Numerical simulation of greyhound trajectory for the
bend predicted greyhound theoretical jerk outcome
by utilizing different parameters pertaining to
greyhound strides and track variables. As can be seen
from the maximum jerk value plots in the previous
section greyhound would experience different levels
of centrifugal acceleration jerk. For instance, jerk
levels are much higher when greyhounds followed
their own transitions despite the lack of track
transition as depicted in Figures 7 to 12. In the first
scenario, the jerk was lower than in the second and
the third scenarios. The second scenario resulted in
the highest jerk levels for all transitions and track
bend radii run conditions. In all three scenarios, the
highest jerk can go above 20 m/s3 for the lowest
transition length and turn radius while in the second
and third scenarios jerk remains greater than 20 m/s3
for all greyhound run conditions.
If greyhound followed a track transition with
continuous turn radius its jerk level is under 7 m/s
smallest transition and bend radius. Furthermore,
with optimal run conditions the 75 m transition peak
jerk remains between 1 and 2 m/s
as depicted in
Figure 13. However, when the run conditions are not
optimal a large radius bend will maintain the jerk
level between 1 and 5 m/s
as depicted in Figure 14.
This research showed greyhound racing centrifugal
acceleration theoretical jerk by modelling greyhound
stride dynamics based on data and numerical
simulation. By formulating various greyhound run
conditions for track bends and transitions this
research arrived at possible scenarios for greyhound
trajectories and corresponding significant jerk
outcomes. The results from the research showed the
theoretical jerk levels which greyhounds face during
various run conditions often time created by track
variables such as less than ideal track transition
design. Finally, this paper presents an idea about
analysing stride dynamics using numerical modelling
and simulation.
This work is sponsored by the Faculty of Engineering
and Information Technology at the University of
Technology, Sydney, Australia. Special thanks to
Greyhound Racing Victoria, Australia for providing
real-time race data and track survey plans.
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