Coupled PID-SDRE Controller of a Quadrotor: Positioning and
Stabilization of UAV Flight
Marcin Chodnicki
, Wojciech Stecz
, Wojciech Giernacki
and Sławomir Stępień
Air Force Institute of Technology, Księcia Bolesława 6, 01-494 Warsaw, Poland
Military University of Technology, Faculty of Cybernetics, Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control and Robotics, Piotrowo 3a, 60-965 Poznań, Poland
Keywords: Quadrotor, Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control, State-Dependent Riccati Equation, Infinite-time
Horizon Control.
Abstract: This work presents a coupled Proportional-Integral-Derivative and State-Dependent Riccati Equation (PID-
SDRE) controller. PID angular position controller coupled to nonlinear infinite-time SDRE controller for
speed stabilization is proposed. For the quadrotor modelling a full 6 degree of freedom (DoF) model is
considered and described by nonlinear state-space approach. Also, a stable state-dependent parameterization
(SDP) necessary for solution of the SDRE control problem is proposed. Solution of the SDRE control problem
with adequate defined weighting matrices in the performance index shows the possibility of fast and precise
quadrotor positioning with optimal stabilization of speeds. Two methods of optimal SDRE-based stabilization
are proposed, tested, and compared.
Todays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have
become an object of interest of industrial, businesses
and governmental organizations. They are being
adopted worldwide, especially by following sectors:
military, commercial, personal and future technology.
Briefly speaking, in places where man cannot reach
or is unable to perform in a timely and efficient
manner especially including danger zones and places.
Due to the development of UAV application,
quadrotors has drawn full attention due to its
advantages of flexibility, portability, versatility. The
heart of each UAV is a control system, a brain which
has to be optimal, robust, and intelligent (Chipofya,
2017; Sadeghzadeh, 2011; Sheng S, 2016; Stepien,
2019; Voos, 2006; Zhang, 2009).
Flight control of multi-role UAV is viewed as a
difficult area of aerospace engineering (Hoffmann,
2007; Kim, 2020). Moreover, each flight control
system of a quadcopter is nonlinear and coupled. The
controller should be an independent system, which
aims to create the best autopilot hardware. Most of
now existing controllers are based on PID controllers
(Chodnicki, 2018).
Modern optimal control theory proposes high
performance and a rapidly emerging control
technique called infinite-time state-dependent Riccati
equation (SDRE) (Banks, 2007; Cloutier, 1996;
Korayem, 2015). This is a suboptimal control
methodology for nonlinear systems. The technique
uses direct parameterization to bring the nonlinear
system to a linear structure having state-dependent
coefficients (SDC). The SDRE is then solved
accordingly to the change of state trajectory to obtain
a nonlinear feedback controller matrix, which
coefficients, in other feedback gains, are the solution
(Cimen, 2010; Heydari, 2015; Mracek, 1998).
Many practical implementations of quadrotor
controllers are limited. When using a PID controllers
to angular or linear positioning, for instance, there is
no guarantee that angular or linear speeds became
n, S.