The present study has aimed to extend the GOATS to
multi-variate nonlinear dynamic systems, to develop a
new signal type iGOATS, to create a new space-filling
loss function MCUDSA, and to produce a compres-
sion algorithm to significantly speed up optimizations
of space-filling loss functions.
The GOATS has been successfully extended to
multi-variate nonlinear dynamic systems with a supe-
rior expectable model quality and space-filling prop-
Furthermore, a new signal type – iGOATS –
has been developed. The iGOATS combines the
good expectable model qualities of the GOATS with
the incremental feature of the OMNIPUS. Conse-
quently, the GOATS and iGOATS surpass the OM-
NIPUS, APRBS, and Multi-Sine significantly espe-
cially for short signal durations on the artificially two-
dimensional nonlinear dynamic process.
The new space-filling loss function MCUDSA for
the optimization of the GOATS slightly outperforms
the AE and FA loss functions in this investigation.
However, for greater and more complex systems the
AE might be interesting as well due to the faster eval-
uation speed and optimization.
The approach to accelerate the optimization speed
of space-filling loss functions for dynamic DoEs via
compressing the data shows that the evaluation can
be sped up between 3 −6 times according to the used
loss function including the computational effort of the
compression algorithm itself.
In future research, the GOATS and iGOATS have
to be examined for higher dimensional, higher order
and real world dynamic nonlinear systems.
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics