting the data to loading it in the metamodel, inte-
grating it using the matching algorithm, and generat-
ing the extended XES event log is feasible and useful
for mining activities.
Process and Organizational Data Integration from BPMS and Relational/NoSQL Sources for Process Mining
We have presented an extension of a proposal for pro-
cess and organizational data integration from BPMS
and relational/NoSQL DB sources to provide the ba-
sis for business process execution evaluation with pro-
cess mining. The general proposal defines an inte-
grated metamodel as a target of the ETL process to
collect process and organizational data that is then in-
tegrated using a matching algorithm. The extension
we proposed in this paper includes changes in the
metamodel to adapt the data concepts to other data
models, i.e., NoSQL. We also define the joint use of a
generic API for BPMS and a generic API for organi-
zational data that allows us to decouple the ETL pro-
cess both from the BPMS and DB sources. In partic-
ular, we have defined a generic API for organizational
data from scratch. We implemented three prototypes
considering different settings of BPMS and process
engine DBs, in combination with organizational DBs
of different types, that allowed us to probe the feasi-
bility of our approach.
We have defined a model-driven approach from
the metamodel with the integrated process and orga-
nizational data to automatically generate an extended
event log that includes the corresponding organiza-
tional data for each event (activity) of the process.
This extended event log can be used as input in pro-
cess mining tools. It can also be used for integrated
process and data mining analysis, crossing the process
view with the associated organizational data view. As
future work we plan on continue applying the ap-
proach within other domains (e.g. e-Government), in
heterogeneous scenarios with other BPMS and DBs.
Supported by project “Miner
ıa de procesos y datos
para la mejora de procesos colaborativos aplicada a
e-Government” funded by Agencia Nacional de In-
on e Innovaci
on (ANII), Fondo Mar
ıa Vi
(FMV) ”Proyecto ANII N° FMV 1 2021 1 167483”,
Uruguay. We would like to thank students: Alexis
Artus, Andr
es Borges, Santiago Sosa, Germ
alez, Alvaro Vallv
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies